183 research outputs found


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    Manusia merupakan individu yang unik sekaligus sebagai mahluk sosial yang tidak bisa terpisah dengan individu lain. Namun dalam berbagai interaksi antar sesama, kita terkadang bertindak diluar aturan sosial kehidupan (breaking the rule). Tindakan tersebut bermuara pada konflik yang dapat memicu perseteruan panjang warga. Disinilah sangat dibutuhkan adanya penyelesaian dengan cara yang elegan tanpa adanya kekerasan. Satu-satunya yang menjadi mediasi permasalahan tersebut adalah bahasa. Bahasa inilah yang menjadi unsur terpenting selain manusianya. Dipandang perlu untuk memilih sebuah strategi dalam menyelesaikan suatu permasalahan yang ada, dan tulisan ini menyuguhkan sebuah strategi untuk menyelesaikan masalah tersebut. Tulisan ini menggunakan tinjauan sosiolinguistik pada batasan Akomodasi: konvergensi dan divergensi

    Hubungan Antara Kebutuhan Berprestasi, Harga Diri, Lokus Kendali, Kebiasaan Belajar, dan Lingkungan Belajar Dengan Prestasi Akademik Mahasiswa

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    Abstract This study wants to look at the factors of personality characteristics and external factor such as the learning environment which has a correlation with academic achievement of the students granted ā€œBidik Misiā€ scholarship of UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya.There are three things that want to be known in this study; (1) identify propensity of need for achievement, self-esteem, locus of control, learning habit and environment, and the propensity of the students granted ā€œBidik Misiā€ scholarship; (2) the correlation and contribution between need for achievement, self-esteem, locus of control, learning habit and environment (either individually or jointly) and academic achievement of the students granted ā€œBidik Misiā€ scholarship; and (3) which factors are the most efficient of the five factors (need for achievement, self-esteem, locus of control, and learning habit and environment) toward academic achievement of the students granted ā€œBidik Misiā€ scholarship. This study found the average propensity of academic achievement of the students granted ā€œBidik Misiā€ scholarship is as high as the average GPA of 3.53; propensity of achievement needs of the students granted ā€˜Bidik Misiā€™ scholarship is very high; the propensity of self-esteem of the students granted ā€œBidik Misiā€ scholarship is very high; the propensity of locus of control of the students granted ā€œBidik Misiā€ scholarship is very high; the propensity of learning habit of the students granted ā€œBidik Misiā€ scholarship is very high;and the propensity of perception of the students granted ā€œBidik Misiā€ scholarship to the learning environment is very positive.This study also prove that there is a significant correlation between the need for achievement, self-esteem, locus of control, learning habit and environment and academic achievement of the students granted ā€œBidik Misiā€ scholarship. There is a significant positive correlation between the need for achievement and academic achievement of the students granted ā€œBidik Misiā€ scholarship.There is no significant correlation between self-esteem and academic achievement of the students granted ā€œBidik Misiā€ scholarship.There is no significant correlation between locus of control and academic achievement of ā€˜the students granted ā€œBidik Misiā€ scholarship.There is no significant correlation between learning habit and academic achievement of the students granted ā€œBidik Misiā€ scholarship.There is no significant correlation between learning environment and academic achievement of the students granted ā€œBidik Misiā€ scholarship.While the most efficient factor of the five factors (need for achievement, self-esteem, locus of control, learning habit and environment) toward academic achievement of the students granted ā€œBidik Misiā€ scholarship is achievement need factor.It was proved that the effective contribution (SE) of achievement needs variable significantly higher than the effective contribution (SE) of other variables such as self-esteem, locus of control, learning habit and environment. Keywords: need for achievement, self-esteem, locus of control, learning habit and environment, academic achievement, and the students granted ā€œBidik Misiā€ scholarship

    Religious tolerance among college students: How itā€™s influenced by religious orientation and personality traits?

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    Religious tolerance among college students needs to be maintained to create harmonious conditions and peace among the religious community. This study aimed to explore the influence of religious orientations and personality traits on religious tolerance among college students. This study used a quantitative approach and performed a survey method that utilized three measurement tools of psychological scales: Ā the Religious Orientation Scale-Revised, the Personality Scale of Big Five Personality and the Scale of Religious Tolerance. The subjects of this study were 280 students from six universities in Surabaya. The results of the study show that, generally, there is a significant influence of religious orientation and personality traits on religious tolerance among college students. Partially, intrinsic religious orientation has a positive influence on religious tolerance, and on the contrary, the extrinsic religious orientation has a negative influence on religious tolerance. Of the personality traits (Big Five Personality), agreeableness and openness have a positive influence on religious tolerance. Meanwhile, extroversion, conscientiousness, and neuroticismĀ doĀ not have a significant influence on religious tolerance. Therefore intrinsic religious orientation and two personality traits - agreeableness and openness - are important to develop religious tolerance among college students. While college student who have extrinsic religious orientation tend to have low religious tolerance


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    This research was done at two villages (Batujai and Seatanggor) in Praya Barat Distric, Lombok Tengah Regency. The aim is at interpreting the social activity whilst doing a local Tradition; giving Pisuke to family member of bride. This research uses qualitative interpretative analyses by using Giles Theory. The data taken through self-involving, recording, and pistening. The oject of research was conducted to ā€œGiving diplomation Pisuke at Setanggor Villageā€. The result found that, there is internal accommodation and both parties converge each other

    Analisis Semiotik Makna Idiologis Mangan Merangkat pada Suku Sasak Lombok Tengah

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    Sebagai negara kepulauan yang memiliki puluhan hingga ratusan suku, Indonesia memiliki ragam jenis upacara pernikahan yang berbeda. Setiap daerah memiliki upacara pernikahan yang unik, sehingga siapa saja yang melihatnya bisa jadi ingin segera menikah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan makna ideologis serta esensi ideologi yang terkandung didalam Mangan Merangkat pada Suku Sasak Lombok Tengah. Metode yang digunakan dalam proses pengambilan data sampai pada proses interpretasi data adalah dengan mencoba untuk melakukan penetrasi budaya kepada masyarakat dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil dari analisa ini adalah pada acara mangan merangkat kita tidak hanya melihat nilai materi yang dibawa masyarakat akan tetapi ada hal yang jauh lebih penting yaitu yaitu patuh dan taat pada Allah. SWT, pimpinan dan aturan yang ada. Ada dua idiologi utama yang terkandung didalam mangan merangkat suku sasak di Lombok Tengah bagian selatan, yaitu pertama; Adanya bentuk kerjasama yang sangat mendasar sebagai bentuk kepedulian masyarakat terhadap sesama. Hal ini sejalan dengan perintah Allah dalam Al qurā€™an: ā€œtolong menolonglah kamu dalam hal kebaikan dan taqwa dan janganlah kamu tolong menolong dalam hal keburukanā€. Hal ini tercermin dalam kegiatan mangan merangkat. Tanpa diminta, masyarakat dengan penuh kesadaran gotong royong atau biasa dalam bahasa sasak kami berikan istilah beriuk tinjal. Kedua , ada pula nilai lain yang dapat diambil dari acara ini yaitu; laki-laki ingin menunjukkan keberanian dan kesetiaannya sebagai calon suami yang siap mempertaruhkan nyawanya demi sang calon isteri

    Pendidikan karakter siswa di masa pandemi, siapa yang bertanggung jawab?

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    This paper examines the person in charge of improving the understanding of character education in students during the spread of the CoronaVirus Disease-2019 virus, which requires students not to miss the lessons given as they should be. Writing that uses the Literature Review method comes from several sources, including journals, books, and supporting documents. Increasing understanding of character education is an effort to help students understand, pay attention to, and adhere to core ethical values. This study shows that the role of one component alone is not strong enough to increase the understanding of character in students, but all stakeholders, both from government policy, educators and all components in it, as well as the role of both parents, are very important in achieving student character education. during this CoronaVirus Disease-2019 pandemic.AbstrakTulisan ini mengkaji tentang penanggung jawab peningkatan pemahaman pendidikan karakter pada siswa di masa penyebaran virus CoronaVirus Disease-2019, yang menuntut siswa untuk tidak ketinggalan pelajaran yang diberikan sebagaimana mestinya. Penulisan yang menggunakan metode Literature Review ini bersumber dari beberapa sumber antara lain jurnal, buku, dan dokumen pendukung. Peningkatan pemahaman pendidikan karakter merupakan upaya membantu peserta didik memahami, memperhatikan, dan berpegang teguh pada nilai-nilai etika inti. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa peran salah satu komponen saja tidak cukup kuat untuk meningkatkan pemahaman karakter pada peserta didik, tetapi semua pemangku kepentingan, baik dari kebijakan pemerintah, pendidik dan semua komponen di dalamnya, serta peran kedua orang tua, sangat penting dalam pencapaian pendidikan karakter siswa di masa pandemi CoronaVirus Disease-2019 ini

    Pentingnya E-Counseling dalam Pelayanan BK di Sekolah pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19: Literature Review

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    Pandemi Covid-19 menciptakan berbagai perubahan dalam hidup mulai dari Sosial distancing, memakai masker, WFH (Work From Home), dan pembelajaran sekolah via daring. Bimbingan konseling yang pada mulanya dilakukan secara luring atau bertatap muka langsung antara konselor dan peserta didik sekarang harus dilakukan secara daring. Disaat ini e-counseling menjadi salah satu solusi yang banyak dipakai pihak sekolah dalam proses pelayanan bk di sekolah. E-Counseling adalah konselor dan klien berkomunikasi melalui perangkat yang terhubung jaringan internet guna menyelesaikan masalah klien. Dengan adanya e-counseling proses pelayanan bk di sekolah masih bisa dilakukan tanpa bertemu secara langsung

    Peran Orang Tua Mendidik Karakter Anak dalam Islam

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    This study discusses the role of parents in character education for young women according to Islam. This research library research. The main and first character education for children is the family environment. Education in the family is very important and is the main pillar of character building for a child. The family as the smallest social unit is the most important educational environment and is responsible for educating their children. The education provided by parents should provide a basis for children's education regarding the socialization process and their life in society. Good parenting styles will have a good impact on children's development as well as should. The success of character building in children is influenced by the role of parents in educating children. Parents play an important role in forming an intimate and long-lasting interaction system characterized by personal loyalty, love, and affectionate relationship
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