321 research outputs found

    Mekanisme Analisa Jaminan Pembiayaan Murabahah di BPRS Asad Alif Kantor Kas Boja

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    Secara garis besar, BPRS Asad Alif Kantor Kas Boja memiliki dua produk yaitu simpanan dan pembiayaan. Yang termasuk produk pembiayaan antara lain: mudharabah, musyarakah, murabahah, dan ijarah. Yang paling diminati oleh masyarakat adalah pembiayaan murabahah. Karena itu, BPRS Asad Alif mengalokasikan 90% dananya pada pembiayaan murabahah. Dalam produk murabahah dikenal analisa jaminan untuk kepentingan yuridis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ketentuan jaminan pembiayaan murabahah dan cara menganalisa jaminan pembiayaan murabahah di BPRS Asad Alif Kantor Kas Boja. Adapun metodologi yang digunakan adalah: Penelitian ini adalah penelitian lapangan (field research), yaitu di BPRS Asad Alif Kantor Kas Boja. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari data primer dan data sekunder. Data primernya berupa dokumen-dokumen dan hasil wawancara tentang jaminan pembiayaan murabahah dan cara menganalisa pembiayaan murabahah yang didapat langsung dari BPRS Asad Alif Kantor Kas Boja. Sedangkan sekundernya berupa data-data pendukung yang berkaitan dengan masalah penelitian. Data-data diperoleh dengan teknik observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Data-data yang sudah terkumpul kemudian dianalisa dengan teknis deskriptif analitis. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah: Pertama, ketentuan jaminan pembiayaan murabahah di BPRS Asad Alif Kantor Kas Boja adalah meliputi Character, Capacity, Capital, Colateral, Condition dan barang yang dijaminkan adalah meliputi barang bergerak dan barang tidak bergerak dengan kriteria tertentu. Kedua, Cara menganalisa jaminan pembiayaan murabahah di BPRS Asad Alif Kantor Kas Boja adalah: (a) Pada jaminan barang yang dipertimbangkan adalah: mencari informasi harga barang yang dijaminkan berupa harga beli dan harga jual, memperhitungkan nilai penyusutan selama penyelesaian tangguhan, dan memperhitungkan plafond pembiayaan dibanding harga nilai jual selama masa penyusutan; (b) Pada jaminan barang tidak bergerak yang dipertimbangkan adalah: menghitung luas tanah, mencari informasi harga tanah di daerah setempat dari beberapa responden, mencari informasi akurat harga tanah melalui aparat desa setempat, mengukur luas bangunan yang berdiri di atas tanah jaminan, dan menafsirkan harga bangunan yang berdiri di atas tanah jaminan tersebut


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    Islamic boarding school (Pondok Pesantren) is the oldest religious institution in Indonesia. Its existence on education by spreading knowledge that can create Muslim scholars as new generations. Islamic boarding school has identical function as a place to study religion that it is a narrowing claim with the fact, Islamic boarding school can give more contributions to build society or economy. Along the line with the spread of various issues on global economic, such as unemployment due to limited employment opportunities, so that it impacts on increasing of poverty. This research focuses on how to manage economic empowerment along with the financial management system at Pondok Pesantren Al-Ikhwaniyyah Gumukmas Jember. This research purpose is to find out the aspects mentioned in the research focus. The research method applied is the qualitative method with a case study approach. The result of this research shows that Pesantren Al-Ikhwaniyyah has been able to implement economic empowerment management along with its financial administration starts from planning, organizing, implementing, and supervising. However, the system of financial administration needs to be improved more by inviting external auditors to maintain financial governance

    Heroin addiction: the past and future

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    Substance misuse, in particular heroin addiction contributes to health and social problems. Although effective medical treatment was available, earlier efforts confined the treatment of heroin addicts to in-house rehabilitation which required them to be estranged from the community and their families for 2 years. The in-house rehabilitative programme, implemented for at least three decades has produced low abstinence rates. On the other hand, being ‘away’ meant that many heroin addicts faced employment problems and family relationship difficulties upon completing the in-house rehabilitation. However, recently, the concerted efforts by various government and non-government organisations, and the acknowledgement that heroin addiction is a medical illness has resulted in a revamp to approaching treatment of heroin addiction. At present, methadone substitution programmes have been offered as part of treatment programme for heroin addicts in Malaysia. This new programme has been shown to be effective in treating heroin addiction and would need support and cooperation from all groups involved

    The Influence of Organizational Justice Dimensions on Affective Commitment and Employees Counterproductive Behavior

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    Employees' work dynamics in companies are very diverse. Some employees have high commitments, and others are very low. Likewise, the counterproductive behavior of employees in every company is also high or low. The importance of the two factors for the continuity of company operations incites the investigation to ponder the role of the dimensions of justice on affective commitment and counterproductive work behavior of employees in Islamic Financial Institutions (LKS) in DIY. Researchers distributed questionnaires to 219 employees from several LKS in DIY with purposive sampling. The data were then analyzed through SEM-PLS, which measures the research instrument and the influence between the research variables. The results of this study indicated that only procedural and interactional justice trigger affective commitment and deviant workplace behavior, while distributive justice is unable to influence these two variables. The study contributed to LKS managers maintaining a work environment that upholds the principles of justice to increase affective commitment and minimize employees' deviant behavior

    Liminality Rituals of Interfaith Families: Symbolic Interactionism and Maqāshid Sharia Perspectives

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    This study aims to determine the dynamics of life cycle liminality rituals in interfaith families in Salatiga City and their meanings. This study used a qualitative approach with socio-juridical (socio-legal) methods. This fieldwork was conducted on interfaith families in Salatiga City. The results of this study revealed that interfaith marriages in the Salatiga City people, from the perspective of symbolic interactions, involved the mind, self, and society. The actors were influenced by interactions with other individuals and tried to share meaning with society. The cognition construction of interfaith family actors paid attention to the dimensions of society that demand the legality of a marriage. In the ritual act of liminality in the life cycle, interfaith families in Salatiga City had a fairly large tolerance. It was marked by the freedom of family members to perform rituals, whether they came from tradition or religion. In the context of maqāshid sharia, the concepts of hifdzun nafs, hifdzud dīn, hifdzun nasbi wa nasl, hifdzul māl, and hifdzul aql could be maintained as long as there was no coercion from other parties. Thus, freedom of worship and carrying out religious rituals is absolutely necessary


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    Abstrak: Proses produksi pada pabrik-pabrik industri kapur tohor di Padalarang mayoritas masih menggunakan teknologi tradisional. Teknologi tradisional ini menggunakan metode pembakaran open burning tanpa dilengkapi dengan alat pengendali pencemaran udara yang memadai. Pabrik X merupakan salah satu industri kapur tohor di Padalarang. Proses produksi kapur tohor di Pabrik X menggunakan teknologi tradisional berupa tungku tegak dengan metode pembakaran open burning serta bahan bakar berupa limbah industri tekstil dan sepatu"”RDF. Studi menunjukkan bahwa pembakaran seperti ini menyebabkan tingginya angka kebutuhan bahan bakar, lamanya proses produksi dan menghasilkan emisi gas buang yang sangat besar jumlahnya dalam satu siklus proses produksi. Guna mengatasi dampak negatif tersebut diperlukan upaya untuk membuat proses pembakaran yang terjadi merupakan pembakaran sempurna. Upaya tersebut dapat berupa modifikasi proses produksi. Opsi modifikasi proses produksi agar tidak terjadi pembakaran tidak sempurna ada dua. Pertama, penambahan fan dan recuperator. Kedua, penggunaan boiler dalam sistem proses produksi. Dengan penerapan salah satu dari kedua modifikasi proses ini energi yang digunakan menjadi lebih efisien, bahan bakar yang dibutuhkan lebih sedikit serta penurunan kualitas dan kuantitas emisi gas buang yang dihasilkan dari proses produksi.Kekurangan dari opsi 1 adalah sulitnya mengontrol proses pembakaran dan peningkatan biaya operasional produksi"”penggunaan listrik. Sedangkan kekurangan dari opsi 2 adalah kebutuhan sumber daya manusia yang terampil dan disiplin dalam operasional produksi, tingginya biaya investasi konstruksi serta adanya biaya operasional tambahan"”berupa penggunaan listrik, pembelian air boiler setiap jangka waktu tertentu, dan pembelian bahan bakar tambahan berupa gas atau cair.Kata kunci: Kapur tohor, Padalarang, polusi udara, Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF), tungku tegak. Abstract : Mostly, quicklime production process in industrial plants at Padalarang still use traditional technology. They use open burning method without adequate air pollution control device installation. Plant X is one of them. It uses a vertical kiln with open burning fire method and fuel from the waste of textile and shoes industry"”RDF. This study show that this method cause high rates of fuel needs, long duration of process, and huge exhaust emission. So, it is necessary to change the combustion process happened to be the complete combustion process. The way to change it can be a modification of production process. There are two ways of modification process proposed. First is the addition of fan and recuperator. Second is the use of steam in the production process systems. Application of one of these ways will make the complete combustion in procees production so that the process production will more efficient in the usage of energy, fewer in the need of fuel and lower in the exhaust emission. Otherwise, there are two disadvantages of the first way. They are the difficulty of controlling the combustion process happened in kiln and the increasing of operational cost"”the use of electricity. While in the second way, it will need for skilled and disciplined human resources for operational, the high cost investation for construction. Key words: air pollution, Padalarang, quicklime, Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF), vertical kiln


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    Dari berbagai macam teknologi, bidang pendidikan adalah salah satu terpenting dalam hal mencetak inovasi pada pembuatan media maupun peralatan dalam masa pembelajaran, supaya siswa dapat termotivasi dan efektif saat pembelajaran. Model kooperatif dapatlmemberikan kesempatan siswa lebih aktif dan termotivasi, salah satunya model kooperatif metode StudentlTeamlAchievement Divisionl(STAD). Dengan mengkolaborasi metode STAD ini pada media Website, siswa dapat belajar dengan efektif dan memberikan motivasi belajar siswa dalam masa pembelajaran, dikarenakan adanya suatu penghargaan yang dapat diraih oleh tim siswa bila mana mendapatkan nilai yang tinggi sesuai dengan petunjuk guru pengampu pelajaran berpusat pada kerja sama tim siswa. Berdasarkan dari beberapa hasil penelitian menjelaskan bahwa pembelajaran secara model kooperatif mendapatkan hasil positif, seperti Peneliti Bambang Hariadi mendapatkan hasil average score dari berbasis WEB dengan strategi STAD 78.12 dari 34 siswa sedangkan berbasis Teks dengan strategi STAD 71.37 daru 35 siswa, berikutnya Peneliti Chanakan Sojayapan dan Nadia Persazadeh yang sama-sama mendapatkan hasil peningkatan dari cara belajar, keterampilan dan kemandirian dalam masa pembelajaran model kooperatif. Hasil pada Studi Literatur ini akan berfokus pada pembelajaran kooperatif baik tipe STAD dan bukan bertipe STAD pada bidang TIK, mendapatkan hasil bahwa penggunaan pembelajaran kooperatif dapat meningkatkan aktifitas siswa dalam pembelajaran baik saat pengerjaan secara tim yang dapat saling menerima dan memberikan pendapat sampai dengan memiliki minat belajar dalam tim mereka sendiri

    Development of direct torque control with neural network for speed change in 3-phase induction motor

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    This project proposes a technique to develop an improved direct torque control (DTC) with neural network in order to control the speed of the three-phase induction motor. This project will developed using MATLAB software to simulate the outcome for the module designed. The NN controller have to be designed and tuned properly. This project focus on the simulation of modelling the three-phase induction motor, implementing the neural network control and comparing the proposed model to the conventional DTC. This researched proposed an ability to control a three-phase induction motor and estimates the speed of motor. NN controller is being used and implemented throughout this project to control the speed of an induction motor. This DTC control works if there is a changes in loads, the inverter switch for the motor will changes as well. Thus, a NN structure has been designed to improve the conventional DTC system. This system is being tested with load disturbance of 0.2Nm and 0.8Nm to verify its effectiveness of NN controller compared to conventional DTC controller. Previously, conventional control system used PID controller for DTC. This project proposed an improvement for this type of DTC control by using NN. The NN controller improves the torque response as well as speed response for NN for 13ms faster compared to PID-DTC

    A Fifty-year challenge in managing drug addiction in Malaysia

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    The history of substance abuse in Malaysia can be divided into pre- and post-independent era. In pre-independence, the main drug of abuse was opium which was initially consumed by immigrants from China who were introduced by the British colonialist to work in \ud Malaya. The post-independence era began in the 1960s when young adults were inß uenced by the “Hippy” subculture. At this time, consumption patterns changed where more Malays were involved in drug abuse compared to other ethnic groups (1, 2). \ud By the early 1980s, the prevalence of drug addiction increased and this increasing trend made the Malaysian government consider heroin addiction as a national threat. The national anti-drug task force was formed to control trafÞ cking and to rehabilitate addicts who \ud were involved in heroin addiction (3). Legislation was introduced where mandatory death sentence was implemented for those who smuggled more than 15 grams of heroin. Drug addicts found to be positive for heroin were forced to undergo compulsory \ud rehabilitation for two years (4). Nationwide, up to 28 government drug rehabilitation centres were established, and at any particular period, each centre accommodated up to 500 inmates. Approximately RM50 million a year was spent to run these centres (5). The centres were initially managed on a total abstinence philosophy; however this approach produced poor results. The latest survey showed that 85% of drug addicts relapsed after completing their rehabilitation at these centres (4, 6). In view of the poor results, substitute treatment with methadone was introduced recently to these centres (7).One of the visions of the Malaysian government was to create a drug addiction free nation by the year 2015. However, the increasing number of drug addicts has caused a surge in demand for rehabilitation centres, resulting in the inability of these centres to cope. For example, the number of drug addicts increased by 1% from year 2001 to 2002, but the number of drug addicts detected in year 2003 was 36,996, a 16% jump from the previous year (31,893). Furthermore, the National Drug Agency reported that 45% of the cases were repeat addicts. As for distribution of new cases, by ethnic group the Malays constituted 71%, Chinese 10.6% and Indian 8.2%. The majority (70%) were in the socially and economically most productive age group (20-39 years) and almost 98% of the addicts who occupied these rehabilitation centres were male. Currently, the number of drug users in the country is estimated to be 250,000 but the number is predicted to reach half a million by year 2015 (3, 8-10). The resulting economic,human resource and social loss is not quantiÞ able as the vacuum left by these people in various employment sectors are currently being Þ lled by migrant workers. Thus, it is evident that the increasing trend in drug addiction poses a threat to the future of the nation (1, 6, 9)


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    This study aims 1) to find out what programs are carried out by the Jambi Province General Election Commission in increasing public participation in the 2020 Governor and Deputy Governor Elections; 2) To find out community participation in the Election of Governor and Deputy Governor in Jambi Province in 2020. The results show that the program carried out by the General Election Commission of Jambi Province in increasing public participation in the Election of Governor and Deputy Governor in Jambi Province in 2020 is socialization in the form of counseling ( face-to-face), socialization through print and electronic media, socialization of health protocols (simulation at TPS), socialization through the installation of socialization props and dissemination of socialization materials, organizer-based socialization and socialization using smart cars. Based on the results of interviews with respondents who were registered in the permanent voters (DPT) in the Election of Governor and Deputy Governor in Jambi Province in 2020 that all of them participated in the Election of Governor and Deputy Governor in Jambi Province in 2020