546 research outputs found

    Atomic and ionic energies and electron densities

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    The rise of religious intolerance in the politics of Pakistan?

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    According to Muhammad Suleman, recent developments including numerous instances of shoe throwing, are part of the growing politicisation of religion in Pakistan which may also have a detrimental effect for the PML-N in the upcoming elections

    Autonomous Trajectory Design Considering the Limitation of Torque and Drag Forces

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    In the oil and gas industry, designing well trajectories is an important part of drilling operations that affect well construction, completion, and production. But the current trajectory planning process works in isolation and does not take many engineering constraints into account, which leads to inefficiency, manual iterations, and less-than-ideal results. This study aims to solve the problem by making an automated system for designing 3D trajectories that uses engineering calculations and focuses on torque & drag analysis. The objectives of this research include the development of algorithms to automate and optimize trajectory design, the integration of torque and drag calculations to avoid drill string damage through buckling or over torque, and the evaluation of the system’s performance through case studies. The research also explores the kick-off point optimization and trajectory optimization between target points to enhance well placement and planning efficiency. The significance of this research lies in its potential to revolutionize well planning processes and minimize the cost associated with planning complex wells. It will help the industry by making trajectory planning easier, saving time and money, and minimizing the risks of drilling operations

    Influence of measured thermophysical parameters of drilling fluids on downhole temperature models

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    Master's thesis in Petroleum engineeringPredicting downhole circulating temperature is essential for successful drilling operations as bottom hole temperature variations are a major cause of changing effective mud density and mud volume. So, the effort is needed for the development of dynamic modeling capability to simulate the complex downhole temperature environment as Thermal conductivity and specific heat capacity of drilling fluid are an important component in temperature modeling. Despite their importance, very limited data in the literature is available on these parameters. Mostly the values of thermal conductivity and specific heat are estimated using generic models. An experimental study is performed to measure the thermal conductivity and specific heat capacity of the samples of oil-based mud and water-based mud in the laboratory using the C-Therm TCi thermal conductivity analyzer. Based on the measured values models are generated for thermal conductivity and specific heat capacity of drilling fluid which are then implemented in a simulator on two different wells. The results from these models show the difference of 2.5°C to 5°C to in the bottom hole temperature from the generic model for shallow horizontal well and vertical well respectively

    Influence of Firm Structure on Profitability in the U.S. Pulp and Paper Industry (1960-1998)

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    This study indicates that firm size, market share and equity/sales ratio are the principal factors contributing to the profitability (net income) of pulp and paper firms in the United States. Timberland ownership, exports, K-Factor (a measure of relative firm capacity), growth, new supply/real gross domestic product (RGDP) ratio and price index also influence the profitability of pulp and paper manufacturing firms. Market share, an index of the structure of the pulp and paper industry, is determined by a firm\u27s size (assets) and net income. In addition, the number of a firm\u27s production units, K-factor, whether the firm exports, previous concentration in this market sector, number of firms, sales growth, timberland ownership, new supply/RGDP ratio, and product mix may also influence a firm\u27s market share, but not consistently. The present study also describes factors that help a pulp and paper manufacturing firm in decision-making about the ownership and management of timberlands. According to the research findings, net income, equity/sales ratio, mergers, firm size, and K-Factor are the most significant factors related to timberland ownership and management. The current study also confirms the findings of a number of researchers that no significant changes in the timberland ownership of firms in the pulp and paper industry have occurred during the last forty years, in spite of a decline in the area of commercial timberlands. Firms that own or manage timberlands have a significant advantage in terms of net income over those that do not

    Attitude of Women towards Tetanus Toxoid Vaccine in District Bhakkar Punjab Pakistan

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    Tetanus is a staid disease that is caused by bacteria. Tetanus (lockjaw) results into painful tightening of the muscles in the whole body, which may leads to death in about 1 out of 10 cases. This vaccine works by exposing the patient to a small dose of the bacteria, which causes the body to develop immunity to the disease, the TT vaccine is administered to prevent disease in adults and children who are at least 7 years old. This academic research is basically aimed at measuring the attitude of women towards TT immunization. This research is conducted among women in some of the Union councils of BHAKKAR. This is done in connection with Education, status of Husband, and knowledge about TT. Chi-square test was used to measure the impacts of the demographic variables upon the research variables. To achieve the study objectives, six hypotheses were developed. The results show that there are no significant differences between the responses of rural & urban women about Education of TT. Likewise, the views of local & non local women regarding status of husband are same. On the other hand the views of local, non local, urban and rural women are different. Public health authorities should motivate the spouses about the importance of TT immunization to the eligible women. The study suggests that missed opportunities may be decreased by motivating the H.C.P. This study will also highlight problems/issues faced by the women and suggest few measures for the removal of these problems/issues. Keywords: attitude of women, tetanus toxoid, Education, status of Husband, and knowledge about T

    Bankruptcy prediction : static logit and discrete hazard models incorporating macoreconomic dependencies and industry effects

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    In this thesis, we present firm default prediction models based on firm financial statements and macroeconomic variables. We seek to develop reliable models to forecast out-of-sample default probability, and we are particularly interested in exploring the impact of incorporating macroeconomic variables and industry effects. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to account for both macroeconomic dependencies and industry effects in one analysis. Additionally, we investigate the impact of the 2008 financial crisis on bankruptcies. We develop five models, one static logit model and four hazard models, and compare the out-of-sample predictive performance of these models. To explore the impact of industry effects and the financial crisis, our study includes 562 U.S. public companies across all sectors (except financial) that filed for bankruptcy between 2003 and 2013. These were matched to a control group of non-bankrupt firms. We find that the cash flow, profitability, leverage, liquidity, solvency, and firm size are all significant determinants of bankruptcy. The ratio of cash flow from operations to total liabilities, and total debt to total assets, are the most significant variables in the static logit model. In addition to these ratios, cash to total assets and net income to total assets are also among the most important covariates in the hazard models. Next, we find that the forecasting results are improved by incorporating macroeconomic variables. Finally, we find that the hazard model with macroeconomic variables and industry effects has the best outof-sample accuracy.nhhma

    Coronavirus pandemic and its impacts on the world’s economy

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    Purpose: This study is about the coronavirus pandemic and its long-lasting impacts on the world economy. The study's main purpose is to highlight the adverse effects of the Coronavirus on the world's economy and how to mitigate it. Research Methodology: An analytical and descriptive research methodology was conducted to get findings and recommendations. Original material is obtained from primary sources. Information is also taken from books on websites and previous articles on the subject. Results: Precautions and impacts are presented, followed by the recommendations to diminish the effects of Coronavirus. Limitations: The impacts of Coronavirus are not limited to developing countries, but this study has given less focus to developed countries. Contribution: This study is helpful to understand the impacts and redefine the course of actions accordingly. Keywords: Covid-19, Symptoms, Precautions, Economic effec
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