105 research outputs found

    Deambulações na cidade sobre a arte urbana e a moda

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    A cidade é a centralidade do mundo. Por lá se constroem realidades que espelham e alimentam o Homem contemporâneo, num exercício ora en- quanto anêur ora narcísico. Passa por essa exercitação a recon guração permanente do que somos e jogamos na própria urbe e, por conseguinte, na construção do mundo. A moda e a arte urbana são, a bem dizer, uma das suas expressões maiores e edi cantes, uma vez que nela residem e dela se alimentam, num movimento perpétuo. O texto que aqui se solta é um olhar descomprometido sobre esses dois fe- nómenos sociais de contornos variáveis e multidiversi cados. É, neste senti- do, um exercício deambulante sobre duas das manifestações mais fecundas da cidade, esse lugar de vivências e interseções in nitas.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    DNA methylation transcriptionally regulates the putative tumor cell growth suppressor ZNF677 in non-small cell lung cancers

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    In our study, we investigated the role of ZNF677 in non-small cell lung cancers (NSCLC). By comparing ZNF677 expression in primary tumor (TU) and in the majority of cases also of corresponding non-malignant lung tissue (NL) samples from > 1,000 NSCLC patients, we found tumor-specific downregulation of ZNF677 expression (adjusted p-values < 0.001). We identified methylation as main mechanism for ZNF677 downregulation in NSCLC cells and we observed tumor-specific ZNF677 methylation in NSCLC patients (p < 0.0001). In the majority of TUs, ZNF677 methylation was associated with loss of ZNF677 expression. Moreover, ZNF677 overexpression in NSCLC cells was associated with reduced cell proliferation and cell migration. ZNF677 was identified to regulate expression of many genes mainly involved in growth hormone regulation and interferon signalling. Finally, patients with ZNF677 methylated TUs had a shorter overall survival compared to patients with ZNF677 not methylated TUs (p = 0.013). Overall, our results demonstrate that ZNF677 is trancriptionally regulated by methylation in NSCLCs, suggest that ZNF677 has tumor cell growth suppressing properties in NSCLCs and that ZNF677 methylation might serve as prognostic parameter in these patients

    Three different ways of training ultrasound student-tutors yield significant gains in tutee’s scanning-skills

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    Aim: Many medical universities rely these days on trained student tutors to enable faculty-wide undergraduate ultrasound training. However, there is neither consensus on an optimal method nor any developed and agreed standard in the training of these student tutors. Usually internships and courses are employed which have both a specific set of advantages and disadvantages. We conducted a prospective quasi-randomized study of assess the effects of three types of tutor training on the resulting improvement in scanning skills of their tutees.Methods: Three batches of student tutors were trained by a course only (C-group), by an internship only (I-group) or by a course and an internship (CI-group). The respective gains in ultrasound scanning skills of the tutees were measured prospectively. A total 75 of the 124 5th year medical students (60.5%) who attended the mandatory ultrasound course completed both pre- and post-exams on a voluntary basis. Within a limit of eight minutes and three images, they were asked to depict and label a maximum of 14 anatomical structures. Two blinded raters independently awarded two points for each label with an identifiable structure and one point for each label with a possibly identifiable structure.Results: In all three groups, the tutees improved significantly by more than doubling their pre-score results and comparably (Gains: C-group 9.19±5.73 points, p<.0001, I-group 9.77±4.81 points, p<.0001, CI-group 8.97±5.49 points, p<.0001).Conclusion: Student tutors, who were trained with a course or an internship or a course and an internship could teach scanning skills to 5th year medical students very effectively and with similar success.Ziel: Viele medizinische Universitäten bieten heutzutage mit der Hilfe von ausgebildeten studentischen Tutoren eine fakultätsweite Ultraschall-Grundausbildung an. Es gibt jedoch weder einen Konsens über eine optimale Methode noch einen verbindlichen Standard für die Ausbildung dieser studentischen Tutoren. In der Regel werden zur Ausbildung Praktika und Kurse eingesetzt, die sowohl spezifische Vor- als auch Nachteile aufweisen.Wir führten eine prospektive, quasi-randomisierte Studie durch, um die Auswirkungen von drei Arten von Tutorentraining auf die daraus resultierende Verbesserung der Scanfähigkeiten ihrer Tutees zu bewerten.Methoden: Drei Gruppen studentischer Tutoren wurden nur durch einen Kurs (K-Gruppe), nur durch eine Famulatur (F-Gruppe) oder durch einen Kurs und eine Famulatur (KF-Gruppe) geschult. Die jeweiligen Zuwächse an Scanfähigkeiten der Tutees wurden prospektiv gemessen. 75 der 124 Medizinstudenten im fünften Studienjahr (60,5%), die den curricularen Ultraschallkurs besuchten, haben sowohl den Vor- als auch den Nachtest auf freiwilliger Basis absolviert. Innerhalb von acht Minuten sollten maximal 14 anatomische Strukturen in drei Bildern dargestellt und beschriftet werden. Zwei verblindete Bewerter vergaben unabhängig voneinander zwei Punkte für jede sicher identifizierbare Struktur und einen Punkt für jede möglicherweise identifizierbare Struktur.Ergebnisse: In allen drei Gruppen verbesserten sich die Tutees signifikant, indem sie ihre Ergebnisse von vor dem Unterricht mehr als verdoppelten (Zuwachs: K-Gruppe 9,19±5,73 Punkte, p<0,0001; F-Gruppe 9,77±4,81 Punkte, p<0,0001; KF-Gruppe 8,97±5,49 Punkte, p<0,0001).Fazit: Studentische Tutoren, die mit einem Kurs oder einer Famulatur oder einem Kurs und einer Famulatur geschult wurden, konnten Medizinstudenten im 5. Jahr sehr effektiv und mit vergleichbarem Erfolg Scanfähigkeiten vermitteln

    Safe vs. Fair: A formidable trade-off in tackling climate change

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    Global warming requires a response characterized by forward-looking management of atmospheric carbon and respect for ethical principles. Both safety and fairness must be pursued, and there are severe trade-offs as these are intertwined by the limited headroom for additional atmospheric CO2 emissions. This paper provides a simple numerical mapping at the aggregated level of developed vs. developing countries in which safety and fairness are formulated in terms of cumulative emissions and cumulative per capita emissions respectively. It becomes evident that safety and fairness cannot be achieved simultaneously for strict definitions of both. The paper further posits potential global trading in future cumulative emissions budgets in a world where financial transactions compensate for physical emissions: the safe vs. fair tradeoff is less severe but remains formidable. Finally, we explore very large deployment of engineered carbon sinks and show that roughly 1,000 Gt CO2 of cumulative negative emissions over the century are required to have a significant effect, a remarkable scale of deployment. We also identify the unexplored issue of how such sinks might be treated in sub-global carbon accounting

    BAMBI Regulates Angiogenesis and Endothelial Homeostasis through Modulation of Alternative TGFβ Signaling

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    BACKGROUND: BAMBI is a type I TGFβ receptor antagonist, whose in vivo function remains unclear, as BAMBI(-/-) mice lack an obvious phenotype. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Identifying BAMBI's functions requires identification of cell-specific expression of BAMBI. By immunohistology we found BAMBI expression restricted to endothelial cells and by electron microscopy BAMBI(-/-) mice showed prominent and swollen endothelial cells in myocardial and glomerular capillaries. In endothelial cells over-expression of BAMBI reduced, whereas knock-down enhanced capillary growth and migration in response to TGFβ. In vivo angiogenesis was enhanced in matrigel implants and in glomerular hypertrophy after unilateral nephrectomy in BAMBI(-/-) compared to BAMBI(+/+) mice consistent with an endothelial phenotype for BAMBI(-/-) mice. BAMBI's mechanism of action in endothelial cells was examined by canonical and alternative TGFβ signaling in HUVEC with over-expression or knock-down of BAMBI. BAMBI knockdown enhanced basal and TGFβ stimulated SMAD1/5 and ERK1/2 phosphorylation, while over-expression prevented both. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Thus we provide a first description of a vascular phenotype for BAMBI(-/-) mice, and provide in vitro and in vivo evidence that BAMBI contributes to endothelial and vascular homeostasis. Further, we demonstrate that in endothelial cells BAMBI interferes with alternative TGFβ signaling, most likely through the ALK 1 receptor, which may explain the phenotype observed in BAMBI(-/-) mice. This newly described role for BAMBI in regulating endothelial function has potential implications for understanding and treating vascular disease and tumor neo-angiogenesis

    Using systems medicine to identify a therapeutic agent with potential for repurposing in inflammatory bowel disease

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    ObjectiveInflammatory bowel diseases cause significant morbidity and mortality. Aberrant NF-ÎşB signalling is strongly associated with these conditions, and several established drugs influence the NF-ÎşB signalling network to exert their effect. This study aimed to identify drugs which alter NF-ÎşB signalling and may be repositioned for use in inflammatory bowel disease.DesignThe SysmedIBD consortium established a novel drug-repurposing pipeline based on a combination of in-silico drug discovery and biological assays targeted at demonstrating an impact on NF-kappaB signalling, and a murine model of IBD.ResultsThe drug discovery algorithm identified several drugs already established in IBD, including corticosteroids. The highest-ranked drug was the macrolide antibiotic Clarithromycin, which has previously been reported to have anti-inflammatory effects in aseptic conditions. Clarithromycin's effects were validated in several experiments: it influenced NF-ÎşB mediated transcription in murine peritoneal macrophages and intestinal enteroids; it suppressed NF-ÎşB protein shuttling in murine reporter enteroids; it suppressed NF-ÎşB (p65) DNA binding in the small intestine of mice exposed to LPS, and it reduced the severity of dextran sulphate sodium-induced colitis in C57BL/6 mice. Clarithromycin also suppressed NF-ÎşB (p65) nuclear translocation in human intestinal enteroids.ConclusionsThese findings demonstrate that in-silico drug repositioning algorithms can viably be allied to laboratory validation assays in the context of inflammatory bowel disease; and that further clinical assessment of clarithromycin in the management of inflammatory bowel disease is required

    Analyse Transactionnelle Suisse romande – Recueil d'articles 2020

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    Articles diffusés par l'Association Suisse d’Analyse Transactionnelle – Suisse romande durant l'année 2020. Articles - Qu’est ce que l’AT apporte au monde ? - Enseignement spécialisé et AT – Entrevue - Conseil pédagogique et AT – Entrevue - L’accouchement-marathon - Les enjeux relationnels de la coopération - Les étapes de la coopération - La fosse de rösti – une mine d’or pour des expériences sur la diversité -La complexité par la diversité – Quelle signification pour la gestion des organisations ? - L’économie de l’autonomie – Les martiens ont-ils disparu ? - La coopération dans les institutions et hôpitaux – Entrevue Résumés - Le sens des valeurs que l’on porte - Interventions dans l’accompagnement professionnel de couples - Brunch entre amis - Lors des moments difficiles, l’AT nous porte - Counselling de couple avec AT et sexualité : un couple inégal ? - On devait toujours parler de tout... discussion père fille Divers - Éditorial - Prendre soin de nous durant la pandémie - Célébrons Fanita English, joyeux 104e anniversaire - Pleine conscience – regards croisés : retour sur la journée de l’ASAT-SR - Hommages à Jenni Hine - Entrevue avec Sally Cuénin - Anciens numéro
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