1,084 research outputs found

    One-Step or Two-Step Optimization and the Overfitting Phenomenon: A Case Study on Time Series Classification

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    For the last few decades, optimization has been developing at a fast rate. Bio-inspired optimization algorithms are metaheuristics inspired by nature. These algorithms have been applied to solve different problems in engineering, economics, and other domains. Bio-inspired algorithms have also been applied in different branches of information technology such as networking and software engineering. Time series data mining is a field of information technology that has its share of these applications too. In previous works we showed how bio-inspired algorithms such as the genetic algorithms and differential evolution can be used to find the locations of the breakpoints used in the symbolic aggregate approximation of time series representation, and in another work we showed how we can utilize the particle swarm optimization, one of the famous bio-inspired algorithms, to set weights to the different segments in the symbolic aggregate approximation representation. In this paper we present, in two different approaches, a new meta optimization process that produces optimal locations of the breakpoints in addition to optimal weights of the segments. The experiments of time series classification task that we conducted show an interesting example of how the overfitting phenomenon, a frequently encountered problem in data mining which happens when the model overfits the training set, can interfere in the optimization process and hide the superior performance of an optimization algorithm

    The Extended Edit Distance Metric

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    Similarity search is an important problem in information retrieval. This similarity is based on a distance. Symbolic representation of time series has attracted many researchers recently, since it reduces the dimensionality of these high dimensional data objects. We propose a new distance metric that is applied to symbolic data objects and we test it on time series data bases in a classification task. We compare it to other distances that are well known in the literature for symbolic data objects. We also prove, mathematically, that our distance is metric.Comment: Technical repor

    Particle Swarm Optimization of Information-Content Weighting of Symbolic Aggregate Approximation

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    Bio-inspired optimization algorithms have been gaining more popularity recently. One of the most important of these algorithms is particle swarm optimization (PSO). PSO is based on the collective intelligence of a swam of particles. Each particle explores a part of the search space looking for the optimal position and adjusts its position according to two factors; the first is its own experience and the second is the collective experience of the whole swarm. PSO has been successfully used to solve many optimization problems. In this work we use PSO to improve the performance of a well-known representation method of time series data which is the symbolic aggregate approximation (SAX). As with other time series representation methods, SAX results in loss of information when applied to represent time series. In this paper we use PSO to propose a new minimum distance WMD for SAX to remedy this problem. Unlike the original minimum distance, the new distance sets different weights to different segments of the time series according to their information content. This weighted minimum distance enhances the performance of SAX as we show through experiments using different time series datasets.Comment: The 8th International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications (ADMA 2012

    The principle of non-interference in ASEAN: Can Malaysia spearhead the effort towards a more interventionist ASEAN

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    The principle of non-interference in the internal aff airs of ASEAN member states has been identified as among the most significant element that shaped ASEAN intra relations and still remain very much appreciated. By not allowing member states to interfere into another’s internal affairs, especially into politico-security issues, it has created a stable and secured environment in the region which contributed tremendously to the efforts of national building and economic development. However, several regional incidents such as the 1997 Asian Economic Crisis, the spread of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), Indonesian Smog/Haze crisis and the Myanmar internal political quandary have questioned if not shaken the belief that the doctrine of non-interference is an untouchable sacred political arrangement. This paper will investigate the genesis of this doctrine, the incidents that challenge the doctrine and Malaysia’s readiness as a country to lead changes in the doctrine


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    This research aimed to examine the effect of concentrated ownership structure and the audit committee characteristics on the earnings informativeness, as well as examine the negative effect of concentrated ownership on the relationship of audit committee characteristics with earnings informativeness. Concentrated ownership in this research is based on the percentage shares of ownership in a company. Audit committee characteristics consist of independent, non-financial characteristic, financial expertise, and legal expertise. Control variables in this research are the size of the company, leverage, and market-to-book ratio. This research is based on research conducted by Yeh and Woidtke (2013) and Wawo (2010) with modifications on the variables and sample. This research is modified by making concentrated ownership variable as moderating variable to examine the negative effect of it on the relationship between audit committee characteristics and earnings informativeness. In accordance with Yeh and Woidtke (2013), earnings informativeness is proxied by relationship between earnings and cumulative abnormal returns (CAR). The research used secondary data from the annual reports of all companies listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX) from 2010 to 2013. Sampling method used in this research was purposive sampling. A total sample of 164 companies data were used in analysis. The data is analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis. The results of this research indicate that concentrated ownership negatively affects earnings informativeness and independence of audit committees positively affects earnings informativeness. Concentrated ownership may reduce the positive relationship between independence of the audit committee and earnings informativeness. Nevertheless, the results of this research found no effect of the characteristics of non-financial characteristic, financial expertise, legal expertise on the earnings informativeness. Concentrated ownership does not moderate the relationship of these three characteristics with earnings informativeness

    Gestur Berbasis Estimasi Sudut Gulung untuk Pengendalian Manipulator

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    Salah satu tantangan dalam pengendalian robot manipulator dengan menggunakan gestur tubuh secara intuitif terletak pada kesulitan penentuan sudut gulung dari end-effector. Penelitian ini mengusulkan suatu metoda untuk melakukan estimasi sudut gulung dengan menafsirkan perubahan tata letak dari fitur-fitur citra yang terbaca dari aliran data video. Sebuah kamera web yang dipasang pada lengan pengguna menangkap perubahan dari lingkungan dan mengubah informasi ini menjadi perintah untuk mengendalikan sudut gulung. SCORBOT -ER 9 Pro digunakan dalam percobaan dengan menerapkan kemampuan untuk mengendalikan sumbu kelima dari manipulator ini.

    Peningkatan Literasi Keuangan: Pendidikan Perencanaan Keuangan Personal di Kalangan Komunitas Guru SMK “Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran (MGMP)” Kabupaten Malang

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    Literasi keuangan terbukti memiliki efek positif terhadap peningkatan kesejahteraan ekonomi. Selain itu, literasi keuangan juga dibutuhkan untuk memitigasi risiko adanya kejahatan atau penipuan yang sering terjadi di dunia investasi keuangan. Mengingat pentingnya literasi keuangan, kegiatan pengabdian melalui program Pendidikan perencanaan keuangan personal diselenggarakan untuk menciptakan masyarakat yang sadar akan pentingnya perencanaan keuangan. Kegiatan diselenggarakan untuk komunitas para guru SMK di Kabupaten Malang (MGMP Malang). Hasil kegiatan menunjukan adanya antusiasme yang bagus dari peserta. Peserta merasa mendapatkan ilmu pengetahuan baru di dunia keuangan dan perencanaannya. Perubahan perilaku dan pandangan tentang keuangan juga nampak dari apa yang disampaikan peserta setelah program pelatihan


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    Abstrak Pendidikan jasmani merupakan suatu proses seseorang sebagai individu ataupun anggota masyarakat yang dilakukan secara sadar dan sistematik, melalui berbagai kegiatan dalam rangka memperoleh kemampuan dan ketrampilan jasmani, pertumbuhan, kecerdasan, dan pembentukan watak atau karakter. Dalam pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani, berhasil tidaknya pembelajaran ditentukan oleh peran guru sebagai pendidik yang berarti meneruskan dan mengembangkan keterampilan gerak pada peserta didik, sehingga proses pembelajaran pendididkan jasmani dapat berjalan dengan baik. Banyak metode pembelajaran yang digunakan agar dapat meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam menguasai gerak dasar dribble. Akan tetapi dalam kenyataan dan praktik di lapangan masih terdapat banyak siswa yang masih belum paham akan materi yang di sampaikan oleh guru.Untuk itu di perlukan sebuah metode pembelajaran lain yang di rancang dengan menggunakan kemampuan teman sebaya pada siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 1 Genteng Banyuwangi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah 1) Untuk mengetahui apakah ada pengaruh metode pembelajaran tutor sebaya mampu meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. 2) Untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh metode pembelajaran tutor sebaya terhadap hasil belajar dribble sepakbola kelas VIII SMP Negeri 1 Genteng ini, dengan jumlah sampel 54 siswa yang terdiri dari 27 siswa kelompok eksperimen (tutot sebaya) dan 27 siswa kelompok kontrol. Berdasarkan penelitian yang sudah dilakukan dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada pengaruh yang signifikan metode tutor sebaya terhadap hasil belajar dribble sepakbola yang dibuktikan dari nilai thitung5,19>ttabel2,056dengan taraf signifikan 0,05. Sedangkan besar pengaruhnya diketahui sebesar  28,31%. Kata kunci: Metode tutor sebaya, hasil belajar, dribble sepakbola. Abstract Physical education is one of someone’s process as a person or society grup with consciously and systematic, through any activities to get ability and skill of physical, growth, intelligence, and built character. In physical education learning, would say it’s working or not, can be decided from teacher’s role as a educator which means developing move skill to students, until physical education learning process can be work. Many learning method which used to increasing student’s ability to control dribble based move. But in fact, practically in field, there are many students who don’t understood yet about sub-subject who gave by teacher. For that reason, would needed to be another learning method which created using peer tutor’s ability in student class VIII SMP Negeri 1 Genteng Banyuwangi. This research has purpose, 1) To know whether there is effect of peer tutor learning method can be increasing student’s learning result. 2) To see how big effect of peer tutor learning method to football dribble learning result in class VIII SMP Negeri 1 Genteng, with amount of samples 54 students, consist of 27 student in experiment group (peer tutor) and 27 students in control group. Based on research has done, can take a conclusion that there is significant effect of peer tutor to football dribble learning result, which proven by value thitung 5,19> ttabel 2,056 with significant degree 0,05. Whereas, amount of effect level 28,31%. Keywords: Peer tutor method, learning result, football dribble
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