510 research outputs found

    The Development Of Teaching Macromedia Flash For Plane Material In Class X SMKN 1 Langsa

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    The objection of the research is to study the effect of soaking time if sredded of gadung (Dioscorea hispida Dennst) soaking in brine. The research design comprises of two factorials. Those are consentration of brine 5% and 7,5% and soaking time comprises three levels 48 hours, 60 hours, and 72 hours, The research shows that soaking time 72 hours with brine 5% and 7,5% was the safest gadung flour to be consumed. The treatment of soaking time 72 hours in 7,5% brine has 18,75 ppm HCN, 41,51% starch, 1,59% fiber, 10,8% water, 6,01% ash, 97,84 color degree and preference taste of tiwul 2,1 betweendislike and like. The treatment of soaking time 72 hours in 5% brine has 19,62 ppm HCN, 50,49% starch, 1,58% fiber, 9,64% water, 4,34% ash , 98,41 color degree, and preference taste of tiwul 2,87 between dislike and like

    Family Salafi ideology of al-Imam ash-Shafi'i in Dumai

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    The purpose of this study was to determine how the Salafi doctrinal developments in the al-Imam ash-Shafi'i in Dumai. Salafi it is one of the methods in Islam who teaches Islamic law is pure without any addition and subtraction, based on the existing law on the generation of Muhammad and his companions, after they and the people afterwards. Where previously taken samples using Snowball Sampling and get respondents as many as 26 people,  headmaster, 1 teacher and 24 students. While data collection techniques used were non-test by using observation and interview guides. This study used descriptive qualitative method. Qualitative descriptive study was designed to collect information about the actual situations present while it lasted. The results obtained are Salafi doctrinal developments in the al-Imam ash-Shafi'i in Dumai very guided by the teachings salafi doctrine. Starting from salafi indications coming from the family, neighborhood and friends faith salafi, up to the ways teachers teach Salafi teachings to students, such as delivering materials based Salafi teachings on the sidelines of learning. Almost all of the ways it is guided by the Salafi doctrine, which led to the development of Salafi teachings in the al-Imam ash-Shafi'i, the better. Religious activity was often made to increase the depth of knowledge of students against the Salafi doctrine. In addition to the learning process is based on the teachings of salafi, this study also analyzes the teaching materials namely instructional handbook used in boarding school al-Imam ash-Shafi'i with teaching materials used public schools (non salafi). There are three points of difference from both the instructional materials, namely: The difference in the end result or conclusion; Material differences general and special; and materials that are not available (taught) in public school

    Mapping the Potential and Quality of Limestone Rocks Using Remote Sensing Method (Study Case: Semanding, Sub District Tuban)

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    The mine Exploration is an activity to find the points where an area could be mined and the area is still mined, for economic value. One of the most important in the work of mining is the calculation of the estimated potential of mine. Estimation of the potential mine played an important role in determining the amount of work the quality, production, how the mining is done, even to estimate the time required to do the mining. With the advancement of technology in the field of remote sensing, computation of the vast potential of the estimation and the quality of limestone can be done using high resolution satellite image data one is Quickbird. Satellite image data can be used for a wide range of research, such as the mapping of rock quality in relation to the exploration of natural resources. Vast potential of Cretaceous rocks in Semanding sub district is dominated by the high potential of an area of 5480,479 ha. To a limestone rock quality obtained based on limestone CaCO3 levels, the most highs quality i.e. have levels of CaCO3 amounted to 6.81%


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    Hampir 70% wilayah Indonesia adalah wilayah perairan. Indonesia menyimpan potensi kekayaan sumber daya kelautan yang masih belum dieksplorasi dan dieksploitasi secara optimal, bahkan sebagian belum diketahui potensi yang sebenarnya. Hal ini mendasari akan pentingnya informasi spasial di wilayah perairan Indonesia. Fenomena naik atau turunnya permukaan laut atau SLA (Sea Level Anomaly) merupakan hal yang sering mengemuka dengan perubahan gerak relatif dari materi suatu planet, bintang, dan benda-benda angkasa lainnya yang diakibatkan aksi tarik menarik atau yang sering disebut dengan pasang surut. Saat ini telah dikembangkan sistem satelit altimetri Jason-1 yang mempunyai obyek penelitian mengamati pasang surut. Pengolahan data biner dari satelit altimetri Jason-1 dilakukan dengan menggunakan beberapa tahapan, yaitu : konversi data, pembentukan grid, dan pemodelan serta analisa trend pasang surut. Pemantauan SLA beserta trend dan analisa pasang surut dilakukan setiap cycle dalam kurun waktu empat tahun (2008-2011).Hasil pemantauan SLA (Sea Level Anomaly) dengan menggunakan data satelit altimetri Jason-1 mulai dari tahun 2008 sampai 2011 diperoleh terjadinya trend pasang tertinggi dan surut terendah di wilayah perairan Indonesia. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai pasang tertinggi pada tahun 2008 terjadi pada cycle 236 yaitu sebesar 1,9982 m di Laut Arafuru dan nilai surut terendah terjadi pada cycle 236 yaitu sebesar -3,6954 m di Laut Arafuru. Nilai pasang tertinggi pada tahun 2009 terjadi pada cycle 290 sebesar 1,9325 m di Laut Arafuru dan nilai surut terendah terjadi pada cycle 258 sebesar -3,309 m di Laut Arafuru. Nilai pasang tertinggi pada tahun 2010 terjadi pada cycle 308 sebesar 2,1511 m di Laut Arafuru dan nilai surut terendah terjadi pada cycle 297 sebesar -2,8303 m.  Nilai pasang tertinggi pada tahun 2011 terjadi pada cycle 345 sebesar 1,8402 m di Laut Arafuru dan nilai surut terendah terjadi pada cycle 348 sebesar -3,57 m. Dalam waktu empat tahun, wilayah perairan Indonesia yang mengalami nilai pasang tertinggi dan surut terendah yaitu di Laut Arafuru

    Analisis Kebutuhan Petugas Pendaftaran Di Rumah Sakit Panti Waluyo Surakarta

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    The role of the registration officer is very important because at the place of registration the patient gets the first service and provides an assessment of the quality of service in the hospital. Therefore, registration officers must be skilled, fast, precise in order to support the completeness of medical record data and provide quality services to patients. Based on the preliminary survey, it is known that there are eleven registration officers divided into three shifts. Problems that occur (1) Registration officers in each work shift consist of two officers serving outpatients, inpatients and the Emergency Room, both general patients and patients with health insurance. (2) Panti Waluyo Surakarta Hospital is the first-level BPJS Referral Hospital, with the stipulation of tiered referral BPJS regulations, the number of patients at Panti Waluyo Surakarta Hospital is increasing. (3) Officers must arrange a break schedule that varies according to the work shift schedule. Quantitative research method with cross sectional approach. The research subjects were eleven registrars and the Head of the Medical Record Installation. The object of research is the workload of Registration Officers. The results of the study are health facilities of the general hospital type with the HRK type of medical record, working time available is 88,800 minutes/year, the standard workload is 403,152, the FTP value is 15.68% and the STP value is 1.19 and the HRK requirement for registration in 2022 is calculated using the ABK method. The case is 15 SDMK. The conclusion of the study is that the need for SDMK in the registration section is 15 SDMK while now there are 11 SDMK so that it requires addition. The author suggests that it is better to add 4 SDMK so that the burden on officers is not excessive and the existing tasks can be completed properly

    Analisis Perubahan Kawasan Terbangun Kota Surabaya Berdasarkan Metode Multi Temporal Citra Landsat Thematic Mapper

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    Perkembangan kawasan terbangun yang objektif dalam wilayah perkotaan dengan pengukuran secara langsung di lapangan akan mendapatkan banyak kesulitan, membutuhkan waktu panjang dan memerlukan biaya yang besar. Untuk itu diperlukan suatu cara yang lebih praktis, lebih murah, sehingga tingkat perkembangan kawasan terbangun dapat terdeteksi. Teknik penginderaan jauh berdasarkan data citra Landsat TM multi temporal adalah salah satu cam yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk mendeteksi terjadinya perubahan kawasan terbangun pada periode tertentu, di antaranya perubahan kawasan terbangun kota Surabaya dari tahun 1993 sampai dengan tahun 1999. Cakupan wilayah penelitian pada citra Landsat TM, berpedoman dari hasil digitasi pets rupabumi Kota Surabaya tahun 1999. Untuk mendapatkan citra yang mempunyai sistem koordinat, dilakukan koreksi geometrik dengan bantuan titik kontrol di darat. Dari pembuatan contoh latihan citra Landast TM tahun 1993 dan tahun 1999 diklasifikasi dengan jenis klasifikasi terbimbing. Untuk meyakinkan kebenaran hasil klasifikasi itu, dilakukan pengecekan langsung di lapangan. Perubahan yang terjadi pada kawasan terbangun, didapat dari proses tumpang susun antara citra Landsat TM hasil klasifikasi tahun 1993 dan tahun 1999. Perubahan Kawasan terbangun dari tahun 1993 dan 1999 di Kota Surabaya,adalah seluas 2.822,487 hektar (6,844 %) dengan pertumbuhan rata-rata sebesar 1,141 % pertahun. Katakunci: PenginderaanJauh, Citra Landsat TM, klasifikasi terbimbing, tumpang susun, perubahan kawasan terbangu
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