112 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Beban Torsi dan Drag pada Sumur Berarah Mila di Lapangan Lepas Pantai Laut Jawa Bagian Barat dengan Menggunakan Software Dswe

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    Pemboran berarah adalah sebuah teknologi pemboran dengan membelokkan lubang bor menuju kearah tertentu untuk mencapai target dibawah permukaan bumi yang telah ditentukan sebelumnya. Dalam pemboran berarah, timbulnya beban torsi dan drag yang ditanggung oleh rangkaian pipa bor merupakan salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan pemboran. Tersebut Sumur Mila adalah salah satu sumur pengembangan gas yang terletak pada Cekungan Sunda yang berjarak kira-kira 50 mil arah Barat Laut dari Jakarta. Dalam kegiatan operasi pemboran pada sumur tersebut, dijumpai adanya peningkatan torsi yang tinggi dibeberapa titik pada saat kegiatan operasi pemboran sedang berlangsung. Salah satu penyebabnya adalah karena kondisi lubang bor yang tidak begitu baik, yaitu karena banyaknya cutting yang ditemukan pada lubang bor. Pada penelitian ini akan ditinjau faktor – faktor yang menyebabkan meningkatnya torsi dan drag pada proses pemboran sumur tersebut . Dan diharapkan dari hasil penelitian ini akan dapat diperoleh suatu cara penanggulangan yang tepat untuk mencegah terjadinya masalah yang mengakibatkan munculnya torsi dan drag yang tinggi


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    Penelitian ini mengambil judul “ Status Anak Yang Lahir Dari Hasi Pernikahan Di Bawah Tangan Ditinjau Menurut Undang-Undang Perkawinan (Studi Kasus Di Kecamatan Rumbai)”, latar belakang penelitian ini adalah ingin mengetahui status anak yang lahir sebelum pencatatan perkawinan menurut Undang-Undang perkawinan, dengan permasalahan yang dibahas adalah mengenai bagaimana akibat pernikahan yang tidak dicatat oleh pegawai pencatat nikah terhadap kehidupan anak, siakap orang tua terhadap prosedur dan hasil kutipan akta kelahiran, serta tinjauan Undang-Undang perkawinan terhadap status anak yang lahir sebelum pencatatan perkawinan. Penelitian ini penulis lakukan di Kecamatan Rumbai Kota Pekanbaru, yakni terhadap pasangan nikah massal antara tahun 2006-2007 yang sebelum melangsungkan nikah massal, mereka telah menikah di bawah tangan bahkan sudah mempunyai keturunan. Adapun alasan penulis memilih lokasi ini adalah karena didaerah ini banyak terdapat anak yang lahir dari pasangan nikah di bawah\ud tangan yang menarik perhatian penulis untuk mengetahui apakah mereka bermasalah dengan status mereka, sikap orang tua dan anak terhadap prosedur dan hasil kutipan akta kelahiran dan bagaimana pandangan Undang-Undang perkawinan terhadap status mereka. Subjek penelitian ini adalah anak-anak yang lahir dari pasangan nikah di bawah tangan dan orang tuanya, serta objek penelitian ini adalah meneliti masalah-masalah yang diahadapi anak oleh anak sebagai akibat pernikahan orang tuanya tidak tercatat, serta sikap orang tua dan anak terhadap prosedur dan hasil kutipan akta kelahiran. Dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan di Kecamatan Rumbai dapat diketahui bahwa, sebagian besar anak yang lahir dari pernikahan orang tua mereka yang tidak tercatat oleh pegawai pencatat nikah adalah bermasalah dengan kebutuhan hidup mereka yang bersifat administrasi, karena mereka tidak memiliki bukti otentik untuk membuktikan bahwa mereka memiliki hubungan keturunan dengan pihak ayah, sehingga mereka terkendala dalam masalah wali nikah, tidak bisa menuntut ketika tidak mendapatkan bagian warisan, sampai tidak masuknya nama ayah mereka dalam kutipan akta kelahiran. Sikap orang tua dan anak terhadap prosedur dan hasil kutipan akta kelahiran pada umumnya merasa kecewa, karena dalam kutipan itu mereka disamakan dengan anak di luar nikah, dalam hal hanya tercatatnya nama ibu tanpa menyertakan nama ayah. Adapun tinjauan Undang-Undang Perkawinan terhadap hal tersebut di atas, adalah tidak sah, karena banyaknya kesulitan yang dihadapi oleh anak, sedangkan Islam menghendaki kemudahan dan menghindari kesulitan, sehingga segala sesuatu yang menyulitkan harus dihilangkan. Selain itu Mahkamah Agung pernah memutuskan tidak sahnya nikah di bawah tangan, maka apabila nikahnya tidak sah menurut Undang-Undang maka anak yang dilahirkannya pun adalah tidak sah

    Pembuatan aplikasi Soft Spectrophotometer Visible MMN100 menggunakan pengolahan citra digital sebagai tahap awal membangun Spectrophotometer

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    Spektroskopi merupakan suatu metode analisa yang menggunakan prinsip absorpsi, dan hamburan radiasi elektromagnetik oleh atom atau molekul untuk studi kualitatif atau kuantitatif atom atau molekul, atau untuk mempelajari proses-proses fisika. Tujuan Penelitian ini membangun sebuah Aplikasi seperti Aplikasi Cell Phone Spectrometer yang diberi nama Soft Spectrophotometer Visible MMN100 yang didesain dengan menggabungkan spectrometer dengan detektor photometer. Detector photometer yang dapat digunakan adalah USB Webcam, sehingga dengan menggunakan sambungan USB menghasilkan input pada aplikasi berupa photo. Aplikasi ini hanya didesain untuk rentang panjang gelombang cahaya tampak (visible light) dari 400 nm sampai 720 nm. Besaran yang diperoleh dari aplikasi ini adalah intensitas (RGB Color Space), transmittansi (nilai perbandingan), transmittansi (persen), absorbansi logaritmik, absorbansi natural logaritmik (koefisien absorpsi), absorptansi (nilai perbandingan), absorptansi (persen), nomor pixel, dan panjang gelombang. Aplikasi yang dibuat dapat mengambil citra dari detektor photometer, menyimpan dan membuka foto sample dan referensi, memplot data grafik, serta menyimpan citra grafik dan data numeric. Setelah dilakukan pengambilan data, dengan membuat garis pencuplikan yang sama panjang dan letak koordinatnya antara penggunaan aplikasi yang dibuat dengan penggunaan aplikasi referensi, tampak pada perbandingan Wavelength-nya linear, selisih intensitasnya ± 20 desimal, serta selisih transmittansi dan absorbansinya ±0.03

    The Role of Sharia Monetary Instrument in Liquidity Management and Performance Improvement of Islamic Banking Financial in Indonesia

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    This study analyzes the variables of liquidity and financial performance of Islamic banks that affect the number of transactions in Islamic monetary instruments. The aim is to find out which instruments is better in supporting liquidity management and financial performance of Islamic banks in Indonesia. This study uses the CAR and FDR variables as proxies of liquidity and ROA as a proxy for the financial performance of Islamic banks. While the proxy for sharia monetary instruments in Indonesia is the variable SBIS and SBPUS. This study uses monthly Islamic banking reports in Indonesia for the period January 2015 to September 2017. Data is processed and analyzed by Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) Stationery Test as a way of testing stationary data and then testing hypotheses using Vector Autoregression (VAR). This study found that the the most contributing variable to the changes in transaction volume in Islamic monetary instruments was the variable liquidity, namely CAR and FDR. In Addition, SBIS sharia monetary instruments are better used by Islamic banking in Indonesia compared to SBPUS

    Wideband millimeter-wave substrate integrated waveguide cavity-backed antenna for satellites communications

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    This paper presents a new type of wideband waveguide (SIW) cavity-backed patch antenna for millimeter wave (mmW). The antenna proposed applies to applications of 31-36 GHz Ka-band such as satellites communications. The SIW is intended with settings for particular slots. The antenna is constructed on Rogers RT5880 (lossy) with 2.2 dielectric constant, l.27 mm thickness, and 0.0009 loss tangent. It is simulated in the programming of computer simulation technology (CST) Microwave Studio. The simulated results show that the SIW antenna resonates across 31 to 36 GHz bands, which means that this new antenna covers all applications within this range. The reflection coefficients in targeting range are below 10 dB. The antenna achieves good efficiency and gain with 80% and 8.87 dBi respectively

    Omega-3 Fatty Acid and Iron Supplementation Alone, but Not in Combination, Lower Inflammation and Anemia of Infection in Mycobacterium tuberculosis-Infected Mice

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    Progressive inflammation and anemia are common in tuberculosis (TB) and linked to poor clinical outcomes. Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) have inflammation-resolving properties, whereas iron supplementation in TB may have limited efficacy and enhance bacterial growth. We investigated effects of iron and EPA/DHA supplementation, alone and in combination, on inflammation, anemia, iron status markers and clinical outcomes in Mycobacterium tuberculosis-infected C3HeB/FeJ mice. One week post-infection, mice received the AIN-93 diet without (control) or with supplemental iron (Fe), EPA/DHA, or Fe+EPA/DHA for 3 weeks. Mice supplemented with Fe or EPA/DHA had lower soluble transferrin receptor, ferritin and hepcidin than controls, but these effects were attenuated in Fe+EPA/DHA mice. EPA/DHA increased inflammation-resolving lipid mediators and lowered lung IL-1α, IFN-γ, plasma IL-1β, and TNF-α. Fe lowered lung IL-1α, IL-1β, plasma IL-1β, TNF-α, and IL-6. However, the cytokine-lowering effects in the lungs were attenuated with Fe+EPA/DHA. Mice supplemented with EPA/DHA had lower lung bacterial loads than controls, but this effect was attenuated in Fe+EPA/DHA mice. Thus, individually, post-infection EPA/DHA and iron supplementation lowered systemic and lung inflammation and mitigated anemia of infection in TB, but not when combined. EPA/DHA also enhanced bactericidal effects and could support inflammation resolution and management of anemia

    Adjunct n-3 Long-Chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Treatment in Tuberculosis Reduces Inflammation and Improves Anemia of Infection More in C3HeB/FeJ Mice With Low n-3 Fatty Acid Status Than Sufficient n-3 Fatty Acid Status

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    Populations at risk for tuberculosis (TB) may have a low n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) status. Our research previously showed that post-infection supplementation of n-3 long-chain PUFA (LCPUFA) in TB without TB medication was beneficial in n-3 PUFA sufficient but not in low-status C3HeB/FeJ mice. In this study, we investigated the effect of n-3 LCPUFA adjunct to TB medication in TB mice with a low compared to a sufficient n-3 PUFA status. Mice were conditioned on an n-3 PUFA-deficient (n- 3FAD) or n-3 PUFA-sufficient (n-3FAS) diet for 6 weeks before TB infection. Postinfection at 2 weeks, both groups were switched to an n-3 LCPUFA [eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)/docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)] supplemented diet and euthanized at 4- and 14- days post-treatment. Iron and anemia status, bacterial loads, lung pathology, lung cytokines/chemokines, and lung lipid mediators were measured. Following 14 days of treatment, hemoglobin (Hb) was higher in the n-3FAD than the untreated n-3FAS group (p = 0.022), whereas the n-3FAS (drug) treated control and n-3FAS groups were not. Proinflammatory lung cytokines; interleukin-6 (IL-6) (p = 0.011), IL-1a (p = 0.039), MCP1 (p = 0.003), MIP1- a (p = 0.043), and RANTES (p = 0.034); were lower, and the antiinflammatory cytokine IL-4 (p=0.002) and growth factor GMCSF (p=0.007) were higher in the n-3FAD compared with the n-3FAS mice after 14 days. These results suggest that n-3 LCPUFA therapy in TB-infected mice, in combination with TB medication, may improve anemia of infection more in low n-3 fatty acid status than sufficient status mice. Furthermore, the low n-3 fatty acid status TB mice supplemented with n-3 LCPUFA showed comparatively lower cytokine-mediated inflammation despite presenting with lower pro-resolving lipid mediators

    Whole-genome sequencing reveals widespread presence of Staphylococcus capitis NRCS-A clone in neonatal units across the United Kingdom

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    OBJECTIVE: Increased incidence of neonatal Staphylococcus capitis bacteraemia in summer 2020, London, raised suspicion of widespread multidrug-resistant clone NRCS-A. We set out to investigate the molecular epidemiology of this clone in neonatal units (NNUs) across the UK. METHODS: We conducted whole-genome sequencing (WGS) on presumptive S. capitis NRCS-A isolates collected from infants admitted to NNUs and from environmental sampling in two distinct NNUs in 2021. Previously published S. capitis genomes were added for comparison. Genetic clusters of NRCS-A isolates were defined based on core-genome single-nucleotide polymorphisms. RESULTS: We analysed WGS data of 838S. capitis isolates and identified 750 NRCS-A isolates. We discovered a possible UK-specific NRCS-A lineage consisting of 611 isolates collected between 2005-2021. We determined 28 genetic clusters of NRCS-A isolates, which covered all geographical regions in the UK, and isolates of 19 genetic clusters were found in ≥2 regions, suggesting inter-regional spread. Within the NRCS-A clone, strong genetic relatedness was identified between contemporary clinical and incubator-associated fomite isolates and between clinical isolates associated with inter-hospital infant transfer. CONCLUSIONS: This WGS-based study confirms the dispersion of S. capitis NRCS-A clone amongst NNUs across the UK and urges research on improving clinical management of neonatal S. capitis infection

    Omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids promote antibacterial and inflammation-resolving effects in Mycobacterium tuberculosis-infected C3HeB/FeJ mice, dependent on fatty acid status

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    AbstractNon-resolving inflammation is characteristic of tuberculosis (TB). Given their inflammation-resolving properties,n-3 long-chain PUFA (n-3 LCPUFA) may support TB treatment. This research aimed to investigate the effects ofn-3 LCPUFA on clinical and inflammatory outcomes ofMycobacterium tuberculosis-infected C3HeB/FeJ mice with either normal or lown-3 PUFA status before infection. Using a two-by-two design, uninfected mice were conditioned on either ann-3 PUFA-sufficient (n-3FAS) or -deficient (n-3FAD) diet for 6 weeks. One week post-infection, mice were randomised to eithern-3 LCPUFA supplemented (n-3FAS/n-3+ andn-3FAD/n-3+) or continued onn-3FAS orn-3FAD diets for 3 weeks. Mice were euthanised and fatty acid status, lung bacterial load and pathology, cytokine, lipid mediator and immune cell phenotype analysed.n-3 LCPUFA supplementation inn-3FAS mice lowered lung bacterial loads (P= 0·003), T cells (P= 0·019), CD4+T cells (P= 0·014) and interferon (IFN)-γ(P< 0·001) and promoted a pro-resolving lung lipid mediator profile. Compared withn-3FAS mice, then-3FAD group had lower bacterial loads (P= 0·037), significantly higher immune cell recruitment and a more pro-inflammatory lipid mediator profile, however, significantly lower lung IFN-γ, IL-1α, IL-1βand IL-17, and supplementation in then-3FAD group provided no beneficial effect on lung bacterial load or inflammation. Our study provides the first evidence thatn-3 LCPUFA supplementation has antibacterial and inflammation-resolving benefits in TB when provided 1 week after infection in the context of a sufficientn-3 PUFA status, whilst a lown-3 PUFA status may promote better bacterial control and lower lung inflammation not benefiting fromn-3 LCPUFA supplementation
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