98 research outputs found


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    Since mid the year 2013 in Indonesia enacted curriculum 2013, which seeks to change the habit patterns of teachers teaching and students learning. Government or other agencies typically try to help solve the various barriers faced by teachers when the teachers faced various changes to the duties and responsibilities. Various training, workshops, mentoring, and so on are provided for teachers in order they are able to implement the curriculum 2013. But not so with the students, there is no training or workshops are held to deal with changes in the curriculum. Like or not they have to follow the curriculum changes that occur. Study habits at school that has done so far turned out to be changed. This is because students’s study habits it is no longer compatible with the new curriculum. Students should not be passive, they should be active and dynamic, students must arrange their own activities to compensate for changes in teachers' teaching activities. Therefore, students need to learn how to learn, which is done in self-regulated learning abilities. Keywords: student-centered learning, self-regulated learnin


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    School Counselor Roles in Character Education. Character education was one of the focuses in the system of national education. Therefore, educators must not neglect this. A school counselor, as one of the educators, has to play a role in character education. Referring to guidance and counseling responsibilities in relation to students’ personal, social, academic, and career aspects, a school counselor must not escape from the main duties. Considering that character education is the responsibility of all parties, a school counselor can, independently and in collaboration with all school components, play a role in character education. Individually, a school counselor can provide services, such as individual services, individual planning services, and responsive services. In collaboration with other parties, a school counselor can make a synergy in character education programs. Keywords: school counselor, character educatio

    Hubungan antara Kelekatan dengan Interaksi Sosial pada Siswa

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    This study aimed to find the correlation between proximity and social interaction. This was a correlational study. The population of this study was 173 eight grade students. The data were collected by using proximity scale and social interaction scale. To analyze the data, this study used product moment correlation. The result of this study showed that there was a positive and significant correlation between proximity and social interaction by the coefficient of correlation (r) 0.365 and p = 0.000 (p < 0.05). In other words, higher proximity leads to higher social interaction and vice versa. The results of this study can provide information to educators, especially guidance and counseling teachers (BK) as predictions and preliminary data before providing guidance and counseling services to develop students' proximity  and social interaction

    The Effectiveness of Simulation Games in Improving Interpersonal Communication among the Scouts of SMAN 1 Wanadadi Banjarnegara

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    A game simulation can help to improve interpersonal communication skills when the game involves interaction in groups. The lack of communication between the scouts of SMAN 1 Wanadadi Banjarnegara results in activities not running as planned. This study aimed to investigate how interpersonal communication among these scouts could be improved through simulation games. The study employed an experimental method with a quantitative approach and pre-experimental design. The research subjects included nine scouts with the lowest level of interpersonal communication skills. The results showed that there was a difference in the scouts’ interpersonal communication before and after the simulation games were implemented. The average score of the scouts’ interpersonal communication was higher after they played the simulation games (106.67 > 94.33), and this difference was statistically significant. This showed that there was a significant increase in the interpersonal communication skills of scouts after they participated in the simulation games. Keywords: interpersonal communication, simulation game


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    The first education that humans get when they are children is informal education in the family environment. The existence of parents in informal education has a strong influence on each child. The family is the first and foremost educational institution. First and foremost because children are born and learn through the closest person, namely in the family institution. Education received by children is natural and informal due to the learning process in the form of socialization of values and skills in everyday life. and The second place of education for children after the family environment is the school environment. School is an institution officially organizing education. The main objective of establishing a school is to develop the potential of each child through teaching and learning activities in accordance with the applicable curriculum standards. This study aims to determine the relationship between family environment and faith based school environment and learning achievement. This research was quantitative correlational. The population was all students of fifth grade of faith based elementary school in Magelang as many as 392 students. The sample was 198 students, selected by purposive random proportional sampling technique. The study data were collected with family environment questionnaire, faith based school environment questionnaire, and documentation of learning achievement. Validity test was done by expert judgment and with the help of SPSS 20.0 for Windows. Reliability testing used Cronbach's alpha technique. The results showed that: (1) there was a positive relationship between the family environment and learning achievement, the value of a=0.000 and correlation of 0.678; (3) there was a positive relationship between faith based school environment and learning achievement, the value of a=0.000 and correlation of 0.542; (5) there was a positive relationship between family environment and faith based school environment with learning achievement, the value of a=0.000 and the correlation of 0.779


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    EFEKTIVITAS TUTOR SEBAYA DAN PEKERJAAN RUMAH DALAM MENINGKATKAN SELF- REGULATED LEARNING SISWA Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji efektivitas metode tutor teman sebaya dan pekerjaan rumah dalam meningkatkan kemampuan Self Regulated Learning (SRL) siswa. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, dilaksanakan eksperimen dengan memberikan perlakuan kepada dua kelompok siswa yang berbeda, satu kelompok mendapatkan perlakuan dengan metode tutor teman sebaya dengan jumlah sampel 32 siswa dan kelompok lainnya mendapatkan perlakuan dengan pemberian pekerjaan rumah dengan sampel 31 siswa, dan satu kelompok lagi yang berfungsi sebagai kelompok kontrol dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 33 siswa. Instrumen dalam penelitian ini menggunakan skala untuk mengukur SRLsiswa. Data dianalisis menggunakan teknik ANOVA satu jalur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa metode tutor teman sebayalebih tinggi hasilnya untuk meningkatkan kemampuan SLR siswa dibandingkan pekerjaan rumah. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan diperolehnya nilai F sebesar 118,448 dengan taraf signifikasi sebesar 0,000 dan rerata untuk kelompok dengan perlakuan tutor teman sebaya sebesar 159,12 sedangkan untuk kelompok dengan perlakuan pemberian pekerjaan rumah sebesar 142,81; sementara kelompok kontrol sebesar 125,24. Kata kunci: tutor teman sebaya, pekerjaan rumah, self-regulated learning Abstract This study was aimed at comparing peer tutoring and homework techniques in improving students’ self-regulated learning (SRL). The study used aquasi-experimental design by conducting treatments to two different groups of students, one group receiving treatment with the peer tutoring method with 32 students, and other group was treated by administering homework with 31 students, and the other group as a control group with 33 students not receiving a specific treatment. The research instrument was a scale to measure the students SRL abilities. One-line ANOVA was used to analyzethe data. The results show that peer tutoring is more influential in improving the ability of students in SRL than in homework. It was indicated by the F value of 118.448 with a significance level of 0.000 and the mean scores for the treatment group with peer tutoring at 159.12, the treatment group with homework at 142.81, while the control group at 125.24. Keywords: peer tutoring, homework, self-regulated learnin


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    In overcoming stress disorders in students, special media are needed that are able to be a stimulus in learning management and individual stress. Action or effort that can be done is to use music therapy techniques. Sape' or also called Sampe is a musical instrument or instrument originating from the Dayak Kenyah and Kayan tribes. The purpose of this study is to apply Sape Dayak music therapy for junior high school students who are prone to stress. This study uses a quantitative approach, with the type of pre-experimental method with one group pre- and post-design. Where the population in this research is class X Aceh Singkil Muhammadiyah Middle School Students, with a total of 31 students. data collection technique using a stress measurement instrument, namely DASS 42. Music therapy has an effect on reducing stress levels in class X students of SMP Muhammadiyah Gunung Meriah. On the first day and the second day of the study, there was a significant difference between stress levels before and after music therapy was carried out in the X grade group of Aceh Singkil Muhammadiyah Middle School Students. Thus, it can be concluded that music therapy has an effect on reducing stress levels in the class X group of Aceh Singkil Muhammadiyah Middle School Students.  Article visualizations


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    The purpose of this study was to determine how far the micro-counseling skills mastered by Guidance Counselors (counselor) at the Junior High School (SMP) in Kulon Progo Regency. The subject of the study were guidance counselors/teachers at the Junior High Schools in Kulon Progo Regency with a proportional sample of 33 teachers. Research data were collected using a questionnaire instrument and analyzed using quantitative and qualitative descriptive techniques. The results of the study show: 1) All guidance counselors believe that the use of counseling skills can improve the quality of counseling services, but only the majority of guidance counselors use these skills. The micro counseling skills used by most of the Kulon Progo guidance counselors are attention, opening, acceptance, direction, strengthening, advice, summary, and termination. 2) A small number of guidance counselors admitted that they had never received micro-counseling skills material, either when they were still students in college or when they had entered as practitioners or guidance counselors. Suggestion from this research is that guidance counselors need to take part in training to increase their capacity for mastering micro-counseling skills. The training can be in the form of role-playing with colleagues or practice handling cases directly with the assistance of a competent supervisor. Professional organizations, universities, and schools need to provide support to guidance counselors in efforts to develop and improve the competence of micro-counseling skills.  Article visualizations


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    The problems that arise during the learning process are often not due to the students' cognitive inability, but rather the result of a lack of academic grit. Academic grit is important to make individuals work hard, have high standards, focus on fulfilling responsibilities, and continue to show effort despite failure, difficulties, and obstacles that always come in the way. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of discussion technique group guidance to improve students' academic grit. This study uses an experimental method with a pretest-posttest one-group design with as many as 9 students as the subject of the Islamic Education Guidance and Counseling Study Program, Raden Intan State Islamic University, Lampung, Indonesia. The data collection technique used an academic grit scale. Data analysis of the results of hypothesis testing based on the Wilcoxon test using SPSS V25 obtained the value asymp. sig (2 tailed) 0,007 < 0,05 and from the results of the pretest-posttest from the mean of 62 to 70, it can be concluded that the discussion technique group guidance is effective in increasing students' academic grit. From the results obtained the researchers suggest to 1) Student academic supervisor, when providing consulting services to students, the guidance service would be better to do it in groups because groups research shows that it can increase students' academic grit, 2) Students of the Islamic Education Guidance and Counseling Study Program at the State Islamic University of Raden Intan Lampung Indonesia Batch of 2021 should participate in group guidance service activities with full commitment from the beginning to the end of the activity because with group guidance it can increase students' academic grit. 3) Then suggestions for future researchers, to increase academic grit, can be tried with group guidance using other techniques.   Article visualizations
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