116 research outputs found

    Identification of Toxoplasma gondii Excretory-Secretory Antigens from Propagation in Mice as Toxoplasmosis Vaccine Candidate

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    The aim of this research is to get some ESAs of T. gondii tachyzoite from propagation in mice and ESAs having the character of immunogenic as candidate of toxoplasmosis vaccine. The long-range target of this research is get subunit vaccine of toxoplasmosis. The methods used cover:propagation of T. gondii in mice and cropping ESAs at intraperitoneal fluid and fractination ESAs by SDS-PAGE, antibody making to ESAs, anddetermination antigenicity by western blot. The results of research founded 13 ESAs: 125.5; 100.9; 70.2; 56.7; 45.6; 40.4; 35.3; 34.1; 29.5; 27.4; 24.9; 20.7 and 19.7 kDa. ESAs having the character of antigenic were molecule weighing 100.9; 56.7; 35.3; 34.1; 24.9; 20.7 and 19.7 kDa, and 100.9; 56.7; 24.9; 20.7 and 19.7 kDa represent major antigenic. Keywords: Toxoplasma gondii, excretory-secretory antigens, vaccin


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    AbstractThe aim of this research is to understand the influence of concentrate feed and mineral block formulation on the densitylevel and milk fat of dairy cattle. The research was conducted on eight cross breed friesian holstein cows with ± 450 kg body weight and aged 2-4 years with milk production 8-11 liter/head/day. The experimental design of this study was complete randomized design with two treatments and each treatment was repeated four times. P0 (grass, tofu waste) and P1 (grass, tofu waste, concentrate feed, mineral block). The data was analyzed using t test (independent sample t test ). The software that was used to analyzed the data is Statistical Program for Social Science (SPSS) version 20  for Windows. The results showed that concentrate feed and mineral block did not significantly affect the density of milk and milk fat (p > 0.05). The mean density of milk in the P0 was 1.0255 and P1 was 1.0253. Mean while the average milk fat in the P0 was 3.27% and in P1 was 3.45%. Keywords : concentrate, mineral block, density, fat, dairy co

    Inhibition of Apoptosis in Retinal of Newborn Mice Due to Congenital Toxoplasmosis

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    Toxoplasma gondii infection in pregnant women cause defects in the newborn, such as hydrocephalus and eye damaged, even blindness. Histologically damage due to congenital infection of T. gondii need to be examined. Twenty pregnant mice were divided into two groups which are the treatment group and the control group. Each mouse in treatment group was infected with 10 takizoit by intraperitoneal. Each of the newborn were sacrified, their head were taken and their eye tissue were fixed in 10% of buffered formalin and the histological sample were made in HE and TUNEL staining. The result showed that the retina of the eye of the newborn from infected mice damage. The damages include: hemorrhage, infected retinal cells, eye growth inhibition and decreased of apoptosis index of the retina cells.  Keywords: Apoptosis in retinal, Newborn, Congenital Toxoplasmosis, Ocular Toxoplasmosi


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    This study aimed to determine the occurences of mice brain ventricles dilatation that congenitally infected with Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii) as a marker of hydrocephalus and cellular changes in the brain. A total of twenty pregnant mice (11.5 days pregnacy) were divided into 2 groups, which were control (P1) group and treatment (P2) group. The mice in the treatment group were infected with 101 tachyzoites of T. gondii. All mice were maintained until delivery. The newborn mice were sacrificed and their brain were removed and fixed in 10% buffered formalin to prepare histology slides with HE staining for observation of ventricular width, TUNEL assay for apoptosis observation, and immunohistochemistry for the expression of transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β) observations. The data were analyzed using t test and linear regression. The results showed that ventricular width and apoptosis index significantly increased (P0.01) in the treatment group compared to control group, but there was no difference in the expression of TGF-β (P0.05) in both groups. Dilatation of ventricle correlated with the apoptotic index of brain cells but did not correlated with the expression of TGF-β

    Haemogregarine Case In Python Snake

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    One of 14 python snakes that obtained from the caretaker in Lamongan, East Java infected Haemogregarine identified. The presence ofparasites can be identified by examination of thin blood with Giemsa staining. Gamont parasites shaped like a banana with dark blue nuclei with clear cytoplasm is bright pink. Gamont cytoplasmic pigment granules do not have a clear comparison with gamont Hemoproteus sp. Keywords: Haemogregarine, haemoprotozoa, python snake, reptil

    Teratogenic Effect of Congenital Toxoplasmosis in Chicken Embryo

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    This research is designed to observe the teratogenic effect of Toxoplasma gondii infection in chick embryos, based on the number of somites, embryo length and the development of embryonic brain vesicles. Methods in the research: Chicken eggs were infected with 1 x 103 tachyzoites of T. gondii. The eggs were incubated in eggs hatching box. Observation of somite performed on embryonated eggs 24 hours after incubation and the embryonic development of vesicles performed 72 hours after incubation then the length of each embryo were measured. Results: Revealed that there was a significant difference in the number of somites (p < 0.1), T. gondii infection reduced the number of somites. While in the number of brain vesicles in 3 - days old chicken embryos, although there was no significant difference, the size declining emerged. The length of the embryos both at 24 or 72 hours old showed that T. gondii infection reduced the length (p < 0.1). Conclusions: T. gondii infection influences the development of chicken embryos in the declining of length and the decreasing of somite embryo number. Keywords: IGF-I crossbreed mare serum pregnant; Follicle; Mus musculu

    Efek Proteksi dari Terapi Oksigen Hiperbarik terhadap Ekspresi Bcl-2 Miometrium Rattus norvegicus Bunting yang Terinfeksi oleh Tachyzoite Toxoplasma gondii

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    Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) can increase oxygen delivery to tissues and stimulate the formation of H2O2 as a secondary messenger for phosphorylation of nuclear factor kappa beta (NF-kB) which plays an important role in the transcription of the anti apoptotic gene. This study aimed to determine the effects of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) in enhancing the expressions of Bcl-2 in the myometrium of pregnant rats infected by Toxoplasma gondii. This study was an experimental study with a randomized control group of post-test only and designed by 37 pregnant Rattus norvegicus Sprague Dawley. Randomly, the rats were divided into four groups. Group A is infected pregnant rats that exposed by 10 sessions of HBOT 2.4 ATA in 3x30 minutes. Group B is non-infected pregnant rats and exposed by 10 sessions of HBOT 2.4 ATA in 3x30 minutes. Group C is infected pregnant rats without any exposure. Group D is non-infected pregnant rats without any exposure. Each infected pregnant rat was given a 103 tachyzoite of T.gondii by intraperitoneal injection. Bcl-2 expressions were measured through immunohistochemistry. All data were analyzed using ANOVA test through SPSS 21 program application. There was a significant difference in Bcl-2 expression between Group A and Group C because p<α (p<0.017). HBOT can increase the expression of Bcl-2 from infected and not infected rat myometrium, in the provision of HBOT 2.4 ATA for 3x30 minutes, twice a day for 5 days


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    Bacground: Toxoplasma gondii is an intracellular obligate protozoan parasite that infects most warm-blooded animals including humans. It can cause congenital infection with clinical symptoms ranging from mild to severe including microcephaly. At the cellular level, infection T. gondii causes apoptosis in some tissues and it is induced by proinflammatory cytokines, such as IFN-γ and TNF-α. The purpose of this study is to determine the role of proinflammatory cytokines (TNF-α and IFN-γ) to apoptosis skull of newborn from T. gondii-infected mice. Materials and Methods: Twenty pregnant mice were divided into two groups. The first group was the control group which was not infected with T. gondii tachizoites. The second group was the infected mice, which was infected with T. gondii tachizoites on the day 11.5 of gestation. All mice were cared until delivery. Subsequenly, pups of the mice were sacrificed and their skullcap tissues were taken for histological preparation. The tissues were stained by TUNEL Assay and IHC. Observed variables were apoptotic index and the percentage of skull cell expressing TNF-α and IFN-γ. Data were analyzed with t-test and regression. Results: Compared to the control group, the skull of the pups born to T. gondii-infected mice showed that the number of apoptotic index and percentage of expressing TNF-α and IFN-γ cells were higher than the control group. There is no correlation between increasing expression of TNF-α and apoptosis skull of pups. However, an increasing expression of IFN-γ affected the increased apoptosis of skull pups born to T.gondii-infected mice. Conclusion: Congenital toxoplasmosis in mice increased apoptotic index of skull and the apoptosis of skull associated with increasing expression of IFN-γ, but not associated with increasing expression of TNF-α

    A Legal Assistance In Criminal Action Trial Process

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the form of legal aid in the criminal trial process. To analyze the forms of legal assistance provided by the Legal Aid Institute for victims. To analyze the obstacles to legal aid in the criminal trial process and its solutions. The method used by the researcher is a sociological juridical approach and the specifications in this study include analytical descriptive. Based on the results of the research that the form of legal assistance in the criminal trial process is to accompany the suspect/defendant at every level of examination, especially the level of prosecution and trial of criminal acts, so that human rights are guaranteed, during and after the trial and seek diversion of criminal cases so that the perpetrators of criminal acts get their rights. The forms of legal assistance that can be provided to victims by LBH, in the criminal justice process, start from assistance carried out when the victim starts reporting the case to the police until the case is decided in court. Constraints: In practice, the provision of legal aid that has been applied is only limited to the provision of legal aid as mandated by Article 56 of the Criminal Procedure Code. In the appointment of legal counsel for the Defendant based on the mandate of Article 56 of the KUHAP in the event that the Defendant is incapacitated who is threatened with a sentence of five years or more who does not have his own legal advisor, Judges often make stipulations on the appointment of legal counsel without knowing in advance whether the defendant is economically capable or not. Solution: Provide information on Posbakum services for the Defendant in the District Court. In this case, this can be done by placing an information board on the Posbakum service in front of the District Court Detainee or by providing a pamphlet containing information on the Posbakum service in the detention room

    Construction Hybrid immunoglobulin All Four Dengue serotype Using Mesenchymal Stem

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    The dengue virus is a member of vector-borne diseases that causes zoonotic disease and spreads rapidly in the world. No single treatment or vaccine yet is available that is recommended and there is no correlation with protectiveness against this disease. The heavy chain (VH) and light chain (VL) variables are molecules of immunoglobulin G (IgG) is the smallest part of the antibody. Although the part-time domain variable is short, it can be used as a long-term and rapid immune booster in the immune system. In this study we tried to clone an encoding gene that was able to influence the adaptive immune response to dengue 1-4 by using MSC as a gene carrier. The target scFv-IgG gene has been successfully integrated into the plasmid. Plasmids that we have linearly transfected into the MSC. From the cDNA synthesis results continued with PCR synthesis with primer FGHV and RGHA obtained bands in accordance with the target of 404 bp. The scFv gene encoding IgG can be integrated with MSC Keywords: immunetherapy; dengue; hybrid; scFv-IgG; mesenchymal
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