476 research outputs found

    Levels of some Anions in Selected Grains Grown in Jigawa State, Nigeria

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    The levels of some anions (NO2-, NO3-, SO42-and PO43-) in selected grains (rice, maize, millet and corn) grown in some parts of Jigawa state, Nigeria, have been quantitatively determined by spectrophotometric technique. Samples were randomly collected from the sampling locations (Kiyawa, Jahun, Birnin Kudu, Dutse and Gwaram) local government areas of Jigawa state and analysed for their anion contents. Results obtained showed the range of mean concentrations of the anions in the food grains as; nitrite (3.20±0.87 to 17.51±1.06mg/kg), Nitrate (2.59±0.17 to 12.99±1.17 mg/kg), sulphate (8.04.±1.90 to 27.58±0.68mg/kg) and phosphate (8.37±1.77 to 44.30±1.79mg/kg). Nitrite, nitrate and sulphate levels were found to be below the permissible limit set by FAO/WHO. Phosphate was slightly higher than the permissible limit in just one sample (Birnin Kudu corn).Generally, it can be concluded that the grains analysed are safe for human consumption

    Accident prediction using machine learning:analyzing weather conditions, and model performance

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    Abstract. The primary focus of this study was to investigate the impact of weather and road conditions on the severity of accidents and to determine the feasibility of machine learning models in accurately predicting the likelihood of such incidents. The research was centered on two key research questions. Firstly, the study examined the influence of weather and road conditions on accident severity and identified the most related factors contributing to accidents. We utilized an open-source accident dataset, which was preprocessed using techniques like variable selection, missing data elimination, and data balancing through the Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique (SMOTE). Chi-square statistical analysis was performed, suggesting that all weather-related variables are more or less associated with the severity of accidents. Visibility and temperature were found to be the most critical factors affecting the severity of road accidents. Hence, appropriate measures such as implementing effective fog dispersal systems, heatwave alerts, or improved road maintenance during extreme temperatures could help reduce accident severity. Secondly, the research evaluated the ability of machine learning models including decision trees, random forests, naive bayes, extreme gradient boost, and neural networks to predict accident likelihood. The models’ performance was gauged using metrics like accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score. The Random Forest model emerged as the most reliable and accurate model for predicting accidents, with an overall accuracy of 98.53%. The Decision Tree model also showed high overall accuracy (95.33%), indicating its reliability. However, the Naive Bayes model showed the lowest accuracy (63.31%) and was deemed less reliable in this context. It is concluded that machine learning models can be effectively used to predict the likelihood of accidents, with models like Random Forest and Decision Tree proving the most effective. However, the effectiveness of each model may vary depending on the dataset and context, necessitating further testing and validation for real-world implementation. These findings not only provide insight into the factors affecting accident severity but also open a promising avenue in employing machine learning techniques for proactive accident prediction and mitigation. Future studies can aim to refine the models further and potentially integrate them into traffic management systems to enhance road safety

    Evaluasi Kesiapsiagaan Masyarakat Terhadap Bencana Gunung Merapi Di Desa Sidorejo, Kecamatan Kemalang, Kabupaten Klaten, Jawa Tengah

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    Fenomena gunungapi Merapi yang sering terjadi bisa berubah menjadi ancaman bahkan bencana yang menimpa penduduk Sidorejo, namun demikian kewaspadaan masyarakat dan perangkat Desa perlu diketahui sejauh mana dan bagaimana pelaksanaan untuk meminimalisir korban. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui sikap masyarakat terhadap tingkat aktivitas gunung Merapi serta melakukan evaluasi mengenai kesiapsiagaan bencana gunung Merapi di Desa Sidorejo. Metode dilakukan dengan menggunakan survey (observasi, penyebaran angket/form dan wawancara). Fenomena alam erupsi gunung Merapi tahun 2010 silam menjadi sebuah bencana di Desa Sidorejo. Kesiapsiagaan ditunjukkan terdapatnya Tim Siaga Desa (TSD), pelatihan atau simulasi bencana yang dilakukan warga Sidorejo dan adanya Silabus mengenai informasi gunungapi Merapi di Satuan Pendidikan. Selain itu jalur evakuasi, perbaikan sarana dan prasarana menjadi salah satu langkah awal untuk menyelamatkan diri dan keluarga. Hasil yang diperoleh dari ketiga data (Organisasi, Masyarakat dan Satuan Pendidikan) diwujudkan dengan dibentuknya TAGANA mengkhususkan pada Dapur Umum, PASAG MERAPI bertugas di Kesiapsiagaan, FORUM KLASTER MERAPI di sektor Ekonomi dan ORA MERAPI dibidang koperasi dan pengobatan. Sedangkan masyarakat sendiri diambil sampel data sebanyak 7 (informan) dalam wawancara, dengan kesimpulan bahwa masyarakat Sidorejo siap apabila sewaktu-waktu terjadi erupsi Merapi. Kemudian dari Satuan Pendidikan (SDN 1 dan 2 Sidorejo), terdapatnya silabus “Sistem Penilaian Merapi” dimana standar kompetensi yang dibuat mengarahkan pada bagaimana mengartikan gunungapi Merapi sebagai manfaat bagi penduduk sekitar dan bagaimana upaya untuk menyelamatkan diri

    Boto Botoang dan Pakkiok Bunting Dalam Sastra Makassar

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    ’Escalation of Commitment’ as a Force for Good? Evidence from an Indonesian Digital Government Project

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    In extant literature, ‘escalation of commitment’ is viewed as a recommitment of resources to a failing course of action that can lock projects into an ill-fated path of failure. This view portrays all feedback information driving recommitment decisions as “negative” in nature. In this paper we question this portrayal, joining an emerging alternative view that makes no assumptions about the nature of feedback. We take the view that feedback is inherently equivocal, and regard escalation of commitment as decision dilemmas arising out of such equivocality. Drawing on a case study of a digital government project in Indonesia, the paper explores this alternative view by understanding the antecedents of escalation of commitment deployed by key actors in steering a failing project to become a reasonably successful one. Theoretically, the paper suggests that the decision maker’s dilemma is influenced by their personal beliefs, cultural norms and institutional values. The paper presents the notion of “perseverance of commitment”, where escalation of commitment emerges, and is subsequently reinforced through a collective belief-driven reframing mechanism

    Petroleum Product as Substrate for the Production of Biosurfactive Amphiphlies by Pseudomonas Aeruginosa

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    Biosurfactant production by Pseudomonas aeruginosa by utilizing diesel as the source of energy and carbon was studied in this research. Biosurfactant-producing strain of the organism was isolated from hydrocarbon-contaminated water and grown in a mineral medium supplemented with diesel. Production of biosurfactant was assayed by monitoring the increase in cell concentration, biosurfactant concentration, emulsification index and decrease in surface tension. Highest level of cell concentration and biosurfactant concentration (3.3^108CFU/ml and 0.0108mg/ml respectively) were obtained at 132hrs. Emulsification index reached its maximum with 33.3% at 108hrs. Surface tension reached its minimum at 120hrs with a value of 1.1^10-6N/m. The results showed that diesel can be utilized by P. aeruginosa to produce biosurfactant and early stationary phase isolates can be used to obtain higher yield. It also revealed the increasing potentiality of microorganisms in the aspect of oil spill cleanup and rapid reclamation of contaminated lands and water bodies.Keywords: Biosurfactant, diesel, surface tension, emulsification index, cell biomass, Pseudomonas aeruginosa


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    Kalimat bahasa Bugis, dalam hal ini bahasa Bugis dialek Bone, dapat dibentuk oleh sebuah kata, tentu saja berupa kata bentukan. Yang sangat berperanan dalam hal ini ialah afiks-afiks pronomina. Ada afiks pronomina yang berbentuk prefiks dan ada pula yang berbentuk sufiks. Kedua bentuk afiks tersebut menghasilkan kata polimorfemik yang berstatus kalimat tunggal yang gramatikal. Oleh karena itu, untuk memahami seluk-beluk pembentukan kalimat bahasa Bugis penting sekali terlebih dahulu kita mempelajari sistem pronominanya. Dalam hal ini, selain terdapat pronomina persona yang adalah morfem bebas, juga terdapat afiks-afiks pemarkah persona yang adalah morfem terikat.\ud Kalimat yang gramatikal dapat dibentuk dengan afiks-afiks pemarkah persona atau disebut saja afiks pronomina, baik dengan maupun tanpa morfem pronomina persona bebas.Kalimat bahasa Bugis, dalam hal ini bahasa Bugis dialek Bone, dapat dibentuk oleh sebuah kata, tentu saja berupa kata bentukan. Yang sangat berperanan dalam hal ini ialah afiks-afiks pronominal. Ada afiks pronominal yang berbentuk prefiks dan ada pula yang berbentuk sufiks. Kedua bentuk afiks tersebut menghasilkan kata polimorfemik yang berstatus kalimat tunggal yang gramatikal. Penggunaan afiks-afiks pronominal tersebut memiliki kerumitan tersendiri, yaitu ia hadir bersama-sama dengan afiks lain sehingga tampil dengan wujud afiks rangkap. Karena keadaannya polimorfemik, orang kadang-kadang tidak cermat memperhatikannya, sehingga sejumlah afiks rangkap teridenitifikasi sebagai morfem tunggal yang utuh (lihat Kaseng, 1982: 5). Misalnya, kata\ud atau kalimat lokkanak diidentifikasi sebagai bentukan dari lokka ???pergi??? dan sufiks atau enklitika ???nak (ekamorfem), padahal bentuk tersebut sudah merupakan afiks rangkap (dwimorfem). Analisisnya ialah bentuk -nak merupakan gabungan bentuk -na- dan -(k)ak. Bentuk -na- menyatakan makna perfektif dan -(k)ak merupakan afiks pemarkah persona pertama tunggal. Apabila dihubungkan dengan penggunaan pemarkah persona pertama jamak, persona kedua tunggal, dan persona ketiga tunggal, masing-masing akan terbentuk konstruksi lokkanik ???kita sudah pergi???, lokkano ???kamu sudah\ud pergi???, lokkani ???dia sudah pergi???. Kemudian, untuk menyatakan aspek futuristik tersedia bentuk -pa-, yang tampil dalam bentuk afiks rangkap, misalnya dalam konstuksi lokkkapak ???nanti saya pergi???, lokkap(a)(k)o ???nanti kamu pergi???, lokkap(a)(k)ik ???nanti kita pergi???, lokkapi ???nanti dia pergi???. Adapun untuk menyatakan aspek repetitif, tersedia bentuk -si- yang diintegrasikan dengan sistem promina persona bahasa Bugis, yaitu lokkasikak ???saya pergi lagi???, lokkasikik ???kita pergi lagi???, lokkasiko kamu pergi lagi???, lokkasi ???dia pergi lagi???. Selanjutnya, untuk menyatakan penekanan atau emfasis, tersedia bentuk -mu-, contohnya: lokkamu(k)ak ???sungguh saya pergi???, lokkamu(k)ik ???sungguh kita pergi???, lokkamuko ???sungguh kamu pergi???, lokkamui ???sungguh dia pergi???. Masih tersedia bentuk -to- yang dapat digunakan untuk menyatakan makna penekanan, misalnya lokkatokkak ???saya pergi juga???, lokkatokkik ???kita pergi juga???, lokkatokko ???kamu pergi juga???, dan lokkatoi ???dia pergi juga???. Kemudian, untuk menyatakan aspek progresif , di sini digunakan morfem zero, yaitu kekosongan dari bentuk -na-, -pa-, -si-, -mu-, dan -to- di atas. Contoh: lokkakak ???saya pergi???, lokkakik ???kita pergi???, lokkako ???kamu pergi???,\ud dan lokkai ???dia pergi???. Tampak dengan jelas bahwa dalam pembentukan kalimat bahasa Bugis,\ud diperlukan pula adanya upaya perumusan kaidah-kaidah morfofonemik. Selain ini, perlu pula diungkapkan pada makalah ini sifat-sifat konkordansi penggunaan afiks-afiks pronominal tersebut sehubungan dengan kehadiran bentuk-bentuk pronomina persona bebas dalam pertuturan kalimat bahasa Bugis. Dengan demikian, diharapkan dengan kajian ini, karakteristik perilaku morfosintaksis bahasa Bugis terungkapkan, termasuk di dalamnya pelurusan terhadap penafsiran ekamorfem atau\ud dwimorfem afiks-afiks rangkap sehubungan dengan penggunaan sistem pronomina personal bahasa Bugis

    Measuring the underwater received power behavior for 433 mhz radio frequency based on different distance and depth for the development of an underwater wireless sensor network

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    Underwater wireless sensor network (UWSN) important to enhance the widely use of the application of the Internet of things (IoT) for underwater. Uses of the acoustics base of wave propagations are the best ways to establish the UWSN. But the unpracticality of the hardware due to the size and cost has limited the application of UWSN. Radio frequency (RF) wave propagation is the best way to overcome this situation. Low frequency of the RF wave is proven feasible and suitable for underwater communication. 433 MHz RF were chosen to measuring the underwater received power behavior between the transmitter node and receiver node based on different distance and depth. HC12 transceiver module was used as a transmitter and spectrum analyzer with the telescopic antenna was used as a receiver. The received power give a good reading when the transmitter note was at 0.5-meter depth with a maximum operating range within 12 meters from the receiver

    Driving behaviour and sustainable mobility-policies and approaches revisited

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    Climate change is receiving increasing attention in recent years. The transportation sector contributes substantially to increased fuel consumption, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and poor air quality, which imposes a serious respiratory health hazard. Road transport has made a significant contribution to this effect. Consequently, many countries have attempted to mitigate climate change using various strategies. This study analysed and compared the number of policies and other approaches necessary to achieve reduced fuel consumption and carbon emission. Frequency aggregation indicates that the mitigation policies associated with driving behaviours adopted to curtail this consumption and decrease hazardous emissions, as well as a safety enhancement. Furthermore, car-sharing/carpooling was the least investigated approach to establish its influence on mitigation of climate change. Additionally, the influence of such driving behaviours as acceleration/deceleration and the compliance to speed limits on each approach was discussed. Other driving behaviours, such as gear shifting, compliance to traffic laws, choice of route, and idling and braking style, were also discussed. Likewise, the influence of aggression, anxiety, and motivation on driving behaviour of motorists was highlighted. The research determined that driving behaviours can lead to new adaptive driving behaviours and, thus, cause a significant decrease of vehicle fuel consumption and CO2 emissions. - 2018 by the authors.Scopu

    Pengaruh Intensitas Kebisingan Terhadap Kenaikan Tekanan Darah Pada Pekerja di PT Pertani (Persero) Cabang Surakarta

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    Kebisingan adalah semua suara yang tidak dikehendaki yang bersumber dari alat-alat proses produksi dan alat-alat kerja yang pada tingkat tertentu dapat menimbulkan gangguan pendengaran. Untuk mencegah dan mengendalikan kecelakaan dan penyakit akibat kerja perlu diupayakan perlindungan terhadap tenaga kerja.Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menjelaskan pengaruh intensitas kebisingan terhadap kenaikan tekanan darah di PT. Pertani (Persero) Cabang Surakarta. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Observasional analitik dengan pendekatan metode cross sectional.. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah karyawan PT. Pertani (Persero) Cabang Surakarta sebanyak 62 karyawan. Pemilihan sampel menggunakan proposive sampling dan diambil sebanyak 40 karyawan. Berdasarkan uji paired t-test dengan menggunakan spss 21. Hasil nilai signifikan tekanan darah sistolik dan diastolik p value = 0, 033 (p value ≤ 0,05 ), dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan ada pengaruh yang signifikan antara intensitas kebisingan terhadap kenaikan tekanan darah pekerja di PT. Pertani (Persero) Cabang Surakarta.. Berdasarkan penelitian ini, pemakaian alat pelindung telinga dapat mencegah kenaikan tekanan darah