19 research outputs found

    POTENSI PENGEMBANGAN EKOWISATA MANGROVE DI KAMPUNG TANJUNG BATU, KECAMATAN PULAU DERAWAN, KABUPATEN BERAU (Potential Development of Mangrove Ecotourism in Tanjung Batu Village, Derawan Island District, Berau Regency)

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    ABSTRAKJasa lingkungan berupa ekowisata pada kawasan hutan mangrove di Tanjung Batu, Kabupaten Berau, Provinsi Kalimantan Timur merupakan salah satu potensi sumber daya alam yang belum banyak dimanfaatkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis potensi pengembangan ekowisata mangrove di Kampung Tanjung Batu berdasarkan penilaian kondisi obyek daya tarik wisata alam, persepsi wisatawan dan masyarakat, serta potensi nilai ekonomi yang dimiliki. Metode penelitian yang digunakan melalui observasi, wawancara terstruktur, dan studi pustaka. Analisis data obyek daya tarik wisata alam dilakukan melalui skoring dan pembobotan, persepsi wisatawan dan masyarakat dilakukan secara deskriptif, sedangkan potensi nilai ekonomi berdasarkan pada nilai kesediaan membayar (Willingness to Pay/WTP). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kawasan hutan mangrove Tanjung Batu prospektif untuk dikembangkan sebagai destinasi ekowisata dengan skor total daya tarik wisata alam berada pada kategori tinggi. Persepsi wisatawan dan masyarakat sekitar mendukung penuh upaya pengembangan ekowisata dengan potensi nilai ekonomi diperkirakan sebesar Rp. 1.423.914.894 tiap tahun. ABSTRACTEnvironmental services in the form ecotourism at mangrove forest of Tanjung Batu, Berau District, East Kalimantan Province is one of the natural resources that have not been used. The aim of this study was to analyze the potential of ecotourism development in mangrove forest of Kampung Tanjung Batu which is based on rating natural tourist attraction object, the perception of tourists and local community, as well as potential economic value. Data were collected through observation, interviews, and study of related literature. Natural tourist attraction object analysis was conducted by the scoring, whereas the perception of tourists and local community by descriptive method, and economic value based on willingness to pay. The result of study showed that mangrove forest area of Tanjung Batu prospective to be developed as an ecotourism destination with a total score of natural attractions that were in the high category. The perception of tourists and the local community fully supports the efforts of ecotourism development with potential economic value was estimated at Rp. 1.423.914.894 per annum


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    Abstrak Orang utan (Pongo pygmaeus morio) merupakan salah satu primata dilindungi. Sebagian populasinya dapat ditemukan pada Kawasan Reklamasi Pasca Tambang Batubara (KRPT) di PT. Kaltim Prima Coal Sangatta. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis karakteristik vegetasi habitat orang utan di sekitar PT. Kaltim Prima Coal. Metode pengumpulan data vegetasi menggunakan kombinasi jalur berpetak. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa karakteristik vegetasi habitat orang utan di tiga lokasi KRPT terdiri dari 40 jenis tumbuhan. Sekitar 41-45% di antaranya merupakan jenis tumbuhan yang dimakan oleh orang utan. Nilai indeks keanekaragaman jenis vegetasi (H’) berkisar 1,00-1,09; indeks dominansi (D’) berkisar 0,14-0,40; dan indeks keseragaman (E’) berkisar 0,91-0,99. Vegetasi pada strata pertumbuhan semai dikuasai oleh paku resam (Dicranopteris linearis) dan ilalang (Imperata cylindrica). Strata pertumbuhan pancang cenderung dikuasai oleh jenis Leea indica dan Flemingia congesta. Sementara itu, vegetasi strata pohon dikuasai oleh jenis tanaman reklamasi yaitu Cassia siamea dan Cassia suratensis. Pola regenerasi vegetasi belum berjalan dengan normal, namun proses suksesi telah berjalan dengan hadirnya jenis-jenis alami. Karakteristik vegetasi tidak ideal bagi habitat orang utan. Peningkatan daya dukung habitat perlu dilakukan melalui pengembangan koridor vegetasi antar fragmen hutan tersisa. Abstract Orang utan (Pongo pygmaeus morio) is one of the protected primates. Some of their population might be found in the Mine Closure Area (MCA) at PT. Kaltim Prima Coal Sangatta. The aim of this research was to analyze the characteristics of the vegetation of their habitat at PT. Kaltim Prima Coal. Data was collected by using a combination of line-plot sampling method. The results showed that vegetation characteristic of orang utan habitat in three locations of MCA consisted of 40 plants species, which 41-45% of the plant species were fed by orang utan. Diversity index (H'), dominance index (D') and evenness index (E') were by 1.09-1.00, 0.14-0.40, and 0.91-0.99, respectively. The vegetation on the seedling stage was dominated by Dicranopteris linearis and Imperata cylindrica. The sapling stage was dominated by Leea indica and Flemingia congesta. Meanwhile, the tree stage was dominated by reclamation plants that were Cassia siamea and Cassia suratensis. The regeneration pattern of vegetation has not run normally but the succession process has been starting that indicated by the presence of species naturally. Vegetation characteristics were not ideal for orang utan habitat. Increasing carrying capacity needs to be carried out by developing vegetation corridors among the remaining forest fragments

    Efforts to improve ecotourism management for bekantan conservation from visitors’ perspectives: a case study in Balikpapan East Kalimantan

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    The two fragmented mangrove forests, located in Graha Indah (HMGI) and Margomulyo (HMM) Balikpapan (East Kalimantan), are important habitats for Bekantan, an endemic and endangered animal species in Indonesian Borneo. The local government has put some conservation efforts by promoting those locations as the tourist destinations but they are not optimally well managed. This research aims to determine the visitors’ profiles, perceptions, and potential ticket funding by using questionnaires. Visitors’ ticket funding preference was obtained using the Willingness to Pay (WTP) method and analyzed using multiple regression analysis. Visitors’ profiles and perceptions were analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the visitors’ WTP in HMM and HMGI were Rp9.258 and Rp13.980, respectively, strongly influenced by income, type of jobs, and visiting frequency in HMGI. Meanwhile, HMM visitors were dominated by students (63%), with 11-20 years old by age (58%). On the other hand, the visitors’ occupation in HMGI was more varied i.e. private sectors (27%), students (27%) and civil servants (24%), with 21-30 years old by age (35%). Most of the visitors were from the city of Balikpapan that reached, 76% and 62% in HMM and HMGI, respectively. Potential funding from visitors cannot be estimated due to the lack of accurate data on the annual number of visitors. Internet and social media are potential methods to promote ecotourism in both places as well as promoting mangrove and bekantan conservation

    Regenerasi alami semai mangrove di areal terdegradasi Taman Nasional Kutai: Natural regeneration of mangrove seedlings in degraded area of Kutai National Park

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    Natural regeneration of seedlings in mangrove forest is an important part of the secondary succession process. This research aimed to analyze the natural regeneration that occured in degraded areas of Kutai National Park, particularly in Bontang and Sangkima. Data collected was the presence of natural mangrove seedlings and measurement of environmental parameter i.e. soil and sea water. Vegetation inventory was conducted establishing plots placed intentionally (purposive sampling) at rehabilitation plot area of Bontang (0,98 ha) and Sangkima (1,04 ha). Composite soil samples were taken from five points in the plots at two different soil depths: 0-30 cm and 31-61 cm. Water samples of 200 ml were collected from the plots. The results of this study showed that at both locations six species of mangrove seedling were found. Bontang area consist of Acrostichum aureum, Scyphiphora hydrophyllacea, Rhizophora apiculata and also Ceriops tagal species. Meanwhile, in Sangkima area species was identified as: Sonneratia alba, Rhizophora apiculata, and Rhizophora mucronata. Distribution of seedlings mangrove at Bontang area has strong positive correlation with environmental parameter of soil texture (silt and clay), soil chemical (CEC, N, C, Na, Ca), tides, and water chemical (salinity, NO3 and COD). In other hand, seedlings distribution in the Sangkima area have strong positive correlation with environmental parameters of soil texture (sand) and water chemicals (Mg, Al, pH, COD, BOD, DO, and TSS). In order to speed up of the restoration in degraded areas of Kutai National Park mangrove forest, it was need attention to suitability aspects of each species based on the environmental conditions of each site

    Efforts to Improve Ecotourism Management for Bekantan Conservation From Visitors\u27 Perspectives: a Case Study in Balikpapan East Kalimantan

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    The two fragmented mangrove forests, located in Graha Indah (HMGI) and Margomulyo (HMM) Balikpapan (East Kalimantan), are important habitats for Bekantan, an endemic and endangered animal species in Indonesian Borneo. The local government has put some conservation efforts by promoting those locations as the tourist destinations but they are not optimally well managed. This research aims to determine the visitors\u27 profiles, perceptions, and potential ticket funding by using questionnaires. Visitors\u27 ticket funding preference was obtained using the Willingness to Pay (WTP) method and analyzed using multiple regression analysis. Visitors\u27 profiles and perceptions were analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the visitors\u27 WTP in HMM and HMGI were Rp9.258 and Rp13.980, respectively, strongly influenced by income, type of jobs, and visiting frequency in HMGI. Meanwhile, HMM visitors were dominated by students (63%), with 11-20 years old by age (58%). On the other hand, the visitors\u27 occupation in HMGI was more varied i.e. private sectors (27%), students (27%) and civil servants (24%), with 21-30 years old by age (35%). Most of the visitors were from the city of Balikpapan that reached, 76% and 62% in HMM and HMGI, respectively. Potential funding from visitors cannot be estimated due to the lack of accurate data on the annual number of visitors. Internet and social media are potential methods to promote ecotourism in both places as well as promoting mangrove and bekantan conservation

    Vegetation Structure, Composition, and Soil Properties of Dry Land on Islands in Balikpapan Bay, East Kalimantan

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       Some small islands in Balikpapan Bay consist of dry land which may have different vegetation structure and composition. Our study was the first to uncover vegetation conditions and soil proper-ties of dry land on small islands in Balikpapan Bay, which has never been conducted before. The research was carried out on Kalawasan and Karantina islands. Information on vegetation was obtained by applying a line transect method. Data on soil properties were col-lected by setting up 3 sampling plots in each transect of vegetation. Parameters used for analysing vegetation including relative densi-ty, relative frequency, relative dominance, Shannon-Wiener diversi-ty index, evenness index, and similarity index. Meanwhile, data on soils were analysed descriptively. Trees on Kalawasan island were comprised of 241 individuals belonging to 21 species. There were 61 individuals (22 species) of trees on Karantina island. The diver-sity index of trees on Kalawasan and Karantina island was 2.55 and 2.72, respectively. The tree evenness index was 0.84 on Kalawasan island and 0.88 on Karantina island. The index of similarity for trees between the two islands was 0.21. Furthermore, the soil character-istics on Kalawasan and Karantina islands showed similarities. In general, soil in Kalawasan and Karantina islands could be catego-rised as marginal soil which was common in East Kalimantan. Con-sidering the rapid loss of tropical forests in the mainland of Kali-mantan indicates that the small islands of Balikpapan Bay play an important role in future biodiversity conservation in East Kalimantan.

    Natural regeneration of mangrove seedlings in degraded area of Kutai National Park

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    Natural regeneration of seedlings in mangrove forest is an important part of the secondary succession process. This research aimed to analyze the natural regeneration that occured in degraded areas of Kutai National Park, particularly in Bontang and Sangkima. Data collected was the presence of natural mangrove seedlings and measurement of environmental parameter i.e. soil and sea water. Vegetation inventory was conducted establishing plots placed intentionally (purposive sampling) at rehabilitation plot area of Bontang (0,98 ha) and Sangkima (1,04 ha). Composite soil samples were taken from five points in the plots at two different  soil depths: 0-30 cm and 31-61 cm. Water samples of 200 ml were collected from the plots. The results of this study showed that at both locations  six species of mangrove seedling were found. Bontang area consist of Acrostichum aureum,  Scyphiphora hydrophyllacea, Rhizophora apiculata and also Ceriops tagal species. Meanwhile, in Sangkima area species was identified as: Sonneratia alba, Rhizophora apiculata, and Rhizophora mucronata. Distribution of seedlings mangrove at Bontang area has strong positive correlation with environmental parameter of soil texture (silt and clay), soil chemical (CEC, N, C, Na, Ca), tides, and water chemical (salinity, NO3 and COD). In other hand, seedlings distribution in the Sangkima area have strong positive correlation with environmental parameters of soil texture (sand) and water chemicals (Mg, Al, pH, COD, BOD, DO, and TSS). In order to speed up of the restoration in degraded areas of Kutai National Park mangrove forest, it was need attention to suitability aspects of each species based on the environmental conditions of each site

    Bryophyte Diversity in Mount Prau, Blumah Village, Central Java

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    Bryophytes are a major component of the ecosystem in Indonesia. Due to their sensitiveness, the abundance and diversity of bryophytes in an ecosystem are influenced by environmental conditions. This study aimed to determine the diversity of bryophytes based on ecological parameters in the village of Blumah Kecaman Plantungan, Kendal Regency which is directly adjacent to the Mount Prau protected forest, Central Java. The data collection method used was the exploratory method and the descriptive exploratory method with survey techniques. Observation was carried out by exploring an area of  3 kilometers, every 1 km distance. An observation station was made consisting of station 1 Jiwan hamlet, station 2 Garung, and station 3 at Cengkek and Gondan springs. The specimens were identified based on taxonomic literature. Each species was collected as a specimen for further identification in the laboratory. Abiotic environment parameters such as temperature, humidity, altitude, light intensity, pH and slope were observed. The results showed that Blumah village still has high plant diversity, especially bryophytes. The more humid, the higher the place, the lower the temperature and light intensity, the more species diversity. Based on the identification results, 21 species were recorded, which includes 15 species of mosses, 4 species of liverworts, and 2 species of hornworts. The index value of bryophyte species diversity was in the medium category, and the index value of species richness and species dominance were at low levels

    Keanekaragaman Jenisdan Struktur VegetasiMangrove di Desa Sidodadi Kecamatan Padang Cermin Kabupaten Pesawaran, Provinsi Lampung

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    ABSTRACT Both diversity and vegetation structure of mangrove at the Village of Sidodadi, Disctric of Padang Cermin, Regency of Pesawaran, Lampung have been studied. This study applied transects across beach line covering 1.83ha areas and used quadrats as sampling units in collecting mangrove data. The result showed that Sidodadi mangrove forest contained 22 mangrove species which consisted of 10 major mangrove, 4 minor mangrove and 8 associates species. Shannon-Wiener Diversity index was H’= 0.77 (seedling), H’=0,83 (sapling) and H’=0.96 (tree). Meanwhile, mangrove at all level of growth was dominated by both RhizohoraapiculataBlume and Rhizophorastylosa Griff. According to important value index (IVI), Rhizohoraapiculata Blume was dominant at level of tree, however Rhizophorastylosa Griff. was prevailing at sapling and seedling, as it IVI values were 104.57% and 68.60%, respectively. Key words:Mangrove, vegetation structure, density, Sidodad