185 research outputs found

    Way of Life as a System of Social Action: an Attempt at Conceptualization

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    У статті здійснено концептуалізацію способу життя, наведено авторське визначення, виокремлено структуру способу життя як системи соціальної дії та внутрішні характеристики способу життя як соціального феномену. The article carried a conceptualization of way of life, the author gives the definition, highlights the structure of way of life as a system of social action and the internal characteristics of way of life as a social phenomenon

    A Godel-Friedman cosmology?

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    Based on the mathematical similarity between the Friedman open metric and Godel's metric in the case of nearby distances, we investigate a new scenario for the Universe's evolution, where the present Friedman universe originates from a primordial Godel universe by a phase transition during which the cosmological constant vanishes. Using Hubble's constant and the present matter density as input, we show that the radius and density of the primordial Godel universe are close, in order of magnitude, to the present values, and that the time of expansion coincides with the age of the Universe in the standard Friedman model. In addition, the conservation of angular momentum provides, in this context, a possible origin for the rotation of galaxies, leading to a relation between the masses and spins corroborated by observational data.Comment: Extended version, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    From principles to practice in paying for nature

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    Payments for Environmental Services (PES) constitute an innovative economic intervention to counteract the global loss of biodiversity and ecosystem functions. In theory, some appealing features should enable PES to perform well in achieving conservation and welfare goals. In practice, outcomes depend on the interplay between context, design and implementation. Inspecting a new global dataset, we find that some PES design principles pre-identified in the social-science literature as desirable, such as spatial targeting and payment differentiation, are only partially being applied in practice. More importantly, the PES-defining principle of conditionality-monitoring compliance and sanctioning detected non-compliance-is seldom being implemented. Administrative ease, multiple non-environmental side objectives and social equity concerns may jointly help explain the reluctance to adopt more sophisticated, theoretically informed practices. However, by taking simplifying shortcuts in design and implementation, PES programmes may become less environmentally effective and efficient as economic incentives, thus underperforming their conservation potential. © 2018 The Author(s).This work resulted from workshops held at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and the Basque Centre for Climate Change (Bilbao) in 2015. We appreciate the assistance provided by C. Caro with the maps, and funding from CGIAR’s Forest, Trees and Agroforestry programme, the European Commission (SINCERE, H2020 GA 773702), the Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation, the Basque Foundation for Science, Ikerbasque and the Agence Nationale de la Recherche. S.E. is the recipient of an Alexander von Humboldt Professorship in Environmental Economics. U.P. acknowledges research grants PI_2015_1_103 from the Education Department of the Basque Government and CSO2015-71243-R from the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitivenes

    From principles to practice in paying for nature

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    Payments for Environmental Services (PES) constitute an innovative economic intervention to counteract the global loss of biodiversity and ecosystem functions. In theory, some appealing features should enable PES to perform well in achieving conservation and welfare goals. In practice, outcomes depend on the interplay between context, design and implementation. Inspecting a new global dataset, we find that some PES design principles pre-identified in the social-science literature as desirable, such as spatial targeting and payment differentiation, are only partially being applied in practice. More importantly, the PES-defining principle of conditionality-monitoring compliance and sanctioning detected non-compliance-is seldom being implemented. Administrative ease, multiple non-environmental side objectives and social equity concerns may jointly help explain the reluctance to adopt more sophisticated, theoretically informed practices. However, by taking simplifying shortcuts in design and implementation, PES programmes may become less environmentally effective and efficient as economic incentives, thus underperforming their conservation potential. © 2018 The Author(s).This work resulted from workshops held at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and the Basque Centre for Climate Change (Bilbao) in 2015. We appreciate the assistance provided by C. Caro with the maps, and funding from CGIAR’s Forest, Trees and Agroforestry programme, the European Commission (SINCERE, H2020 GA 773702), the Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation, the Basque Foundation for Science, Ikerbasque and the Agence Nationale de la Recherche. S.E. is the recipient of an Alexander von Humboldt Professorship in Environmental Economics. U.P. acknowledges research grants PI_2015_1_103 from the Education Department of the Basque Government and CSO2015-71243-R from the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitivenes

    The Problem of Competition Among Domestic Trunk Airlines - Part I

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    Cet article propose une analyse des processus d’émergence et de diffusion des paiements pour services environnementaux (PSE) au Cambodge à partir de la théorie du changement institutionnel de John R. Commons. Nous montrons que dans un contexte de conflits d’intérêts autour de l’utilisation des ressources, la mise en place ou le blocage de certains projets PSE correspondent à des stratégies mises en oeuvre par les organisations non gouvernementales de conservation et le Gouvernement pour orienter la définition des règles encadrant la gestion des écosystèmes. Au final, le développement des PSE au Cambodge n’a pas permis une modification profonde de ces règles, le déséquilibre des rapports de force entre les différents acteurs impliqués ayant conduit au maintien du statu quo, au détriment des communautés locales

    Проблемы получения высшего образования людьми с ограниченными возможностями здоровья и способы их решения

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    This study considers the problems that people with disabilities face while entering higher education institutions inRussia, during education, and the ways how to solve them. The life examples of real people are quoted. A comparative analysis of the situation in Russian and foreign colleges and universities is provided. The authors suggest long list of improvements and technical means that can facilitate training conditions for people with disabilities. The final conclusion is that by drawing attention to the difficulties that a disabled person faces every day, the society can improve the current situation, continue the emerging positive trends, and develop effective mechanisms for putting into practice the large range of guarantees already provided by the legislation.В данной статье рассмотрены трудности, возникающие у людей с ограниченными возможностями здоровья при поступлении в высшие учебные заведения России, последующем обучении в них, трудоустройстве, и способы их решения. Приведены примеры из жизни реально существующих людей. Проведён сравнительный анализ ситуации в зарубежных колледжах и университетах

    The use of low-invasive surgical procedures in the treatment of gunshot wounds of the liver.

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    The problem of diagnostics and stage surgical treatment of a combat trauma of the abdomen with liver damage is actual in conditions of increasing specific gravity of liver damage, accompanied by its severe functional insufficiency. The aim of the study was to improve the results of surgical treatment of gunshot wounds of the liver using minimally invasive surgical techniques. The analysis of surgical treatment of 23 men aged 19 to 49 years with gunshot liver damage at II-IV levels of medical care was carried out. Shock of I st. was observed in 5 (21.7%), II st. - in 8 (34,8%), III st. - 9 wounded (39.2%), IV st. - 1 woun­ded (4.3%), admitted in an agonizing condition. At the second level of medical care, 12 wounded underwent lapa­roscopic operations (52.1%). 11 wounded underwewnt laparotomy (47.9%) with the use of mechanical, physical and chemical methods of bleeding stopping. In 17 wounded (73.9%), concomitant lesions of other organs of the abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space (stomach, small and large intestine, kidneys, spleen) were observed. Correction of concomitant damages was carried out according to generally accepted methods. At the IV level of medical care, three wounded (12.9%) underwent puncture and drainage of intrahepatic abscesses using ultrasound navigation. Ultrasound examination allowed to determine the degree of liver damage, localization of a foreign body and safe access to its removal. In the structure of gunshot wounds of the abdomen, liver damage makes up 19.2% and the most often is observed in combined shrapnel wounds. In 30.4% of cases of gunshot liver damages, the condition of the wounded is regarded as severe and critical, which requires immediate surgical and resuscitative measures. The use of minimally invasive techniques (video laparoscopy, interventional sonography) in the surgical treatment of gunshot liver injuries can improve results and avoid unreasonable laparotomies

    Application of ultrasonic navigation in surgical treatment of a gun–shot wounds

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    Мета. Поліпшення результатів лікування постраждалих з вогнепальними осколковими і кульовими пораненнями шляхом широкого використання комплексу ультразвукової та рентгенологічної навігації. Матеріали і методи. Наведено досвід лікування 198 постраждалих із сліпими кульовими й осколковими пораненнями м’яких тканин на II рівні надання медичної допомоги в умовах АТО на базі 61, 65 і 66 військово–мобільних госпіталів. У діагностиці і видаленні чужорідних тіл (куль і осколків) під час хірургічної обробки ран використана рентгенологічна й ультразвукова навігація. Переважали пацієнти з множинними осколковими пораненнями. Результати. Застосування сонографії дозволило лоціювати і видалити сторонні тіла у 95,4% поранених, знизити частоту повторних операцій і скоротити терміни лікування. Висновки. Перевагами методу сонографії є: мобільність, висока інформативність щодо структурних порушень м’яких тканин і верифікації чужорідних тіл, особливо не металевих. Видалення сторонніх тіл під контролем ультразвуку дозволяє проводити операцію в режимі реального часу без променевого навантаження на пацієнта і медичний персоналObjective. Improvement of the treatment results in injured persons with a gun–shot shrapnel woundings, widely using complex of ultrasonic and roentgenologic navigation. Маterials and methods. Experience of treatment of 198 injured persons with blind bullet and shrapnel woundings of soft tissues on the II level of the medical help provision in conditions of antiterrorist operation on base of 61, 65 and 66 military– mobile hospitals is demonstrated. Roentgenologic and ultrasound navigation was applied while doing surgical processing for diagnosis and remove of foreign bodies (bullets and shrapnel). The patients with multiple shrapnel woundings prevailed. Results. Application of sonography have permitted to locate and remove foreign bodies in 95.4% wounded persons, to lower the reoperations rate and shorten the treatment duration. Conclusion. There are following advantages of sonography method: mobility, high informativeness concerning structural disorders of soft tissues and verification of foreign bodies, peculiarly of nonmetallic. Remove of foreign bodies under control of ultrasound permits to conduct operation in regime of real time without radiation load on the patient and medical personnel