73 research outputs found

    Piezoelectric materials parameters for piezoelectric thin films in GHz applications

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    Piezoelectric thin films have existing and promising new applications in microwave filter technologies. The final performance depends on many parameters, and very specifically on the materials properties of each involved material. In this article, materials and properties for thin-film bulk acoustic wave resonators are discussed on some selected issues: the piezoelectric coefficients and acoustic losses of AlN, the relation of the first one with microstructural parameters, the inclusion of parasitic elements, and the merits of and problems with ferroelectric material

    Influence of the Pulse Duration in the ps-Regime on the Ablation Efficiency of Metals

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    AbstractAblation characteristics of copper and stainless steel with laser pulses from 10 to 100 ps at 1064nm wavelength were studied. The influence of the pulse duration and the number of pulses on the threshold fluence and the penetration depth has been investigated. The results show a strong decrease of the ablation efficiency and quality with increasing pulse duration

    Picosecond-laser-induced structural modifications in the bulk of single-crystal diamond

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    Arrays of through laser-graphitized microstructureshavebeenfabricatedintypeIIasingle-crystal1.2-mmthick diamond plates by multipulse laser irradiation with 10-ps pulses at λ=532 nm wavelength. Raman and photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy studies of the bulk microstructures have evidenced the diamond transformation to amorphous carbon and graphitic phases and the formation of radiation defects pronounced in the PL spectra as the self-interstitial related center, the 3H center, at 504 nm. It is found that the ultrafast-laser-induced structural modifications in the bulk of single-crystal diamond plates occur along{111}planes, known as the planes of the lowest cleavage energy and strength in diamond

    Processing of Dielectric Materials and Metals with ps Laserpulses

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    Since industrial suited ps laser systems are available, the cold ablation with ultrashort laser pulses is of huge interest when high requirements concerning accuracy, surface roughness and heat affected zone are demanded. Interesting applications lie within the fields of surface and 3-d structuring of metals, semiconductors (especially flexible solar cells) and dielectric materials with direct and induced processes. For a profitable industrial use of this technology high process efficiency is required which is confirmed by the development of the corresponding systems towards high average powers up to several 10 W. Beside the pulse duration, which is given by the laser system, the user has a wide variety of parameters, e.g. fluence, repetition rate, wavelength and marking speed, to optimize structuring processes. For a given average power there exist optimal laser parameters to achieve a maximal volume ablation rate. To take benefit of this maximum ablation rate, to simultaneously prevent harmful effects (particle shielding, surface melting) and to achieve the requirements concerning surface quality and accuracy, adapted structuring strategies have to be used. This can lead to equipment needs of the beam guiding system which are often not accomplishable and therefore to the demand for new technologies which have to be developed

    Piezoelectric materials parameters for piezoelectric thin films in GHz applications

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    Piezoelectric thin films have existing and promising new applications in microwave filter technologies. The final performance depends on many parameters, and very specifically on the materials properties of each involved material. In this article, materials and properties for thin-film bulk acoustic wave resonators are discussed on some selected issues: the piezoelectric coefficients and acoustic losses of AlN, the relation of the first one with microstructural parameters, the inclusion of parasitic elements, and the merits of and problems with ferroelectric materials

    Monoclonal antibodies against human astrocytomas and their reactivity pattern

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    The establishment of hybridomas after fusion of X63-Ag8.653 mouse myeloma cells and splenocytes from mice hyperimmunized against human astrocytomas is presented. The animals were primed with 5 × 106 chemically modified uncultured or cultured glioma cells. Six weeks after the last immunization step an intrasplenal booster injection was administrated and 3 days later the spleen cells were prepared for fusion experiments. According to the specificity analysis of the generated antibodies 7 hybridoma products (MUC 7-22, MUC 8-22, MUC 10-22, MUC 11-22, MUC 14-22, MUC 15-22 and MUC 2-63) react with gliomas, neuroblastomas and melanomas as well as with embryonic and fetal cells but do not recognize non-neurogenic tumors. The selected monoclonal antibodies (McAbs) of IgG1 and IgG2a isotypes are not extensively characterized but these antibodies have been demonstrated to be reactive with a panel of glioma cell lines with varying patterns of antigen distribution. Using the McAbs described above and a series of cryosections of glioma biopsies and paraffin sections of the same material as well as glioma cultures established from these, variable antigenic profiles among glioma cell populations could be demonstrated. From these results it is evident that there is not only a distinct degree of antigenic heterogeneity among and within brain tumors, but also that the pattern of antigenic expression can change continuously. Some of the glioma associated antigens recognized by the selected antibodies persist after fixation with methanol/acetone and Karnovsky's fixative and probably are oncoembryonic/oncofetal antigen(s). The data suggest that the use of McAbs recognizing tumor associated oncofetal antigens in immunohistochemistry facilitates objective typing of intracranial malignancies and precise analysis of fine needle brain/tumor biopsies in a sensitive and reproducible manner

    Local densities, distribution functions, and wave function correlations for spatially resolved shot noise at nanocontacts

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    We consider a current-carrying, phase-coherent multi-probe conductor to which a small tunneling contact is attached. We treat the conductor and the tunneling contact as a phase-coherent entity and use a Green's function formulation of the scattering approach. We show that the average current and the current fluctuations at the tunneling contact are determined by an effective local non-equilibrium distribution function. This function characterizes the distribution of charge-carriers (or quasi-particles) inside the conductor. It is an exact quantum-mechanical expression and contains the phase-coherence of the particles via local partial densities of states, called injectivities. The distribution function is analyzed for different systems in the zero-temperature limit as well as at finite temperature. Furthermore, we investigate in detail the correlations of the currents measured at two different contacts of a four-probe sample, where two of the probes are only weakly coupled contacts. In particular, we show that the correlations of the currents are at zero-temperature given by spatially non-diagonal injectivities and emissivities. These non-diagonal densities are sensitive to correlations of wave functions and the phase of the wave functions. We consider ballistic conductors and metallic diffusive conductors. We also analyze the Aharonov-Bohm oscillations in the shot noise correlations of a conductor which in the absence of the nano-contacts exhibits no flux-sensitivity in the conductance.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figure