284 research outputs found

    The Idea of Feudalism, from the Philosophes to Karl Marx

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    The title of this conference -'Feudalism: a comparative study in social and political structures of pre-industrial societies', emphasises the inter-disciplinary approach of our Association. We wish to break down artificial barriers and constraints put upon us by the very organisation of our universities. There are here historians, political scientists, anthropologists, linguists, literary critics and philosophers

    Designing policies in uncertain contexts: Entrepreneurial capacity and the European Emission Trading Scheme

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    The paper focuses on enterprising agents in policy formulation and design by looking at their capacity of dealing with different levels of uncertainty. In climate policy specifically, different degrees and types of uncertainties pose a challenge to policymakers. Policy entrepreneurs and the combination of their analytical, operational and political competences are a relevant component in reducing ambiguity in policy design and translating broad policy goals to operational programmes and specific policy instruments. Using the case of the European Emission Trading Scheme, we suggest that the success of policy entrepreneurs in catalysing policy change is determined by their capacity to work against multiple kinds of uncertainty. This ‘uncertainty mitigating’ capacity on the part of policy entrepreneurs rests significantly on balancing managerial expertise and political acumen. We conclude that entrepreneurial capacity goes beyond current definitions in the literature, involving the balance among analytical, operational and political competences to navigate a politicized policy context.The politics and administration of institutional chang

    Groundwater depletion causing reduction of baseflow triggering Ganges river summer drying

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    In summer (pre-monsoon) of recent years, low water level among the last few decades, has been observed in several lower Indian reaches of the Ganges (or Ganga) river (with estimated river water level depletion rates at the range of −0.5 to −38.1 cm/year between summers of 1999 and 2013 in the studied reaches). Here, we show this Ganges river depletion is related to groundwater baseflow reduction caused by ongoing observed groundwater storage depletion in the adjoining Gangetic aquifers (Ganges basin, −0.30 ± 0.07 cm/year or −2.39 ± 0.56 km3/year). Our estimates show, 2016-baseflow amount (~1.0 × 106 m3/d) has reduced by ~59%, from the beginning of the irrigation-pumping age of 1970s (2.4 × 106 m3/d) in some of the lower reaches. The net Ganges river water reduction could jeopardize domestic water supply, irrigation water requirements, river transport, ecology etc. of densely populated northern Indian plains. River water reduction has direct impact on food production indicating vulnerability to more than 100 million of the population residing in the region. The results of this study could be used to decipher the groundwater-linked river water depletion as well as the regional water security in other densely populated parts of the globe

    Scale free networks from a Hamiltonian dynamics

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    Contrary to many recent models of growing networks, we present a model with fixed number of nodes and links, where it is introduced a dynamics favoring the formation of links between nodes with degree of connectivity as different as possible. By applying a local rewiring move, the network reaches equilibrium states assuming broad degree distributions, which have a power law form in an intermediate range of the parameters used. Interestingly, in the same range we find non-trivial hierarchical clustering.Comment: 4 pages, revtex4, 5 figures. v2: corrected statements about equilibriu

    Magnetic relaxation phenomena and cluster glass properties of La{0.7-x}Y{x}Ca{0.3}MnO{3} manganites

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    The dynamic magnetic properties of the distorted perovskite system La{0.7-x}Y{x}Ca{0.3}MnO{3} (0 <= x <= 0.15) have been investigated by ac-susceptibility and dc magnetization measurements, with emphasis on relaxation and aging studies. They evidence for x >= 0.10 the appearance of a metallic cluster glass phase, that develops just below the ferromagnetic transition temperature. The clusters grow with decreasing temperature down to a temperature T(f0) at which they freeze due to severe intercluster frustration. The formation of these clusters is explained by the presence of yttrium induced local structural distortions that create localized spin disorder in a magnetic lattice where double-exchange ferromagnetism is dominant.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Heavy--light mesons in a bilocal effective theory

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    Heavy--light mesons are described in an effective quark theory with a two--body vector--type interaction. The bilocal interaction is taken to be instantaneous in the rest frame of the bound state, but formulated covariantly through the use of a boost vector. The chiral symmetry of the light flavor is broken spontaneously at mean field level. The framework for our discussion of bound states is the effective bilocal meson action obtained by bosonization of the quark theory. Mesons are described by 3--dimensional wave functions satisfying Salpeter equations, which exhibit both Goldstone solutions in the chiral limit and heavy--quark symmetry for mQ→∞m_Q\rightarrow\infty. We present numerical solutions for pseudoscalar DD-- and BB--mesons. Heavy--light meson spectra and decay constants are seen to be sensitive to the description of chiral symmetry breaking (dynamically generated vs.\ constant quark mass).Comment: (34 p., standard LaTeX, 7 PostScript figures appended) UNITUE-THEP-17/9

    Photo-production of Nucleon Resonances and Nucleon Spin Structure Function in the Resonance Region

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    The photo-production of nucleon resonances is calculated based on a chiral constituent quark model including both relativistic corrections H{rel} and two-body exchange currents, and it is shown that these effects play an important role. We also calculate the first moment of the nucleon spin structure function g1 (x,Q^2) in the resonance region, and obtain a sign-changing point around Q^2 ~ 0.27 {GeV}^2 for the proton.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figure

    Landau-Zener-Stuckelberg interferometry

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    A transition between energy levels at an avoided crossing is known as a Landau-Zener transition. When a two-level system (TLS) is subject to periodic driving with sufficiently large amplitude, a sequence of transitions occurs. The phase accumulated between transitions (commonly known as the Stuckelberg phase) may result in constructive or destructive interference. Accordingly, the physical observables of the system exhibit periodic dependence on the various system parameters. This phenomenon is often referred to as Landau-Zener-Stuckelberg (LZS) interferometry. Phenomena related to LZS interferometry occur in a variety of physical systems. In particular, recent experiments on LZS interferometry in superconducting TLSs (qubits) have demonstrated the potential for using this kind of interferometry as an effective tool for obtaining the parameters characterizing the TLS as well as its interaction with the control fields and with the environment. Furthermore, strong driving could allow for fast and reliable control of the quantum system. Here we review recent experimental results on LZS interferometry, and we present related theory.Comment: 34 single-column pages, 11 figure

    Relativistic Three-Dimensional Two- and Three-Body Equations on a Null Plane and Applications to Meson and Baryon Regge Trtajectories

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    We start from a field-theoretical model of zero range approximation to derive three-dimensional relativistic two- and three-body equations on a null plane. We generalize those equations to finite range interactions. We propose a three-body null-plane equation whose form is different from the one presented earlier in the framework of light-cone dynamics. We discuss the choices of the kernels in two- and three-body cases and apply our model to the description of meson and baryon Regge trajectories. Our approach overcomes some theoretical and phenomenological difficulties met in preceding relativized treatments of the three-body problem.Comment: 35 pages LaTex, 6 figs (available from [email protected]
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