52 research outputs found


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    Illicit Arms Trade has been a serious threat towards Middle East regional security, The amount of illegal weapons circulating is enhancing the ability of extremist group to conduct act of terrorism and violence. Weak regulation and control by Middle East countries led to the vast amount of illegal arms trade in Middle East. The result of illegal arms trade is also contributing to destabilize the regional security of Middle East. Some conflict in Middle East is using illegal weapons, such as chemical weapon that significantly boast the number of security risk and humanitarian security. Thus, the control of arms and weapon should be improved, and countries in Middle East should join forces on combating illicit Arms Trade in Middle East. One way to improve the control is by building a regional organization in which this organization is responsible for the amount of weapon and arms that circulating in Middle East. These means come with a hope to minimalize the threat of illicit arms trade and improve the regonal security stability of Middle East. This article tries to explani the effect of Illicit Arms Trade towards Middle East Security Stability. This research found that Illicit Arms Trade was in fact has its effect towards the regional security of Middle East through the usage of illegal arms in numbers of Middle Eastern Conflict that worsen the conflict

    International postgraduate student satisfaction towards staff service in UUM

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    Student satisfaction has become a significant factor in today’s competitive environment for higher education. The reason of this statement because of satisfied students could help higher education to retain existing students and attract new students. The researcher was interest to make this study due to the declining number of international postgraduate students in UUM. The objective of this study was to determine the international postgraduate student satisfaction towards staff service in UUM in term of responsiveness, reliability, and courtesy of the staff. The data collection process was used the survey method which utilized the questionnaire. The data analysis has used SPSS version 20 to analyze the Pearson Correlation and Multiple Regression of the study. There were 226 questionnaires has been distributed. The main finding of this study showed that there were significant relationships between responsiveness, reliability, and courtesy with student satisfaction

    Evaluating brand personality of Milo towards customers’ brand loyalty / Mohammad Raffi Fhidzon and Muhammad Mawardi Masling

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    This purpose of this study is to determine the influence of brand personality of Milo towards customers’ brand loyalty. There are several factors in brand personality which are sincerity, excitement, competence, sophistication and ruggedness that influence the loyalty of customers towards Milo. At the same time, this study also focuses on determining the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats faced by Milo brand. Furthermore, strategies that can improve Milo in terms of brand personality for Milo to enhance customers brand loyalty are proposed. The quantitative research is conducted to assess the correlation between the dependent and all the independent variables. The population for this study are consumers of Milo in Petaling Jaya, who are regular customers of this brand. In conducting this study, the sampling technique used is convenience sampling where the most accessible customers are chosen as the subject. Research design involves distributing questionnaire to 100 consumers of Milo product. Our analysis finds that the ANOVA result supported the research hypotheses. Nevertheless, result for the regression analysis of coefficient which is used to test the relationship between brand loyalty and sincerity, excitement, competence, sophistication and ruggedness indicate the strongest influence of competence, sincerity and sophistication of the brand. Thus, based on the outcome of study, sincerity, competence and sophistication are the main brand personalities which can contribute to successful loyalty towards Milo brand

    Analisis Sentimen Ulasan Aplikasi Binar Pada Google Play Store Menggunakan Algoritma Naïve Bayes

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    Binar is an online learning platform that provides courses and certifications in the digital field. The Binar app has been downloaded 500,000 times and has a rating of 3.6 on the Google Play Store. However, user ratings sometimes do not match their reviews. In application development, not only the number of ratings but also user opinions need to be considered. Therefore, developers must be able to interpret every opinion given, and sentiment analysis was conducted using the Naïve Bayes Multinomial and Bernoulli algorithms along with Information Gain feature selection to interpret user opinions. This study used the Knowledge Discovery in Database (KDD) method. The data used consisted of 713 reviews of the Binar app, including 518 positive and 195 negative reviews. The best results were obtained in the 9:1 data split scenario with the Bernoulli Naïve Bayes model achieving an accuracy of 93.06%, precision of 87.04%, recall of 100%, f1-score of 93.07%, and AUC of 0.988


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dan persentase terbaik penambahan tepung jagung pada kerupuk susu ditinjau dari kadar air, volume pengembangan, yellowness, dan organoleptik. Materi penelitian ini menggunakan susu sapi segar (2 L), tepung terigu (500 g), tepung tapioka (500 g), dan garam (50 g). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) yang terdiri dari 5 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan. Perlakuan pada penelitian ini yaitu penambahan tepung jagung yaitu A (0%), B (5%), C (10%), D (15%), E (20%). Hasil penelitian menunjukan penambahan tepung jagung pada pembuatan kerupuk susu berpengaruh terhadap kadar air, volume pengembangan, yellowness, dan organoleptik. Rentang hasil pengujian kerupuk susu adalah kadar air 2,29-3,93 %, volume pengembangan 128,84-349,30 %, yellowness 25,15-35,91, uji rasa 5,19-6,06, uji warna 4,13-6,25, uji tekstur 4,56-6,33, uji aroma 5,27-5,79, dan daya terima keseluruhan 5,08-6,11. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa penambahan tepung jagung pada kerupuk susu dengan kualitas terbaik didapat pada perlakuan B yaitu kadar air 2,62 %, volume pengembangan 286,30 %, yellowness 28,86, dan uji organoleptik yang diterima oleh panelis, nilai rasa 5,94 (suka), nilai warna 5,58 (suka), nilai tekstur 5,94 (suka), nilai aroma 5,75 (suka), dan nilai daya terima keseluruhan 5,90 (suka). Kata kunci : tepung jagung, kerupuk susu, kadar air, volume pengembangan, yellowness, organolepti


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    ABSTRAK Pandemi Covid-19 mengakibatkan status kedaruratan di Indonesia. Melalui Keputusan Presiden Republik Indonesia Nomor 11 Tahun 2020 tentang Penetapan Kedaruratan Kesehatan Masyarakat Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19), melalui peraturan ini Indonesia mengumumkan status kedaruratan kesehatan. Peranan negara dalam memenuhi hak kesehatan warga negara dan membatasi hak bepergian warga negaranya. Pemerintah telah berupaya menjamin kesehatan bagi warga negaranya dengan adanya program Vaksinasi Covid-19. Namun masih banyak masyarakat menolak program vaksinasi tersebut, dan hal ini menjadi pro kontra di tengah masyarakat, dan adanya pembatasan terhadap hak perjalanan atau hak bergerak bagi warga negara menyebabkan masalah ekonomi dan terjadinya pengurangan terhadap pemberian jaminan HAM terhadap warga negara. Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut maka yang menjadi permasalahan yang diteliti adalah: Pertama, bagaimana pengaturan kewajiban vaksin warga negara ditinjau dari perspektif Hak Asasi Manusia? Kedua, Bagaimana pembatasan terhadap hak perjalanan menurut Undang-Undang tentang Hak Asasi Manusia? Untuk menjawaban permasalahan diatas penuis melakukan penelitian dengan menggunakan metode penelitian hukum yuridis normatif atau penelitian hukum kepustakaan, yaitu penelitian yang dilakukan dengan cara meneliti bahan pustaka atau bahan sekunder. Adapun yang menjadi hasil penelitian ini ialah pertama, pemerintah telah menetapkan kewajiban vaksin terdapat dalam pasal 15 ayat (2) huruf a Undang-Undang Nomor 6 Tahun 2018 tentang Kekarantinaan Kesehatan, tindakan untuk mengimplementasikan kekarantinaan kesehatan salah satunya berupa pemberian vaksin. Sedangkan Pasal 9 ayat (1) huruf a Undang- Undang Nomor 6 Tahun 2018 tentang Kekarantinaan Kesehatan, dengan tegas menyatakan setiap orang diwajibkan mematuhi penyelenggaraan kekarantinaan kesehatan. Kedua sebagaimana dijelaskan dalam Pasal 27 ayat (1) Undang-Undang Nomor 39 Tahun 1999 tentang Hak Asasi Manusia setiap orang berhak untuk berhak untuk secara bebas bergerak, berpindah, dan bertempat tinggal di Indonesia. Akan tetapi negara dapat membatasi hak ini dikarenakan hak tersebut merupakan hak derogable right yang dapat dibatasi pemenuhannya dengan syarat-syarat tertentu


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    Pandemi COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease-19) telah mempengaruhi sistem pendidikan di seluruh dunia Salah satu tempat yang ikut terdampak ialah gedung perkuliahan. Tutupnya perguruan tinggi seperti gedung perkuliahan Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya, mengurangi salah satu alternatif pembelajaran yang dialami oleh mahasiswa-mahasiswa kampus. Tujuan dilakukan penelitian adalah bagaimana cara membuat robot penyemprotan otomatis dan manual berdasarkan masukan sensor ultrasonik HY-SR04 dan kendali berbasis komunikasi wireless. Kendali robot tergantung dari hospot yang tersambung antara android dan NodeMCU ESP8266. Aplikasi Blynk dilakukan dengan cara menekan tombol yang ada di blynk, kemudian blynk akan mengirim data dalam bentuk byte kemudian diterima oleh modul pernima baru diterima lagi ke Arduino menghasilkan output berupa data pwm motor DC untuk komunikasi wireless. Sedangkan mode automatic menggunakan masukan dari sensor HC-SR04 menyusuri beberapa objek dinding yang akan dilewati oleh robot

    A case study on performance evaluation of power tiller between slopes 3º - 5 º on dry paddy field / Muhammad Nazmi Mohd Raffi

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    A study was conducted in UiTM Jasin Share Farm to test the relationship between speed and plowing depth and fuel and effective field capacity using two-wheel tractor (model S 120). Data collected includes time taken during plowing, total time, fuel consumption and plowing depth. The average speed recorded for each plot is 0.884,0.988,0.945, 1.022 and 0.910 (km/hr), respectively. Mean for plowing depth for each plot (from 20 samples per plot), was 7.46, 7.38, 7.4, 7.34 and 7.42 cm respectively. Effective field capacity recorded 0.0422,0.0450,0.0439, 0.0458 and 0.0427 (km/hr). Data recorded show that more speed will give less plowing depth. Fuel consumption recorded 1.39, 1.42, 1.39, 1.45, and 1.38 (l1hr). Fuel cost recorded 2.1548,2.2012,2.1542,2.2477 and 2.1391 (RM/hr)


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    Pendekatan elemen teori bandura dalam teater kanak-kanak misi menyelamat / Nurfathin Shiera Muhammad Raffi

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    Matlamat kajian ini adalah untuk membincangkan teori bandura melalui pembelajaran sosial yang membina watak dan perwatakan. Pendekatan elemen teori bandura memfokuskan tingkah-laku atau „Behaviorisme‟ yang diaplikasikan dalam Teater Kanak-kanak Misi Menyelamat. Antara elemen yang digunakan dalam teater tersebut ialah melalui teknik pemerhatian dan permodelan. Objektif kajian ini adalah untuk mengenalpasti elemen yang terdapat di dalam teori bandura dengan melakukan analisis watak di dalam Teater Kanak-kanak Misi Menyelamat. Malahan watak pelakon akan dianalisis dalam Teater Kanak-kanak Misi Menyelamat oleh penyelidik dengan menggunakan elemen bandura tersebut. Secara keseluruhannya, kajian membuktikan teori Bandura membantu pelakon dalam membawakan kepelbagaian watak
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