211 research outputs found


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    Analisis Kinerja Ruas Jalan Raya Surabaya-Malang ( Studi Kasus JL. Raya Bypass Pandaan, Kabupaten Pasuruan)

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    Road performance is the ability of a road section to serve traffic flow traffic that occurs on certain road sections. Road performance is determined by capacity, degree of saturation, average speed and travel time. Traffic congestion is a main topic that is always a problem, especially in big cities such as Pasuruan Regency, especially on Jalan Surabaya - Malang Bypass Pandaan. This road is an escape route that should be free from obstacles, however This condition is caused by the accumulation of vehicles that exceed capacity which is already available on the road and causes traffic jams during hours certain conditions so that the smooth flow of traffic is disrupted, it is necessary to carry out research to determine the impact on road performance and find effective solutions efficient. The method used to analyze the Surabaya - Malang Bypass road Pandaan is to use the Indonesian Road Capacity Manual Method (MKJI) in 1997. This research also predicts the condition of the road network in 5 next year. Based on the evaluation carried out, the performance of the road section was obtained Under current conditions it is 2904 pcu/hour, the degree of saturation in the west-east direction is 0.80 and east – west direction is 0.56. So this research focuses on direction West to East. The most influential alternative is the first alternative by diverting the flow of motorbikes (MC) and light vehicles (LV) from the main road (Jl. Surabaya-Malang Bypass Pandaan) to the alternative road (Jl. Kalitengah Baru towards Jl. Customs). With this alternative the DS value can be reduced from 0.80 to 0.38. For existing conditions in the next 5 years, use alternatives The current diversion obtained DS in the west-east direction of 0.43. The road section is in the ratio volume and capacity stable flow condition


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    Professional teachers are required to play a significant role as effective managers and to carry out all stages of activities and the learning process with good managerial skills so that learning objectives can be achieved satisfactorily. Similarly, in the case of non-formal education teachers, especially those in Islamic religious schools (TPQ), although they have non-formal status, the presence of TPQ teachers is crucial for the transformation of Islamic teachings through the existing TPQ learning process. Therefore, it is essential for TPQ teachers to possess a professional spirit in managing their teaching. This research focuses on the issues of 1) how the professionalism attitude of TPQ teachers in managing learning in TPQ AL-Furqan Jeis Mulyoagung-Malang and 2) what are the factors that influence the professionalism of teachers in managing learning in TPQ Al-Furqan Jetis Mulyoagunng-Malang.This research aims to explore and describe the professionalism of TPQ AL-Furqan Jetis Mulyoagung-Malang teachers in managing their teaching and to describe the supporting and inhibiting factors for teacher professionalism in managing teaching. This study employs a qualitative field study approach. Data sources in this research are obtained through interviews, observations, and documentation from informants using purposive sampling techniques. The results of this research are as follows: (1) The professionalism of TPQ Al-Furqan teachers is evident in a) lesson planning, b) mastery of teaching materials, c) teaching management, and d) assessment of the learning process (evaluation). (2) Several supporting and inhibiting factors for the professionalism of TPQ Al-Furqan teachers can be categorized as internal and external factors


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    In the components of the elements of education, one of the most important is students, where each student has an important role and responsibility to lead to and become a student with a level of maturity both in terms of cognitive, affective and psychomotor. With the existence of good student activities including doing well in group work, the quality of achievement that will be obtained will be achieved properly. Students who do well in group work will better understand the material being studied, it will result in the formation of high learning achievement for the students themselves. Based on the preliminary study that the author conducted, it was found that there were still students who were not able to move and be active in group work properly. The symptom is that there are still students who do not have good material preparation or study material to be done in group work, there are still students who cannot answer questions in group work activities and there are still students who have not been able to make conclusions after their group work is complete. To make it easier for the authors to examine the problems above, the authors formulate the problem, namely whether there is a significant relationship between group work activities on students' learning achievement of Islamic Religious Education and the factors that influence it. . This study uses two variables, namely the variable x (Group Work Activity) and the variable y (Student's Islamic Religious Education Learning Achievement). To find out the two data, the writer used a questionnaire, interview and documentation. Because the research data is interval data, the collected data will be analyzed using the "product moment". Based on the author's research, it can be concluded that there is a significant relationship between group work activities and the achievement of grade VIII students in the Islamic religious education subject at the integrated Islamic junior high school al-washliyah 20 Medan in the 2019/2020 academic year


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    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana perumusan konseptual tentang kebebasan berkontrak proporsionalitas dan bagaimana penerapan perlindungan hukum bagi para pihak dalam suatu perjanjian kredit. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normative, disimpulkan: 1. Dengan memperhatikan substansi masing-masing asas tersebut di atas, sesuai dengan fungsi “check and balance”, maka asas kebebasan berkontrak, daya mengikat kontrak, asas pacta sunt servanda, itikad baik serta asas proporsionalitas mempunyai daya kerja menjangkau kontrak yang bersangkutan. Sebagai suatu sistem, pada prinsipnya para pihak bebas membuat kontrak, menentukan isi dan bentuknya, serta melangsungkan proses pertukaran hak dan kewajiban sesuai kesepakatan masing-masing secara proporsional. Dalam hubungan antar asas-asas hukum kontrak, mandiri dan berdiri setara dengan asas-asas pokok hukum kontrak yang lain. Hal ini didasari pada karakteristik serta fungsi asas proporsionalitas.  Demikian halnya dengan daya kerja serta fungsi masing-masing asas dalam kontrak, membentuk sistem “check and balance”, sesuai dengan proporsinya sehingga bangunan kontrak menjadi kokoh. 2. Penerapan perlindungan hukum bagi para pihak sebagaimana asas hukum merupakan sumber bagi sistem hukum yang memberi aspirasi tentang nilai-nilai etis moral dan sosial yang hidup dalam masyarakat. Menjamin terwujudnya proses negosiasi kontrak yang fair, dalam pembentukan kontrak kesetaraan hak serta kebebasan dalam menentukan isi kontrak dan terwujudnya pertukaran hak dan kewajiban para pihak, khususnya keseimbangan berkontrak (bisnis). Perlu perlindungan melalui campur tangan pemerintah terhadap substansi perjanjian kredit, maka perlunya penerapan keadilan dan keseimbangan diartikan sebagai konteks posisi para pihak, diperlukan check and balances, dan bagi pihak yang merasa dirugikan dalam perjanjian kontrak dapat menempuh jalur hukum (pengadilan/arbitrase).Kata kunci:  Konseptual, Kebebasan Berkontrak,  Perlindungan Bagi Para Pihak, Perjanjian Kredi


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    Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh data jumlah pengangguran pada tahun 2015 yang mencapai 7,25 juta orang, dari jumlah tersebut 9,05% merupakan lulusan dari SMK dan dari data keterserapan dunia kerja lulusan di SMK Bintara 128 orang lulusan yang masih belum bekerja mencapai 48,5%. Praktik Kerja Industri (Prakerin) merupakan program yang diselenggarakan SMK untuk mempersiapkan siswa untuk bekerja di industri. Tujuan dilaksanakannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kesiapan kerja siswa sebelum prakerin dan kesiapan kerja siswa setelah prakerin selanjutnya mengungkap perbedaan kesiapan kerja siswa sebelum dan setelah melaksanakan prakerin. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XI SMK Bintara kompetensi keahlian teknik kendaraan ringan (TKR) sedangkan untuk sampel berjumlah 61 siswa keseluruhan dari populasi yaitu kelas XI TKR 1 dan kelas XI TKR 2. Instrumen yang digunakan pada penelitian ini berupa angket yang diberikan kepada siswa sebelum prakerin dan diberikan setelah siswa prakerin, angket tersebut diberikan untuk melihat peningkatan kesiapan kerja hasil prakerin siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukan peningkatan hasil kesiapan kerja siswa setelah prakerin dengan presentase 10%. sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan kesiapan kerja siswa sebelum dan setelah melaksanakan prakerin. Berdasarkan hasil analisis uji hipotesis didapat thitung > ttabel atau 22,678 > 1,98 dengan = 0,05 maka H0 ditolak dan Ha diterima, artinya terdapat perbedaan kesiapan kerja siswa sebelum dan setelah melaksanakan prakerin siswa di SMK Bintara Kabupaten Bandung. ---------- Muhammad Fahri Rizky (1002539). Study about Readiness of Work Before and After Work Practices Industrial of Bintara Vocational High School grade XI TKR Bandung Regency. This research is motivated by the total data of unemployment in 2015 reached 7.25 million people, of that total 9,05% are graduates of Vocational High School and from the data of working world absorption the graduate in Bintara Vocational High School 128 graduates didn’t work yet reached 48,5%. Work Practices Industrial (Prakerin) is program that organized by Vocational to prepare the student to work in Industry. The objective of this research was to find out the readiness of students’ work before prakerin and after prakerin furthermore reveal the differentiation the readiness of students’ work before and after implementing prakerin. This research was done by using quantitative descriptive method. The population in this research is student grade XI Engineering Competence Light Vehicles of Bintara Vocational High School while for the total sample were 61 students for the whole of the population that are TKR 1 and TKR 2 grade XI. The instrument was used in this research was form of questionnaire which was given to the students before and after prakerin, that questionnaire was given to see an increase the work readiness of students’ prakerin results. The results showed the increase of students’ work readiness after prakerin with percentage 10%. So it was able to be concluded that there are differences in work readiness of students before and after implementing prakerin. Based on the analysis of hypothesis test obtained tcount > ttable or 22,678 > 1,98 with α = 0,05 so H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted, it’s mean that there are differences in work readiness of students before and after implementing prakerin of student in Bintara Vocational High School Bandung Regency

    Integrasi Fikih dan Tasawuf Perspektif Tarekat Tijaniyyah

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    Ascetic practice that focuses on inner charity (Sufism) in worshiping Allah. without carrying out worship related to the external aspect (Fiqh) is still carried out among Muslims themselves. How is the view of the Tijaniyyah Order in responding to the phenomena that occur? This study aims to analyze the concept of harmony in the practice of fiqh and tasawuf from the perspective of the Tijaniyyah Order. This study applies qualitative methods and uses literature research objects which are categorized as library research. The results and discussion of this study show the concept of harmony in the practice of Sufism and fiqh in the Tijaniyyah Order and discuss the biography of Sheikh Ahmad Attijani as the founder of the at-Tijani congregation. The conclusion of this study explains that the Tijaniyyah Order applies religious practices based on fiqh and Sufism as physical and spiritual deeds. This research recommends for further research with a holistic perspective


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    This devotion aims to answer efforts to increase the production of cassava-made sago made by residents of Guraping village of North Oba Subdistrict. Community service using methods; Survey, observation, Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and Training and monitoring. The result of this devotion was carried out on August 26, on Thursday, 2021, when 20.00 Wit to completion, the participants who attended as many as 40 people and 29 people from the manufacture of cassava-based sago. the cultivation of the basic materials of cassava making for the long term, technological changes to increase production, in the form of replacing the scorching sun with a technological innovation, in the form of the latest accompaniment.jumalah the manufacture of cassava-based sago (kasbi) as many as 29 people, improving the quality of human resources and the need for institutions / cooperatives to manage, so that the increase of MSMEs in the community is increasing and there is an absorption of labor in the village,  so that there is an economic increase in the income of the Guruping communit

    Hubungan Stres dengan Perilaku Penggunaan Rokok Elektrik di Era New Normal pada Mahasiswa Kesehatan Masyarakat UMKT

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    Tujuan studi: penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui adanya hubungan tingkat stres dengan perilaku merokok elektrik di era new normal pada mahasiswa kesehatan masyarakat UMKT Metodologi: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian cross sectional dengan sampel yang ada di penelitian ini, jumlah populasi dan sampel sebanyak 231 responden yang diambil. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik stratified random sampling untuk menentukan jumlah respondennya. Pada variabel independen ini adalah perilaku merokok elektrik, sementara variabel dependennya adalah tingkat stres. Untuk instrument penelitian ini menggunakan google form sebagai kuesionernnya. Hasil kuesioner tersebut akan diananlisis ke SPSS dengan uji chi square Dengan α = 0.05. Hasil: Tidak ada hubungan tingkat stres dengan perilaku rokok elektrik, dikarenakan setelah dilakukan uji chi-square dengan hasil yang didapatkan ɑ = 0.05, diperoleh bahwa nilai p = 0.553 > 0.05 yang artinya terdapat tidak ada hubungan antara tingkat stres dengan perilaku penggunaan rokok elektrik di era new normal pada mahasiswa S1 kesehatan masyarakat UMKT, yang artinya H1 di tolak karena tidak ada hubungan. Manfaat: Berharap pada penelitian ini bermanfaat bagi mahasiswa atau orang sekitarnya sebagai hasil informasi dan pengetahuan tentang hubungan tingkat stres dengan perilaku merokok elektrik di era new normal pada mahasiwa kesehatan masyarakat UMKT

    PENGARUH MEKANISME CORPORATE GOVERNANCE TERHADAP STRUKTUR MODAL PERUSAHAAN (Studi Empiris pada Perusahaan Nonkeuangan yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2013-2014)

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    This study aims to examine the influence between components in the corporate governance consisting the board of commissioner size, institutional ownership, quality of external auditor, frequency of commissioner’s meetings and frequency of audit committee’s meetings against capital structure.. This study also uses three control variables such as growth opportunity, profitability, and firm size. This study was a replication with a modification from the research of Hussainey and Aljifri (2012) examining the corporate governance against capital structure proxied by debt-to-equity ratio. This study uses the time span during 2013-2014. This study using purposive sampling method as a method of sample selection. Data obtained from annual reports and financial statements non-financial companies listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange. The number of samples obtained from these criteria amounted to 269 companies. Analysis of data using multiple regression analysis. The results of this research indicate that board of commissioner size, institutional ownership and frequency of commissioner’s meeting are significantly negative related to capital structure . While other variables such as quality of external auditor and frequency of audit committee’s meeting are not significantly effected . This research also uses the control variable and the result growth opportunity is significantly negative effected to capital structure and firm size is significantly positive effected to capital structure . While another control variables such as profitability are not significantly effected
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