Jurnal Kebidanan Dan Kesehatan Tradisional
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    135 research outputs found

    Formulation and Physical Evaluation of the Combination Syrup of Rosella (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) and Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus)

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    Background: Rosella flowers and lemon grass are combined into one formulation, namely syrup. The syrup is a concentrated preparation made from a mixture of water and sugar with a minimum sugar solution content of 65%. Previous research has never examined the formulation and physical evaluation of rosella and lemongrass syrup. The benefits of this rosella and lemongrass combination syrup are to maintain the body's immune system, reduce high blood pressure, as a source of body antioxidants. The purpose of this study was to determine the formulation and evaluation test of formulation one and formulation two on rosella (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) and lemon grass (Cymbopogon citratus) combination syrup preparations.  Methods: The type of research used is quantitative with a descriptive design. The syrup was made with two formulations using the boiling method with the composition of rosella, lemon grass, sucrose, and distilled water. The physical test for the syrup included the viscosity test, the pH test, the organoleptic test, and then the hedonic test which included color, smell, taste, and aroma. The research was conducted at the Laboratory of Indonesia Traditional Herbals Department, Surakarta Health Polytechnic.  Results: The results of the viscosity test on the combination of rosella and lemon grass syrup were that in formula one it was 1.39 mPas and in formula two it was 1.27 mPas. The results of the pH test on formula one were 2.47 and on formula two 2.48. The results of the organoleptic syrup test for the combination of rosella and lemongrass in Formula One had a deep brown-red color, a distinctive smell of rosella and lemongrass, and a sweet and sour taste. Formula two has a red-brown color with a distinctive rosella odor and has a sweet-sour taste. The hedonic test which has the most favorable results is the formula for two aromas 67%, taste 74%, color 80%, and texture 77%.  Conclusion: The viscosity value of the two formulas is quite low and the pH of the two formulas is also low, which is less than pH 4. The taste, aroma, and texture of Formula 2 are preferred. While the colors of the two formulas produce the same percentage of preference. Recommendations for this study need to be carried out further research by changing the composition variations of rosella and lemongrass in order to obtain a pH that is in accordance with the standard.equations

    Differences Between Lemon Aromatherapy and Hypnobirthing in Reducing Nausea and Vomiting of Pregnant Women in the First Trimester

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    Backgrounds: Nausea and vomiting are discomforts of pregnancy about which 50–90% of pregnant women complain in the first trimester. Hypnobirthing and lemon aromatherapy are complementary therapies that can relax so that endorphins are produced and will reduce nausea.  Methods: The study design is a pre-experimental research method. Research conducted in June–August 2022 at Puskesmas Klaten Selatan. A total of 50 pregnant women who suffered nausea and vomiting were recruited using accidental sampling. The data collection technique uses a PUQE-24 score. Data analysis used univariate and bivariate methods. Univariate performed the distribution frequency calculation. Bivariate data analysis using the Wilcoxon test because the data is not normally distributed. Differences in nausea and vomiting between the two groups using the Mann-Whitney test.  Results: Lemon aromatherapy effectively reduces nausea and vomiting (p-value < 0.05). Hypnobirthing can effectively reduce nausea and vomiting (p-value < 0.05). We found a significant difference between the score of nausea and vomiting for lemon aromatherapy and hypnobirthing (p-value < 0.05). Both post-tests were in the range of mild nausea and vomiting, but the post-test score of lemon aromatherapy was lower than hypnobirthing, where the average post-test score of lemon aromatherapy was 1.43, while the post-test mean score of hypnobirthing was 6.43.  Conclusion: Lemon aromatherapy and hypnobirthing relaxation can effectively reduce nausea and vomiting. There is a significant difference between nausea and vomiting scores in pregnant women who are given lemon aromatherapy and hypnobirthing

    Determinant Factors Of Early Marriage On Adolescent Reproductive Health In Madura Island

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    Background: Early marriage is a problem at the national level in Indonesia. Madurese society has the second highest rate of early marriage in Madura, thus potentially causing poverty and health problems such as teenage pregnancy, labor pain, and death. This study aimed to determine the factors that influence adolescents' knowledge about early marriage. Methods: The variables in this study are gender, education, and place of residence. The analysis in this study is to predict the outcome of the dependent variable, which is categorically based on one or more independent variables. The respondents to this study were teenagers aged 15–19. The number of respondents in this study was 100 respondents with random sampling. The instrument used is a questionnaire about early marriage. With significance criteria in the range r = 0.2000.543, table r = 0.362, and a confidence value of Cronbach's alpha = 0.823. The data were analyzed with the Chi-Square test. Results: The results of the Chi-Square analysis obtained a p-value of 0.000 <0.05, which means that there is a significant relationship between education and knowledge about early marriage. Analysis of the relationship between the two variables shows an OR value of 0.09, meaning that adolescents with higher education have 0.09 times less knowledge of early marriage than adolescents with low education. Conclusion: Access to information is a problem that affects the knowledge of adolescents about the risks of early marriage, so adolescents with low education have less knowledge about the risks of early marriage

    The Effectiveness of Pregnancy Online Classes (PROCLASS) on the Level of Knowledge and Anxiety Ahead of Labor During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Background: Restrictions on health services such as prenatal checks and the Pregnant Women Class program during the COVID-19 pandemic in several regions will have an impact on the quality of services for pregnant women. Purpose: Pregnancy online classes can potentially increase knowledge and reduce anxiety ahead of labor during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Methods: Quasi-experimental and nonequivalent control group, pretest and posttest design approach Each group of 30 people (purposive sampling technique). Pre-test and PROCLASS provide material every week through videos uploaded to the WhatsApp group. The instrument uses a questionnaire (Google Form). Independent t-test and Mann-Whitney test to compare the PROCLASS and control groups. Dependent t-test and Wilcoxon test to compare the pre-and post-test in the PROCLASS group.  Results: There were differences in the pre-post test on the variables of knowledge and anxiety in the PROCLASS group, respectively (p-value 0.000). There was a difference in knowledge between the PROCLASS and control groups (p-value 0.002), with an average knowledge of 88.83 in the PROCLASS group and 85.73 in the control group. There were also differences in anxiety levels between the PROCLASS and control groups (p-value 0.000), with an average anxiety level of 28.17 in the PROCLASS group and 45.70 in the control group.  Conclusion: PROCLASS has proven effective in increasing knowledge and reducing the anxiety level of pregnant women before giving birth during the COVID-19 pandemic so that health workers can carry out the process (Puskesmas)

    The Effect of Birth Ball Therapy on the Intensity of Spontaneous Labor Pain

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    Background: Labor pain is physiological, with different intensities in each individual, and intermittent. Birth-ball exercises are more comfortable and safer in labor. The birth ball promotes maternal delivery by assisting the mother's posture and assisting the fetus's position to be optimal in order to facilitate the birth process under normal circumstances. This study aimed to define the effect of birth ball therapy on reducing pain intensity in spontaneous labor. Methods: The method of determining the framework uses PICO. Google Scholar, Pubmed, Science Direct, and Sage Journal were used to search for literature. The inclusion criteria were an original experiment study published in English in 2017–2021. The terms "birth ball" and "labor pain" were used. The database was filtered using the PRISMA method until the relevant articles were obtained, then a content review and discussion were carried out. Results: There were a total of 5 articles regarding the effect of birth ball therapy on spontaneous labor pain. This article mainly carried out birth ball therapy in first-time mothers. The assessment process used to measure pain intensity in this study used the Visual Analog Scale (VAS). Conclusion: Giving birth ball therapy for 10–20 minutes three times a week can lower pain intensity in mothers with spontaneous labor

    Ginger Stew Vs Warm Compress Toward Dysmenorrhea Intensity In Adolescent; Experimental Study

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    Background: Adolescence can be defined as a developmental phase characterized by the transition from childhood to adulthood, usually during this period marked by changes in physiology, psychology, mental, emotional, and social. The transition signs in females indicate that they are experiencing menstruation. Menstruation can cause dysmenorrhea in some individuals, leading to disruptions in their daily activities. Ginger stew compress, or warm compress, is a non-pharmacological therapy that can help alleviate dysmenorrhea.   Methods: This was quantitative research using a quasi-experiment design with a two-group pretest-posttest approach. The participants were selected using a simple random sampling technique, resulting in a sample of 44 respondents divided into two groups. The instrument in this study was an observation sheet containing the identity of the respondent, and the scale to determine the level of pain intensity experienced was the Numeric Rating Scale (NRS).   Results: This research indicates that there was a significant difference in dysmenorrhea intensity when using a ginger stew compress compared to a warm compress. The statistical analysis used was an independent sample t-test performed in the study with a p-value that was lower than 0.05 (Asymp.Sig 2-tailed = 0.015), indicating a significant difference between the two types of compresses, giving a ginger stew compress and a warm compress toward the intensity of dysmenorrhea.   Conclusion: The ginger stew compress is more effective than the warm water compress to reduce the intensity of dysmenorrhea in adolescent girls in grade 7 at 2 JHS Gantiwarno. It is hoped that the results of this research can be utilized as an additional reference regarding research on treating menstrual pain with boiled ginger water compresses and warm compresses

    Yoga To Improve Women’s Sexual Function

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    Background: Sexual function in women is closely related to women's reproductive health, if an individual experiences a disturbance in his sexual function, his reproductive function must also have problems. This sexual problem can be overcome by exercising, one of the recommended sports is yoga, Yoga is a sport that can improve sexual function and treat sexual disorders so that it can overcome sexual function problems. Aim of study is to analyze effect yoga to improving women's sexual function. Methods: A Descriptive cross-sectional, wiyh population were women who have been married, aged 20-45 years, yoga regularly. Amount of sample is 60 respondent, choosen using total sampling technique. The instrument used is the FSFI (Famale Sexuale Function Index) questionnaire, which is a questionnaire to measure sexual desire, sexual arousal, vaginal lubrication, orgasm, sexual satisfaction and pain. Data were analize using Chi-Square Test. Results: Analysis Chi Square test with p-value 0.000, its mean p value <0.05. Yoga 25 times can improve the women’s sexual function. Conclusion: Yoga is associated with women’s sexual function. Women whoare married or have a partner can do yoga regularly because yoga has benefits for health and improves the sexual qualityof women

    Factors That Affect Back Pain In Second And Third Trimester Pregnant Women

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    Background: Back pain in pregnant women in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, if not treated immediately, will greatly disturb the comfort of pregnant women and can cause complications such as moderate to severe anxiety due to pregnant women not being able to adapt to their back pain. Several factors are associated with the occurrence of back pain in pregnant women. This study aims to prove the factors that affect back pain in second and third trimester pregnant women. Methods: This research was a cross sectional design. The sample was 30 pregnant women in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters experiencing back pain determined by using the total population sampling technique with the following inclusion and exclusion criteria. Back pain felt by pregnant women was stated in filling out a questionnaire with a pain instrument, namely the Numeric Rating Scale. The data were analyzed by statistical Odds Ratio Test. Results: The result of data analysis between pregnancy back pain with several factors are as follows: the OR value of mother age factor was 0.464. The OR value of gestational age factor was 0.571. The occupation’s  OR value was 0.762. The parity’s OR value was 0.242. The religion’s OR value was 0.464. The OR value of gender was 1.000.  The OR value of history of lifting heavy objects was 1.833. The OR value of history of excessive bending was 13.000.  The yoga exercise’s OR value was 0.143. Conclusion: History of excessive bending has the greatest risk of back pain in pregnant women

    The Effect Water Consumption On Reduction Of Leukocyte And Nitrite Levels Of Pregnant Women's Urine

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    Background: The incidence of asymptomatic bacteria in the population of pregnant women is around 70%, and the assessment of mortality in the world is similar. One effort that can be made is by consuming water in sufficient quantities to help rinse and dilute urine. This study aimed to analyze differences in urine levels (leukocytes and nitrite) as an indicator of asymptomatic bacteria before and after being given treatment. Methods: This study used a quasi-experimental design with a pre-post-test control group approach. A sample of 32 people was divided into two groups. The intervention group was given scheduled water consumption treatment, and the control group was given an educational intervention related to water consumption. The sample selection using a survey technique means that all pregnant women are tested for urine, and those who meet the inclusion criteria are selected as respondents. This research was conducted in the working area of the West Sorong Health Center, involving 32 respondents who were divided into 2 groups. Collecting data using observation sheets Analysis using the Chi-Square test Results: There was a significant effect on the nitrite value (p-value 0.022) in pregnant women who consumed scheduled water, but it did not significantly affect the leukocyte value (p-value 0.904). Conclusion: Pregnant women who consume water regularly (2 liters a day) will have lower levels of nitrite and leukocytes than pregnant women who do not consume water on a scheduled basis

    Adolescent Sexual Behavior In The Era Of The Industrial Revolution 4.0

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    Background: The index of adolescent knowledge about reproductive health has increased. Ease of accessing information is an important point in increasing adolescent knowledge about reproductive health, but the use of social media without parental supervision can also lead to risky sexual behavior. In this study, the author aims to determine adolescent knowledge about reproductive health, access to social media as a source of information, and sexual behavior in adolescents in Klaten. Methods: The design in this study is a cross-sectional qualitative research. The population is adolescents aged 16-18 years in the Klaten Regency area. The sample in this study were 96 samples years by using non-probability method sampling count by lemeshow formula selected based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria through youth organizations. The instrument used was questionnaire consist of 4 indicators (usage of social media, source of health reproduction information, knowledge of health reproduction, sex behavior. After validity and reliability test, the questionnaire obtained 30 questions. Data  was collected online by using google forms. Analysis data procedure was using chi square and logistic regressionanalysis techniques. Results: The most respondents aged 18 years (48.60%), female gender (88.78%), accessed social media for 7-12 hours as much as 57.01%, all respondents accessed search engines and whatsapp, the majority of respondents received Information about reproductive health from the internet is 90.65%, 59.81% of respondents' parents have a role in discussing reproductive health, 83.18% of respondents have good knowledge about reproductive health, 85.98 % respondents have risky sexual behavior. Conclusion: The role of parents and the duration of adolescents accessing social media has a significant relationship in adolescent sexual behavior


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