381 research outputs found

    Reconciliation, Restoration and Reconstruction of a Conflict Ridden Country

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    Conflict has sadly been a constant part of history. Winning a conflict and making a lasting peace are often not the same thing. While a peace treaty ends a conflict and often dictates terms from the winners’ perspective, it may not create a lasting peace. Short of unconditional surrender, modern conflict ends with a negotiated cessation of hostilities. Such accords may have some initial reconstruction agreements, but Reconciliation, Restoration and Reconstruction (RRR) is a long term process. This study maintains that to achieve a lasting peace: 1) The culture and beliefs of the conflict nation must be continuously considered and 2) RRR is a long term effort which will occur over years not just in the immediate wake of signing a treaty or agreement. To assure the inclusion of all stakeholders and gain the best results in dealing with this “wicked problem”, an array of Operations Research techniques can be used to support the long term planning and execution of a RRR effort. The final decisions will always be political, but the analysis provided by an OR support team will guide the decision makers to better execute consensus decisions that consider all stakeholder needs. The development of the value hierarchy framework in this dissertation is a keystone of building a rational OR supported long term plan for a successful RRR. The primary aim of the research is to propose a framework and associated set of guidelines derived from appropriate techniques of OR, Decision Analysis and Project Management (right from development of a consensus based value hierarchy to its implementation, feedback and steering corrections) that may be applied to help RRR efforts in any conflict ridden country across the globe. The framework is applicable to any conflict ridden country after incorporating changes particular to any country witnessing a prolonged conflict

    Value Focused Thinking for Nation Building in Afghanistan: A Regional Perspective

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    This thesis is an effort to mathematically model the nation building effort that is underway in Afghanistan. The thesis examines this nation building effort from the perspective of a local person who understands Afghan culture better than a foreigner. The thesis employs value-focused thinking to categorize the factors that we need to focus on for nation building in descending order of priority. This research adds a new dimension to the models already available in the literature and is likely to be more readily embraced by the local people who are sometimes in conflict with American priorities

    Self-organizing hierarchical particle swarm optimization of correlation filters for object recognition

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    Advanced correlation filters are an effective tool for target detection within a particular class. Most correlation filters are derived from a complex filter equation leading to a closed form filter solution. The response of the correlation filter depends upon the selected values of the optimal trade-off (OT) parameters. In this paper, the OT parameters are optimized using particle swarm optimization with respect to two different cost functions. The optimization has been made generic and is applied to each target separately in order to achieve the best possible result for each scenario. The filters obtained using standard particle swarm optimization (PSO) and hierarchal particle swarm optimization (HPSO) algorithms have been compared for various test images with the filter solutions available in the literature. It has been shown that optimization improves the performance of the filters significantly

    Population genetic structure of Rufous-Vented Prinia (Prinia burnesii) in Pakistan

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    The objective of the study is to ascertain genetic variation within Rufous-vented Prinia, Prinia burnesii an endemic species, by DNA fingerprinting applying random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique. Genetic material was obtained from three distant sites along western bank of River Indus. These sites include Chashma barrage (32°50’N, 71°20’E), in the north; Taunsa barrage (30°45’N, 70°45’E) and the southern population from Guddu barrage (28°26’N, 69°44’E). In total, 14 RAPD primers were selected to determine the genetic variability between three populations of the species. The Nei’s (1973) genetic diversity in three populations ranged from 0.190 to 0.320. The genetic distance between Populations ranged from 0.149 to 0.265. The polymorphism levels ranged from 48 to 83% in three populations and at species level, polymorphism were 93.07%. The results further indicate that they are genetically isolated populations.Keywords: Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA, Prinia, genetic variation, river Indu

    Genome-Wide Identification and Expression Analysis of SnRK2 Gene Family in Dormant Vegetative Buds of Liriodendron chinense in Response to Abscisic Acid, Chilling, and Photoperiod

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    Protein kinases play an essential role in plants’ responses to environmental stress signals. SnRK2 (sucrose non-fermenting 1-related protein kinase 2) is a plant-specific protein kinase that plays a crucial role in abscisic acid and abiotic stress responses in some model plant species. In apple, corn, rice, pepper, grapevine, Arabidopsis thaliana, potato, and tomato, a genome-wide study of the SnRK2 protein family was performed earlier. The genome-wide comprehensive investigation was first revealed to categorize the SnRK2 genes in the Liriodendron chinense (L. chinense). The five SnRK2 genes found in the L. chinense genome were highlighted in this study. The structural gene variants, 3D structure, chromosomal distributions, motif analysis, phylogeny, subcellular localization, cis-regulatory elements, expression profiles in dormant buds, and photoperiod and chilling responses were all investigated in this research. The five SnRK2 genes from L. chinense were grouped into groups (I–IV) based on phylogeny analysis, with three being closely related to other species. Five hormones-, six stress-, two growths and biological process-, and two metabolic-related responsive elements were discovered by studying the cis-elements in the promoters. According to the expression analyses, all five genes were up- and down-regulated in response to abscisic acid (ABA), photoperiod, chilling, and chilling, as well as photoperiod treatments. Our findings gave insight into the SnRK2 family genes in L. chinense and opened up new study options

    Role of fertilization regime on soil carbon sequestration and crop yield in a maize-cowpea intercropping system on low fertility soils

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    Achieving food security through intensive agricultural practices on low fertility soils is challenging as crop productivity is increasingly curtailed by the loss of soil structural stability and rapid depletion of soil organic carbon (SOC). As such, the conversion from traditional mono-cropping to legume-cereal intercropping, especially with integrated fertilization, may increase crop yields with the least ecological footprint. We set up a 2-year field experiment in a split-plot design with cowpea-maize monoculture and intercropping under different organic-inorganic fertilization regimes, including no fertilization (control), organic input only (compost), chemical input only (NPK), and multi-nutrient enriched compost (NPKEC). We observed that intercropped maize had a significantly higher biomass yield compared to the corresponding monoculture when fertilized with NPKEC fertilizer. However, cowpea biomass yield differences between monoculture and intercropped plots were comparable under all fertilization regimes. In contrast, the grain yield advantage of both maize and cowpea was significantly enhanced under the intercropping system compared to monoculture, with NPKEC showing the most significant effect among all fertilization regimes. When comparing the relative contribution of the fertilization regime to SOC, the NPKEC fertilizer provided the highest SOC-sequestration (0.30 Mg C/ha yr−1). At the same time, the effect of the cropping system on C-sequestration showed that intercropping provided the highest C-sequestration (0.17 Mg C/ha yr−1) compared to monocultures of both crops. Although compost application significantly increased mineral associated (MAOC) and particulate associated organic carbon (PAOC) concentrations compared to unfertilized control plots, NPKEC fertilization with intercropping system was the most effective combination causing the greatest increase of both soil C pools over time. Based on redundancy analysis (RDA), the positive association of MAOC and PAOC with C-sequestration suggests the importance of both organic fractions as primary C reservoirs conducting SOC storage. Importantly, although compost alone in association with intercropping had a lower C-sequestration, it was associated to a better soil structure as confirmed by its positive relationship with macro-and micro-aggregation, water stable aggregates (WSA), and mean weight diameter (MDA). Overall, our results indicate the importance of restoring soil structure in degraded soils through appropriate land management solutions, such as stoichiometrically balanced fertilization practices (NPKEC) and crop diversification (intercropping), in order to achieve significant gains in SOC storage and, ultimately, improve crop productivity

    Nutritional Assessment and Antioxidant Activities of Different Varieties of Vigna radiata

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    Three cultivars of Vigna radiata, namely, NM-92, NM-98, and NM-06, were analyzed for their proximate composition. The samples were also tested by HPLC for amino acid content. The data showed that all the varieties had same moisture level. The maximum ash content (4.29%) was present in NM-92, and crude fat (2.26%) was highest in NM-98 while NM-06 contained maximum amount of crude protein. About eighteen types of amino acids were detected in each of the three varieties. Acidic amino acids, that is, aspartic and glutamic acids, were in considerable amount ranged from 13 to 23% followed by leucine, isoleucine, alanine, valine, lysine, phenyl alanine, serine, and arginine which fell in the range of 3-8% of total protein. The maximum amount (13.00 and 22.80%) of aspartic and glutamic acids was present in NM-98. Similarly arginine (6.83%) and serine (5.45%) were also in highest amount in this variety. Leucine (7.46%) was maximum in NM-92 variety. NM-06 contained almost all the amino acids in lesser quantity except for few like threonine, proline, glycine, and alanine. It was concluded from the present study that varieties were of different nutritional value and HPLC was a sensitive method for amino acids determination. Antioxidant activities of all three varieties were also assayed and showed significant results

    Patients' and healthcare professionals' perspectives on a community-based intervention for schizophrenia in Pakistan: A focus group study.

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    To explore the perceptions and experiences of schizophrenia from patients, their care givers, health care providers, spiritual and traditional healers to develop a community-based intervention for improving treatment adherence for people with schizophrenia in Pakistan. This qualitative study involved four focus group discussions (FGD) with a total of 26 participants: patients and carers (n = 5), primary care staff (n = 7), medical technicians (n = 8) and traditional and spiritual healers (n = 6). The participants were selected using purposive sampling method. FGDs were audio-recorded and transcribed. A thematic analysis was applied to the data set. The themes identified were (i) Schizophrenia is not merely a biomedical problem: participants believed that poverty and an inferiority complex resulting from social disparity caused schizophrenia and contributed to non-adherence to medications; (ii) Spiritual healing goes hand in hand with the medical treatment: participants regarded spiritual and traditional treatment methods as an inherent part of schizophrenia patients' well-being and rehabilitation; (iii) Services for mental illness: mental health is not covered under primary health in a basic health unit: participants believed that the lack of services, training and necessary medication in primary care are major issues for treating schizophrenia in community; (iv) Barriers to community-based interventions: primary care staff believed that multiple pressures on staff, lack of incentives, non-availability of medication and lack of formal referral pathways resulted in disintegration of dealing with schizophrenia patients in primary care facilities. The study has identified a number of barriers and facilitators to developing and delivering a psychosocial intervention to support people living with schizophrenia in Pakistan. In particular, the importance of involving spiritual and traditional healers was highlighted by our diverse group of stakeholders

    The role of statins in prevention and treatment of community acquired pneumonia: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

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    BACKGROUND: Emerging epidemiological evidence suggests that statins may reduce the risk of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) and its complications. PURPOSE: Performed a systematic review to address the role of statins in the prevention or treatment of CAP. DATA SOURCE: Ovid MEDLINE, Cochrane, EMBASE, ISI Web of Science, and Scopus from inception through December 2011 were searched for randomized clinical trials, cohort and case-control studies. STUDY SELECTION: Two authors independently reviewed studies that examined the role of statins in CAP. DATA EXTRACTION: Data about study characteristics, adjusted effect-estimates and quality characteristics was extracted. DATA SYNTHESIS: Eighteen studies corresponding to 21 effect-estimates (eight and 13 of which addressed the preventive and therapeutic roles of statins, respectively) were included. All studies were of good methodological quality. Random-effects meta-analyses of adjusted effect-estimates were used. Statins were associated with a lower risk of CAP, 0.84 (95% CI, 0.74-0.95), I(2) = 90.5% and a lower short-term mortality in patients with CAP, 0.68 (95% CI, 0.59-0.78), I(2) = 75.7%. Meta-regression did not identify sources of heterogeneity. A funnel plot suggested publication bias in the treatment group, which was adjusted by a novel regression method with a resultant effect-estimate of 0.85 (95% CI, 0.77-0.93). Sensitivity analyses using the rule-out approach showed that it is unlikely that the results were due to an unmeasured confounder. CONCLUSIONS: Our meta-analysis reveals a beneficial role of statins for the risk of development and mortality associated with CAP. However, the results constitute very low quality evidence as per the GRADE framework due to observational study design, heterogeneity and publication bias

    Development of Semitransparent UV Photodetector Based on PTB7-Th:PCBM Composite Using the Cost-effective Fabrication Method

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    This article presents a semitransparent ultraviolet (UV) sandwich-surface type sensor based on PTB7-Th: PCBM composite. The ultraviolet (UV) transparency of 29% was achieved through a cost-effective drop-cast fabrication method. The variation in UV intensity (0 to 20,000 pW/cm2) and frequency (100 Hz, 1 kHz, 10 kHz, 100 kHz, and 200 kHz) was carried out, and variation of impedance and capacitance has been studied. After a comprehensive analysis under specific UV strength and frequency, a considerable increase in capacitance and a significant decrease in impedance were observed. The generation of electron-hole pair relates such findings by increasing the concentration of charges, combined potential, and possible frequency dependence of charge mobility under UV-irradiation. The UV sensor can be used for measuring the UV and visible light intensities. They have applications in the field of electronics and photonics.The authors would like to acknowledge the support of the Higher Education Commission Pakistan, Pakistan Science Foundation, GIK Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology of Pakistan for providing the necessary research facilities. The authors acknowledge the support of Dr. Rashid Ali for XRD patterns and Dr. Imran Khan for AFM images
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