21 research outputs found

    Study of relationship between interleukin 6 and transforming growth factor - beta with clinical features of depressive disorder in adults versus experience of abuse and/or neglect in childhood

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    Inflamatorna hipoteza u depresiji, postavljena pre dve decenije, ukazuje da kod pacijenata sa depresivnim poremećajem dolazi do promene nivoa citokina u cirkulaciji, ali dosadašnja istraţivanja nisu uspela da objasne razlike u nalazima koncentracija citokina u razliĉitim studijama kao ni koje karakteristike depresije dovode do njihovih alteracija. Novija saznanja ukazuju da su interleukin 6 (IL-6), kao predstavnik pro-inflamatornih citokina, i faktor transformacije rasta beta (TGF-β), sa kljuĉnom ulogom u diferencijaciji T regulatornih ćelija, ukljuĉeni u patofiziologiju pojave depresivnog poremećaja. Sa druge strane poznato je da zlostavljanje i zanemarivanje u detinjstvu moţe biti prediktor razvoja depresije kako kod dece tako i kod odraslih. Objedinjena analiza varijacija citokina kod osoba koje boluju od depresije a koje u liĉnom iskustvu imaju zlostavljanje u detinjstvu, je veoma redak podatak u dosadašnjim publikacijama. Ciljevi: (1)Analizirati razlike u serumskoj koncentraciji IL-6 i TGF-β kod pacijenata sa depresivnim poremećajem i kod zdravih kontrola i ispitati razlike u koncentraciji IL-6 i TGF-β izmeĊu razliĉitih kliniĉkih karakteristika kod osoba sa depresijom. (2) Ispitati postojanje povezanosti nivoa IL-6 i TGF-β kod pacijenata sa depresivnim poremećajem u odnosu na zlostavljanje i/ili zanemarivanje u deĉijem uzrastu. Metod: Istraţivanje je koncipirano po tipu studije preseka i studije sluĉajeva i kontrola. U studijsku grupu ukljuĉeno je 85 hospitalizovanih pacijenata Instituta za mentalno zdravlje (Beograd), starosti od 18 do 65 godina, kojima je postavljena kliniĉka dijagoza prve depresivne epizode ili rekurentnog depresivnog poremećaja. Kontrolna grupa je obuhvatila 71 zdravog dobrovoljca, koji su upareni po polu i godinama sa studijskom grupom. Od svih pacijenata prikupljene su sociodemografske i kliniĉke karakteristike. Svi pacijenti su ispitani Hamiltonovom skalom depresivnosti (HAMD), Hamiltonovom skalom anksioznosti, Bekovim upitnikom depresivnosti (BDI) kao i Upitnikom o postojanju zlostavljanja u detinjstvu (CTQ)...Inflamatory hypothesis in depression, set two decades ago, is pointing that in patients with major depressive disorder there is change in circulating levels of various cytokines. Previous studies have not been able to explane differences in concentration of cytokines as well as the characteristics of depression, which lead to alteration. Recent findings indicate that interleukin 6 (IL-6), as representative of pro-inflammatory cytokines, and transforming growth factor –beta (TGF-β), with a crucial role in differentiation of regulatory T cells, are involved in pathogenesis of depressive disorder. On the other hand it is well known that child abuse and neglect can be a predictor of depression in both childhood and adolthood. Pooled analysis of variations of cytokine levels in patients with depression and with previous history of abuse and/or neglect in childhood period – is a rare finding in previous publications. Aim: (1) To analyze differences between serum concentrations of IL-6 and TGF-β in patients with major depresive disorder vs. healthy controls, and to investigate possible variationes of serum cytokine levels within difrent clinical features of depression. (2) Investigate possible corelations of IL- 6 and TGF-β concentrations in patients with major depresive disorder with relation to childhood abuse or/and neglect expiriences. Method: The study was designed as a cross-sectional study and a study of cases and controls. The study group included 85 patients hospitalized in Institute of Mental Health (Belgrade), which are diagnosed with first or recurrent depressive episode, aged from 18 to 65 years. The control group included 71 healthy volunteers who were matched by gender and age with the study group. Sociodemographic and clinical characteristics were gained from all patients. All patients were evaluated by Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAMD), Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale, Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ). The control group was taken socio-demographic data, along with a completed BDI and CTQ. For determining levels of IL-6 and TGF-β in serum were used commercial enzyme immunoassay tests (ELISA) (e-Biosciences)..

    3D facial treatment planning – case report

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    Cilj: Prikazati kako je uporabom suvremenih tehnologija omogućena 3D virtualna priprema i praćenje pacijenta prije, tijekom i nakon zahvata. Prikaz slučaja: Prikazan je pacijent s pravom progenijom, dakle skeletnom klasom III, obrnutim prijeklopom, zbijenošću zuba i konkavnim profilom kojemu su ortodontskom terapijom zuba pripremljeni za ortognatski kirurški zahvat koji je potom izvršen na gornjoj i donjoj čeljusti (LeFort I i BSSO). Dijagnostički postupak i evaluacija ishoda, osim standardnog protokola, uključivao je i pripremu za 3D virtualno planiranje. Učinjeno je skeniranje studijskih modela, CBCT snimak, 3D fotografije i analize pomoću 3D softvera. Kirurške vodilice napravljene su 3D printerom. Zaključak: Korištenjem suvremenih tehnologija i 3D virtualnog planiranja olakšan je i skraćen postupak planiranja ishoda i praćenje rezultata terapije uz veliku preciznost u izradi kirurških vodilica.Aim: Present how contemporary 3D technologies are used to access to 3D virtual treatment planning and evaluation of the patient protocol before, during and after procedures. Case report: Patient with skeletal Class III, negative overjet, crowding and concave profile has been orthodontically prepared for an orthognatic surgery procedure on the upper and lower jaw (LeFort I and BSSO). The diagnostic treatment made by 3D virtual planning includes scanning model casts, CBCT scans, 3D photographies and 3D software. Surgical guides were made with a 3D printer. Conclusion: The use of contemporary technologies for 3D virtual planning of treatment outcome and patient evaluation made the procedure easier and faster with high precision while making surgical guides

    Testing the domain of working memory and executive function in the context of cognitive functioning in patients with schizophrenia: A pilot study

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    Shizofrenija je teško mentalno oboljenje koje podrazumeva poremećaje gotovo svih psihičkih funkcija. Mnoga ispitivanja kognitivnog funkcionisanja pokazala su da se kod obolelih javlja generalizovana kognitivna disfunkcija. Kognitivni deficiti se odnose na pažnju, egzekutivne funkcije, radnu i vizuospacijalnu memoriju. Ciljevi ove studije obuhvatali su procenu egzekutivne funkcije i radne memorije pacijenata sa shizofrenijom, kao i ispitivanje potencijalne povezanost i sa postojećom simptomatologijom. Metod: U istraživanju je učestvovalo 18 pacijenata sa dijagnozom shizofrenije, prema MKB-10 kriterijumima. Instrumenti procene kognicije bili su testovi koji su merili egzekutivne funkcije: premeštanja (zadatak 'broj-slovo'), inhibicije (zadatak 'kontinuirano izvođenje') i ažuriranja, odnosno radnu memoriju ('prostorni zadatak 2-unazad' i 'budi u toku'). Skala pozitivnog i negativnog sindroma (PANSS) korišćena je za procenu težine simptoma bolesti. Postignuća pacijenata sa shizofrenijom upoređena su sa postignućima 132 zdrava ispitanika. Rezultati: Utvrđena je pozitivna korelacija za odnos između ukupnog skora PANSS i postignuća na testu 'prostorni zadatak 2-unazad' (r=0,62), kao i između negativnog PANSS klastera i postignuća na istom testu (r=0,53). Negativna korelacija je pokazana između negativnog PANSS klastera i niskog postignuća na testu 'kontinuirano izvođenje' (r=-0,77). Pacijenti oboleli od shizofrenije su imali značajno slabije postignuće u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu u testovima 'budi u toku' (M=17,89, SD=4,70 prema M=24,17 SD=4,18; p=0.000) i 'prostorni zadatak 2-unazad' (M=7,93, SD=3,97 prema M=10,67 SD=4,48; p=0.025). Diskusija i zaključak: Danas se smatra da su kognitivna oštećenja podjednako značajna u proceni stanja ali i tretmana pacijenta kao i klasični pozitivni ili negativni simptomi. Neke studije pokazuju da čak i do 98% obolelih pokazuje slabija postignuća na kognitivnim testovima u odnosu na očekivane vrednosti. Sumarno, naše istraživanje pokazuje da pacijente sa dijagnozom shizofrenije odlikuje značajna deterioracija radne memorije. Postignuća na ispitivanim kognitivnim funkcijama pacijenata obolelih od shizofrenije treba posmatrati kao krajnji produkt složene međuigre premorbidnog kognitivnog funkcionisanja ali i opisane kognitivne deterioracije tokom same bolesti. Na taj način kognitivni simptomi obolelih od shizofrenije se mogu posmatrati kao jedan od pokazatelj postojanja i poremećaja ranog razvoja (neurorazvojna komponenta) ali i kasnijeg neuroprogresivnog procesa (neuroprogresivna komponenta) u shizofreniji.Introduction: Schizophrenia is a severe mental disorder that includes alterations of almost all mental functions. Numerous tests of cognitive functioning have demonstrated that generalized cognitive dysfunction exists in patients with schizophrenia. These deficits are related to attention, executive functions, working memory and visouspatial memory. The aim of the study was to assess executive functioning and working memory of people with schizophrenia, as well as to examine the potential link between congition and existing simptomatology. Method: The study included 18 patients diagnosed with schizophrenia, according to the ICD-10 criteria. Instruments of cognitive assessment were tests that measured the executive functions: shifting (number-letter task), inhibition (continuous performance task), updating and working memory (N-back and keep track). Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) was used to assess the severity of symptoms. Data was statistically analyzed and the correlation coefficients were determined between PANSS scores and achievements on cognitive tests. Achivements of the patients were compared with those of the healthy control group. Results: Positive correlation has been determined between the total PANSS score and achievements on the N-back test (r=0,62), as well as between the negative PANSS cluster and achievements on the Nback (r=0,53). Negative correlation was determined between the negative PANSS cluster and achievements on the continuous performance test (r=-0,77). Patients suffering from schizophrenia had significantly lower achievement in comparison to the control group in tests keep track (M=17,89, SD=4,70 corresponding to M=24,17 SD=4,18; p=0.000) and N-back (M=7,93, SD=3,97 corresponding to M=10,67 SD=4,48; p=0.025). Discussion and conclusion: Today, cognitive dysfunction in schizophrenia has the same importance as classical positive or negative symptoms in assessment of disease severity as well as in efficacy of treatment. Some studies estimate that almost 98% of patients demonstrates poor achievements on various cognitive tests compared to healthy subjects. In summary, our study has found that schizophrenic patients show strong deterioration of working memory. Correlation between cognitive functioning and schizophrenia is likely to be understood in the context of premorbid cognitive functioning and subsequent cognitive decline and thus schizophrenia can be understood as both neurodevelopmental and neuroprogessive disorder


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    Prikazani rezultati kirurškog liječenja dekubitusa na Klinici za plastičnu, rekonstrukcijsku i estetsku kirurgiju KB Dubrava u vremenu od 2011. do 2016. nisu bitno različiti u odnosu na rezultate kirurškog liječenja iste patologije u studiji iz vremena 2003.-2008., što dokazuje i dalje odličnu planiranost i izvedivost kirurških zahvata, odgovarajuću pripremu bolesnika i adekvatnu postoperacijsku skrb. Unatoč manjem broju hospitaliziranih bolesnika s dekubitusom u studiji 2011.-2016. (31 bolesnik; 42 rekonstrukcijska zahvata) i dalje je učinjen sličan broj rekonstrukcijskih zahvata uspoređujući sa studijom 2003.-2008. (47 bolesnika; 57 rekonstrukcijskih zahvata). Kod rekonstrukcije dekubitusa na sakralnoj regiji kod naših bolesnika najbolje rekonstrukcijske rezultate postigli smo i dalje kliznim fasciokutanim, odnosno mišićnokutanim režnjevima. Kada je god to moguće, ovisno o kliničkoj slici defekta trebalo bi dati prednost mišićnokutanim režnjevima, posebno u slučajevima recidiva dekubitusa. Kod rekonstrukcije dekubitusa u području ishijadičnih zona vrlo dobri rezultati postignuti su uporabom mišićnih režnjeva semimembranozusa i /ili semitendinozusa koji se mobiliziraju u defekt, dok za područje trohanterne regije koristimo transpozicijski režanj fascije late. Liječenje bolesnika s dekubitusom je multidisciplinarno s naglaskom na kirurško liječenje koje se sastoji od radikalnog debridmana, ostektomije i egzaktno planirane i učinjene rekonstrukcije. Konzervativno liječenje mora biti podrška kirurškom liječenju s naglaskom na njegu i visoke higijenske mjere bolesnika. U novije vrijeme (studija 2011.-2016.) sve kvalitetnija uporaba konzervativnog načina tretmana dekubitalnih rana realno je dovela do smanjenja potrebe za hospitalizacijom i kirurškim liječenjem. Daljnjim edukacijama medicinskih sestara u smislu „wound care“-a u zdravstvenim učilištima i bolnicama trebalo bi dati posebno značenje što bi dovelo do prevencije, ali i pravodobnog početka liječenja bolesnika s dekubitusom.Results of this clinical study on surgical treatment of pressure ulcers at Department of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Dubrava University Hospital showed that there was no difference between the 2011-2016 and 2003-2008 periods, indicating continuation of good surgical treatment planning and appropriate postoperative care. Despite the smaller number of hospitalized patients in the 2011-2016 period (31 patients and 42 reconstructive procedures), the number of reconstructive procedure was similar to the recent 2003-2008 period (47 patients and 57 reconstructive procedures). The best results of reconstruction of sacral region pressure ulcer were achieved with fasciocutaneous and musculocutaneous flaps. Whenever possible, depending on the extent of the defect, musculocutaneous flaps should be preferred for reconstruction. It is especially suitable for pressure ulcer recurrence. For ischial region reconstruction, good results can be obtained by mobilizing the semimembranosus and/or semitendinosus in defect gap. For trochanteric region, the tensor fascia lata flap is a good choice. For maximal functional and reconstructive results, a multidisciplinary approach in pressure ulcer treatment has the leading role in the modern concept of wound healing. Surgical treatment should always include radical debridement, ostectomy and well planned defect reconstruction. Conservative treatment should be support to surgical treatment with a focus on patient health care and high hygiene measures. In recent years (2011-2016), the usage of better conservative treatment led to reduction of patient hospital stay and surgical treatment of pressure ulcer. Further ‘wound care’ nurses training in Croatia can lead the trend towards advanced practice nursing in pressure ulcer prevention and conservative treatment


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    Prikazani rezultati kirurškog liječenja dekubitusa na Klinici za plastičnu, rekonstrukcijsku i estetsku kirurgiju KB Dubrava u vremenu od 2011. do 2016. nisu bitno različiti u odnosu na rezultate kirurškog liječenja iste patologije u studiji iz vremena 2003.-2008., što dokazuje i dalje odličnu planiranost i izvedivost kirurških zahvata, odgovarajuću pripremu bolesnika i adekvatnu postoperacijsku skrb. Unatoč manjem broju hospitaliziranih bolesnika s dekubitusom u studiji 2011.-2016. (31 bolesnik; 42 rekonstrukcijska zahvata) i dalje je učinjen sličan broj rekonstrukcijskih zahvata uspoređujući sa studijom 2003.-2008. (47 bolesnika; 57 rekonstrukcijskih zahvata). Kod rekonstrukcije dekubitusa na sakralnoj regiji kod naših bolesnika najbolje rekonstrukcijske rezultate postigli smo i dalje kliznim fasciokutanim, odnosno mišićnokutanim režnjevima. Kada je god to moguće, ovisno o kliničkoj slici defekta trebalo bi dati prednost mišićnokutanim režnjevima, posebno u slučajevima recidiva dekubitusa. Kod rekonstrukcije dekubitusa u području ishijadičnih zona vrlo dobri rezultati postignuti su uporabom mišićnih režnjeva semimembranozusa i /ili semitendinozusa koji se mobiliziraju u defekt, dok za područje trohanterne regije koristimo transpozicijski režanj fascije late. Liječenje bolesnika s dekubitusom je multidisciplinarno s naglaskom na kirurško liječenje koje se sastoji od radikalnog debridmana, ostektomije i egzaktno planirane i učinjene rekonstrukcije. Konzervativno liječenje mora biti podrška kirurškom liječenju s naglaskom na njegu i visoke higijenske mjere bolesnika. U novije vrijeme (studija 2011.-2016.) sve kvalitetnija uporaba konzervativnog načina tretmana dekubitalnih rana realno je dovela do smanjenja potrebe za hospitalizacijom i kirurškim liječenjem. Daljnjim edukacijama medicinskih sestara u smislu „wound care“-a u zdravstvenim učilištima i bolnicama trebalo bi dati posebno značenje što bi dovelo do prevencije, ali i pravodobnog početka liječenja bolesnika s dekubitusom.Results of this clinical study on surgical treatment of pressure ulcers at Department of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Dubrava University Hospital showed that there was no difference between the 2011-2016 and 2003-2008 periods, indicating continuation of good surgical treatment planning and appropriate postoperative care. Despite the smaller number of hospitalized patients in the 2011-2016 period (31 patients and 42 reconstructive procedures), the number of reconstructive procedure was similar to the recent 2003-2008 period (47 patients and 57 reconstructive procedures). The best results of reconstruction of sacral region pressure ulcer were achieved with fasciocutaneous and musculocutaneous flaps. Whenever possible, depending on the extent of the defect, musculocutaneous flaps should be preferred for reconstruction. It is especially suitable for pressure ulcer recurrence. For ischial region reconstruction, good results can be obtained by mobilizing the semimembranosus and/or semitendinosus in defect gap. For trochanteric region, the tensor fascia lata flap is a good choice. For maximal functional and reconstructive results, a multidisciplinary approach in pressure ulcer treatment has the leading role in the modern concept of wound healing. Surgical treatment should always include radical debridement, ostectomy and well planned defect reconstruction. Conservative treatment should be support to surgical treatment with a focus on patient health care and high hygiene measures. In recent years (2011-2016), the usage of better conservative treatment led to reduction of patient hospital stay and surgical treatment of pressure ulcer. Further ‘wound care’ nurses training in Croatia can lead the trend towards advanced practice nursing in pressure ulcer prevention and conservative treatment

    ENIGMA-anxiety working group : Rationale for and organization of large-scale neuroimaging studies of anxiety disorders

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    Altres ajuts: Anxiety Disorders Research Network European College of Neuropsychopharmacology; Claude Leon Postdoctoral Fellowship; Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation, 44541416-TRR58); EU7th Frame Work Marie Curie Actions International Staff Exchange Scheme grant 'European and South African Research Network in Anxiety Disorders' (EUSARNAD); Geestkracht programme of the Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Development (ZonMw, 10-000-1002); Intramural Research Training Award (IRTA) program within the National Institute of Mental Health under the Intramural Research Program (NIMH-IRP, MH002781); National Institute of Mental Health under the Intramural Research Program (NIMH-IRP, ZIA-MH-002782); SA Medical Research Council; U.S. National Institutes of Health grants (P01 AG026572, P01 AG055367, P41 EB015922, R01 AG060610, R56 AG058854, RF1 AG051710, U54 EB020403).Anxiety disorders are highly prevalent and disabling but seem particularly tractable to investigation with translational neuroscience methodologies. Neuroimaging has informed our understanding of the neurobiology of anxiety disorders, but research has been limited by small sample sizes and low statistical power, as well as heterogenous imaging methodology. The ENIGMA-Anxiety Working Group has brought together researchers from around the world, in a harmonized and coordinated effort to address these challenges and generate more robust and reproducible findings. This paper elaborates on the concepts and methods informing the work of the working group to date, and describes the initial approach of the four subgroups studying generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, and specific phobia. At present, the ENIGMA-Anxiety database contains information about more than 100 unique samples, from 16 countries and 59 institutes. Future directions include examining additional imaging modalities, integrating imaging and genetic data, and collaborating with other ENIGMA working groups. The ENIGMA consortium creates synergy at the intersection of global mental health and clinical neuroscience, and the ENIGMA-Anxiety Working Group extends the promise of this approach to neuroimaging research on anxiety disorders

    Cortical and subcortical brain structure in generalized anxiety disorder: findings from 28 research sites in the ENIGMA-Anxiety Working Group

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    The goal of this study was to compare brain structure between individuals with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and healthy controls. Previous studies have generated inconsistent findings, possibly due to small sample sizes, or clinical/analytic heterogeneity. To address these concerns, we combined data from 28 research sites worldwide through the ENIGMA-Anxiety Working Group, using a single, pre-registered mega-analysis. Structural magnetic resonance imaging data from children and adults (5–90 years) were processed using FreeSurfer. The main analysis included the regional and vertex-wise cortical thickness, cortical surface area, and subcortical volume as dependent variables, and GAD, age, age-squared, sex, and their interactions as independent variables. Nuisance variables included IQ, years of education, medication use, comorbidities, and global brain measures. The main analysis (1020 individuals with GAD and 2999 healthy controls) included random slopes per site and random intercepts per scanner. A secondary analysis (1112 individuals with GAD and 3282 healthy controls) included fixed slopes and random intercepts per scanner with the same variables. The main analysis showed no effect of GAD on brain structure, nor interactions involving GAD, age, or sex. The secondary analysis showed increased volume in the right ventral diencephalon in male individuals with GAD compared to male healthy controls, whereas female individuals with GAD did not differ from female healthy controls. This mega-analysis combining worldwide data showed that differences in brain structure related to GAD are small, possibly reflecting heterogeneity or those structural alterations are not a major component of its pathophysiology

    Cortical and subcortical brain structure in generalized anxiety disorder: findings from 28 research sites in the enigma-anxiety working group

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    The goal of this study was to compare brain structure between individuals with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and healthy controls. Previous studies have generated inconsistent findings, possibly due to small sample sizes, or clinical/analytic heterogeneity. To address these concerns, we combined data from 28 research sites worldwide through the ENIGMA-Anxiety Working Group, using a single, pre-registered mega-analysis. Structural magnetic resonance imaging data from children and adults (5–90 years) were processed using FreeSurfer. The main analysis included the regional and vertex-wise cortical thickness, cortical surface area, and subcortical volume as dependent variables, and GAD, age, age-squared, sex, and their interactions as independent variables. Nuisance variables included IQ, years of education, medication use, comorbidities, and global brain measures. The main analysis (1020 individuals with GAD and 2999 healthy controls) included random slopes per site and random intercepts per scanner. A secondary analysis (1112 individuals with GAD and 3282 healthy controls) included fixed slopes and random intercepts per scanner with the same variables. The main analysis showed no effect of GAD on brain structure, nor interactions involving GAD, age, or sex. The secondary analysis showed increased volume in the right ventral diencephalon in male individuals with GAD compared to male healthy controls, whereas female individuals with GAD did not differ from female healthy controls. This mega-analysis combining worldwide data showed that differences in brain structure related to GAD are small, possibly reflecting heterogeneity or those structural alterations are not a major component of its pathophysiology

    Dijete i likovno djelo - Gustav Klimt

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    Zadatak likovnog odgoja je da razvija i oplemenjuje doživljajne i stvaralačke sposobnosti učenika kao osnovu za stjecanje likovne kulture i da osposobi učenike za pravo likovno vrednovanje. Likovna kultura potiče stvaralačke sposobnosti učenika to što je prisutna neopterećenost činjenicama i normama, s otvorenom mogućnošću samostalnog izvođenja zadataka prema mogućnostima, iskustvima i interesima samog učenika. Nastava likovne kulture svojim aktivnostima i primjenom suvremenih metoda učenike također osposobljava za vizualno – estetsko samostalno doživljavanje i vrednovanje materijalnih vrijednosti društva, tekovina kulture i prirodnih ljepota. Ovo istraživanje je longitudinalno, a tema mu je reakcija djece na likovna djela različitih umjetnika, a u ovom slučaju austrijskog umjetnika Gustava Klimta. Iako rezultati pokazuju da je djeci u dobi od 9 i 10 godina Klimt kao umjetnik poprilično nepoznat, ono što iznenađuje su uglavnom pozitivne reakcije djece na stvaralaštvo ovog poznatog slikara, ali i potreba djece da prošire svoje likovne spoznaje koje će im u budućnosti omogućiti uspješniji emocionalni, intelektualni i kreativni razvoj.The task of art education is in developing and refining experiential and creative abilities of students as a basis for acquiring art education and also to train students for the right visual evaluation. Art education encourages students' creative abilities to the present freedom from facts and norms, with an open possibility of performing tasks independently according to their abilities, experiences and interests. Art classes with its activities and the application of modern methods also enables students to create visually - aesthetic self-experience and evaluation of the material values of the society, the achievements of culture and natural beauty. This study is longitudinal, and the topic is the reaction of children to the art works of different artists, in this case the Austrian artist Gustav Klimt. Although the results show that children of cca 9 and 10 years old mostly do not reckognize Gustav Klimt, what is surprising are their generally positive reactions to the works of the famous painter, but also their need to expand their art knowledge that will in the future help them to develop successfully their emotional , intellectual and creative characteristics

    Dijete i likovno djelo - Gustav Klimt

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    Zadatak likovnog odgoja je da razvija i oplemenjuje doživljajne i stvaralačke sposobnosti učenika kao osnovu za stjecanje likovne kulture i da osposobi učenike za pravo likovno vrednovanje. Likovna kultura potiče stvaralačke sposobnosti učenika to što je prisutna neopterećenost činjenicama i normama, s otvorenom mogućnošću samostalnog izvođenja zadataka prema mogućnostima, iskustvima i interesima samog učenika. Nastava likovne kulture svojim aktivnostima i primjenom suvremenih metoda učenike također osposobljava za vizualno – estetsko samostalno doživljavanje i vrednovanje materijalnih vrijednosti društva, tekovina kulture i prirodnih ljepota. Ovo istraživanje je longitudinalno, a tema mu je reakcija djece na likovna djela različitih umjetnika, a u ovom slučaju austrijskog umjetnika Gustava Klimta. Iako rezultati pokazuju da je djeci u dobi od 9 i 10 godina Klimt kao umjetnik poprilično nepoznat, ono što iznenađuje su uglavnom pozitivne reakcije djece na stvaralaštvo ovog poznatog slikara, ali i potreba djece da prošire svoje likovne spoznaje koje će im u budućnosti omogućiti uspješniji emocionalni, intelektualni i kreativni razvoj.The task of art education is in developing and refining experiential and creative abilities of students as a basis for acquiring art education and also to train students for the right visual evaluation. Art education encourages students' creative abilities to the present freedom from facts and norms, with an open possibility of performing tasks independently according to their abilities, experiences and interests. Art classes with its activities and the application of modern methods also enables students to create visually - aesthetic self-experience and evaluation of the material values of the society, the achievements of culture and natural beauty. This study is longitudinal, and the topic is the reaction of children to the art works of different artists, in this case the Austrian artist Gustav Klimt. Although the results show that children of cca 9 and 10 years old mostly do not reckognize Gustav Klimt, what is surprising are their generally positive reactions to the works of the famous painter, but also their need to expand their art knowledge that will in the future help them to develop successfully their emotional , intellectual and creative characteristics