326 research outputs found


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    Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) adalah teori yang dikemukakan oleh Venkatesh, et al. (2003) gabungan dari 8 teori-teori penerimaan teknologi sebelumnya. UTAUT memiliki empat kostruk utama yang langsung berpengaruh terhadap penerimaan pemakai dan perilaku pemakai. Keempat konstruk ini adalah 1) ekspektansi kinerja (performance expectancy), 2) ekspektansi usaha (effort expectancy), 3) pengaruh sosial (social influence), dan 4) kondisi-kondisi pemfasilitasi (facilitating conditions). Model ini selanjutnya digunakan untuk meneliti Be Smart yang merupakan Learning Management System (LMS) berbasis web. Be Smart adalah e-learning milik Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta yang berasal dari Moodle versi 1.9.15 yang sudah disesuaikan, memiliki fasilitas seperti mengelola materi perkuliahan. Penelitian ini selanjutnya akan menjelaskan tentang hubungan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penerimaan dan penggunaan Be Smart dengan menggunakan model UTAUT. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksplanatif dengan teknik analisis data pendekatan PLS. Data diperoleh dari responden (mahasiswa Fakultas Teknik UNY) diperoleh dengan menyebarkan kuisioner tertutup. Besarnya sampel pada penelitian yang menggunakan pendekatan PLS ini sejumlah 60 mahasiswa, dianalisis dengan metode Partial Least Square (PLS) menggunakan software smartPLS. Berdasarkan analisis data diperoleh hasil sebagai berikut: (1) Konstruk Performance Expectancy (PE) berpengaruh positif terhadap konstruk Behavioral Intention to Use The System (BIUS); (2) Konstruk Effort Expectancy (EE) berpengaruh positif terhadap konstruk Behavioral Intention to Use The System (BIUS); (3) Konstruk Social Influence (SI) berpengaruh positif terhadap konstruk Behavioral Intention to Use The System (BIUS); (4) Konstruk Facilitating Condition (FC) berpengaruh positif terhadap konstruk Behavioral Intention to Use The System (BIUS). Selain itu koefisien variabel latent FC terhadap konstruk BIUS pada model ini memiliki nilai paling besar diantara nilai koefisien variabel latent pada model hubungan antar konstruk lainnya. Kata Kunci : Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT), Learning Management System (LMS), E-Learning, Be Smart, Partial Least Square (PLS

    Parking Management in UTP Campus

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    Every places needs a good parking management especially in the populated area. The number of people is getting higher throughout the year. Based on the statistics, the number of residents in the well-developed country is going to be increased drastically from 2015. People who are responsible needs to balance the demand and the supply of the parking. They are playing a very important role to overcome any problems regarding this matter. Without parking management, the parking problems will never be solved. This parking problem is not only causing frustrating and anxiety among the road users, it also influences them to cheat when it comes to park. This thing happened in most of the urban areas, even in the university campus, people would love to cheat by parking at the illegal places. There are so many parking abuses that can be found in the campus. It seems like the rules of parking in the campus are meaningless for them. That is why the main purpose of this project is to improve the parking management and reduce the parking problem in UTP campus. There are so many ways and solutions to solve the parking problem based on the research papers. Some of them are quiet suitable to be implemented in the university campu

    Makna tradisi pujian bagi masyarakat dusun Kajangan kelurahan Sonorejo kabupaten Blora (suatu pendekatan antropo-sufistik)

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    Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang sebuah tradisi Islam Jawa yaitu pujian. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui makna tradisi pujian dalam masyarakat Kajangan dan makna tasawuf yang terdapat di dalamnya. Adapun makna yang terdapat dalam tradisi pujian dapat ditelusuri melalui teks, praktek dan pengaruh pujian. Dalam rangka proses pencarian hingga mendapatkan makna yang terdapat dalam tradisi pujian, penelitian ini berusaha untuk mengurai permasalahan terkait dengan ragam sya’ir pujian, deskripsi pujian, makna pujian yang hidup dan dipahami masyarakat Kajangan dan makna tasawuf yang terdapat di dalamnya. Kajian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif literer lapangan dengan menggunakan pendekatan antropo-sufistik. Antropo-sufistik merupakan gabungan dari antropologi dan sufistik (tasawuf). Antropologi sebagai sebuah pendekatan memiliki karakteristik kerja, pertama, adanya local practices , kedua, bercorak descriptive (bukannya normatif) yang dihasilkan dari thick description, ketiga, connections across social domains (mencari keterhubungan dan keterkaitan antar berbagai domain kehidupan). Sufistik dalam hal ini menjadi perangkat interpretasi dan cara pandang terhadap objek material. Adapun analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis kualitatif Miles dan Habermen yang meliputi reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan simpulan. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa, bagi masyarakat Kajangan tradisi pujian berfungsi sebagai media pengajaran, ajakan shalat berjama’ah, zikir, berdo’a dan pengkondisian hati dalam menghadapi shalat berjama’ah. Adapun makna tasawuf tradisi pujian bagi masyarakat Kajangan dapat diindikasikan sebagai maqāmāt dan aḥwāl. Makna tasawuf yang dapat diindikasikan sebagai maqām adalah taubat dan żikr, sedangkan indikasi ḥāl adalah takut dan harapan. Makna lain yang diperoleh adalah pelaksanaan pujian sebagai proses tazkiyah an-nafs

    The EU legal framework and national strategies for monitoring terrorist content online

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    It is generally but rightly said that while everyone understands what terrorism is, no one has agreed on its definition yet. The scenario is no different when it comes to the issue of online terrorist content. The ambit and the scope of legal definition pertaining to the terrorist organization online has always been an issue for the European Union Member States. With the increasing frequency of online terrorist content and their changing spectrums has made this task for the jurists a bit difficult and hard nut to crack. There was always a need to not only analyze the issues that the EU Member States face in defining the ambit of it, but it seemed quite necessary that the scope of those provisions which pertains to the distribution of terrorist content online much be re-defined or at least defined. The legal framework that has been taken into account has somehow served the purpose in this regard. However, holistic efforts are required in this regard. On the similar account, the surveillance of the online terrorist content in European Union is needed to be tighten up. For that, this study assessed the ways in which the EU Member States are monitoring and handling online terrorist content and related issues in the region. In this regard, number of commissions under the ambit of European Union and other working under national authorities have shown significant work. These Commissions are continuously studying the matter of handling illegal content on online platforms and have already organized a number of educational and informational activities. The weaknesses and strengths of the European Union Members States to counter online terrorist content is of grave concern. There is need to present and evaluate the EU Member States’ strategies regarding online terror related content. Analysis can be made over case studies of France and Germany. The study moves forward by assessing and evaluating the remedial measures in this regard as well. The major focus is based upon assessing the remedies and complaint procedures to address the distribution of terrorist content online under the Regulation (EU) 2021/784. Similarly, an effort has been made to explore the current implementation status and hurdles regarding the Regulation (EU) 2021/784. Lastly, the analysis could only be cemented through recommending reforms at administrative and legislative level in the EU for efficient mitigation of online terrorism and associated threats. It is need of hour to enact such laws, statutes and regulations that not only accurately defines the illegal or terrorist content but also enables the Internet Services Providers to have clear litmus test for such content along with the authority to be given to the Internet Services Providers and other regulatory authorities to struck down content falling under the criterion set for the online terrorist conten

    Terapi holistik terhadap pecandu narkoba

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana penerapan terapi holistic terhadap pecandu narkoba di Balai Rehabilitasi BNN Baddoka Makassar. Penelitian ini tergolong penelitian kualitatif dengan kajian analisis deskriptif, pengolahan dan analisis data menggunakan reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dalam penerapan terapi holistik yang dilaksanakan di Balai Rehabilitasi BNN Baddoka Makassar di bagi menjadi 2 yaitu pengebotan di bagian medis dan pengobatan di bagian non medis, pada bagian medis terdapat dua fase yaitu fase detoxifikasi dan entry-unit dan pengobatan di bidang non medis terdapat dua fase yaitu fase primary dan re-entry di fase primary yang menjadi fokus pengobatan adalah sosial, psikologis dan agamanya pada fase ini terdapat 4 tahapan yaitu tahap induction, younger, middle dan older. Faktor penghambat yaitu faktor tipe residen, sumber daya manusia, dan kepribadian residen, adapun solusinya untuk tipe residen diterapkan rawat jalan, kemudian untuk SDM di gunakan sistim kelompok dan pribadi residen solusinya dibutuhkan kepekaan psikolog

    Developing of character science teaching tools integrated with the value of Qur'an for junior high school students

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    The curriculum of 2013 places spiritual attitudes as the first competencies from core competencies and social attitudes as the second. This indicates that a spiritual and social attitude is needed to survive in the 21st century. Therefore, this study was held with the aim to develop science teaching materials with integrated character of the Qur'anic verses that valid and effective criteria. The type of research that used in this research is adapted from Thiagarajan’s developing model which focused on defining, designing, and developing stages. The instruments used are validation sheets for expert judgement and student response questionnaires to collect spiritual character of the students. Based on the results of the study, the science teaching materials with Islamic character interpretations meet the valid criteria with the validity of RPP = 3.37, modules = 3.23 and LKS = 3.51. Meanwhile, based on the results of limited trials, it can be concluded that the students' responses to science teaching materials with integrated character of the Qur’anic verse are in the positive and very positive category

    Assessing the Motivation of Civil Servant in Providing Public Services in Higher Education

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    Abstract. This study aims to examine how the motivation of academic services for educators and education personnel in higher education. The findings of this study are expected to become recommendations in developing programs or forms of evaluation aimed at improving the performance and motivation of academic services for teaching staff and teaching staff in tertiary institutions. This research is a survey research which aims to determine the general description of the motivation for academic services for teaching staff and teaching staff at state universities. Based on the research findings obtained, it can be concluded that from the 4 dimensions of motivation for public services, the first dimension, namely the interest in making public policy, is the dimension least owned or implemented by the research respondents. While the other three dimensions can be said to be in the high category in the sense that the respondents already have and have implemented these three dimensions in the delivery of public services. Based on these data, it can be concluded that the lack of motivation for academic services by the state civil servants tends to be due to their lack of interest in public policy making. Keywords: Public Service, Public Service Motivation, Civil Servant, Academic Affairs Public Servic
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