5,086 research outputs found

    Co-expression network analysis identifies possible hub genes in aging of the human prefrontal cortex

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    Introducción: el envejecimiento es el principal factor de riesgo para el desarrollo de enfermedades crónicas como el cáncer, la diabetes, el Parkinson y el Alzheimer. El sistema nervioso central es particularmente susceptible al deterioro funcional progresivo asociado con la edad, entre las regiones cerebrales con mayor compromiso se encuentra la corteza prefrontal (cpf). Estudios de transcriptómica de esta región han identificado como características fundamentales del proceso de envejecimiento la disminución de la función sináptica y la activación de las células de la neuroglia. No es claro cuáles son las causas iniciales, ni los mecanismos moleculares subyacentes a estas alteraciones. El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar genes clave en la desregulación transcriptómica en el envejecimiento de la cpf para avanzar en el conocimiento de este proceso. Materiales y métodos: se hizo un análisis de coexpresión de genes de los transcriptomas de 45 personas entre 60 y 80 años con el de 38 personas entre 20 y 40 años. Las redes fueron visualizadas y analizadas usando Cytoscape, se usó citoHubba para determinar qué genes tenían las mejores características topológicas en las redes de coexpresión. Resultados: se identificaron cinco genes con características topológicas altas. Cuatro de ellos —hpca, cacng3, ca10, plppr4— reprimidos y uno sobreexpresado —cryab—. Conclusión: los cuatro genes reprimidos se expresan preferencialmente en neuronas y regulan la función sináptica y la plasticidad neuronal, mientras el gen sobreexpresado es típico de células de la glía y se expresa como respuesta a daño neuronal facilitando la mielinización y la regeneración neuronal.Introduction: Aging is the main risk factor for the development of chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, and Alzheimer’s disease. The central nervous system is particularly susceptible to progressive functional deterioration associated with age, among the brain regions the prefrontal cortex (PFC) has one of the highest involvements. Transcriptomics studies of this brain region have identified the decrease in synaptic function and activation of neuroglia cells as fundamental characteristics of the aging process. The aim of this study was to identify hub genes in the transcriptomic deregulation in the PFC aging to advance in the knowledge of this process. Materials and methods: A gene co-expression analysis was carried out for 45 people 60 to 80 years old compared with 38 people 20 to 40 years old. The networks were visualized and analyzed using Cytoscape; citoHubba was used to determine which genes had the best topological characteristics in the co-expression networks. Results: Five genes with high topological characteristics were identified. Four of them —HPCA, CACNG3, CA10, PLPPR4— were repressed and one was over-expressed —CRYAB—. Conclusion: The four repressed genes are expressed preferentially in neurons and regulate the synaptic function and the neuronal plasticity, while the overexpressed gene is typical of glial cells and is expressed as a response to neuronal damage, facilitating myelination and neuronal regeneration

    The use of stable isotope ratio analysis to trace European sea bass (D. labrax) originating from different farming systems

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    This study aimed to determine whether isotopic ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) can discriminate farmed European sea bass according to different farming systems and geographic origins. Dicentrarchus labrax of commercial size from three different rearing systems (concrete tank inland, sea cages, and extensive methods in valleys or salt works) were collected at the trading period (autumn\u2013winter). For each farming type, different locations spread over Italy were monitored. Once the fish were harvested, the muscle and feed were sampled. For both muscle and feed, \u3b413C and \u3b415N were measured by continuous flow elemental analyzer isotope ratio mass spectrometry (CF-EA-IRMS) with the goal of discriminating samples based on the rearing system. Additional \u3b42H and \u3b418O measurements of fish samples were performed by continuous flow total combustion elemental analyzer isotope ratio mass spectrometry (CF-TC/EA-IRMS) to track the geographical origin. The measurements of \u3b413C and \u3b415N made it possible to discriminate cultured sea bass from different farming systems (extensive vs. intensive) reared at different geographical sites in Italy. Additional information was obtained from \u3b418O and \u3b42H, which enabled the geographical areas of origin of the sea bass farmed extensively and intensively (in cages) to be distinguished

    Characterization of Structures of Equivalent Tissue With a Pixel Detector

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    Research using hybrid pixel detectors in medical physics is on the rise. Timepix detectors have arrays of 256 × 256 pixels with a resolution of 55 μm. Here, and by using Timepix counts instead of Hounsfield units, we present a calibration curve of a Timepix detector analog to those used for CT calibration. Experimentation consisted of the characterization of electron density in 10 different kinds of tissue equivalent samples from a CIRS 062M phantom (lung, 3 kinds of bones, fat, breast, muscle, water and air). Radiation of the detector was performed using an orthodontic X-ray machine at 70 KeV and .06 second of tube current with a purpose-built aluminum collimator. Data acquisition was performed at 1 frame per second and taking 3 frames per phantom. We were able to find a curve whose behavior was similar to others already published. This will lead to the verification of the usage of Timepix for identification of different tissues in an organ

    Molecular Characterization of Growth Hormone-producing Tumors in the GC Rat Model of Acromegaly

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    D.A.C. was supported by the Nicolás Monardes program of the Andalusian Ministry of Health (C-0015-2014) and by a grant from the Andalusian Ministry of Science and Innovation (CTS-7478). A.S-M and A.L.C were supported by grants from the ISCIII-Subdirección General de Evaluación y Fomento de la Investigación co-funded with Fondos FEDER (PI12/0143 and PI13/02043, respectively) and the Andalusian Regional Government (CTS-444) and a grant from Pfizer Spain. R.L.C. was supported by a grant from Andalusian Ministry of Health (PI0302-2012). R.M.L. was supported by grants from Proyecto de Investigación en Salud (FIS) PI13- 00651 (funded by Instituto de Salud Carlos III), CTS-1406, PI-0639-2012, BIO-0139 (funded by Junta de Andalucía) and by Ayuda Merck Serono 2013. J. P. C. was funded by a grant (BFU2013-43282-R) from Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. CIBER is an initiative of Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad, Spain. J.F.M.R. is supported by the “Sara Borrell” program from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III. R.M. Luque and J.P. Castaño have received grants and lecture fees from Ipsen and Novartis. E. Venegas-Moreno and A. Soto-Moreno received grants and lecture fees from Ipsen, Novartis and Pfizer. A. Leal-Cerro received grants from Novartis and Pfizer. David Cano received a grant from Novartis

    Epidemiological implications of the genetic diversification of dengue virus (DENV) serotypes and genotypes in Mexico

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    Variation and clade shifts in dengue virus (DENV) genotypes are responsible for numerous dengue fever outbreaks throughout Latin America in the past decade. Molecular analyses of dengue serotypes have revealed extensive genetic diversification and the emergence of new genotypes in Brazil (DENV-4 genotype I) and elsewhere in tropical and subtropical America. The goal of the present study is to assess the extent to which the adventitious introduction of DENV genotypes and their increasing genetic diversity affects dengue epidemiology in Mexico. A nuanced sequence inspection and phylogenetic analysis of the C-prM nucleotide region of DENV was performed for specimens collecting in 2009 from the Veracruz State, Mexico. Findings were contrasted with specimens collected in adjacent years and analysed based on the epidemiological patterns reported between 1990 and 2019. Additionally, the identification process of various DENV genotypes was assessed, including: (1) DENV-1, genotype V, (2) the DENV-2 Asian/American and Asian II genotypes (3) DENV-3, genotype III, and (4) DENV-4, genotype I. This resulted in the discovery of a distinct genetic cladistic pattern for serotype DENV-2. Lastly, study findings suggest that a correlation exists between the emergence of novel genotypes and genetic diversification, with the increasing incidence of DENV infections in Mexico in 2009

    How blebs and pseudopods cooperate during chemotaxis

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    Two motors can drive extension of the leading edge of motile cells: actin polymerization and myosin-driven contraction of the cortex, producing fluid pressure and the formation of blebs. Dictyostelium cells can move with both blebs and actin-driven pseudopods at the same time, and blebs, like pseudopods, can be orientated by chemotactic gradients. Here we ask how bleb sites are selected and how the two forms of projection cooperate. We show that membrane curvature is an important, yet overlooked, factor. Dictyostelium cells were observed moving under agarose, which efficiently induces blebbing, and the dynamics of membrane deformations were analyzed. Blebs preferentially originate from negatively curved regions, generated on the flanks of either extending pseudopods or blebs themselves. This is true of cells at different developmental stages, chemotaxing to either folate or cyclic AMP and moving with both blebs and pseudopods or with blebs only. A physical model of blebbing suggests that detachment of the cell membrane is facilitated in concave areas of the cell, where membrane tension produces an outward directed force, as opposed to pulling inward in convex regions. Our findings assign a role to membrane tension in spatially coupling blebs and pseudopods, thus contributing to clustering protrusions to the cell front

    Sequential Anisotropic Multichannel Wiener Filtering with Rician Bias Correction Applied to 3D Regularization of DWI Data

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    It has been shown that the tensor calculation is very sensitive to the presence of noise in the acquired images, yielding to very low-quality Diffusion Tensor Images (DTI) data. Recent investigations have shown that the noise present in the Diffusion Weighted Images (DWI) causes bias effects on the DTI data which cannot be corrected if the noise characteristic is not taken into account. One possible solution is to increase the minimum number of acquired measurements (which is 7) to several tens (or even several hundreds). This has the disadvantage of increasing the acquisition time by one (or two) orders of magnitude, making the process inconvenient for a clinical setting. We here proposed a turn-around procedure for which the number of acquisitions is maintained but, the DWI data are filtered prior to determining the DTI. We show a significant reduction on the DTI bias by means of a simple and fast procedure which is based on linear filtering; well- known drawbacks of such filters are circumvented by means of anisotropic neighborhoods and sequential application of the filter itself. Information of the first order probability density function of the raw data, namely, the Rice distribution, is also included. Results are shown both for synthetic and real datasets. Some error measurements are measured in the synthetic experiments, showing how the proposed scheme is able to reduce them. It is worth noting a 50% increase in the linear component for real DTI data, meaning that the bias in the DTI is considerably reduced. A novel fiber smoothness measure is defined to evaluate the resulting tractography for real DWI data. Our findings show that after filtering fibers are considerably smoother on the average. Execution times are very low as compared to other reported approaches which allows for a real-time implementation

    Phenological Study of 53 Spanish Minority Grape Varieties to Search for Adaptation of Vitiviniculture to Climate Change Conditions

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    The main phenological stages (budburst, flowering, veraison, and ripeness) of 53 Spanish minority varieties were studied to determine their potential to help winegrowers adapt to climate change conditions. In total, 43 varieties were studied in the same location in Spain (Alcalá de Henares, in the Madrid region) and 10 varieties in 5 other regions (Galicia, Navarre, Catalonia, Extremadura, and Andalusia). Other traits of agronomic and oenological interest, such as yield and acidity, were also monitored. The results allow for the grouping of the varieties into several clusters according to the time of ripeness (very early—only for red varieties—and early, intermediate, and late, for both red and white varieties) and yield (high, medium, and low). The total acidity in the grape juice ranged from 3 to 11 g of tartaric acid/L. The average temperatures were higher (up to 3–4 °C during summer) compared to historical averages during the 1957–2021 time period. Advanced phenology phases and reduced acidity are regarded as negative effects of climate change for winegrowing practices. Since some minority varieties showed late or intermediate ripening, high acidity, and high (1 Kg/shoot) or medium (0.5 Kg/shoot) yield, our findings suggest that they may be cultivated in the coming years by winegrowers as an approach to mitigate climate change effects.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Observation of the Crab Nebula with the HAWC Gamma-Ray Observatory

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    The Crab Nebula is the brightest TeV gamma-ray source in the sky and has been used for the past 25 years as a reference source in TeV astronomy, for calibration and verification of new TeV instruments. The High Altitude Water Cherenkov Observatory (HAWC), completed in early 2015, has been used to observe the Crab Nebula at high significance across nearly the full spectrum of energies to which HAWC is sensitive. HAWC is unique for its wide field-of-view, nearly 2 sr at any instant, and its high-energy reach, up to 100 TeV. HAWC's sensitivity improves with the gamma-ray energy. Above \sim1 TeV the sensitivity is driven by the best background rejection and angular resolution ever achieved for a wide-field ground array. We present a time-integrated analysis of the Crab using 507 live days of HAWC data from 2014 November to 2016 June. The spectrum of the Crab is fit to a function of the form ϕ(E)=ϕ0(E/E0)αβln(E/E0)\phi(E) = \phi_0 (E/E_{0})^{-\alpha -\beta\cdot{\rm{ln}}(E/E_{0})}. The data is well-fit with values of α=2.63±0.03\alpha=2.63\pm0.03, β=0.15±0.03\beta=0.15\pm0.03, and log10(ϕ0 cm2 s TeV)=12.60±0.02_{10}(\phi_0~{\rm{cm}^2}~{\rm{s}}~{\rm{TeV}})=-12.60\pm0.02 when E0E_{0} is fixed at 7 TeV and the fit applies between 1 and 37 TeV. Study of the systematic errors in this HAWC measurement is discussed and estimated to be ±\pm50\% in the photon flux between 1 and 37 TeV. Confirmation of the Crab flux serves to establish the HAWC instrument's sensitivity for surveys of the sky. The HAWC survey will exceed sensitivity of current-generation observatories and open a new view of 2/3 of the sky above 10 TeV.Comment: Submitted 2017/01/06 to the Astrophysical Journa