138 research outputs found

    Removal of Heavy Metal from Aqueous Solutions using Ground Water Treatment Plant Sludge

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    Sludge waste produced from Ground Water Treatment Plant at Chicha, Kelantan - was used as an adsorbent for copper ions in water. The adsorption process was carried out in a batch process and the effects of contact time (1-24 h), initial pH (4.3), initial metal ion concentration (1-100 mg/L) and temperature (20-30 °C) on the adsorption were investigated. Experimental results showed that the maximum adsorption capacity was achieved at pH 4.3 and adsorbed Cu (II) ion concentration was increased with increasing initial metal concentration and contact time. The isothermal data could be described well by the Langmuir equations and Freundlich equations. The correlation coefficient of the Langmuir isotherm (R2 ) were 0.457 for I mg/L, 0.678 for 10 mg/L, and 0.675 for 100 mg/L copper concentration. While, the correlation of Freundlich isotherms (R2 ) were 0.609, 0.638 and 0.735 for I, 10 and 100 mg/L copper concentration. ii

    Strategi pemasaran produk cicil emas pada PT. Bank Syariah Mandiri KCP Kampung Pajak

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    PT. Bank Syariah Mandiri KCP Kampung Pajak adalah salah satu lembaga keuangan yang memiliki berbagai produk baik dalam penghimpunan dana maupun pembiayaan secara syariah. Salah satu bentuk produk yang di berikan adalah Produk Cicil Emas dengan menggunakan akad murabahah dengan jaminan diikat dengan akad rhan (gadai). Strategi promosi yang dilakukan adalah dengan cara membagikan brosur, menghubungi nasabah, dan memberikan hadiah serta memberikan sosialisasi produk cicil emas kepada masyarakat. Dalam memasarkan produk PT. Bank Syariah Mandiri KCP Kampung Pajak, pihak bank harus terlebih dahulu memahami apa yang dibutuhkan oleh nasabah. Karena nasabah tentunya mengiginkan produk dan jasa yang dapat memenuhi kebutuhan hidup mereka. Pembahasan dalam penelitian ini antara lain berkaitan dengan pengertian strategi, pengertian pemasaran, pengertian pemasaran bank, pengertian segmentasi pasar, menetapkan pasar pasaran, menentukan posisi pasar (market positioning), bauran pemasaran jasa (marketing mix), konsep pemasaran, lingkungan pemasaran, tujuan pemasaran, pengertian produk, jenis-jenis produk bank, strategi produk, strategi pemasaran produk, cicil emas, analisis lingkungan usaha (SWOT). Metode penelitian yang dilakukan adalah kualitatif deskriptif, yaitu memahami fenomena tentang apa yang dialami oleh subjek penelitian yaitu bagaimana setrategi pemasaran produk cicil emas pada PT. Bank Syariah Mandiri KCP Kampung Pajak. Sedangkan teknik pengumpulan datanya dengan cara wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Informasi penelitian ini adalah karyawan dan nasabah cicil emas PT. Bank Syariah Mandiri KCP Kampung Pajak. Hasi penelitian menunjukkan bahwa PT. Bank Syariah Mandiri KCP Kampung Pajak melakukan strategi-strategi berikut ini: Memenuhi permintaan pasar, menetapkan harga bersaing dengan kualitas produk yang baik, mempromosikan cicil emas, memperbanyak kerja sama dengan pihak pengembang depe lover, memperkecil besarnya uang muka, mengoptimalkan penggunaan teknologi informasi dan pengembang produk untuk menghadapi persaingan pasar, bekerja sama dengan seluruh pemerintah kota/kabupaten untuk sosialisasi cicil emas, selalu dilakukan riset pasar secara berkala untuk mengukur langkah bank pesaing dan keinginan calon nasabah, melakukan pendekatan dengan perusahaan depet lover nasabah bank konvensional untuk beralih ke PT. Bank Syariah Mandiri KCP Kampung Pajak dengan memberikan kemudahan-kemudahan dan fasilitas khusus


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    Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh hasil kecepatan tendangan yang dilakukan atlet persimo bangkinang tidak maksimal dan kurang tepat dalam pelaksanaannya. Pencak silat merupakan salah satu olahraga yang dipertandingkan ditingkat Nasional dan Internasional. Pencak silat merupakan olahraga yang dikenal diberbagai Negara. Latihan yang tepat untuk meningkatkan kecapatan tendangan sabit yaitu dengan metode latihan box jump dengan 5 set dan 10 repetisi. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetehui pengaruh metode latihan box jump terhadap kecepatan tendangan sabit. Manfaat penelitian ini dapat mengetahui dan  menambah khazanah  ilmu dalam cabang olahraga pencak silat. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode pre-eksperimental dengan one group yaitu pretest dan posttest design. Teknik pengambilan data secara purposive sampling. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan uji wiloxon test, paired sample T-test. Hasil penelitian ini berdasarkan output statistic “Test Statistic” diketahui Asymp.sig (2-tailed) bernilai 0, 200. Karena nilai 0, 000 lebih kecil dari < 0, 05. Maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa  “terdapat perbedaan signifikan skor pretes dan post test


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    Aim:This research is  aimed  to study of organic degradation in  Pluit reservoir,  that located in the Village Penjaringan, North Jakarta, between 6° 07' 28.6" S 106° 48' 07.6" E and 6° 06' 40.2" S 106° 47'51.1"E with a broad area of ± 80 Ha, depth 1-8 meter. Flow systems pluit reservoir is half continuous and water is disposed with 4 units pump with a capacity of 4.5 m3/s which operates 8 hours/day throughout 11 pumps available. From the results of research findings are then compared with quality standards inspection according to the Government Regulation No. 82/2001 Class II for a review of recreation, fisheries and agriculture. Methodology and Result:The 90% of the DO value is ≤ 2 mg/L. The phosphate value obtained overall is not complied to the standard quality (≤ 0.2 mg/L P). In Pluit reservoir is found organic compounds as raw CODwhich was not complied to the standard quality (≤25 mg/L COD) approximately 27.52 mg/L COD - 371.52 mg/L COD. A kinetics test was done in order to determine the decreasing rate of COD in two conditions, where the first aeration to initial DO reached 4.5 mg/L, and the second is without aeration. Conclusion, significance and impact study:The COD degradation towards time is then measured and shows that organic degradation rate towards time without aeration process shows no decreasing, while non-aerated condition shows that the reaction rate following first pseudo reaction is 0.096 hours-1 – 0.133 hours-1 with an average value of 0.1177 hours-1

    Removal of Heavy Metal from Aqueous Solutions using Ground Water Treatment Plant Sludge

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    Sludge waste produced from Ground Water Treatment Plant at Chicha, Kelantan - was used as an adsorbent for copper ions in water. The adsorption process was carried out in a batch process and the effects of contact time (1-24 h), initial pH (4.3), initial metal ion concentration (1-100 mg/L) and temperature (20-30 °C) on the adsorption were investigated. Experimental results showed that the maximum adsorption capacity was achieved at pH 4.3 and adsorbed Cu (II) ion concentration was increased with increasing initial metal concentration and contact time. The isothermal data could be described well by the Langmuir equations and Freundlich equations. The correlation coefficient of the Langmuir isotherm (R2 ) were 0.457 for I mg/L, 0.678 for 10 mg/L, and 0.675 for 100 mg/L copper concentration. While, the correlation of Freundlich isotherms (R2 ) were 0.609, 0.638 and 0.735 for I, 10 and 100 mg/L copper concentration. ii

    Development residential property for B40: a proposed collaboration framework between Islamic Bank, Waqf, and Zakat Institutions

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    Economic conditions in the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic create an uncertain environment for all levels of the community, resulting in anxiety for everyone. The majority of the B40 group has difficulty obtaining credit from banks due to a lack of credit history and collateral. The B40 group is among the affected in obtaining financing from any financial institution. It makes it more difficult for them to buy a house and obtain financial assistance from financial institutions. As a result, they are unable to own their house and resulting to rent a house for their whole lifetime. It is worsened for this vulnerable group to pay the monthly house rental due to unstable income. Eventually, the house rentals arrears accumulate over several months, which could cause them to be evicted from the rented house. Therefore, the study aims to discuss the issues and challenges for the B40 group in Malaysia to own a home and explore a feasible solution for affordable housing on waqf land, while also proposing a framework for the development of residential property on waqfland in Malaysia by a collaboration between related stakeholders. This study incorporated primary data by conducting an in-depth analysis of the interview sessions from the targeted respondents. A series of interview questions are posed about the issues and challenges of B40 in owning a house, and the proposed framework to elicit feedback from industry practitioners regarding its viability and perspectives. The study discovers that the Islamic bank could play a significant role by acting as a collection agent from the public as a source of funding and channeling the fund to the waqf organizations or directly to this project. The study also proposes solar energy utilization within the framework which may help to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions while also addressing the United Nations' sustainable development agenda. This research offers the originality of the finding for the proposed collaboration framework between the Islamic banks, waqf, and zakat institutions in developing the residential property for the B40 group. This research contributes to improving the B40 group’s standard of living by providing a more comfortable house to live in for a long-term period, while also sparking an idea for other researchers to further improve the framework for other environmental aspects

    Analisis Hubungan Motivasi terhadap Kinerja Pegawai (Studi Kasus pada Kantor Wali Kota Sorong Papua Barat)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh motivasi terhadap kinerja pegawai pada kantor wali kota sorong Papua barat tahun 2018. Populasi dan sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah pegawai kantor wali kota sorong Papua barat yang diambil sampelnya sebanyak 50 orang pegawai. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah survey Analitik dengan pendekatan Cross Sectional Study ,Yaitu jenis penelitian untuk melihat hubungan antara variabel Dependent dan variabel independent.sedangkan analisis yang digunakan analisis univariat,bivariat dan multivariat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Insentif yang diberikan kepada pegawai belum dapat memenuhi kebutuhan,dimana dari 50 orang pegawai yang dijadikan sampel memiliki insentif cukup sebanyak 22 orang pegawai dengan persentase 44,0 %, sedangkan yang memiliki insentif kurang sebanyak 28 orang pegawai dengan persentase 56,0 %. tunjangan yang diberikan kepada pegawai dari 50 sampel yang diambil terdapat 25 orang pegawai memiliki tunjangan cukup dengan persentase sebesar 50,0 %, sedangkan yang memiliki tunjangan kurang sebesar 25 orang pegawai dengan persentase 50,0 %. penghargaan yang diberikan kepada pegawai belum dapat memenuhi kebutuhan,dimana dari 50 orang pegawai yang dijadikan sampel memiliki penghargaan cukup sebanyak 22 orang pegwai dengan persentase 44,0 %, sedangkan yang memiliki penghargaan kurang sebanyak 28 orang pegawai dengan persentase 56,0 %

    Development Residential Property for B40: A Proposed Collaboration Framework Between Islamic Bank, Waqf, and Zakat Institutions

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    Economic conditions in the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic create an uncertain environment for all levels of the community, resulting in anxiety for everyone. The majority of the B40 group has difficulty obtaining credit from banks due to a lack of credit history and collateral. The B40 group is among the affected in obtaining financing from any financial institution. It makes it more difficult for them to buy a house and obtain financial assistance from financial institutions. As a result, they are unable to own their house and resulting to rent a house for their whole lifetime. It is worsened for this vulnerable group to pay the monthly house rental due to unstable income. Eventually, the house rentals arrears accumulate over several months, which could cause them to be evicted from the rented house. Therefore, the study aims to discuss the issues and challenges for the B40 group in Malaysia to own a home and explore a feasible solution for affordable housing on waqf land, while also proposing a framework for the development of residential property on waqf land in Malaysia by a collaboration between related stakeholders. This study incorporated primary data by conducting an in-depth analysis of the interview sessions from the targeted respondents. A series of interview questions are posed about the issues and challenges of B40 in owning a house, and the proposed framework to elicit feedback from industry practitioners regarding its viability and perspectives. The study discovers that the Islamic bank could play a significant role by acting as a collection agent from the public as a source of funding and channeling the fund to the waqf organizations or directly to this project. The study also proposes solar energy utilization within the framework which may help to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions while also addressing the United Nations' sustainable development agenda. This research offers the originality of the finding for the proposed collaboration framework between the Islamic banks, waqf, and zakat institutions in developing the residential property for the B40 group. This research contributes to improving the B40 group’s standard of living by providing a more comfortable house to live in for a long-term period, while also sparking an idea for other researchers to further improve the framework for other environmental aspects

    Palm Oil Soil Monitoring System for Smart Agriculture

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    Palm oil is among the first commodity in Malaysia. The production of palm oil can be increased by implementing smart agriculture technology. To produce a good quality of palm oil, good soil quality is vital. Lack of soil information can make it hard for the farmer to maintain the nutritious of the oil palm tree. Thus, a real-time palm oil soil monitoring system has been developed for Palm Oil Soil Monitoring in a Smart Agriculture. The system measured the pH, moisture and tilt of palm oil soil. These parameters were essential to determine the palm oil soil status of alkalinity, tilt and moisture. These sensors are connected to Arduino microcontroller, which captures, processes and analyses the data. The captured data will be sent via the WiFi connectivity to the cloud database for the record. Based on the data analysis, the quality of the soil will be determined for further action by the farmer. The results showed that the system had successfully processed, transmitted, displayed and concluded the soil’s status. As a result, real-time reading will be displayed in the graphical graph using ThingSpeak.&nbsp

    Nigeria research reactor-1 : vertical detector efficiency calibration using conventional and semi-empirical approach for large samples NAA implementation

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    Detector efficiency calibration is mandatory for accurate measurement of induced activity in irradiated samples and for safe operation of the reactor with minimal uncertainty. This paper reported the efficiency calibration of vertically dIpstick High Purity Germanium detector, installed at the Centre for Energy Research and Training, Ahmadu Bello University Zaria for the purpose of large sample Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA) using Nigeria research reactor-1 (NIRR-1). The performance of the detector was evaluated for the radioisotope activity measurements during the reactor operation for large samples neutron activation analysis. The detector performance in terms of radioisotopes detection ability was inspected using the standard conventional and semi-empirical approaches. The full energy peak efficiencies were determined at the corresponding energies for three different geometries (source to detector distance of 1, 5 and 10 cm). The semi-empirical approach produced better and precise results that logically rhymed with theory than the traditional approach. Besides that, a consistency in the nature of the graphs and values were evidenced. The determined efficiencies and their corresponding energies revealed encouraging outcome and ensured the successful NAA for large samples of different material compositions