428 research outputs found

    Kesedaran kognitif dalam aplikasi reka bentuk antara muka bagi pemantauan penyelenggaraan

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    Kesedaran Situasi adalah keupayaan manusia untuk mengenal pasti, memproses, dan memahami maklumat berkenaan bagaimana untuk bertahan dalam keadaan kecemasan. Lebih mudah, ia untuk mengetahui apa yang sedang berlaku di sekeliling anda. Ia dinamik, sukar dikekalkan, dan mudah hilang. Kajian ini dijalankan adalah untuk meneroka kesedaran situasi yang di aplikasikan pada aplikasi reka bentuk antara muka Android. Kajian ini dijalankan dengan menggunakan kaedah kualitatif. Kajian melibatkan tiga orang responden kajian mempunyai pengalaman bekerja lebih 20 tahun dalam bidang penyelenggaraan. Kajian ini menggunakan protokol temu bual sebagai instrumen kajian. Data-data yang telah diperoleh melalui temu bual telah dianalisis dengan kaedah analisis kandungan dan sebanyak enam (6) tema telah dijana. Hasil dapatan kajian menunjukkan kriteria-kriteria yang ada dalam kesedaran situasi membantu pengguna untuk lebih mudah menggunakan aplikasi reka bentuk antara muka yang menggunakan kriteria yang terlibat. Diharapkan hasil kajian ini dapat diaplikasikan oleh pihak-pihak yang terlibat dalam usaha untuk memaksimumkan kriteria-kriteria kesedaran situasi dalam antara muka aplikasi

    Accumulation and Economic Growth: Empirical Evidence from Pakistan Economy

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    The study analyzes the contribution of external debt to Pakistan's economic growth. To investigate whether the external debt has contributed to the economic growth in the long run, extended Solow growth model is used. To test model Johnson co integration technique is applied on time series data for the period of 1972-2013. ADF test also being used to check stationarity of series. Results disclosed, negative relationship between external and economic growth of Pakistan. Keywords: External debt, economic growth, developing countries

    Characterization of humoral immune response to pancreas disease virus (SAV-3) following immunization with whole inactivated virus vaccines and DNA vaccines

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    ABSTRACT Salmonid alphavirus type-3 (SAV-3) is the causative agent of pancreas disease (PD) in Atlantic salmon. It is associated with significant economic losses to the aquaculture industry. Vaccines can overcome losses through vaccination. In this study, anti-SAV-3 antibodies in plasma samples from Atlantic salmon vaccinated with DNA, inactivated whole virus vaccines (IWV) and combined delivery of were quantified through indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Plasma samples at 1:50 dilution was found to have neutralizing antibodies using 100 TCID50 SAV-3, but additional testing showed no neutralization at 1:20, 1:40, 1:80, and 1:160 dilution of plasma samples tested on both chinook salmon embryo (CHSE-214) and chum salmon heart (CHH-1) cell lines. At 1:20 dilution, cytotoxicity was observed in CHSE-214 and CHH-1 cell lines. Furthermore, there was no significant effect of complement on neutralization, although a tendency towards delayed CPE was observed. In summary, immunization of Atlantic salmon with plasmid-encoded (DNA), inactivated whole virus vaccines or combined delivery of intraperitoneal and intranasal induced low levels of circulating antibodies tested by ELISA. Classical virus neutralization assays gave very low to no neutralizing titer. However, employing an indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT), titers were found to be 40-80 with some variation between vaccines while for some fish in the DNA vaccinated group, above 80 (no endpoint dilution obtained). It is concluded that an ELISA and IFAT-based neutralization assay can be combined to estimate and document the presence of anti-SAV-3 antibodies post vaccination but correlation with protection against disease is not known. Keywords: Atlantic salmon, SAV-3, CHSE-214, CHH-1, Indirect ELISA, Neutralization, Antibody, Complement, Dilutions, TCID50, VaccinesABSTRACT Salmonid alphavirus type-3 (SAV-3) is the causative agent of pancreas disease (PD) in Atlantic salmon. It is associated with significant economic losses to the aquaculture industry. Vaccines can overcome losses through vaccination. In this study, anti-SAV-3 antibodies in plasma samples from Atlantic salmon vaccinated with DNA, inactivated whole virus vaccines (IWV) and combined delivery of were quantified through indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Plasma samples at 1:50 dilution was found to have neutralizing antibodies using 100 TCID50 SAV-3, but additional testing showed no neutralization at 1:20, 1:40, 1:80, and 1:160 dilution of plasma samples tested on both chinook salmon embryo (CHSE-214) and chum salmon heart (CHH-1) cell lines. At 1:20 dilution, cytotoxicity was observed in CHSE-214 and CHH-1 cell lines. Furthermore, there was no significant effect of complement on neutralization, although a tendency towards delayed CPE was observed. In summary, immunization of Atlantic salmon with plasmid-encoded (DNA), inactivated whole virus vaccines or combined delivery of intraperitoneal and intranasal induced low levels of circulating antibodies tested by ELISA. Classical virus neutralization assays gave very low to no neutralizing titer. However, employing an indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT), titers were found to be 40-80 with some variation between vaccines while for some fish in the DNA vaccinated group, above 80 (no endpoint dilution obtained). It is concluded that an ELISA and IFAT-based neutralization assay can be combined to estimate and document the presence of anti-SAV-3 antibodies post vaccination but correlation with protection against disease is not known. Keywords: Atlantic salmon, SAV-3, CHSE-214, CHH-1, Indirect ELISA, Neutralization, Antibody, Complement, Dilutions, TCID50, Vaccine

    Analysis of Financial Progress of Cement Industry in Pakistan Using Altman’s Z-score

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    Cement is vital component in construction activities. Cement industry plays vital role in the country’s infrastructure development, Pakistan cement industry is existed before split of sub-continent, in 1972, Pakistan cement industry was nationalized. The secondary data was collected and used the financial statements from 2010 to 2015 provided by the state bank of Pakistan, Altman’s z-score modeling was contemplated as one of the best model for forecasting corporate financial health of the cement business. In this research findings demonstrate one angle clear and loud that inventory, debtors and creditors management policy of industry play substantial part in profitability. With the passage of time and arrival of china Pakistan economic corridor (CPEC) this sector is now flourishing, from the year 2014 to 2015, 48% cement companies lies in safe zone, 28% in grey zone and also 25% in distress zone. Investment in this sector may provide high return for the investors. Keywords: Cement manufacturer, Financial performance, Ratios, Z-Score


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    : Penelitian ini dilakukan karena pada Era digital saat ini, kesadaran peserta didik akanpentingnya membaca sangat menurun. Mereka lebih memilih untuk menghabiskan waktu dengangame online, ataupun media social yang ada. Bila tidak dibimbing dan diberikan pengarahan olehtenaga pendidik, maka hal ini akan menurunkan hasil belajar pada peserta didik. Tenaga pendidikberperan penting dalam menangani permasalahan ini, dimana tenaga pendidik dapat menjadikanrutinitas membaca dan memberikan arahan agar peserta didik lebih giat lagi untuk menambahpengetahuan dengan membaca. Pada hakikatnya pembelajaran bahasa adalah belajar berkomunikasi,mengingat bahasa sebagai sarana komunikasi dalam masyarakat. Untuk dapat berkomunikasi denganbaik, seseorang perlu berbahasa yang baik dan benar. Karena itu, pembelajaran bahasa Indonesiaselalu disertakan dalam kurikulum disetiap jenjang pendidikan di sekolah terlebih lagi dipendidikan nonformal.Pada pendidikan non-formal berbeda dengan pendidikan formal karena banyakperbedaan seperti sifat dan karakter siswa , alhasil pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesiadisebuah pendidikan non-formal sangat berbeda dengan formal yaitu lebihpembelajarannya yang fleksibel. Fleksibel dalam artian kata tidak melulu harusmengikut aturan standar kurikulum 2013 dan harus belajar di ruang kelas , Pendidikan non-formalbiasanya akan menyesuaikan kondisi dari lembaga pendidikan tersebut, sifat dari siswanya, kemauandan keinginan siswa tersebut. Sayangnya pembelajaran yang fleksibel ini membuat terkadang adabeberapa siswa yang tertinggal materi , alhasil hal yang dilakukan disalah satu lembagapendidikan non-formal yaitu PKBM S.SUPRIADI yang menggunakan pembelajaran membaca intensifagar siswa bisa cepat mengerti materi yang diajarkan oleh pemateri di lembaga tersebut. Menyusunsebuah ide ataupun informasi secara tersurat dan dinyatakan dalam wacana. Agar dapat menghasilkansebuah pemikiran yang diinginkan, peserta didik dapat menggunakan kalimat penulis secara verticalatau dapat menggunakan parafrase dengan mengubah ucapan penulis.Berdasarkan survei yang sudah dilakukan pada PKBM S.SUPRIADI didapatkan informasi bahwasanyahasil belajar peserta didik tergolong dengan rata-rata rendah. Hal ini terjadi karena kurangnya minatpeserta didik dalam membaca. Sehingga dapat dikatakan bahwa siswa masih merasa kesulitan dalammemahami suatu teks. Beberapa kegiatan dan juga pendekatan serta metode sudah dilakukan olehtenaga pendidik, namun nampaknya tenaga pendidik belum menemukan metode yang tepat untukmembimbing peserta didik

    Helga Lili Wolff's Study of Religions, Conversion to Islam, Qur’anic Authorship and Da'wah Services

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    Helga Lili Wolff (1934-2013) became famous as Fatima Grimm after converting from Christianity to Islam. She began to think that many questions related to Christian beliefs were counterintuitive after not getting a satisfactory answer. After studying Islamic literature in the German language besides the literature of Allama Muhammad Asad and Maulana Maududi, she formally accepted Islam in 1960. she gained fame as a translator of the Quran, German translator, writer, and Islamic scholar. She made "Islam and the Muslim Community in Germany" her favorite subject. she wrote the translation and commentaries of the Qur'an in 5 volumes in German under the title "Die Bedeutung des korans Text und Kommentar". She also wrote a guidebook for the translation of the Holy Quran. She translated Taha Jay Alwani and Imaduddin Khalil's book "The Koran and Sunnah" together with Maryam Raisman. Apart from this, she wrote books for the training of Islamic beliefs, members of Islam, the Islamic family system, and the Islamic manners of castes and women and translated the books of other scholars into the German language. Her publication of Islam and the acceptance of Islam had far-reaching effects and results

    Potensi Pantai Anyer Sebagai Objek Wisata Utama di Provinsi Banten

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    This research is conducted based on the tourism situation in Anyer Beach, Serang Regency, Banten Province. The issue of environmental sustainability has motivated the author to explore the potential optimization of Anyer Beach as the main tourist attraction in Banten. It’s beautiful natural resources and modernization in the present era have made Anyer Beach one of the potential tourist destinations and capable of being the main tourist attraction in Banten. Administratively, Anyer Beach is in Anyar District, at the western tip of Serang Regency, Banten Province. The main tourist attractions in this area are the long and wide coastal areas facing the Sunda Strait, which consist of Anyer Beach, Tanjung Tum Beach, Bojong Beach, and Sambolo Beach. These four beaches are interconnected from north to south in Anyar District, with a total coastline length of 25 km. Anyer Beach, Tanjung Tum Beach, and Sambolo Beach are generally covered with coarse sand, fine sand, and gravel. In addition to sand and gravel, Bojong Beach also features a Lighthouse Tower built during the Dutch colonial era. The Anyer Beach area has been equipped with various accommodation facilities such as hotels, villas, resorts, guesthouses, healthcare facilities, restaurants, clean water supplies, electricity, security, and more. All these facilities have a positive impact on the progress of Anyer Beach's potential as the main tourist attraction in Banten. With adequate facilities, tourists will be interested in visiting

    Electronic Government Re-Inventing Governance: A Case Study of Pakistan

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    This study evaluates the importance of the emergence of Electronic Government (E- Government) as a tool  of practice in the re-invention of  Governance. It presents e-Government as wide-ranging of Electronic Democracy (eDemocracy), and Electronic Business (eBusiness), examines the nature and scope of developments in this emerging field.  In the contemporary scenario, e-government is already in its second decade. More or less all countries around the world are introducing the e-government as a tool for reducing cost, saving time, improving social services and increasing efficiency and effectiveness of in public sector improving social services. E-government is a relatively new concept in Pakistan.  However, being a developing country, it is facing serious problem regarding adoption of e-government and public delivery services. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the impact of e- government on public service delivery with a view to identify opportunities and challenges for the government and the governed.  It may be made clear here that it does not provide an in depth analysis of various factors and forces. Instead, provides synoptic view of various issues and problems related to e- government. Keywords: E- Government, Good Governance, Accountability, Public Service Delivery, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and Smart Governmen

    Modeling and Fabrication of Smart Robotic Wheelchair Instructed by Head Gesture

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    The confronting problem faced by the handicapped, paralyzed, disabled, and quadriplegic people is their independent mobility. They need external assistance to perform their daily life activities. This paper aims to solve that problem by smart designing and deployment of the robotic wheelchair for those who cannot perform their voluntary activities and movements. The proposed automated wheelchair comprises two parts; the first part is the user's helmet that works as a master device, and the second part is a slave device, a smart wheelchair. The master device consists of an accelerometer, microcontroller, and wireless transmitter, in which the Accelerometer recognizes the movements of the user's head and transmits the signal according to the tiltation of the user's head. Besides this, the slave device consists of a wireless receiver, microcontroller, Gyroscope, power MOSFETs, and DC geared motors mounted on a smart wheelchair, which response as per the instructions of the master device. Furthermore, the paper also provides a brief construction of this mechatronic and amphibian system using static and dynamic equations

    Comparing Methods and Finding H. pylori Infections and their Resistance to Beta Lactam Drugs as Seen in Peshawar, Pakistan

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    The aims of this study were to find and report pattern of resistance towards beta lactam antibiotics in patients infected with H. pylori by visiting Hayatabad Medical Complex (HMC). Diagnostic procedures like: gastroendoscopy, Rapid Urease Test (RUT), biochemical testing, microscopic examination, antibacterial sensitivity tests and molecular methods were utilized and compared. Polymerase chain reaction was used to find 16S rRNA gene fragment. Hundred forty-four patients were found H. pylori positive for urease and 182 were positive for catalase. Hundred and thirty-two were positive for oxidase while hundred eighty were Gram negative. By polymerase chain reaction, 16S rRNA gene fragment was found to be positive in 164 subjects. The pattern of antibiotics resistance in H. pylori as seen in Peshawar, Pakistan in 200 gastric biopsies. A poorer resistance level towards amoxicillin is noticeable as due to low socioeconomic conditions
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