975,804 research outputs found

    Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Perpustakaan FT-UMM

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    Surat Pencatatan Ciptaan yang dikeluarkan oleh Kementrian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia atas Program Komputer yang berjudul Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Perpustakaan FT-UMM yang diciptakan oleh Merinda Lestandy, Bayu Adiputra Pratama, Muhammad Nasar, Amrul Faruq, Lailis Syafa’ah, dan Muhammad Irfan

    STREAM Journal, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp 1-18. January-March 2006

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    CONTENTS: Policy development as a theme and policy briefs as a genre, by Graham Haylor and William Savage. Decriminalizing Cambodian family-scale fishers through a livelihoods approach to law reform, by Nao Thuok and Chun Sopha. Longer pond leases in Orissa, by Reshmee Guha and Rubu Mukherjee. One-stop aqua shop: a “one-window delivery” service center for aqua-farmers and fishers, by S.D. Tripathi, Rubu Mukherjee and Kuddus Ansary. Fisheries and aquaculture policy formulation process in Pakistan, by Muhammad Junaid Wattoo and Dr. Muhammad Hayat. Improving the international marine ornamental fish trade to sustain and improve the livelihoods of poor people involved in the trade, by Aniza Suspita, Michael J. Phillips and Samliok Ndobe

    Pemikiran Muhammad Syafei Tentang Pendidikan

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    Penelitian ini berjudul: “Pemikiran Muhammad Syafei Tentang Pendidikan’’. Permasalahan pokok dalam penulisan skripsi ini adalah BagaimananaPemikiran Muhammad Syafei Tentang Pendidikan.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) Biografi Singkat Muhammad Syafei Sebagai Tokoh Pendidikan Nasional, (2) Latar Belakang Pemikiran Muhammad Syafei Tentang Pendidikan, (3) Konsep Pendidikan Menurut Muhammad Syafei. Hasil penelitian ini pertama, Muhammad Syafei, yang terdiri dari asal usul Muhammad Syafei, masa kecil Muhammad Syafei, pendidikan Muhammad Syafei, kehidupan keluarga Muhammad Syafei, kedua, Latar Belakang Pemikiran Muhammad Syafei tentang pendidikan adalah: Muhammad Syafei telah dipompa dan dimotvasi oleh kedua orangtuanya dari kecil, sehingga Muhammad Syafei memiliki pandangan bahwa Rakyat harus ditingkatkan Pendidikannya untuk mendapatkan kecerdasan, ketiga, konsep pendidikan menurut Muhammad Syafei adalah Pekerjaan tangan (Murid harus belajar dan bekerja


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    Muslims consider Prophet Muhammad as a model of piety and an icon of their faith whose exemplary conduct and teachings or sunnah constitute the blue print of human conduct that they try to emulate. He is the last in the chain of prophets totaling 124,000, according to Muslim tradition, all of whom preached the same universal message of obedience to God and compassion to His creation. Download full text to read more.https://ir.stthomas.edu/encounteringislam/1019/thumbnail.jp

    Peran Teungku Muhammad Daud Beureu'eh Dalam Bidang Pendidikan Islam Di Aceh

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    Teungku M. Daud Beureueh dilahirkan pada 15 September 1899 di sebuah kampung bernama "Beureueh", daerah Keumangan, Kabupaten Aceh Pidie. Kampung Beureueh adalah sebuah kampung heroik Islam, sama seperti kampung Tiro. Teungku Muhammad Daud Beureueh merupakan tempaan pesantren sejati. Teungku Muhammad Daud Beureueh tidak pernah masuk sekolah. Tapi kendati pun begitu, ia tidak buta huruf latin. Teungku Muhammad Daud Beureueh mendirikan pesantren. Teungku Muhammad Daud Beureueh juga dikenal sebagai ulama yang tahan uji. Teungku Muhammad Daud Beureueh terkenal sebagai ulama yang tegas karena pendiriannya dalam agama Islam. Tidak jarang masa itu ia bercekcok dengan banyak pihak terkait dengan pandangannya. Kalau ada pertengkaran antara Teungku Muhammad Daud Beureueh dengan lawannya, yang terbanyak adalah berkisar dari masalah pemerintahan dan masalah agama. Adapun rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana profil Teungku Muhammad Daud Beureueh dalam lintas sejarah perjuangan Aceh, bagaimana peran Teungku Muhammad Daud Beureueh dalam pembaharuan pendidikan di Aceh, bagaimana peran Teungku Muhammad Daud Beureueh dalam mengembangkan pendidikan di Aceh, bagaimana peran Teungku Muhammad Daud Beureueh dalam pembangunan masyarakat Aceh, dan bagaimana peran Teungku Muhammad Daud Beureueh dalam perjuangan kemerdekaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui profil Teungku Muhammad Daud Beureueh dalam lintas sejarah perjuangan Aceh, untuk mengetahui peran Teungku Muhammad Daud Beureueh dalam pembaharuan pendidikan di Aceh, untuk mengetahui peran Teungku Muhammad Daud Beureueh dalam mengembangkan pendidikan di Aceh, untuk mengetahui peran Teungku Muhammad Daud Beureueh dalam pembangunan masyarakat Aceh, dan untuk mengetahui peran Teungku Muhammad Daud Beureueh dalam perjuangan kemerdekaan

    Pemikiran William Montgomery Watt Tentang sosok Muhammad dalam karyanya Muhammad Prophet And Tasteman

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    AbstractMany of the experts in Islamic studies both Eastern (Occidental) and Western (Orientalist) describe concepts related to the Prophet Muhammad. One of them is William Montgomerry Watt, an English orientalist. The purpose of this study is to determine the subjectivity and objectivity of orientalist figures in studying Islamic history. This study uses a qualitative research method with a library research approach. Watt is one of the figures who examines Muhammad's life with thoughts based on a socio-cultural approach. Then Richard Bell, one of the teachers who also influenced Watt's thinking a lot. In his book, Muhammad Prophet and Tasteman, Watt tries to accommodate the previous book about Muhammad. Was Muhammad the Prophet? or as a statesman? Or even as a second?. AbstrakBanyak dari para pakar kajian Islam baik Timur (oksidentalis) ataupun Barat (Orientalis) menjabarkan konsep-konsep yang berkaitan dengan Nabi Muhammad. Salah satunya yaitu William Montgomerry Watt, orientalis yang berkebangsaan Inggris. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui subjektivitas dan objektifitas tokoh orientalis dalam mengkaji sejarah Islam. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan kepustakaan (library research). Watt merupakan salah satu tokoh yang mengkaji kehidupan Muhammad dengan pemikiran-pemikiran yang dilandasi dengan pendekatan sosio-kultur. Kemudian Richard Bell, salah seorang guru yang juga banyak banyak mempengaruhi pemikiran Watt. Dalam bukunya yang berjudul Muhammad Prophet and Tasteman, Watt mencoba mengakomodir buku tentang Muhammad yang sebelumnya. Apakah Muhammad sebagai Nabi? atau Sebagai Negarawan? Atau bahkan sebagai kedua?. Kata Kunci: Kajian Islam di Barat; Muhammad Prophet and Tasteman; William Montgomerry Watt.Perkembangan kajian keislaman di Barat tidak terlepas dari Tokoh Muhammad sebagai Nabi pembawa risalah tersebut. Banyak dari para pakar kajian Islam baik Timur (oksidentalis) ataupun Barat (Orientalis) menjabarkan konsep-konsep mereka yang berkaitan dengan Nabi Muhammad. Salah satunya adalah William Mongomerry Watt, salah satu orientalis yang berkebangsaan Inggris. Ia menghasilkan trilogi karya yang menjelaskan sosok Muhammad, Muhammad at Mecca, Muhammad at Madina dan Muhammad Prophet and Tasteman. Watt merupakan salah satu tokoh yang mengkaji kehidupan Muhammad dengan pemikiran-pemikiran yang dilandasi dengan pendekatan sosio-kultur. Adalah Richard Bell, salah seorang guru yang juga banyak banyak mempengaruhi pemikiran Watt. Dalam bukunya yang berjudul Muhammad Prophet and Tasteman, Watt mencoba mengakomodir buku tentang Muhammad yang sebelumnya. Apakah Muhammad sebagai Nabi? atau Sebagai Negarawan? Atau bahkan sebagai kedua


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    Skripsi ini berjudul “Peranan Muhammad Jusuf dalam Politik Orde Baru 1966-1993”. Masalah utama yang diangkat dalam skripsi ini adalah “Bagaimana peranan Muhammad Jusuf dalam perpolitikan Orde Baru 1966-1993”. Dari masalah utama tersebut dibagi menjadi tiga pertanyaan penelitian, yaitu (1) Bagaimana latar belakang kehidupan Muhammad Jusuf?, (2) Bagaimana kebijakan Muhammad Jusuf selaku Menteri Perindustrian dalam usaha memperbaiki perekonomian Indonesia tahun 1966-1978?, (3) Bagaimana Peran Muhammad Jusuf sebagai Menhankam/Pangab tahun 1978-1982?, (4) Bagaimana peranan Muhammad Jusuf dalam perpolitikan Indonesia 1983-1993?. Metode penelitian yang digunakan untuk mengkaji permasalahan tersebut dengan menggunakan metode historis yaitu pengumpulan sumber, kritik sumber, interpretasi dan historiografi. Untuk memperdalam analisis, peneliti menggunakan pendekatan interdisipliner melalui kajian ilmu sosiologi dan politik dengan menggunakan konsep-konsep seperti peran, stabilitas politik dan kebijakan serta menggunakan teori Patron-Klien dan Strukturasi. Muhammad Jusuf merupakan salah satu tokoh dalam keberlangsungan Orde Baru yang dilahirkan di Kajuara, Kab.Bone. Muhammad Jusuf menjabat sebagai Menteri Perindustrian selama 2 periode. Muhammad jusuf juga diangkat menjadi Menhankam/Pangab untuk memperbaiki organisasi dan keutuhan dari ABRI dalam upaya peningkatan kesejahteraan bagi para prajurit, Muhammad Jusuf memperbaiki asrama-asrama hingga memperbaharui persenjataan dari ABRI. Muhammad Jusuf memberikan intruksi kepada prajuritnya untuk tidak terlibat dalam politik dan memberikan waktu dan pikirannya untuk pengamanan dan pembangunan masyarakat.;---This thesis entitled "The role of Muhammad Jusuf in Politik Orde Baru during 1966-1993". The main issue raised in this thesis is "How did Muhammad Jusuf role in the politics Orde Baru during 1966-1993". The main problems is divided into three research questions: (1) What was the life background of Muhammad Jusuf? (2) What was Muhammad Jusuf’s policy as the Minister of Industry dealing with an effort to improve the economy of Indonesia during1966-1978? (3) What was the Role of Muhammad Jusuf as Minister of Defense / Armed Forces Commander in 1978-1982? (4) What was the role Muhammad Jusuf’s in Indonesian politics during 1983-1993?. The method used to assess these problems was the historical method namely the source collection and criticism, interpretation and historiography. To deepen the analysis, the researchers used an interdisciplinary approach through the study of sociology and politics science by using some concepts such as roles, political stability and policy as well as using the theory of Patron-Klien and Structuration . Muhammad Jusuf was one of the leaders in the Politic Orde Baru. He was born in Kajuara, Bone Sub-District and had a very brilliant military career in the era of Politic Orde Baru. Muhammad Jusuf served as Minister of Industryfor 2 periods. Having served as Minister of Industry, Muhammad Jusuf was appointed to be Minister of Defense, a commander to improve the organization and the integrity of the Armed Forces of Indonesia (ABRI). In an effort to improve the welfare of the soldiers, he periodically increased the income of the soldiers, repairing dormitories to renew the weaponry of ABRI. Muhammad Jusuf gave instruction to his soldiers not to be involved in politics and to spend their time and thoughts to the security as well as the development of society

    Muhammad Mosque No. 24: My Islam Experience

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    Student perspectives on worship services from Instructor Jennifer Garvin-Sanchez\u27s Religious Studies 108 Human Spirituality course at Virginia Commonwealth University

    Role in Developing the Concept Muhammad Natsir Islamic Education in Indonesia 1932-1942

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    Islamic education in Indonesia is education based on monotheism. Muhammad Natsir monotheism view that education should be given to children as early as possible while still young and easily cultivated, before preceded by the material, ideology and understanding of others. Indonesia has the world\u27s treasures of Islamic education reformers were so many, the figures are very intense and pay great attention tehadap development and advancement of Islamic education. The purpose of this study was to determine History Education Muhammad Natsir, To know the concept of Islamic Education Muhammad Natsir, To know Muhammad Natsir Efforts in Developing Islamic Education Concepts Muhammad Natsir. This study uses historical method that will give a clear picture of the past in a systematic, objective to collect, evaluate and interpret the obtained materials that can be accounted for righteousness. Muhammad Natsir concept of Islamic education Universal, Integral and Harmony is the result of reflections Muhammad Natsir of Qur\u27an and Sunnah. Integrative education proposed by Muhammad Natsir based on monotheism, and aims to make man who serve Allah. Education concept Muhammad Natsir accompanied by his efforts in promoting Islamic education is seen in Mendirian Pendis, Establishing Institutions of Islamic Da\u27wah and Islamic Pioneering High School Establishment UII. The concept of Islamic Education Muhammad Natsir seen with the objective of Islamic Education, Islamic Education Platform, Urgency Islamic Education, Implementation of Islamic Education, Islamic Education materials and methods Islam.Pemikiran Education Muhammad Natsir on Islamic Education has been proven by many schools and universities High Islam and Islamic universities which have definite and clear curriculum

    Understanding Muhammad\u27s Interaction with the Church

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    My research focuses on understanding Muhammad’s (the Islamic prophet) interaction with what he perceived to be the Christian church to find out why his understanding of Biblical narratives and theology is incorrect. With this information, Christians should reintroduce Christian scripture and theology to Muslims since Muhammad’s rejection of Christian doctrine is based on associating wrong texts as authoritative Christian teaching. The following questions that shape this research are: What possible sources did Muhammad use to learn about biblical narratives and themes? What did the first Muslims think about the canonical gospels of Jesus? How did early Muslims view the teachings of the Christian church? What constitutes orthodox Christian belief? Using the Qur’an, the Síra, and the Hadith, I will examine Muhammad’s interaction with the King of Abyssinia, Bahira the Monk, the town of Najran, the Nestorians, Jacobites, Melkites, Manichaeism, and those from the “Byzantine rite.” I examine likely sources of the Qur’an such as the Diatessaron, the Protoevangelium of James, the Arab Infancy Gospel, and the Infancy Gospel of Thomas. The key results of this research are (1) Muhammad used apocryphal literature as reliable history and consequently had a misunderstanding of orthodox Christian doctrine; (2) Muhammad had a positive outlook on Christianity while in Mecca, however, at the end of his ministry in Medina where there existed so called Christians his outlook became negative; and, (3) despite the Qur’anic command to read the Gospel of Jesus (referring to it as divine scripture), early Islamic scholars, two centuries after Muhammad, said either the Bible or Christian interpretation of the Bible was corrupted. The results of this research imply that since Muhammad’s various confessions on the Christian church contradict one another, there is a lot of room to doubt the authority and truthfulness of much of his (or Allah’s) statements on the biblical narrative and theology of the Christian church. Thus this work poses several theological, philosophical, and historical problems towards the credibility of the Qur’an and its source(s). Overall, Muhammad is inadequate to be an authority or a direct refuter of orthodox Christianity because he was misinformed. This research implies that early Muslims could have been more open to the Chalcedonian Creed than the false Christian creeds they originally encountered. To explain why the 7th century Arabian church was largely cultic, I suggest a theory that Christian cults from the Byzantine, Syrian, and Persian empires in pre-Islamic times, fleeing persecution, migrated to the Arabian Peninsula. Future work connected with my findings would be to better understand who possessed the pre-Qur’anic sources. Exactly what texts were Arab Christians using? There is an underpinning that this research leans on: the answer to the question, what is the authentic gospel message of Jesus Christ? The answer would help us understand the context of surah 5:46-47, and to test the hypothesis that the Qur’an is divine revelation from God with various philosophical, historical, and theological proofs
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