147 research outputs found

    The role of local languages in teaching mathematics in the bridging class (grade 3) within South Wahgi area of Jiwaka Province, Papua New Guinea

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    Knowledge can be perceived to be constructed personally without external physical or social influence (Von Glasserfield, 1995). To think this way does not do justice to the potential of human knowledge, which could also be shared through communication in situations such as schooling and thus become a group possession (Mercer, 1995). In schools, communication is the vital link between teaching and learning. If learning is achieved only as a result of personal cognition, it would deny the important roles of teaching, a communication process that aims at guiding learning (Vygotsky, 1986). Teachers use language as the primary medium for achieving this task. As Mercer (1995) indicates, teachers’ language-use in the teaching process guides knowledge-construction that often results in effective learning. However, most classrooms in the world are multilingual (Clarkson, 2006), and how communication occurs within these classrooms becomes even more complex. According to bilingual theory, balanced bilinguals or multilinguals (able to speak all languages fluently) have the advantage of enhanced cognitive processes, compared to other students (Cummins, 1985). The students that were part of this study were in grade 3, the first grade of the bottom-up primary schooling in the Wahgi area of Jiwaka province, Papua New Guinea. They were in an additive stage of their language development: learning English as an additional language to other fluently spoken languages: Wahgi and Pidgin. The government of Papua New Guinea, which had been using an English-only policy for teaching, recognized this challenge tolearning. In 1992, the policy changed, and the new language policy recommended a ‘bridging process’ at the lower primary sector. This meant that a fluently spoken local language should be used as a resource to help these unbalanced-language multilingual students learn effectively. In this study the learning they engaged with was mathematics. This study aimed to assess this policy by specifically studying the educational role of the local languages when alternated purposefully as a resource through code-switching during the teaching process. The study observed eight teachers in ‘bottom-up’ primary schools within South-Wahgi speaking areas of Jiwaka province, Papua New Guinea. These teachers all used the local languages and English in their teaching. The study found the purpose of code-switching and alternating the local language was mainly to enhance the teaching process, increasing the potential for effectively guiding unbalanced multilingual students in mathematics lessons. The teachers believed and showed through their teaching processes that, in order to guide unbalanced multilingual grade 3 students in learning mathematical English and mathematical content successfully, they needed the use of their local languages and cultural knowledge. However, the data shows that the crucial endpoint in the teachers’ minds always remained the learning of mathematics in English. This result confirmed that the new language policy for the lower primary education in Papua New Guinea, which recommended the use of the local language as a teaching and learning resource, was enhancing the teaching process. This study did not target learning through such a teaching process, but it appeared there was a greater potential for the unbalanced students to be guided effectively if teachers purposefully code-switched and used the local language as a resource when introducing mathematical knowledge expressed in English

    Asuhan Kebidanan Berkelanjutan Pada Ny. G. T Di Puskesmas Nangapanda Kabupaten Ende Periode Tanggal 24 April Sampai Dengan 09 Juni 2019

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    Latar Belakang: Asuhan Kebidanan Berkelanjutan adalah asuhan kebidanan yang dilakukan mulai antenatal care, intranatal care, postnatal care, dan bayi baru lahir pada pasien secara keseluruhan. SDKI mencatat AKI di Indonesia tahun 2016 mengalami penurunan dari 395 per 100.000 kelahiran hidup menjadi 305 per 100.000 kelahiran hidup. AKI di NTT pada tahun 2015 meningkat yakni sebanyak 176 kasus (133 per 100.000 KH). Di Puskesmas Nangapanda tahun 2019 tidak ada kematian ibu dan kematian dan bayi. Tujuan umum: Mampu menerapkan Asuhan Kebidanan Berkelanjutan pada Ny. G.T di Puskesmas Nangapanda periode 24 April sampai 09 Juni 2019. Metode: Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi penelaahan kasus dengan unit tunggal. Lokasi penelitian di Puskesmas Nangapenda. subyek penelitian Ny. G.T umur 34 tahun, G2P1P0A0AH1, usia kehamilan 38 minggu 3 hari. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan data primer dan data sekunder. Hasil: Kehamilan Normal. Melahirkan secara spontan di Puskesmas Nangapanda pada tanggal 30-04-2019 jam 05.40 Wita. Keadaan ibu dan bayi baik. Asuhan untuk bayi baru lahir dan ibu nifas dilakukan melalui kunjungan nifas 1-4, dan kunjungan neonatus 1-3. Keadaan ibu selama masa nifas baik. Ibu sudah mengikuti metode kontrasepsi suntik 3 bulan saat 40 hari post partum. Simpulan: Setelah dilakukan Asuhan Kebidanan Berkelanjutan sejak kehamilan, persalinan, bayi baru lahir dan masa nifas, dapat disimpulkan bahwa keadaan ibu dan bayi sehat, bayi mendapat ASI ekslusif, ibu sudah menjadi akseptor suntik depoprovera. Kata Kunci : Asuhan Kebidanan Berkelanjutan, Kehamilan, Persalinan, Nifas, Bayi Baru Lahir dan Keluarga Berencana

    Opportunities and challenges for private service delivery: The case of private crop protection and community animal health workers’ service delivery in Alaba Special District, Southern Ethiopia

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    CAHWs and PCPS are the two community-based private services operating in Alaba since three years. However, there was no systematic assessment of this initiatives have been made to learn lessons and develop a strategy for scaling successful experience. This research was initiated to fill this gap. Specifically the research attempted to address four important questions: i) What are the challenges and opportunities for emergence and expansion of these services? ii) What are the extent of service coverage and commercial viability to providers? iii) How do the private service providers perceive the entrance and expansion of service delivery? iv) Why some farmers use privately provided services and others don’t? The key findings of research are i) the providers are different in their supply capacity. Although the PCPS providers were relatively better capacitated with basic equipments, CAHWs are lacking the minimum critical facilities for primary animal health care provision. The providers have also perceived many opportunities yet specific to each service. Constraints perceived are also different for each service and many of them are non-technical, but are issue of policies and institutional challenges for both services and require service- specific policy and institutional arrangement to promote the service delivery system; ii) PCPS service coverage has shown the dominance of herbicide service than that of pesticide as well as pre-harvest service coverage than that of post-harvest. In CAHWs, the coverage is cattle dominated than other species with focus of antibiotic treatment than other services. Overall, service coverage is an indicator of the performance of service provider. Analysis of financial viability of the service to providers has also showed its viability even if the current costs of chemical and drugs increased by 14 and 10% for CAHWs and PCPS respectively; iii) The PCPS better satisfied the nearby PA users, whereas in CAHWs service the far PA users were better satisfied with accessibility and effectiveness of the service; and iv) The survey has also revealed that majority of users are willing to pay the said charge if it will improve their income as farmers and empower them financially. The findings imply: i) the effective demand for herbicide than pesticide and confirms the cereal crop domination of the district than cash crop production; ii) the difference in performance of providers in respective PAs and effective demand for CAHWs and PCPS in far and near PAs, respectively; iii) The proportion of those who perceived the current CAHWs charge is lower are greater than that of PCPS. This implies these users might have satisfied by the benefit they derived from CAHWs service; and iv) An increase in income is an issue of ability to pay for services. The key recommendations to seize opportunities & address challenges include: i) For the future, the providers have to focus on existing opportunities at hand and should explore effectively; ii) In response to the challenges identified, it is recommended to develop supportive services and enabling policies and institutional arrangements; iii) In order to avoid unfair competition, enforcement mechanism is vital regarding licensing and policing. PCPS is quite new, needs service standards and guidelines; iv) the service delivery should go beyond mere increase in yields into more of income generating schemes and market facilities for users in order to sustain their income and this is an important condition need to be attached to WTP

    Organizaciones campesinas y lucha contra la pobreza en la República Democrática del Congo. Hacia un nuevo enfoque de desarrollo para una resiliencia sostenible basada en la agricultura familiar en un contexto de cambio climático en Kivu Sur.

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    Este trabajo ha consistido en evaluar la incidencia y los determinantes de la pobreza en los hogares rurales del Kivu Sur, adoptando el enfoque de Alkire y Foster. La pobreza multidimensional es mayoritaria en el territorio, el 65% de los hogares encuestados son pobres. Esta incidencia de pobreza es más elevada en los hogares miembros de las organizaciones campesinas que en los hogares no miembros. Así, no sólo los más pobres son los que forman parte de estas organizaciones campesinas, sino también las prácticas y políticas de apoyo de actores de desarrollo que los apoyan son menos eficaces, menos adaptadas y poco participativas o endógenos para un desarrollo socioeconómico basado en la agricultura inclusivo y sostenible. La erradicación de la pobreza de los hogares campesinos debe recurrir a una variedad de medidas que tocan las diferentes dimensiones: diversificar la producción agrícola, financiar y desarrollar la cadena de la producción a nivel local; facilitar el acceso al mercado y a unas tecnologías agrícolas eficaces y basadas en el saber campesino, reforzar el empoderamiento de las mujeres, promover la planificación familiar y las infraestructuras públicas que permitan a los campesinos acceder a los servicios básicos, desarrollar una colaboración social que implique al Estado, sector privado y sociedad civil, etc.Departamento de Economía AplicadaMáster en Desarrollo Económico Regional y Local y Gestión del Territori


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    The North Kivu Province in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo has sporadically, and more recently, been disrupted by ethenic wars. These wars have caused displacement of people and destruction of economic resources in the Province. Many development initiatives have been arrested and others completely derailed. The Sub-Saharan Africa Challenge Program moved into the Province in 2008 and established four innovation platforms (IPs) under Integrated Agricultural Research for Development concepts, in Masisi and Rutshuru districts. The objective of this study was to identify mechanisms and strategies used by IPs to continue operating in amidst of wars and limited partner support. It is clear that the IAR4D concepts are functional even in times of conflicts, and without interventions of partners. The involvement of local authorities in the activities of IPs helped to preserve the property of the latter. The various mechanisms that were put in place to ensure continuity of IP activities included regular meetings at the antennae (sub-IP) levels, adoption of perennial crops to fight crop-raiding, moving seed stocks storage into more secure environments, solidarity among members of the IP and establishment of a communication system for securing people and property among others. It is observed that the IAR4D concept is a practical framework and a model for development of agricultural research for impact and provides a means of resilience that strengthens the cohesion of the population even in situations of conflicts.La province du Nord Kivu dans l\u2019Est de R\ue9publique D\ue9mocratique du Congo, a sporadiquement, et plus r\ue9cemment, \ue9t\ue9 perturb\ue9e par des guerres d\u2019ethnies. Ces guerres ont caus\ue9 les d\ue9placement des personnes et la destruction des ressources \ue9conomiques dans la province. PLusieurs initiatives de d\ue9veloppement ont \ue9t\ue9 arr\ueat\ue9es et d\u2019autres ont completement \ue9chou\ue9. Le programme d\u2019Enjeu de l\u2019Afrique du Sub-Saharienne a \ue9t\ue9 amen\ue9 dans la province en 2008 et mise en place pour les plate-formes d\u2019innovation sous les concepts de Recherches Agricoles Int\ue9gr\ue9es pour le D\ue9veloppement, dans les districts de Masisi et Rutshuru. L\u2019objectf de cette \ue9tude \ue9tait d\u2019identifier les m\ue9canismes et strat\ue9gies utilis\ue9s par les IPs pour continuer \ue0 op\ue9rer au beau milieu des guerres avec de supports limit\ue9s des partenaires. C\u2019est clair que les concepts de IAR4D sont fonctionnels m\ueame en p\ue9riode de conflits; et sans interventions des partenaires. Les implications des autorit\ue9s locales dans les activit\ue9s des IPs ont contribu\ue9 \ue0 pr\ue9server les propri\ue9t\ue9s de ces derni\ue8res. Les divers m\ue9canismes qui ont \ue9t\ue9 mis en place pour assurer la continuit\ue9 des activit\ue9s de l\u2019IP comprenaient des rencontres r\ue9guli\ue8res aux niveaux des antennes (sub-IP), l\u2019adoption des cultures p\ue9rennes pour lutter contre les ravages de cultures, les d\ue9placements des stocks de semences des magasins vers des lieux mieux s\ue9curis\ue9s, la solidarit\ue9 entre les membres de l\u2019IP et l\u2019\ue9tablissement d\u2019un syst\ue8me de communication pour la s\ue9curit\ue9 des personnes et des biens entre autres. Il a \ue9t\ue9 observ\ue9 que le concept de IAR4D est un cadre pratique et un mod\ue8le d\u2019impact pour la recherche agricole et de d\ue9veloppement et fournit un moyen de r\ue9silience qui renforce la coh\ue9sion de la population m\ueame en situations de conflits

    Contribution aux alternatives incitatives à l’engagement environnemental à la station Kiyaka et son hinterland Kwilu, RDC

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    The INERA Kiyaka forest station and its hinterland (located in the province of Kwilu, in the Democratic Republic of Congo) have vegetation represented by a flora characteristic of the deforestation of the forest cover and environmental degradation. This study aims to identify and characterize the problem of environmental commitment in the Kiyaka station and its surroundings on the one hand and on the other hand to propose alternative incentives to remedy it. This is interpretative qualitative research. The data collection techniques were semi-structured interviews on three groups of adult participants and immersion in the study environment. The social representations of the respondents reflect a utilitarian consideration of the environment and an indifferent and negligent attitude towards it. The inhabitants of Kiyaka station and its surroundings are resigned to waiting for the support of God or outsiders. The social representations of the participants in this research reflect educational and operational concerns to support mitigation and adaptation to climate change. To overcome this lack, incentive alternatives to environmental commitment are proposed and contextualized.[fr] La station forestière de l’INERA Kiyaka et son hinterland (localisés dans la province du Kwilu, en République Démocratique du Congo) disposent d’une végétation représentée par une flore caractéristique de la déforestation du couvert forestier et de la dégradation environnementale. Cette étude vise à identifier et caractériser le problème d’engagement environnemental dans la station de Kiyaka et ses environs d’une part et d’autre part de proposer des alternatives incitatives pour y remédier. Il s’agit d’une recherche qualitative interprétative. Les techniques de collecte de données étaient les entretiens semi-dirigés sur trois groupes de participants adultes et l’immersion dans le milieu d’étude. Les représentations sociales des répondants traduisent une considération utilitaire de l’environnement et une attitude indifférente et négligente face à ce dernier. Les habitants de la station de Kiyaka et ses environs se résignent à attendre le soutien de Dieu ou des personnes extérieures. Les représentations sociales des participants à cette recherche traduisent des inquiétudes éducationnelles et opérationnelles pour soutenir l’atténuation et l’adaptation au changement climatique. Pour pallier ce manque, des alternatives incitatives à l’engagement environnemental sont proposées et contextualisées

    Scaling up integrated primary mental health in six low- and middle-income countries: obstacles, synergies and implications for systems reform

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    Background There is a global drive to improve access to mental healthcare by scaling up integrated mental health into primary healthcare (PHC) systems in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Aims To investigate systems-level implications of efforts to scale-up integrated mental healthcare into PHC in districts in six LMICs. Method Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 121 managers and service providers. Transcribed interviews were analysed using framework analysis guided by the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research and World Health Organization basic building blocks. Results Ensuring that interventions are synergistic with existing health system features and strengthening of the healthcare system building blocks to support integrated chronic care and task-sharing were identified as aiding integration efforts. The latter includes (a) strengthening governance to include technical support for integration efforts as well as multisectoral collaborations; (b) ring-fencing mental health budgets at district level; (c) a critical mass of mental health specialists to support task-sharing; (d) including key mental health indicators in the health information system; (e) psychotropic medication included on free essential drug lists and (f) enabling collaborative and community- oriented PHC-service delivery platforms and continuous quality improvement to aid service delivery challenges in implementation. Conclusions Scaling up integrated mental healthcare in PHC in LMICs is more complex than training general healthcare providers. Leveraging existing health system processes that are synergistic with chronic care services and strengthening healthcare system building blocks to provide a more enabling context for integration are important

    Papua New Guinean genomes reveal the complex settlement of north Sahul

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    The settlement of Sahul, the lost continent of Oceania, remains one of the most ancient and debated human migrations. Modern New Guineans inherited a unique genetic diversity tracing back 50,000 years, and yet there is currently no model reconstructing their past population dynamics. We generated 58 new whole-genome sequences from Papua New Guinea, filling geographical gaps in previous sampling, specifically to address alternative scenarios of the initial migration to Sahul and the settlement of New Guinea. Here, we present the first genomic models for the settlement of northeast Sahul considering one or two migrations from Wallacea. Both models fit our data set, reinforcing the idea that ancestral groups to New Guinean and Indigenous Australians split early, potentially during their migration in Wallacea where the northern route could have been favored. The earliest period of human presence in Sahul was an era of interactions and gene flow between related but already differentiated groups, from whom all modern New Guineans, Bismarck islanders, and Indigenous Australians descend. The settlement of New Guinea was probably initiated from its southeast region, where the oldest archaeological sites have been found. This was followed by two migrations into the south and north lowlands that ultimately reached the west and east highlands. We also identify ancient gene flows between populations in New Guinea, Australia, East Indonesia, and the Bismarck Archipelago, emphasizing the fact that the anthropological landscape during the early period of Sahul settlement was highly dynamic rather than the traditional view of extensive isolation

    Phenotypic differences between highlanders and lowlanders in Papua New Guinea

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    Objectives Altitude is one of the most demanding environmental pressures for human populations. Highlanders from Asia, America and Africa have been shown to exhibit different biological adaptations, but Oceanian populations remain understudied [Woolcock et al., 1972; Cotes et al., 1974; Senn et al., 2010]. We tested the hypothesis that highlanders phenotypically differ from lowlanders in Papua New Guinea, as a result of inhabiting the highest mountains in Oceania for at least 20,000 years. Materials and methods We collected data for 13 different phenotypes related to altitude for 162 Papua New Guineans living at high altitude (Mont Wilhelm, 2,300-2,700 m above sea level (a.s.l.) and low altitude (Daru, <100m a.s.l.). Multilinear regressions were performed to detect differences between highlanders and lowlanders for phenotypic measurements related to body proportions, pulmonary function, and the circulatory system. Results Six phenotypes were significantly different between Papua New Guinean highlanders and lowlanders. Highlanders show shorter height (p-value = 0.001), smaller waist circumference (p-value = 0.002), larger Forced Vital Capacity (FVC) (p-value = 0.008), larger maximal (pvalue = 3.20e -4) and minimal chest depth (p-value = 2.37e -5) and higher haemoglobin concentration (p-value = 3.36e -4). Discussion Our study reports specific phenotypes in Papua New Guinean highlanders potentially related to altitude adaptation. Similar to other human groups adapted to high altitude, the evolutionary history of Papua New Guineans appears to have also followed an adaptive biological strategy for altitude
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