76 research outputs found

    Document plagiarism detection algorithm using semantic networks

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    The vast increase of available documents in the World Wide Web (WWW) and the ease access to these documents has lead to a serious problem of using other’s works without giving credits. Although many methods have been developed to detect some instances of plagiarism such as changing the structure of sentences or when slightly replacing words by their synonyms, it is often hard to reveal plagiarism when the copied sentences are deliberately modified. This project proposes an algorithm for plagiarism detection over the Web using semantic networks. The corpus of this study contains 610 documents downloaded from the Web, 10 of those were selected to be the source of 20 manually plagiarized documents. The algorithm was compared to N-grams representation and the achieved results show that an appropriate semantic representation of sentences derived from WordNet’s relations outperforms N-grams with different similarity measures in detecting the plagiarized sentences. It also show that a proposed method based on extracting named entities and common nouns is ingeneral capable for retrieving the source documents from the Web using a search engine API when sentences are being moderately plagiarized

    Phone virtual environment for RC assistive robot

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    Robotic systems nowadays are all around us and interact in many aspects such as homeowners use robotic vacuums in their homes. However, a push needed to make these systems more and more interactive with humans. The complexity of the robot controller might be one of the boundaries between the robot interactions with human. An assistive robot with an Android phone controller needed since smart phones nowadays are used almost by everyone. This assistive robot controller does not require much effort from the user, just needs moving a finger to control them. This project uses SolidWorks and Processing in the software development phase. The IOIO board has been applied as a main controller to run the system as an embedded system, and integrate the android application with the assistive robot. The communication has been established using the standard 0 dBm radio Bluetooth with range of 10 meters radius. The joint have a good desired tracking with less than 1% error. Finally the aim of this project, which is a user friendly smart phone application to monitor and control the assistive robot has been developed

    Production and perception of Libyan Arabic vowels

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    PhD ThesisThis study investigates the production and perception of Libyan Arabic (LA) vowels by native speakers and the relation between these major aspects of speech. The aim was to provide a detailed acoustic and auditory description of the vowels available in the LA inventory and to compare the phonetic features of these vowels with those of other Arabic varieties. A review of the relevant literature showed that the LA dialect has not been investigated experimentally. The small number of studies conducted in the last few decades have been based mainly on impressionistic accounts. This study consists of two main investigations: one concerned with vowel production and the other with vowel perception. In terms of production, the study focused on gathering the data necessary to define the vowel inventory of the dialect and to explore the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the vowels contained in this inventory. Twenty native speakers of LA were recorded while reading target monosyllabic words in carrier sentences. Acoustic and auditory analyses were used in order to provide a fairly comprehensive and objective description of the vocalic system of LA. The results showed that phonologically short and long Arabic vowels vary significantly in quality as well as quantity; a finding which is increasingly being reported in experimental studies of other Arabic dialects. Short vowels in LA tend to be more centralised than has been reported for other Arabic vowels, especially with regards to short /a/. The study also looked at the effect of voicing in neighbouring consonants and vowel height on vowel duration, and the findings were compared to those of other varieties/languages. The perception part of the study explored the extent to which listeners use the same acoustic cues of length and quality in vowel perception that are evident in their production. This involved the use of continua from synthesised vowels which varied along duration and/or formant frequency dimensions. The continua were randomised and played to 20 native listeners who took part in an identification task. The results show that, when it comes to perception, Arabic listeners still rely mainly on quantity for the distinction between phonologically long and short vowels. That is, when presented with stimuli containing conflicting acoustic cues (formant frequencies that are typical of long vowels but with short duration or formant frequencies that are typical of short vowels but with long duration), listeners reacted consistently to duration rather than formant frequency. The results of both parts of the study provided some understanding of the LA vowel system. The production data allowed for a detailed description of the phonetic characteristics of LA vowels, and the acoustic space that they occupy was compared with those of other Arabic varieties. The perception data showed that production and perception do not always go hand in hand and that primary acoustic cues for the identification of vowels are dialect- and language-specific

    Examining Students’ Perception of using Social Media Technologies for Learning Purpose

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    This study set out to examine the factors that influence postgraduate perception on the adoption social media technologies in learning is social influence. So many factors is said to influence users’ attitude towards the use of a particular technology. In the case of social media technologies, social influence which include parent, lecturers and learning or institutional managements are part of the relevant factors that can militate the adoption of social media for learning purposes. Students might be denied the access to social media technologies in the course of learning for some potentially wrong reasons. If social media technologies are perceived as just for social activities such as gaming and interacting with friends and family, this perception would definitely affect students’ opinion towards the use of social media technologies for learning activities. As such, this present study relies on the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) to provide a comprehensive understanding to university students’ perception of using social media technologies for learning purposes. Keywords: UTAUT, Social media technologies, postgraduate students

    Biostratigraphic and temporal relations between the Neogene Sahabi and Maradah Formations, Libya. Contribution to the age determination of their contained mammalian paleofaunas

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    As Sahabi και Jabal Zaltan είναι δύο γνωστές παλαιοντολογικές θέσεις σπονδυλωτών της Αφρικής, οι οποίες ευρίσκονται στη Λιβύη, στο βόρειο τμήμα της λεκάνης της Σύρτης. Ο Νεογενής Σχηματισμός Sahabi δεν έχει ακόμη χρονολογικά βαθμονομηθεί επακριβώς με το Μεσσήνιο Γεγονός. Ένας σημαντικός χρονολογικός εκτιμητής του Σχηματισμού Sahabi προέρχεται από το μέλος "U1", και βασίζεται στη βιοχρονολογία θηλαστικών. Μια ηλικία της πανίδας Ανώτερου Μειόκαινου, είναι η πιο πιθανή εκτίμηση. Η βιοχρονολογία θηλαστικών, πάντως, δεν μπορεί να αποκλείσει την ηλικία κατώτατου Πλειόκαινου, για τουλάχιστον την κορυφή του μέλος "U1". O σχηματισμός "M", η προ του Sahabi θαλάσσια λιθοστρωματολογική ενότητα, αποτελεί το μόνο κλειδί για τη χρονολόγηση του Σχηματισμού Sahabi με τη χρήση βιοστρωματογραφίας μικροαπολιθωμάτων. Το Jabal Zaltan χρησιμοποιήθηκε στη παρούσα εργασία για λόγους συσχετισμού. H βάση δεδομένων των ασπόνδυλων μίκρο/μάκρο-απολίθωμάτων που εξετάστηκαν στις δύο περιοχές, περιλαμβάνει δείγματα από 8 επιφανειακές τομές (P10, P25, P28, P51, P52, P53, P66, and P96C), και πυρήνες από δύο αβαθείς γεωτρήσεις στη περιοχή As Sahabi (WW1 A1-NC214 και As Sahabi Borehole 2). Επιπλέον, έγιναν δειγματοληψίες σε δύο τομές από το Σχηματισμό Maradah και βρίσκονται στο Jabal Zaltan, (θέση Z100 από το Μέλος Qarat Jahanam Member και θέση Z138 του Μέλους Ar Rahlah). Συνολικά συλλέχτηκαν 305 λιθολογικά δείγματα και από τις δύο περιοχές. Από αυτά, παρασκευάστηκαν 110 πετρογραφικές λεπτές τομές, 372 μικροπαλαιοντολογικά παρασκευάσματα (Foraminifera, Ostracoda and Bryozoa) και 153 παρασκευάσματα για ασβεστολιθικά ναννοαπολιθώματα. Οι λιθοστρωματογραφικές ενότητες του Ανώτερου Νεογενούς της περιοχής As Sahabi ερευνήθηκαν στρωματογραφικά και ιζηματολογικά και αναθεωρήθηκαν βάσει επιφανειακών παρατηρήσεων και μικροσκοπικής εξέτασης. O σχηματισμός "Z" (Τεταρτογενές) αντιπροσωπεύει χερσαίο παλαιοέδαφος. Στη μελέτη αυτή αναβαθμίστηκε σε σχηματισμό από μέλος του Σχηματισμού Sahabi με βάση την αναγνώριση μιας ασυμφωνίας που το διαχωρίζει από το υποκείμενο μέλος "V" του Σχηματισμού Sahabi. Για πρώτη φορά πραγματοποιήθηκε oορυκτολογική και γεωχημική έρευνα σε αργιλικά ιζήματα, από τρεις εμφανίσεις (P25, P28 και P96c), του πλούσιου σε απολιθώματα σπονδυλωτών μέλους "U1" της περιοχής As Sahabi. Στο σύνολο τους οι γεωχημικές αναλύσεις έδειξαν πολύ ώριμα και επανεπεξεργασμένα ιζήματα χερσαίας και φελσικής προέλευσης, χωρίς επίδραση από Λιβυκά ηφαιστειακά πετρώματα. Σύμφωνα με τα δεδομένα μας τα ερευνηθέντα ιζήματα του As Sahabi μπορεί να προέρχονται από χερσαίες Προκάμβριες πηγές του βορειοανατολικού Τσαντ. Στην περιοχή As Sahabi περιγράφηκαν και ταξινομήθηκαν σε είδη πέντε φύλα μακροαπολιθωμάτων (εχινόδερμα, μαλάκια, κοράλλια, βρυόζωα και αρθρόποδα). 35 είδη Τρηματοφόρων αναγνωρίστηκαν στο As Sahabi προέρχονται κυρίως από τον προ- Sahabi σχηματισμό "M". Δύο τοπικές Βιοζώνες Συγκέντρωσης καθιερώθηκαν: η παλαιότερη Βιοζώνη Συγκέντρωσης Globigerinoides obliquus obliquus - G. trilobus - Orbulina universa, και η νεώτερη Βιοζώνη Borelis melo melo – B. melo curdica. 17 είδη οστρακόδων από το σχηματισμό "M" της περιοχής As Sahabi περιγράφηκαν και ταξινομήθηκαν με σκοπό να ερμηνευθεί το παλαιοπεριβάλλον απόθεσης των ερευνηθέντων ιζημάτων. 17 συστηματικές μονάδες ασβεστολιθικών ναννοαπολιθωμάτων περιγράφηκαν από τον πυρήνα WW1 A1-NC214 του σχηματισμού "M". Τα ναννοαπολιθώματα χρονολογούνται ως Κατώτερου Τορτόνιου και αποδόθηκαν στη βιοζώνη NN8/ MNN8b του Martini (1971) και αντίστοιχα των Fornaciari et al. (1996). Επιπρόσθετα, στη μελέτη της γεώτρησης 2 του As Sahabi η ηλικία του Σχηματισμού "M" υπολογίστηκε ως Ανώτερο Τορτόνιο (NN10b- NN11a του Martini, 1971). Οι δύο υπεδαφικές Λιβυκές ακολουθίες συσχετίστηκαν με βάση τη βιοστρωματογραφία των ασβεστολιθικών ναννοαπολιθωμάτων με διάφορες παρεμφερείς θέσεις της ανατολικής Μεσογείου, ενισχύοντας το υπάρχον χρονολογικό πλαίσιο της περιοχής. Επίσης μελετήθηκε λιθολογικά και μικροπαλαιοντολογικά ο Σχηματισμός Maradah του Jabal Zaltan. Μόνο το νεότερο Μέλος Ar Rahlah στη θέση Z138 περιείχε συγκεντρώσεις άφθονων και ποικιλόμορφων βρυοζώων. 31 είδη περιγράφηκαν. 4 νέα είδη προτάθηκαν στην παρούσα εργασία: Smittipora maradaensis n. sp., Calpensia spinosa n. sp., Thalamoporella zaltaniensis n. sp. και Celleporaria rahlaensis n. sp. Συνεκτιμώντας όλες τις μεθόδους που εφαρμόστηκαν στη παρούσα μελέτη στο επίγειο υλικό της περιοχής του As Sahabi (θέση P53, θέση Τύπος του σχηματισμού "M"), ο σχηματισμός "M" προσδιορίζεται ηλικιακά στο Ανώτερο Μειόκαινο (Τορτόνιο), και όχι στο προηγουμένως θεωρούμενο Μέσο Μειόκαινο. Η εργασία αυτή εκτιμά με βάση την βιοστρωματογραφία των ασβεστολιθικών ναννοαπολιθωμάτων ότι η ηλικία του σχηματισμού "M" κυμαίνεται μεταξύ τουλάχιστον 10.40 - 8.52 Ma. Η εκτίμηση βρίσκεται σε άμεση συσχέτιση με την πρόσφατα υπολογισθείσα (με βάση τον ισοτοπικό λόγο 87Sr/86Sr) απόλυτη ηλικία των 8.99-9.36 Ma.As Sahabi and Jabal Zaltan are well-known fossil vertebrate African localities situated in Sirt Basin of Libya. The Neogene Sahabi Formation has not yet been chronologically calibrated precisely with the Messinian Event. Dating Sahabi Formation comes from member "U1" based on mammalian biochronology. A Late Miocene age of the fauna is the most probable estimate. However, mammalian biochronology cannot exclude the youngest Early Pliocene age, for at least the top of member "U1. Formation "M", the underlying pre-Sahabi marine rock unit, is the only key for dating Sahabi Formation using microfossil biostratigraphy. Jabal Zaltan was used in this study for correlative purposes. The invertebrate micro/macrofossils data base examined from both areas, include samples from eight surface profiles (P10, P25, P28, P51, P52, P53, P66, and P96c) and two subsurface drilled shallow wells in As Sahabi area (WW1 A1-NC214 and As Sahabi Borehole 2); in addition, two sections from Maradah Formation at Jabal Zaltan were sampled. A total of 305 rock samples were collected from both areas. From those were prepared, 110 petrographic thin sections, 372 micropaleontological slides (Foraminifera, Ostracoda and Bryozoa), and 153 smear slides (calcareous nannofossils). The Late Neogene rock units of As Sahabi area are stratigraphically and sedimentlogically investigated and reviewed based on surface observations and microscopic examinations. Formation "Z" (Quaternary) represents terrestrial paleosol. It is up-ranked in this study to formation rather than member of the Sahabi Formation, based on the recognition of an unconformity with the underlying member "V" of Sahabi Formation. Mineralogical and geochemical investigation, performed for first time, of clayey sediments from three localities, P25, P28 and P96c, from vertebrate fossiliferous member "U1 "of the As Sahabi area, robustly showed very mature and re-processed sediments of continental origin, and felsic sources, with no influence from Libyan volcanic (basaltic) rocks. According to our data, the studied As Sahabi sediments can originate in Precambrian continental sources in northeastern Chad. Five macrofossils phyla (echinodermata, mollusks, corals, bryozoa and arthropoda) have been described and taxonomically classified into species in As Sahabi area. Thirty-five foraminifera species have been documented, mostly from the pre-Sahabi formation "M"; two local assemblage biozones are established, the older Globigerinoides obliquus obliquus - G. trilobus - Orbulina universa assemblage Biozone, and the younger Borelis melo melo – B. melo curdica Biozone. Seventeen ostracod species from formation "M" in As Sahabi area have been described systematically, and in order to interpret the depositional paleoenvironment of the investigated sediments. Seventeen calcareous nannofossils taxa have been described for the first time from formation "M" in WW1 A1-NC214 which is dated to Early Tortonian and is assigned to NN8/ MNN8b of Martini (1971) and Fornaciari et al. (1996) respectively. In addition, from study of As Sahabi borehole 2, a Late Tortonian is assigned to formation "M" (NN10b- NN11a of Martini, 1971). The two studied Libyan subsurface sequences are correlated by means of calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy with several eastern Mediterranean equivalent sites, strengthening the regional chronological correlation framework. Jabal Zaltan, Maradah Formation is also studied lithologically and micro-paleontologically. Only the younger Ar Rahlah Member at Z138 has been found to contain abundant and diverse bryozoan assemblages. Thirty-one species have been described; four new species have been proposed in this work. They are Smittipora maradaensis n. sp., Calpensia spinosa n. sp., Thalamoporella zaltaniensis n. sp., and Celleporaria rahlaensis n. sp. By taking under consideration all tools applied in this study for the surface materials of As Sahabi area (locality P53, formation "M" type locality), formation "M" is assigned to Late Miocene (Tortonian) and not to previously suggested Middle Miocene age. This study, based on calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy, gives an age estimation for formation "M" ranging between at least 10.40 - 8.52 Ma., correlative to the recently acquired 87Sr/86Sr absolute age of 8.99-9.36 Ma

    Complexation of 1,4-bis (3-(2-pyridyl) pyrazol-1-ylmethyl) benzene (1,4-PPB) with Cu (II), Co (II), and Ni (II):: Spectrophotometric Studies in Mixed Solvent (EtOH-H2O)

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    The stability and composition of the complexes of 1,4-bis (3-(2-pyridyl) pyrazol-1-ylmethyl) benzene (1,4-PPB) with Cu (II), Co (II), Ni (II): have been investigated using spectrophotometric method in mixed (1:1) solvent of ethanol and water. Various experimental parameters, which include pH, ionic strength, solvent composition, and time, have been studied. The stoichiometry and formation constant of each complex have been evaluated using Job's method. Spectrophotometric results show the formation of 1:1 complexes with stability order of Co > Ni > Cu. Molar absorptivity values of the complexes have also been determined

    Longitudinale funktionelle MRT Bildgebungsstudie zur Untersuchung der Auswirkungen eines forcierten Sporttrainings auf die zentrale Schmerzverarbeitung

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    Es ist bekannt, dass Sport zu einer Modulation der Schmerzverarbeitung führt. Sportler weisen höhere Toleranzschwellen für Schmerz auf als Nichtsportler. Nach akuter sportlicher Aktivität tritt bei trainierten Athleten eine Elevation der Schmerzschwellen auf. Kürzlich gelang es, die zugrunde liegenden zentralnervösen Mechanismen mittels fMRT zu ermitteln. Diese Effekte nach akuter zweistündiger Ausdauerbelastung waren mit einer akuten zentralnervösen opioidergen Freisetzung (Boecker et al., 2008) und einer verminderten Aktivierung in schmerzverarbeitenden Arealen (Scheef et al., 2012) vergesellschaftet. Im Gegensatz dazu sind die zugrundeliegenden Mechanismen eines regelmäßigen Ausdauersporttrainings auf die Schmerzverarbeitung bisher nicht experimentell untersucht worden. In dieser Arbeit wurden diese Mechanismen erstmalig mittels einer longitudinalen fMRT-Studie untersucht: Die sechsmonatige, kontrollierte Studie wurde von 28 gesunden männlichen rechtshändigen Probanden abgeschlossen (15 Sportler und 13 Kontrollprobanden). Die Sportler absolvierten ein sechsmonatiges Lauftrainingsprogramm, während die Kontrollen keinen Ausdauersport trieben. Zu Beginn (T= 0 Monate) und zum Ende des Studienzeitraumes (T= 6 Monate) wurden die hitzeschmerzabhängigen Hirnaktivierungen mittels fMRT in einem Block-Design gemessen. Abschließend wurde der applizierte Hitzeschmerz auf einer numerischen Skala bewertet. Ferner wurden zu beiden Zeitpunkten Fitnessparameter (Ruhefrequenz, Blutdruck, VO2max) sowie Schmerz- und Fühlschwellen untersucht. In der Sportgruppe konnte eine signifikante Abnahme der Ruhefrequenz (p = 0,007) und des systolischen Blutdruckes (p = 0,025) sowie eine signifikante Zunahme der VO2max (p Post-hoc Analysen zeigten in der Sportgruppe eine verminderte Aktivierung in der Insel beidseits (p Mittels dieser Arbeit konnten zusammenfassend erstmalig schmerzmodulatorische Effekte eines regelmäßigen Ausdauersports gezeigt werden. Diese fanden einerseits in einer Region statt, der eine Verarbeitung affektiv-motivationaler Schmerzkomponenten zugeschrieben wird (Insel), andererseits in motorischen Planungsarealen (SMA/PMC). Zusammenfassend lässt sich mit diesen Ergebnissen - in Erweiterung zum jetzigen Wissensstand bei sportabhängiger akuter Schmerzmodulation - schlussfolgern, dass eine regelmäßige sportliche Aktivität zu einer chronischen Modulation der affektiv-motivationalen Schmerzverarbeitung führt. Hierfür werden zugrunde liegende tonische opioiderge Mechanismen vermutet. Diese Hypothese kann aber auf der Grundlage der vorliegenden Daten weder verifiziert noch falsifiziert werden. Vor einem gezielten Einsatz von Ausdauersporttraining bei Patienten mit chronischen Schmerzsyndromen sind entsprechende weiterführende experimentelle Untersuchungen erforderlich

    El juego en el desarrollo psicológico de niños libios

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    Tésis doctoral inédita, leída en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Facultad de Psicología. Departamento de Psicología Evolutiva y de la Educación. Fecha de lectura: 07-03-201

    Value of dimeglio scoring system during ponseti correction of congenital talipes equinovarus deformity

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    Background: When it comes to assessing the severity of an isolated clubfoot deformity and its response to therapy, the Dimeglio scoring system is universally accepted.Objective: The aim of the current work was to increase the knowledge about application of dimeglio scoring system during Ponseti correction of clubfoot.Patients and Methods: On the basis of a Randomized clinical research, at Zagazig University Hospital Orthopedic Department, and Alhawary general hospital, Benghazi, Libya, we recruited 12 patients aged lower than 1 year having idiopathic clubfoot treated using ponseti technique in duration from January 2021 to October 2021.Results: There was a statistically significant decreases in Demiglio score among cases did not need tenotomy compared to cases needed it at all times of follow up. Also, there was a statistically significant decrease in score when comparing 1st & last read in cases needed tenotomy by 89.03% and in cases did not need by 94.26 percent. The different readings of Demiglio score had accuracy 100%, 100%. 91%, 83.3% & 100% respectively in prediction of not needing tenotomy among the studied cases.Conclusion: It could be concluded that in terms of dependability, the Dimeglio scoring system is clinically relevant and may be simply used in clinical practice. The Dimeglio score is practical, easy to use, and applicable in children also above the age of 1.5 years old

    Determination of major and minor elements in dairy products produced in Misurata city – Libya

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    Concentrations of minor metals (cadmium Cd, lead Pb, copper Cu, Zinc Zn, and chromium Cr) and major nutritional elements (sodium Na, and potassium K) were analyzed in some dairy products (15) produced by four local companies in Misurata-Libya. Minor elements were determined using Atomic Absorption Spectrometer and major elements (Na and K) using Flame Emission Photometer. For heavy metals, the average levels of zinc was the highest, followed by levels of lead, cadmium, and chromium, and finally the levels of copper was the lowest. For major elements, the levels of potassium were higher than sodium in all tested samples. Generally, Heavy metal concentrations varied significantly depending upon the type of the product and significant differences were observed in the mean values of heavy metals in different types of dairy products. However, the levels of heavy metals in fresh milk were lower than the levels in other products (butter milk, yoghurt, and yoghurt drink). Finally, further investigations are needed to identify the cause of elevated heavy metal levels especially in dairy products