3,428 research outputs found

    Moduli of mathematical instanton vector bundles with odd c_2 on projective space

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    The problem of irreducibility of the moduli space I_n of rank-2 mathematical instanton vector bundles with arbitrary positive second Chern class n on the projective 3-space is considered. The irreducibility of I_n was known for small values of n: Barth 1977 (n=1), Hartshorne 1978 (n=2), Ellingsrud and Stromme 1981 (n=3), Barth 1981 (n=4), Coanda, Tikhomirov and Trautmann 2003 (n=5). In this paper we prove the irreducibility of I_n for an arbitrary odd n.Comment: 62 page

    The pre-WDVV ring of physics and its topology

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    We show how a simplicial complex arising from the WDVV (Witten-Dijkgraaf-Verlinde-Verlinde) equations of string theory is the Whitehouse complex. Using discrete Morse theory, we give an elementary proof that the Whitehouse complex Δn\Delta_n is homotopy equivalent to a wedge of (n2)!(n-2)! spheres of dimension n4n-4. We also verify the Cohen-Macaulay property. Additionally, recurrences are given for the face enumeration of the complex and the Hilbert series of the associated pre-WDVV ring.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, 2 table

    Higher Loop Spin Field Correlators in D=4 Superstring Theory

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    We develop calculational tools to determine higher loop superstring correlators involving massless fermionic and spin fields in four space time dimensions. These correlation functions are basic ingredients for the calculation of loop amplitudes involving both bosons and fermions in D=4 heterotic and superstring theories. To obtain the full amplitudes in Lorentz covariant form the loop correlators of fermionic and spin fields have to be expressed in terms of SO(1,3) tensors. This is one of the main achievements in this work.Comment: 59 pages, 1 figure; v2: final version published in JHE

    On the numerical evaluation of algebro-geometric solutions to integrable equations

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    Physically meaningful periodic solutions to certain integrable partial differential equations are given in terms of multi-dimensional theta functions associated to real Riemann surfaces. Typical analytical problems in the numerical evaluation of these solutions are studied. In the case of hyperelliptic surfaces efficient algorithms exist even for almost degenerate surfaces. This allows the numerical study of solitonic limits. For general real Riemann surfaces, the choice of a homology basis adapted to the anti-holomorphic involution is important for a convenient formulation of the solutions and smoothness conditions. Since existing algorithms for algebraic curves produce a homology basis not related to automorphisms of the curve, we study symplectic transformations to an adapted basis and give explicit formulae for M-curves. As examples we discuss solutions of the Davey-Stewartson and the multi-component nonlinear Schr\"odinger equations.Comment: 29 pages, 20 figure

    On Bohr-Sommerfeld bases

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    This paper combines algebraic and Lagrangian geometry to construct a special basis in every space of conformal blocks, the Bohr-Sommerfeld (BS) basis. We use the method of [D. Borthwick, T. Paul and A. Uribe, Legendrian distributions with applications to the non-vanishing of Poincar\'e series of large weight, Invent. math, 122 (1995), 359-402, preprint hep-th/9406036], whereby every vector of a BS basis is defined by some half-weighted Legendrian distribution coming from a Bohr-Sommerfeld fibre of a real polarization of the underlying symplectic manifold. The advantage of BS bases (compared to bases of theta functions in [A. Tyurin, Quantization and ``theta functions'', Jussieu preprint 216 (Apr 1999), e-print math.AG/9904046, 32pp.]) is that we can use information from the skillful analysis of the asymptotics of quantum states. This gives that Bohr-Sommerfeld bases are unitary quasi-classically. Thus we can apply these bases to compare the Hitchin connection with the KZ connection defined by the monodromy of the Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equation in combinatorial theory (see, for example, [T. Kohno, Topological invariants for 3-manifolds using representations of mapping class group I, Topology 31 (1992), 203-230; II, Contemp. math 175} (1994), 193-217]).Comment: 43 pages, uses: latex2e with amsmath,amsfonts,theore

    Invariants of pseudogroup actions: Homological methods and Finiteness theorem

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    We study the equivalence problem of submanifolds with respect to a transitive pseudogroup action. The corresponding differential invariants are determined via formal theory and lead to the notions of k-variants and k-covariants, even in the case of non-integrable pseudogroup. Their calculation is based on the cohomological machinery: We introduce a complex for covariants, define their cohomology and prove the finiteness theorem. This implies the well-known Lie-Tresse theorem about differential invariants. We also generalize this theorem to the case of pseudogroup action on differential equations.Comment: v2: some remarks and references addee

    The modified tetrahedron equation and its solutions

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    A large class of 3-dimensional integrable lattice spin models is constructed. The starting point is an invertible canonical mapping operator in the space of a triple Weyl algebra. This operator is derived postulating a current branching principle together with a Baxter Z-invariance. The tetrahedron equation for this operator follows without further calculations. If the Weyl parameter is taken to be a root of unity, the mapping operator decomposes into a matrix conjugation and a C-number functional mapping. The operator of the matrix conjugation satisfies a modified tetrahedron equation (MTE) in which the "rapidities" are solutions of a classical integrable Hirota-type equation. The matrix elements of this operator can be represented in terms of the Bazhanov-Baxter Fermat curve cyclic functions, or alternatively in terms of Gauss functions. The paper summarizes several recent publications on the subject.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figures using epic/eepic package, Contribution to the proceedings of the 6th International Conference on CFTs and Integrable Models, Chernogolovka, Spetember 2002, reference adde

    Psychiatric rating scales in Urdu: a systematic review

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Researchers setting out to conduct research employing questionnaires in non-English speaking populations need instruments that have been validated in the indigenous languages. In this study we have tried to review the literature on the status of cross-cultural and/or criterion validity of all the questionnaires measuring psychiatric symptoms available in Urdu language.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A search of Medline, Embase, PsycINFO and <url>http://www.pakmedinet.com</url> was conducted using the search terms; Urdu psychiatric rating scale, and Urdu and Psychiatry. References of retrieved articles were searched. Only studies describing either cross-cultural or criterion validation of a questionnaire in Urdu measuring psychiatric symptoms were included.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Thirty two studies describing validation of 19 questionnaires were identified. Six of these questionnaires were developed indigenously in Urdu while thirteen had been translated from English. Of the six indigenous questionnaires five had had their criterion validity examined. Of the thirteen translated questionnaires only four had had both their cross-cultural and criterion validity assessed.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>There is a paucity of validated questionnaires assessing psychiatric symptoms in Urdu. The BSI, SRQ and AKUADS are the questionnaires that have been most thoroughly evaluated in Urdu.</p

    Analytic representations with theta functions for systems on ℤ(d) and on .

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    yesAn analytic representation with Theta functions on a torus, for systems with variables in ℤ(d), is considered. Another analytic representation with Theta functions on a strip, for systems with positions in a circle S and momenta in Z, is also considered. The reproducing kernel formalism for these two systems is studied. Wigner and Weyl functions in this language, are also studied