Effect of psoriasis linked CARMA2sh gene in transgenic animal model


Background • CARMA2 belongs to the CARMA family of proteins. They are involved in the regulation and activation of NF-κB, that has a central role in controlling the immune and inflammatory response, cell survival and proliferation. • CARMA2short (CARMA2sh) is the most prominent CARMA2 isoform expressed in human keratinocytes • It has already been identified that CARMA2sh induces activation of NF-κB in association with another CARD-containing protein, namely BCL10, and the adapter protein TRAF2. • This study identified a CARMA Inhibitory Kinase(CIK) which inhibits the ability to induce NF-κB • CIK is not tested for their function in Human Primary keratinocytes and hence we attempt to understand the function of CIK and its associated molecules by invitro & invivo models • The inhibitory activity of CIK on CARMA2 in primary human keratinocytes expressing wild (wt) & mutant CARMA2 was analyzedNPRP grant NPRP 7 - 466 - 3119 from the Qatar National Research Fund of Qatar Foundatio

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