282 research outputs found

    Lighting performance study on existing 275KV overhead line in TNB system

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    Lightning is the primary cause of tripping for most overhead power transmission lines. Few methods have heen discovered to estimate the lightning performance of a transmission line. However these methods are not properly defined due to the nature of lightning which is difficult to analyze and model. Studies are continually being done to discover alternative methods that can be implemented to improve the lighting performance of transmission lines in addition to the standard methods such as adding Overhead Ground Wires (OHGW), reducing ground resistance, adding counterpoise and increasing insulation. In this project, a case study on lightning performance for an existing 275kV overhead transmission line in TNB system which tripped on numerous occasion due to lightning will be simulated. The lightning performance will be simulated using TFLASH software and result will be analyzed. The influence of parameters such as tower footing resistance, ground flash density and tower lightning arrestor on lightning performance of a selected transmission line will be analyzed and appropriate corrective measures will be discussed as well

    A Study on Exudative Etiology of Pleural Effusion in Chronic Kidney Disease in a Tertiary Care Hospital

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    INTRODUCTION: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) encompasses a spectrum of different pathophysiologic processes associated with abnormal renal function, and a progressive decline in glomerular filtration rate (GFR). Pleural effusion in such patients is a common diagnostic dilemma as it may arise from CKD itself or concomitant infections, pulmonary embolisms. In tuberculosis (TB)-endemic countries, patients with exudative pleural effusion and prolonged low grade fever in the absence of any other localization are “presumed” to be of tubercular origin in “clinical perception” and empirically administered antituberculosistherapy. Management of TB raises issues of drug dosing and interactions, especially in renal transplant recipients. The presence of unilateral effusion suggests a diagnosis other than heart failure, like tuberculosis or parapneumonic or atelectasis. The reduced humoral and cellular immunity, in addition to delay in diagnosis because of an attenuated clinical response, may explain the high rate of empyema. AIM OF THE STUDY: 1. To determine the demographic characteristics of patients with chronic kidney disease developing pleural effusion. 2. To determine the incidence of exudative and transudativeetiologies of pleural effusion in CKD patients. 3. To find the incidence of various exudative etiologies of pleural effusion in CKD patients”. STUDY POPULATION: This study is a hospital based Prospective study conducted between February2016 to July 2016, among Patients with Chronic Kidney disease and pleural effusion admitted in medical ward in OfGovernment RajajiHospital, Madurai. INCLUSION CRITERIA: 1. Patients with pleural effusion and an estimated Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) < 60ml/min/1.73m2 for 3 or more months, with or without kidney damage. 2. Age > 13 yrs. Exclusion criteria: 1. Age < 13 yrs. 2. Patients with HIV. 3. Patients with bleeding disorders. 4. Severe co morbidities like recent MI. 5. Patients not willing for thoracocentesis. Study Procedure: A clinically suspected case of pleural effusion in a chronic kidney disease patient is diagnosed by Chest X-ray and ultrasound chest. Detailed demographic and clinical parameters including age, sex, smoking history, clinical symptoms with duration (Cough, fever, sputum production, haemoptysis, chest pain, breathlessness) and clinical signs (Pallor, clubbing, enlarged neck nodes, pulse rate, blood pressure) and systemic examination will be evaluated in all patients. In addition to chronic kidney disease, history for other co-morbid illness and habits like smoking and alcoholism will betaken. Co-morbid illnesses were defined as the presence of coexisting cardiac failure, ischemic heart disease, chronic lung disease (COPD), chronic liver disease, malignancies, neurological diseases and diabetes mellitus. All patients will be subjected to blood investigations including Complete blood count, ESR, Blood sugar, renal function tests and Liver function tests and urine routine examination. Sputum if present, for ZN stain, Gram’s stain, culture and sensitivity. Thoracocentesis will be performed using a 20 gauze needle syringe and the fluid is studied for the gross appearance, total WBC count, differential count, RBC count, protein, glucose, ADA, LDH, cytology and culture. Pleural fluid is classified as exudative effusion or transudative effusion by applying LIGHTŚ Criteria. RESULTS AND SUMMARY In the present study the aetiology of pleural effusion was attributed to cardiac effusion in 13 (31%) cases out of 40 cases, tuberculous pleural effusion in 12 (28 %) cases, uremic pleural effusion in 6 (14.2 %) cases, and in 4 (11.4 %) cases parapneumonic effusion was present. Malignant pleural effusion was present in 4 (9 %) cases, pleural effusion due to connective disorder was present in 1 (2 %) cases. Pleural involvement is common in patients with chronic renal insufficiency mainly stage 4 and 5. TB was the most common cause among these effusions. Previously transudative effusions were thought to be more common in CKD, but our study result shows that the incidence of exudative effusion is more common than transudative effusions due to high incidence of tuberculosis, CONCLUSION: There is a high prevalence of exudative pleural effusions in our study. So, all patients with chronic kidney disease and pleural effusion, thorough search for exudative causes must be done

    Knowledge Regarding Ventilator-associated Pneumonia and its Prevention Among Nurses Working at Intensive Care Units of Two Teaching Hospitals in Sri Lanka

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    Introduction: Ventilator-associated Pneumonia (VAP) is the commonest hospital-acquired infection among mechanically ventilated patients in Intensive Care Units (ICUs). Previous studies on ICU nurses report poor practice on VAP and preventive measures. The study aimed to assess knowledge on VAP and its prevention among ICU nurses from two teaching hospitals in Sri Lanka. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted among 127 nurses from adult ICUs. Data were collected using a pre-tested self-administered questionnaire and analysed using SPSS version 20. Knowledge levels were categorized as good (above 75%), average (50-75%) and poor (below 50%). Results: Overall results showed that 62.2% had average, 33.1% had good, and 4.7% had poor knowledge on VAP and its prevention. The mean knowledge score was 70.15±10.5. Most participants had good knowledge on the meaning of VAP (68.5%), upper respiratory tract functions (84.3%), causative microorganisms (56.7%) and mode of transmission (78.7%). The majority had an average knowledge on standard precautions (48.8%) for VAP and poor knowledge on signs of VAP (52%). Regarding prevention of VAP, most of them had good knowledge on natural preventive mechanisms (92.1%), using of suction catheters (96.9%) and reducing microbial colonization in the oropharynx (93.7%). In contrast, poor knowledge was evident on minimum endotracheal (ET) suction pressure (69.3%), minimum ET cuff pressure (64.6%), early weaning from ventilator (72.4%), and disinfection of ventilator parts (53.5%). Conclusions: Overall knowledge of ICU nurses on VAP and its preventive measures was average. Knowledge deficiencies were identified in preventive strategies in maintaining airways and disinfection. Keywords: Nurses, Ventilator-associated pneumonia, Intensive care unit, Knowledge, Preventio

    Cyanobacterial biodiversity from different freshwater ponds of Thanjavur, Tamilnadu (India)

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    Cyanobacterial biodiversity from different freshwater ponds of Thanjavur, Tamilnadu (India). Studies on the cyanobacterial biodiversity of 5 different freshwater ponds in and around Thanjavur, Tamilnadu during summer month (June, 2004) has been made and compared their variations among five different ponds. In addition, certain physico-chemical parameters of pond waters such as dissolved oxygen, net productivity, pH, carbonate, bicarbonate, nitrate, nitrite, total phosphorus, inorganic phosphorus etc. were also analyzed and statistically compared with the cyanobacterial diversity. Totally 39 species of 20 genera of cyanobacteria were recorded in all 5 different ponds. Only 6 species of cyanobacteria were identified in Pond 1 (Dabeerkulam), where a massive bloom of Microcystis aeruginosa was recorded, which had a significant effect in reducing the other cyanobacterial population. As many as five species namely Aphanothece microscopica, Synechocystis aquatilis, Merismopedia glauca, Oscillatoria limnetica and O. subbrevis were common in all the ponds surveyed except in Pond 1.Biodiversidad de cianobacterias en diferentes charcas de agua dulce de Thanjavur, Tamilnadu (India). Se ha inventariado, y comparado entre sí, la biodiversidad de cianobacterias de 5 charcas de agua dulce de Thanjavur, Tamilnadu (India); el estudio se llevó a cabo en junio de 2004. En paralelo, también se determinaron los valores de ciertos parámetros físico-químicos que podrían explicar las variaciones en los valores de biodiversidad: oxígeno disuelto, productividad neta, pH, carbonato, bicarbonato, nitrato, nitrito, fósforo total, fósforo inorgánico, etc. Un total de 39 especies de 20 géneros de cianobacterias se identificaron entre las 5 charcas. En la charca 1 (Dabeerkulam) se detectaron 6 especies, pero cuando tuvo lugar una flor de agua de Microcystis aeruginosa las restantes especies apenas se pudieron detectar. Cinco especies (Aphanothece microscopica, Synechocystis aquatilis, Merismopedia glauca, Oscillatoria limnetica y O. subbrevis fueron comunes en todas las charcas con excepción de la número 1

    Expression of active and inactive forms of CIK and CARMA 2sh proteins in Normal Human Epidermal Keratinocytes (NHEK)

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    Psoriasis is a debilitating skin disease affecting approximately 23% of human population. The disease is considered to have key genetic underpinning and genome wide association studies and meta analysis have identified more than 40 susceptibility loci for psoriasis. CARMA proteins play a major role in regulating activation of transcription factor NF-kB which is ubiquitously expressed in mammalian cells that play a central role in the control of immune and inflammatory response. Missense mutations in the CARMA2 gene have been shown to dominantly transmit the psoriatic trait with high penetrance. Most of the CARMA2 mutations associated with skin disorders clusters in the coiled coil domain of the protein.NPRP 7-466-3-119 from the Qatar National Research Fund of Qatar Foundatio

    Effect of CARMA 2sh gene in Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells

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    CARMA2 belongs to the CARMA family of proteins. They are involved in the regulation and activation of NF-ÎşB that have a central role in the control of immune and inflammatory response, and cell survival and proliferation. CARMA2short (CARMA2sh) which is the most prominent CARMA2 isoform expressed in human keratinocytes. It has already been identified that CARMA2sh induces activation of NF-ÎşB, and this activity requires the function of another CARD-containing protein, namely BCL10, and the adapter protein TRAF2. This study identified a CARMA Inhibitory Kinase (CIK) which inhibit the ability to induce NF-ÎşB. CIK is not tested for their function in Human Primary keratinocytes and hence we attempt to understand the function of CIK and its associated molecules by invitro and invivo models. The inhibitory activity of CIK on CARMA2 in primary human keratinocytes expressing wild (wt) & mutant CARMA2 was analyzed.This work was made possible by NPRP grant NPRP 7 - 466 - 3119 from the Qatar National Research Fund of Qatar Foundatio

    Effect of psoriasis linked CARMA2sh gene in transgenic animal model

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    Background • CARMA2 belongs to the CARMA family of proteins. They are involved in the regulation and activation of NF-κB, that has a central role in controlling the immune and inflammatory response, cell survival and proliferation. • CARMA2short (CARMA2sh) is the most prominent CARMA2 isoform expressed in human keratinocytes • It has already been identified that CARMA2sh induces activation of NF-κB in association with another CARD-containing protein, namely BCL10, and the adapter protein TRAF2. • This study identified a CARMA Inhibitory Kinase(CIK) which inhibits the ability to induce NF-κB • CIK is not tested for their function in Human Primary keratinocytes and hence we attempt to understand the function of CIK and its associated molecules by invitro & invivo models • The inhibitory activity of CIK on CARMA2 in primary human keratinocytes expressing wild (wt) & mutant CARMA2 was analyzedNPRP grant NPRP 7 - 466 - 3119 from the Qatar National Research Fund of Qatar Foundatio

    Swot analysis - a key biotechnology business tool

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    Quality of Drinking water in Qatar University Rodent vivarium

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    Edstrom watering system was newly installed and all the accessories were used for limited run, but gradually the system runs continuously and this improved the water quality . Moreover our microbial count of water samples are within the specific range and has negligible effect on health of research animals. The results shows that the water meets the international standards and safe for animal us
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