561 research outputs found

    The equations of Rees algebras of equimultiple ideals of deviation one.

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    We describe the equations of the Rees algebra R(I) of an equimultiple ideal I of deviation one provided that I has a reduction generated by a regular sequence x1, . . . , xs such that the initial forms x∗ 1, . . . , x∗ s−1 are a regular sequence in the associated graded ring. In particular, we prove that there is a single equation of maximum degree in a minimal generating set of the equations of R(I), which recovers some previous known results.Postprint (published version

    Demons Cover

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    Science Fiction, Satire and Postmodern Nostalgia: Arctic Monkeys’ Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino

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    Traballo Fin de Grao en Lingua e Literatura Inglesas. Curso 2021-2022This dissertation will analyse an album titled ‘Tranquillity Base Hotel & Casino’, released in 2018 by the British band Arctic Monkeys as a postmodernism cultural manifestation. The lyrics, imagery, topics and making of this LP exhibit some features normally identified as postmodernist. The album is a satire of contemporary society, and that was generically articulated as a work of science fiction. It has been labelled as concept album whose action is located in a hotel with a casino on the moon. In order to carry out a postmodernist reading of the work, I will have recourse to theoretician of postmodernism such a Zygmunt Bauman and Fredric Jameson, among others. Common postmodernist topics such as the fluidity of the truth, globalization, technological advances, the power of media, the blurring lines between the private and the public, or the real and the fake, are to be found in this record. Alex Turner, the band’s singer and songwriter, composed Tranquillity Base Hotel & Casino while he was living in California, with the more or less implicit intention of criticizing contemporary society at the times Donald Trump was elected for Office. He criticizes the fact that people’s lives, along with politics, seemed to have become, in a way, similar to a show. Reality seems distorted and individuals tend to isolate themselves. In Tranquillity Base Hotel & Casino, we come across with recognizable postmodernist concepts, such as hyperreality (J. Baudrillard), mcdonaldization (G. Ritzer) and ‘non-place’ (Marc Augé). One of the most recurrent themes of this record is nostalgia, which is another postmodernist concern. Linked to temporality, the album revisits the past with nostalgic tone and presents the present in a way that looks more like a dystopian future. It contains many literary and cinematographic references (such as 1984, by G. Orwell), which also makes it interesting from the point of view of intertextualit

    Assistência simples

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    Trata de técnica em que o Ministério Público do Estado do Rio de Janeiro requer a sua admissão no feito como assistente simples, demandado em ação de reparação de danos morais

    Conservació i restauració de còmic: el mètode nord-americà

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    Durant el curs 2009-2010 vam realitzar un treball monogràfic sobre conservació i restauració de còmics nord-americans per a l’assignatura de Pràctiques de Conservació i Restauració d’Enquadernació (ESCRBCC). Atès que no existeix bibliografia específica sobre aquest tema, visitàrem botigues especialitzades en còmics i vam cercar i recopilar informació d’empreses relacionades amb aquest sector a pàgines web i blocs de col·leccionistes. Ens va semblar interessant per a la nostra professió donar a conèixer aquest sector i les seves peculiaritats, i per aquest motiu decidírem sintetitzar en un article la informació recollida i les conclusions extretes

    Canonical and unconventional purposes and mechanisms

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    Selective autophagic degradation of cellular components underlies many of the important physiological and pathological implications that autophagy has for mammalian cells. Cytoplasmic vesicles, just like other intracellular items, can be subjected to conventional autophagic events where double-membrane autophagosomes specifically isolate and deliver them for lysosomal destruction. However, intracellular membranes appear to constitute common platforms for unconventional versions of the autophagic pathway, a notion that has become apparent during the past few years. For instance, in many cases of autophagy directed against bacterial phagosomes, subversion of the process results in multimembrane vacuoles that promote bacterial replication instead of the usual degradative outcome. In a different atypical modality, single-membrane vesicles can be labeled with LC3 to direct their contents for lysosomal degradation. In fact, single-membrane compartments of various kinds often provide an assembly site for the autophagic machinery to perform unanticipated nondegradative activities that range from localized secretion of lysosomal contents to melanosome function. Interestingly, many of these unconventional processes seem to be initiated through engagement of relevant nodes of the autophagic signaling network that, once activated, promote LC3 decoration of the targeted membrane, and some cases of inducer/receptor proteins that specifically engage those important signaling hubs have recently been described. Here we review the available examples of all autophagic variants involving membranous compartments, with a main focus on the more recently discovered unconventional phenomena where the usual degradation purpose of autophagy or its canonical mechanistic features are not completely conserved.Funding was provided by grants from the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación of the Spanish Government (Refs. SAF2008-00350 and SAF2011-23714), the Fundación Solórzano, the Junta de Castilla y León local government (Consejería de Educación, Ref. CSI001A10-2, and Consejería de Sanidad) and the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC; Ref. 200720I026). Additional funding comes from the FEDER program of the European Union. EB is a graduate student funded by a predoctoral fellowship from the FPU program (Ministerio de Educación, MEC, Spanish Government).Peer Reviewe

    Factor Structure of Items from the Personality Adjective Check List in a Sample of Normal Adolescents

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    We present the results of a principal-components analysis of the Personality Adjective Check List (PACL) at the item level, rather than at the scale level. The PACL was constructed by Strack (1987) to evaluate the personality scales proposed by Millon (1981). Data were obtained from a sample of normal adolescents. A scree test was applied to determine the number of factors to be extracted, and the retained factors were then rotated using a varimax procedure. Using the data from this second analysis, congruence coefficients were calculated by correlating the factor weights from the two analyses of men and women. Results reveal the existence in the whole sample of five unipolar personality factors, which we have called: Aggressive, Conscientious, Inhibited, Impulsive and Gregarious. These are not similar to those obtained from a sample of normal adults.Se presentan los resultados de un análisis de componentes principales del Personality Adjective Check List (PACL) al nivel de los ítems en vez del nivel de escala. El PACL fue construido por Strack (1987) para evaluar las escalas de personalidad ropuestas or Millon (1981). Los datos se obtuvieron de una muestra de adolescentes normales. e aplicó una prueba scree ara determinar el número de factores a extraer, y los factores etenidos se rotaron con el procedimiento varimax. Empleando os datos de este segundo nálisis, se calcularon los coeficientes de congruencia al correlacionar los pesos factoriales e los os análisis de varones y mujeres. Los resultados revelan la existencia en toda a muestra de cinco factores unipolares de ersonalidad, que hemos denominado: Agresivo, concienzudo, Inhibido, Impulsivo y Gregario. No se parecen a los factores obtenidos de una muestra de adultos normales

    Diferencias entre pacientes de Parkinson y controles en la conducta motora fina basada en la información visual y propioceptiva versus solo propioceptiva

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    Personality differences based on fine motor precision performance were studied in early stage Parkinson’s patients and an age-matched control group under two different test conditions: Proprioceptive + visual information and proprioceptive information alone. A comparative data analysis for deviations of three measured movement types (transversal, frontal and sagittal) was done for both hands (dominant and non-dominant) with relation to personality di-mensions. There were found significant differences between the two groups in decision making dimension and emotionality. After splitting the data for gender subgroups, some significant differences were found for men but not for women. The differences in fine motor task performance varied, being better in some directions for the Parkinson’s patients and worse in others. The findings may suggest that medication has both positive and negative effects on motor per-formance and provoke personality changes, being more pronounced in men.Las diferencias de personalidad basadas en la precisión de la ejecución motora fina fueron estudiadas en pacientes con Parkinson en la etapa inicial de la enfermedad y en un grupo control de edad similar bajo dos con-diciones de ensayo diferentes: información propioceptiva + visual y solo información propioceptiva. Se hizo un análisis de datos comparativo de las desviaciones en los tres tipos de movimiento medidos (transversal, frontal y sagital) con las dos manos (dominante y no dominante) y en relación a las dimensiones de la personalidad. Se encontraron diferencias significativas entre los dos grupos en las dimensiones toma de decisiones y emotividad. Después de dividir los datos en subgrupos según el género, se encontraron algunas diferencias significativas para los hombres pero no para las mujeres. Las diferencias en el rendimiento en estas tareas variaron, siendo mejor en algunas direcciones para los pacientes de Parkinson y peor en otras. Los hallazgos sugieren que la medicación puede tener efectos tanto positivos como negativos en el rendimiento motor y provocar cambios en la personalidad, siendo más pronunciados en los hombre
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