1,157 research outputs found

    Canonical Transformation Path to Gauge Theories of Gravity

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    In this paper, the generic part of the gauge theory of gravity is derived, based merely on the action principle and on the general principle of relativity. We apply the canonical transformation framework to formulate geometrodynamics as a gauge theory. The starting point of our paper is constituted by the general De~Donder-Weyl Hamiltonian of a system of scalar and vector fields, which is supposed to be form-invariant under (global) Lorentz transformations. Following the reasoning of gauge theories, the corresponding locally form-invariant system is worked out by means of canonical transformations. The canonical transformation approach ensures by construction that the form of the action functional is maintained. We thus encounter amended Hamiltonian systems which are form-invariant under arbitrary spacetime transformations. This amended system complies with the general principle of relativity and describes both, the dynamics of the given physical system's fields and their coupling to those quantities which describe the dynamics of the spacetime geometry. In this way, it is unambiguously determined how spin-0 and spin-1 fields couple to the dynamics of spacetime. A term that describes the dynamics of the free gauge fields must finally be added to the amended Hamiltonian, as common to all gauge theories, to allow for a dynamic spacetime geometry. The choice of this "dynamics Hamiltonian" is outside of the scope of gauge theory as presented in this paper. It accounts for the remaining indefiniteness of any gauge theory of gravity and must be chosen "by hand" on the basis of physical reasoning. The final Hamiltonian of the gauge theory of gravity is shown to be at least quadratic in the conjugate momenta of the gauge fields -- this is beyond the Einstein-Hilbert theory of General Relativity.Comment: 16 page

    Engaging Parents and Caregivers in Substance Use Disorder Prevention and Recovery

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    Fred Muench the President of the national organization, Partnership for Drug-Free Kids and Center on Addiction, will present on family-based interventions to engage parents and caregivers, as well as data on the resources the Partnership for Drug-Free Kids offers for families addressing every aspect of substance use and addiction, from prevention to recovery. Learn about the support and guidance offered through the latest science-based information designed to empower parents and caregivers. Fred will also discuss how the merger with the Center on Addiction now provides the research necessary to advance effective prevention and treatment strategies advocating for lifesaving policy changes with state and local partners. Through these initiatives the Partnership and Center on Addiction aspire to change the national conversation around addiction so that no one will feel alone or ashamed to seek help, and everyone can have access to the care they need and deserve. Learning Objectives: Become familiar with the resources for Substance Use Disorder NLM and partner organizations offer such as MedlinePlus, Drug Information Portal and Pillbox. Learn the latest research on parenting and caregiver interventions for substance use prevention and intervention. Learn about how the Partnership is infusing, best-in-class science with compassion from prevention to sustained recovery, to support families caring for a child or loved one struggling with substance use. Learn about the work the Partnership is doing with health care systems to provide effective addiction treatment, research and practices that work, and promote accessibility and affordability of care for everyone

    The spatial distribution of substellar objects in IC348 and the Orion Trapezium Cluster

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    Aims: Some theoretical scenarios suggest the formation of brown dwarfs as ejected stellar embryos in star-forming clusters. Such a formation mechanism can result in different spatial distributions of stars and substellar objects. We aim to investigate the spatial structure of stellar and substellar objects in two well sampled and nearby embedded clusters, namely IC348 and the Orion Trapezium Cluster (OTC) to test this hypothesis. Methods:Deep near-infrared K-band data complete enough to sample the substellar population in IC348 and OTC are obtained from the literature. The spatial distribution of the K-band point sources is analysed using the Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) method. The Q parameter and the spanning trees are evaluated for stellar and substellar objects as a function of cluster core radius Rc_c. Results: The stellar population in both IC348 and OTC display a clustered distribution whereas the substellar population is distributed homogeneously in space within twice the cluster core radius. Although the substellar objects do not appear to be bound by the cluster potential well, they are still within the limits of the cluster and not significantly displaced from their birth sites. Conclusions: The spatially homogeneous distribution of substellar objects is best explained by assuming higher initial velocities, distributed in a random manner and going through multiple interactions. The overall spatial coincidence of these objects with the cluster locations can be understood if these objects are nevertheless travelling slowly enough so as to feel the gravitational effect of the cluster. The observations support the formation of substellar objects as ``ejected stellar embryos''. Higher ejection velocities are necessary but net spatial displacements may not be necessary to explain the observational data.Comment: 4 pages. Accepted by A&A Letter

    The Nature of the Dense Core Population in the Pipe Nebula: Thermal Cores Under Pressure

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    In this paper we present the results of a systematic investigation of an entire population of starless dust cores within a single molecular cloud. Analysis of extinction data shows the cores to be dense objects characterized by a narrow range of density. Analysis of C18O and NH3 molecular-line observations reveals very narrow lines. The non-thermal velocity dispersions measured in both these tracers are found to be subsonic for the large majority of the cores and show no correlation with core mass (or size). Thermal pressure is thus the dominate source of internal gas pressure and support for most of the core population. The total internal gas pressures of the cores are found to be roughly independent of core mass over the entire range of the core mass function (CMF) indicating that the cores are in pressure equilibrium with an external source of pressure. This external pressure is most likely provided by the weight of the surrounding Pipe cloud within which the cores are embedded. Most of the cores appear to be pressure confined, gravitationally unbound entities whose nature, structure and future evolution are determined by only a few physical factors which include self-gravity, the fundamental processes of thermal physics and the simple requirement of pressure equilibrium with the surrounding environment. The observed core properties likely constitute the initial conditions for star formation in dense gas. The entire core population is found to be characterized by a single critical Bonnor-Ebert mass. This mass coincides with the characteristic mass of the Pipe CMF indicating that most cores formed in the cloud are near critical stability. This suggests that the mass function of cores (and the IMF) has its origin in the physical process of thermal fragmentation in a pressurized medium.Comment: To appear in the Astrophysical Journa

    Young Brown Dwarfs in the Core of the W3 Main Star-Forming Region

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    We present the results of deep and high-resolution (FWHM ~ 0".35) JHK NIR observations with the Subaru telescope, to search for very low mass young stellar objects (YSOs) in the W3 Main star-forming region. The NIR survey covers an area of ~ 2.6 arcmin^2 with 10-sigma limiting magnitude exceeding 20 mag in the JHK bands. The survey is sensitive enough to provide unprecedented details in W3 IRS 5 region and reveals a census of the stellar population down to objects below the hydrogen-burning limit. We construct JHK color-color (CC) and J-H/J and H-K/K color-magnitude (CM) diagrams to identify very low luminosity YSOs and to estimate their masses. Based on these CC and CM diagrams, we identified a rich population of embedded YSO candidates with infrared excesses (Class I and Class II), associated with the W3 Main region. A large number of red sources (H-K > 2) have also been detected around W3 Main. We argue that these red stars are most probably pre-main-sequence (PMS) stars with intrinsic color excesses. Based on the comparison between theoretical evolutionary models of very low-mass PMS objects with the observed CM diagram, we find there exists a substantial substellar population in the observed region. The mass function (MF) does not show the presence of cutoff and sharp turnover around the substellar limit, at least at the hydrogen-burning limit. Furthermore, the MF slope indicates that the number ratio of young brown dwarfs and hydrogen-burning stars in the W3 Main is probably higher than those in Trapezium and IC 348. The presence of mass segregation, in the sense that relatively massive YSOs lie near the cluster center, is seen. The estimated dynamical evolution time indicates that the observed mass segregation in the W3 Main may be the imprint of the star formation process.Comment: 39 pages, 15 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Phase-Field Simulation and Design of a Ferroelectric Nano-Generator

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    We study the behavior of ferroelectric material (BaTiO3) for the design of a nano-generator to convert mechanical into electrical energy. The investigations consider an electro-mechanical phase-field model with polarization as state variable. This widely accepted model has its origins in the work of and is fully developed by Landis and coworkers. We use a finite element model to simulate tetragonal regions of ferroelectric material sputtered on substrate. Different geometries as well as various mechanical and electrical boundary conditions are considered. The model parameters are normalized to achieve better computational conditions within the stiffness matrix. The major objective of this contribution is the fundamental understanding of domain switching caused by a cyclic electrical field. The corresponding hysteresis loops of the overall polarization cannot be achieved by using a two-dimensional model because the domain topologies evolve in three dimensions. The three-dimensional nature of the domain structure evolution is even true for flat regions or thin films. We show some examples of three-dimensional domain topologies, which are able to break energetically unfavorable symmetries. Finally, the computational model of a tetragonal nano-generator with dimensions 10 x 60 x 10 nm is presented. The specific ratio of height to width and the mounting on substrate is essential for its performance and principle of energy harvesting. We discuss the challenges and scopes of such a system.Aerospace Engineerin

    The Initial Mass Function of the Orion Nebula Cluster across the H-burning limit

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    We present a new census of the Orion Nebula Cluster (ONC) over a large field of view (>30'x30'), significantly increasing the known population of stellar and substellar cluster members with precisely determined properties. We develop and exploit a technique to determine stellar effective temperatures from optical colors, nearly doubling the previously available number of objects with effective temperature determinations in this benchmark cluster. Our technique utilizes colors from deep photometry in the I-band and in two medium-band filters at lambda~753 and 770nm, which accurately measure the depth of a molecular feature present in the spectra of cool stars. From these colors we can derive effective temperatures with a precision corresponding to better than one-half spectral subtype, and importantly this precision is independent of the extinction to the individual stars. Also, because this technique utilizes only photometry redward of 750nm, the results are only mildly sensitive to optical veiling produced by accretion. Completing our census with previously available data, we place some 1750 sources in the Hertzsprung-Russel diagram and assign masses and ages down to 0.02 solar masses. At faint luminosities, we detect a large population of background sources which is easily separated in our photometry from the bona fide cluster members. The resulting initial mass function of the cluster has good completeness well into the substellar mass range, and we find that it declines steeply with decreasing mass. This suggests a deficiency of newly formed brown dwarfs in the cluster compared to the Galactic disk population.Comment: 16 pages, 18 figures. Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    The nature of the dense core population in the Pipe Nebula: A survey of NH3, CCS, and HC5N molecular line emission

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    Recent extinction studies of the Pipe Nebula (d=130 pc) reveal many cores spanning a range in mass from 0.2 to 20.4 Msun. These dense cores were identified via their high extinction and comprise a starless population in a very early stage of development. Here we present a survey of NH3 (1,1), NH3 (2,2), CCS (2_1,1_0), and HC5N (9,8) emission toward 46 of these cores. An atlas of the 2MASS extinction maps is also presented. In total, we detect 63% of the cores in NH3 (1,1) 22% in NH3 (2,2), 28% in CCS, and 9% in HC5N emission. We find the cores are associated with dense gas (~10^4 cm-3) with 9.5 < T_k < 17 K. Compared to C18O, we find the NH3 linewidths are systematically narrower, implying that the NH3 is tracing the dense component of the gas and that these cores are relatively quiescent. We find no correlation between core linewidth and size. The derived properties of the Pipe cores are similar to cores within other low-mass star-forming regions: the only differences are that the Pipe cores have weaker NH3 emision and most show no current star formation as evidenced by the lack of embedded infrared sources. Such weak NH3 emission could arise due to low column densities and abundances or reduced excitation due to relatively low core volume densities. Either alternative implies that the cores are relatively young. Thus, the Pipe cores represent an excellent sample of dense cores in which to study the initial conditions for star formation and the earliest stages of core formation and evolution.Comment: 35 pages, 10 figures (excluding the appendix). For the complete appendix contact [email protected]. Accepted for publication in ApJ

    The nature of the dense core population in the pipe nebula: core and cloud kinematics from C18O observations

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    We present molecular-line observations of 94 dark cloud cores identified in the Pipe nebula through near-IR extinction mapping. Using the Arizona Radio Observatory 12m telescope, we obtained spectra of these cores in the J=1-0 transition of C18O. We use the measured core parameters, i.e., antenna temperature, linewidth, radial velocity, radius and mass, to explore the internal kinematics of these cores as well as their radial motions through the larger molecular cloud. We find that the vast majority of the dark extinction cores are true cloud cores rather than the superposition of unrelated filaments. While we identify no significant correlations between the core's internal gas motions and the cores' other physical parameters, we identify spatially correlated radial velocity variations that outline two main kinematic components of the cloud. The largest is a 15pc long filament that is surprisingly narrow both in spatial dimensions and in radial velocity. Beginning in the Stem of the Pipe, this filament displays uniformly small C18O linewidths (dv~0.4kms-1) as well as core to core motions only slightly in excess of the gas sound speed. The second component outlines what appears to be part of a large (2pc; 1000 solar mass) ring-like structure. Cores associated with this component display both larger linewidths and core to core motions than in the main cloud. The Pipe Molecular Ring may represent a primordial structure related to the formation of this cloud.Comment: Accepted to ApJ. 14 pages, 11 figures. Complete table at end of documen

    The mass function of dense molecular cores and the origin of the IMF

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    Context: Stars form in the cold dense cores of interstellar molecular clouds and the detailed knowledge of the spectrum of masses of such cores is clearly a key for the understanding of the origin of the IMF. To date, observations have presented somewhat contradictory evidence relating to this issue. Aims: In this paper we propose to derive the mass function of a complete sample of dense molecular cores in a single cloud employing a robust method that uses uses extinction of background starlight to measure core masses and enables the reliable extension of such measurements to lower masses than previously possible. Methods: We use a map of near-infrared extinction in the nearby Pipe dark cloud to identify the population of dense cores in the cloud and measure their masses. Results: We identify 159 dense cores and construct the mass function for this population. We present the first robust evidence for a departure from a single power-law form in the mass function of a population of cores and find that this mass function is surprisingly similar in shape to the stellar IMF but scaled to a higher mass by a factor of about 3. This suggests that the distribution of stellar birth masses (IMF) is the direct product of the dense core mass function and a uniform star formation efficiency of 30%+/-10%, and that the stellar IMF may already be fixed during or before the earliest stages of core evolution. These results are consistent with previous dust continuum studies which suggested that the IMF directly originates from the core mass function. The typical density of ~10^4/cm^3 measured for the dense cores in this cloud suggests that the mass scale that characterizes the dense core mass function may be the result of a simple process of thermal (Jeans) fragmentation.Comment: A&A accepte
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