146 research outputs found

    Do students need teacher written corrective feedback? A Case Study at Secondary School

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    This study was designed as a case study surveying thirteen students from secondary school as the research participants. The purpose of this current study is to explore ESL students‟ views toward the existence and the need of teacher written corrective feedback on their writing class. An openended questionnaire comprised seven questions adapted from Diab (2005) was employed to gather the data. The finding denotes that the participants have positive views toward written corrective feedback on their writing class even though some researchers, led by Truscott in 1996, believe that written corrective feedback is even harmful for the students. This result points to several pedagogical implications that would be discussed on the paper

    Analisa dan Dinamika Kebijakan Penenggelaman Kapal Nelayan Asing terhadap Sektor Perikanan Era Pemerintahan Joko Widodo - Jusuf Kalla Tahun 2014-2015

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menganalisis kebijakan penenggelaman kapal nelayan asing tahun 2014-2015. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif yang digunakan untuk menjelaskan implementasi dari kebijakan penenggelaman kapal nelayan asing terhadap nelayan lokal dan/atau nelayan asing dan industri perikanan. Alat analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Undang-Undang Nomor 45 Pasal 69 Tahun 2009 sebagai baian dari formasi aturan dan komitmen resmi Pemerintah Indonesia untuk mengurangi Illegal,Unregulated,Unreported (IUU) fishing di Indonesia. Hasil dari kebijakan telah membawa dampak positif untuk sektor perikanan di Indonesia. Kata kunci : IUU,Kebijakan Penenggelaman Kapal Nelayan Asing, Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan,fishery sector. The aims of this research in to analysis of The Sinking Foreign Fishing Vessels Policy in 2014 2015. This research by using the qualitative descriptive methode used to explain the implementation of The Sinking Foreign Fishing Vessels Policy for local and/or foreign fisherman and national fishery industry. The tool analysis of this research is The Regulation number 45 article number 69 in 2009 as part of national regulation formation and Indonesian government official commitment to decrease illegal,Unregulated,Unreported (IUU) fishing in Indonesia. The result of that policy has been carried a positive impact for national fishery sector in Indonesia. Key word: IUU, The Sinking Foreign Fishing Vessels Policy, The Ministry of Ocean and Fishery, fishery sector. DAFTAR PUSTAKA Creswell, J.W. 1994. Educational Research:Planning, Conducting and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research (4th ed). Boston: Pearson Education Inc. Direktorat Kelembagaan Internasional. 2003. Dalam Pengusahaan Sumberdaya Kelautan dan Perikanan. Dapartemen Kelautan Perikanan. Jakarta Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.1989. Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia. PT.Balai Pustaka. Jakarta Ensiklopedia Indonesia.1983. Ichtiar Baru-Van Haevedan Elsevier Publishing Project. Jakarta Fauzi Akhmad, 2010. Ekonomi Perikanan Teori Kebijakan Dan Pengelolaan. Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Jakarta Parsons Wayne. 2001. Pengantar Teori & Praktik Analisis Kebijakan. Edward Elgar Publishing,Ltd. Edisi Pertama, Cetakan ke-4 Moleong, L.J. 1997. Metodelogi Penelitian Kualitatif. Bandung :PT.Remaja Rosdakarya Leden Marpaung. 1993. Tindak Pidana Wilayah Perairan Laut Indonesia. Sinar Grafika. Jakarta Saad Sudirman, 2009. Ekologi Politik Nelayan. LkiS. Yogyakarta United Nations Convention On The Law of The Sea (UNCLOS) 1982. 2012. Dewan Kelautan Indonesia. Jakarta http://news.detik.com/read/2014/12/06/091518/2769424/10/ada-5-alasan-kenapa-penenggelaman-kapal-asing-tak-bisa-diprotes (diakses pada) 31/05/2015 http://koran.bisnis.com/read/20150115/270/391280/spektrum-untung-rugi-tenggelamkan-kapal-asing (diakses pada) 29/05/2015 http://www.jpnn.com/read/2014/12/06/273953/Kapal-Ditenggelamkan,-Nelayan-Asing-Jera- (diakses pada) 15/05/2015 http://www.jpnn.com/read/2014/09/04/255785/index.php?mib=beritaindeks&ky=271912 (diakses pada) 18/05/2015 http://bisnis.liputan6.com/read/2143932/menteri-susi-perketat-aturan-kapal-asing-kocar-kacir-keluar-ri (diakses pada) 18/05/2015 http://www.jpnn.com/read/2014/09/04/255785/index.php?mib=beritaindeks&ky=271912(diakses pada) 18/05/2015 http://www.rri.co.id/post/berita/122517/nasional/penenggelaman_kapal_asing_pencuri_ikan_bukan_barang_baru.html (diaksees pada) 29/05/2015 http://bisniskeuangan.kompas.com/read/2014/11/28/0530007/Soal.Penenggelaman.Kapal.Asing.Kedaulatan.Negara.Tak.Bisa.Ditawar. (diakses pada) 04/06/2015 http://www.kompasiana.com/ibnupurna/kebijakan-penenggelaman-kapal-pencuri-ikan-perlu-sosialisasi_54f3b6f6745513a32b6c7d5f (diakses pada) 29/05/2015 http://www.hukumonline.com/berita/baca/lt54816bf9b35aa/lima-alasan-penenggelaman-kapal-asing-tak-bisa-diprotes (diakse pada) 31/05/2015 http://www.voaindonesia.com/content/penegakan-hukum-kapal-asing-tak-rusak-hubungan-bilateral/2552495.html (diakses pada) 04/06/2015 http://berkas.dpr.go.id/pengkajian/files/info_singkat/Info%20Singkat-VI-24-II-P3DI-Desember-2014-69.pdf (diakses pada) 05/06/2015 http://britabagus.com/reaksi-negara-asing-saat-Indonesia-siap-tenggelamkan-kapal/ (diakses pada) 24/07/2015 http://www.djpsdkp.kkp.go.id (diakses pada) 15/06/2015 Wawancara Bapak Ashori. Perancangan Kawasan Direktorat Konservasi. Wawancara Langsung. (30-06-2015) Bapak Anto. Nelayan Muara Baru. Wawancara Langsung. (05-06-2015) Bapak Ari Prasetyo SH. Kepala Sub Bagian Perundang-undangan Bidang Kelautan Pesisir, Pulau-pulau Kecil dan Pengawasan Sumber Daya. Wawancara Langsung. (30-06-2015) Bapak Boris Frans S.S.T.Pi. Pengawas Perikanan. Wawancara Langssung Via BBM. (06-06-2015) Bapak Fauzan S.S.T.Pi. Anggota PSDKP Kendari. Wawancara Langsung Via Telepon. (06-06-2015) Bapak Sahono Budianto. Kepala Sub Bagian Hukum Organisasi dan Humas. Wawancara Langsung. (30-06-2015) Bapak Samsul Bahkri Siregar S.S.T.Pi. Quality Control Indusri Perikanan Muara Baru. Wawancara Langsung. (19-03-2015) Ibu Ferayani Gapur S.S.T.Pi. Quality Assurance Industri Perikanan Manado. Wawancara Langsung.(15-06-2015) Ibu Latifah SH. Perundang-undangan Teknis Biro Hukum Kementrian Kelautan dan Perikanan. Wawancara Langsung. (30-06-2015) Ibu Melita Agmi Mulyatna S.S.T.Pi. Quality Control Indusri Perikanan Muara Baru. Wawancara Langsung. (19-03-2015

    The Role of Resilience in Coping with Academic Stress (A Meta-analysis Study)

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    In the academic world, students who have a high level of resilience, are mentally healthier, optimistic, dynamic, enthusiastic about various things in life, and more resistant to various things including stress conditions. Many studies show that high resilience will have a positive effect on student achievement. To prove these studies, we conducted a meta-analysis of a number of articles discussing the correlation between resilience and academic stress. This article presents a metaanalysis of the correlation studies that have examined the correlation between resilience on academic stress. The result of a meta-analysis on 17 studies from 4194 subjects shows that resilience is negatively correlated to academic stress (r = -.503). The difference in the variance of correlation can, among others, be caused by sampling error (6.122%) and error in measurement of independent and dependent variables (1.449%). The results indicated that resilience negatively influences academic stress. Keywords: meta-analysis, resilience, academic stres

    Wireless transmission of metering data from a photovoltaic solar home system via global systems for mobile communication (GSM) short message service (SMS)

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    This paper focuses on the area of remote solar home system metering in an effort to bridge solar energy management in the industry with information technology (IT). A wireless platform was designed using ordinary mobile phone handsets to relay real time digital metering data from a remote PV solar home system via a GSM short message services to a central server (private computer). Here, we experimentally demonstrate the concept of a wireless data transmission of digital direct current (DC) metering data, based on simple and cost‐effective telecommunication technologies through programmed microcontroller circuits that connects to two mobile phones (client and server sets). A set of data was obtained through direct cable connection (meter‐adaptor‐PC) and also through wireless connection (meter‐GSM‐adaptor‐PC). The microcontroller at the server end extracted and decoded data from the received SMS (for wireless connection) and relayed the data to the data adaptor. The applications software in the PC downloaded the data from data adaptor and grouped it into clusters. Statistical graphs were plotted from the clustered data and real time virtual metering data was displayed at the PC. From the results, data received from the wireless transmission mode matched the real time data on the meter display but with short time lapses due to SMS delivery delays. The data from direct cable connection was highly reliable because data streamed live from the meter to the data adaptor. It was also observed that the GSM‐SMS was practical to the extent that programming errors were eliminated and the network is reliable enough to reduce data transmission inefficiencies. Further work on a dedicated, efficient, and an all‐in‐one meter with wireless transmission capabilities is required for wide scale adoption of the technology. This technology can find applications in off‐grid electrification where investors can sell power through aggregated solar home systems instead of establishing grid connected solar farms. Solar energy can also be quantified to qualify for clean development mechanisms so as to benefit from carbon finances.Key words: PV solar home system, DC power meter, GSM, data adaptor softwar

    The absorption spectra of natural dyes and their suitability as a sensitiser in organic solar cell application

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    This paper analyzes the suitability of organic dyes (hibiscus, Solanum nigrum, beetroot and eggplant) that are locally available in East Africa for low-budget dye sensitized solar cells (DSSC). The natural dyes were extracted in different ways, where the nightshade berries and eggplant were simply crushed and sieved to obtain their juices, while for hibiscus and beetroot, the fruits was boiled in water and then ethanol. The most  promising results are found from hibiscus extracted in water at 50°C, which exhibit a significantly better performance in Umpp (311.35mV),Impp (236.43.A) and efficiency (0.43%). The results also show that  Solanum nigrum is strong in terms of voltage but poor in terms of current, while Eggplant fails due to a difficult extraction process. Beetroot turns out to be a poor candidate since it contains betanin which does not chelate to the TiO2 surface of the cell. The analysis of Solanum nigrum and hibiscus mixture shows that these mixtures do not lead to a better performance. It is also observed that the process of chelating to the TiO2 shifts the absorption spectra of the dyes slightly towards lower wavelengths. The analysis of the molecular structures of betanin and certain anthocyanins shows the number of =O and -OH groups relative to the total numberof atoms per molecule is higher for most anthocyanins, so that they can connect better to TiO2 than betanin.Key words: Dye-sensitised solar cells, hibiscus, Solanum nigrum, beetroot, eggplant, complex dye- molecule

    Raman crystallinity and Hall Effect studies of microcrystalline silicon seed layers

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    Aluminium induced crystallization (AIC) was used to crystallize sputtered amorphous silicon thin films on aluminium‐coated glass at annealing temperatures ranging from 250‐520°C in vacuum. Crystalline volume fractions were measured by Raman spectrometry as a function of annealing temperature. It was shown that the crystallized films had large grains as the Raman peaks were centred at about 520 cm‐1 at and over annealing temperatures of 420°C. The three‐layer sample crystallization resulted in crystallization of the films at lower temperatures compared to the two‐layer sample crystallizations which implied a reduction in the cost of production of the seedlayer and resulting products. Hall mobilities and hole densities ranging from 17.0‐22.8 cm2V‐1s‐1and (4.7‐9.2) × 1018 cm‐3 respectively were measured. Low hole charge densities for films of the same thickness were achieved at high annealing temperatures which was an indication of less aluminium in seed layers prepared at those temperatures. Having seed layers with sufficiently low hole charge densities is desirable for application of the seed layer in photovoltaic applications.Key Words: microcrystalline, silicon, annealed, raman, crystallinity, hall‐effec

    Penyusunan Dakwaan Tunggal Jaksa Penuntut Umum dalam Perkara Tindak Pidana Memelihara Satwa Liar (Tinjauan Yuridis Putusan Nomor: 136/Pid.B/LH/2018/PN.Kbm)Penelitian ini bersumber pada putusan Pengadilan Negeri Kebumen Nomor 136/Pid.B/LH/2018/PN.Kbm)

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    Mengenai penerapan penyusunan dakwaan tunggal yang dibuat oleh Jaksa Penuntut Umum didalam KUHAP, metode pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode pendekatan yuridis normatif, data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder yang terdiri Peraturan Perundang-undangan yang relevan dan buku-buku literatur. Dakwaan merupakan salah satu syarat formilnya persidangan dalam perkara pidana dimana diatur didalam Pasal 140 Ayat (1) KUHAP, didalam Majelis Hakim mengabulkan adanya dakwaan tunggal yang diajukan oleh Jaksa dimana dakwaan tersebut tidak sesuai dengan syarat surat dakwaan yang diatur didalam Pembuatan Surat Dakwaan juncto Surat Edaran JAM PIDUM Nomor : B-607/E/11/1993, dimana Jaksa salah menerapkan delic perkara, dan hakim mengabulkan sehingga menimbulkan suatu cacat hukum pada suatu putusan . Kesimpulan yang dapat ditarik dari penelitian ini yaitu surat dakwaan Dakwaan tunggal yang disusun oleh Jaksa Penuntut Umum dalam Register Perkara Nomor 136/Pid.B/LH/2018/PN.Kbm kurang tepat dimana Penulis berpendapat dakwaan tersebut mencantumkan Pasal 62 Ayat Jo Pasal 40 Ayat 1 jo Pasal 37 ayat 2 PP No.8 Tahun 1999 sebagai dakwaan subsidair yang dimana pada intinya memiliki pembahasan dalam Peraturan Pemerintah tersebut lebih sesuai dengan tindak pidana yang dilakukan oleh Terdakwa.Putusan Nomor 136/Pid.B/LH/2018/PN.Kbm hakim juga tidak mempertimbangkan fakta-fakta hukum dan keterangan yang ada didalam maupun diluar persidangan Kata kunci :surat dakwaan, delic culpa, tindak pidana memelihara satwa lia

    Hubungan Kecerdasan Emosional Dan Umur Mahasiswi Semester I DIV Kebidanan Tahun 2017

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    Abstract: Emotional Intelligence, Age, First Semester Students Of Div Midwifery Programme. The aim of this research was to know the descriptive of the type and the level of perineum laceration on post partum mother at Klaten. This research was descriptive design. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The respondents were 48 students who are the first semester students of DIV Mdwifery Programme at Poltekkes Kemenkes Surakarta. The results of this study indicate p = 0359, where p>0.05, so it can be concluded that there is no relationship between emotional intelligence and age on the students DIV DIV Midwifery Programme at Poltekkes Kemenkes Surakarta

    Perilaku Pekerja Seks Komersial Terhadap Pencegahan Penyakit Menular Seksual Di Lokalisasi Kalinyamat Bandungan

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    Abstract: Behavior, Commercial sex workers, Sexually transmitted diseases. This study aims to reveal the phenomenon of Conduct Against Commercial Sex Workers Sexually Transmitted Disease Prevention at Localization Kalinyamat, Bandungan. This study used a qualitative design with sample collection technique is purposive sampling with maximum sampling type of sampling variation. The collection of data by using a technique Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and In-depth Interviews (WM). In this study, researchers used informants DKT 6 and 8 informants WM. Test the validity of the data was done by using triangulation. The results showed that the behavior of prostitutes on the prevention of STDs seen from most of the knowledge already know about the definition, causes, types, signs and symptoms of STD prevention, of attitudes that are divided into several categories there who agree and disagree, on the activities on the prevention largely meet health standards

    The Effect Of Pregnancy Exercise On Third Trimester Primigravida Anxiety In Dealing With Childbirth

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    Background: The first labor anxiety is an unpleasant psychological condition due to physiological changes that cause psychological instability. The condition of excessive anxiety, worry, fear without cause, and stress, causes the muscles of the body to tense up, especially the muscles in the birth path to become stiff and hard, making it difficult to expand. This study analyzed the effect of pregnancy exercise on third trimester primigravida anxiety in dealing with childbirth. Methods: Quasi experimental design with nonrandomized pretest-postest control group. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling with 34 research subjects. 17 people for the treatment group were given pregnancy exercise 8 times, and 17 people for the control group were given health education about preparation for childbirth. Results: The results of data analysis using the Wilcoxon signed rank test showed that the average reduction in the treatment group was 8.00 and the control group was 3.00. The effect of pregnancy exercise on third trimester primigravida anxiety in the treatment group with a p-value (0.000) <(0.05), while the control group with a p-value (0.180)> (0.05). Conclusion: There is an effect of pregnancy exercise on third trimester primigravida anxiety in dealing with childbirth in the Wuryantoro Health Center work area.&nbsp
