54 research outputs found

    Viability and discrimination of avian peripheral blood mononuclear cells and thrombocytes intended for improvement of wound healing in birds

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    Birds often suffer from skin injuries of different aetiology. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is successfully used for improvement of wound healing in humans and in some mammalian species (e.g. horses, dogs and cats), but experience with its application in avian patients has not yet been published. Therefore, the aim of this study was to test a quick method for the counting of isolated avian platelets and mononuclear leukocytes and to find an appropriate carrier for their application to the wounds of birds. It seems that flow cytometry can be used for the quick counting of isolated cells and the discrimination of thrombocytes, lymphocytes and eventually monocytes or debris. Of the tested gels and sponges routinely used for improvement of wound healing, a gelatin sponge (Gelaspon®) providing the highest numbers and viability of isolated cells proved to be the best carrier

    Flax-seed oil and Lactobacillus plantarum supplementation modulate TLR and NF-κB gene expression in enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli challenged gnotobiotic pigs

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    The present study analyses the effect of flax-seed oil rich in n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), the probiotic strain Lactobacillus plantarum — Biocenol™ LP96 and their combination on the expression level of selected Toll-like receptor (TLR) genes (TLR2, TLR4, TLR5, TLR9) and their downstream molecules (myeloid differentiation factor 88, MyD88; nuclear factor-κB, NF-κB) in the jejunum of gnotobiotic pigs challenged with enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC). The results show that both immunomodulators are able to modulate the RNA level of at least one of the target molecules and thus regulate pathogeninduced inflammation. We confirmed that not only probiotic lactobacilli or flaxseed oil alone but also their synergistic action has great potential in the prevention and treatment of porcine colibacillosis. The results give an insight into one of the possible mechanisms by which natural agents, such as probiotic lactobacilli and flax-seed oil, exert their immunoregulatory properties during pathogen-induced inflammation

    Antibiotic-Treated SPF Mice as a Gnotobiotic Model

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    Decontamination of specific pathogen-free (SPF) mice of BALB/c line was accomplished by administration of amoxicillin per os potentiated with potassium clavulanate at a dose of 387.11 mg/kg body weight and ciprofloxacin administered s.c. at a dose of 18.87 mg/kg body weight every 12 h for 5 days. This resulted in a decreased viability of microorganisms in feces and the cecal content of mice and decreased counts of cultivable microorganisms in the feces, which by day 3 of study declined below the recovery level and to the reduction of animal microbiota to two detected cultivable species, namely Escherichia coli (GenBank KX086704) and Enterococcus sp. (GenBank KX086705). Convalescence of decontaminated animals under gnotobiotic conditions for 10 days prevented restoration of species diversity of mice microbiota and sufficed to return the metabolic, hematological and morphological values to the physiological range. It also restored the fermentative activity of the intestine to the level similar to that observed before antibiotic treatment. Animals subjected to this procedure can be used in further studies. As a result, we created a mouse gnoto model with reduced and controlled microbiota without alteration of the overall health status of the respective animals

    Antibacterial activity, quality and stability study of creams with new potential silver(I) complexes and in vivo case report

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the antibacterial activity, quality and stability of creams (at 1 % concentration) prepared with synthesized silver(I) complexes: [Ag(Nam)2]NO3·H2O (AgNam), [Ag2(HGly)2]n(NO3)2n (AgGly) (Nam– nicotinamide, Gly – glycine) and silver(I) sulfadiazine (AgSD), which is commercially available. Antibacterial activity was evaluated by agar well diffusion method and in in vivo case. The pure silver(I) complexes as well as all three tested creams loaded with AgGly, AgSD and AgNam showed antibacterial potential. Moreover, the creams loaded with AgGly and AgNam showed higher antibacterial effects against S. aureus and B. subtilis than the cream loaded with AgSD. In terms of appearance, all cream samples were opaque and odourless, and no phase separation was observed. Creams were soluble in water (o/w emulsions) and they had a pseudoplastic behaviour. The pH of the creams was in the range of 4.87–5.75. No visible changes were observed in the case of commercially used AgSD cream during one month testing period at conditions –16 ± 1 °C; 6 ± 1 °C and 56 % relative humidity; 20 ± 1 °C and 58 % relative humidity and 40 ± 1 °C and 75 % relative humidity. However, creams containing AgGly and AgNam changed their colour depending on the tested conditions

    The Separation methods for claims reserving in non-life insurance

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    Tato práce se zabývá separačními metodami, které slouží k výpočtu odhadu pojistných rezerv v neživotním pojištění. V prvních dvou kapitolách práce uvádíme všeobecné informace k neživotnímu pojištění a tvorbě technických rezerv, se zaměřením na rezervu pojistného plnění. Ve třetí kapitole popisujeme metody výpočtu této rezervy z technického hlediska. Poslední kapitola ukazuje aplikaci vybraných metod nad skutečnými daty, částečně pomocí programovacího jazyka Python a částečně pomocí tabulkového editoru MS excel. Získané výsledky jsou následně okomentované a porovnávané na obrázcích vykreslených pomocí knihovny v Python v prostředí Jupyter Notebook.This diploma thesis is describing the separation methods, which are used for the calculation of reserves estimates for non-life insurance. In the first two chapters of this work, we are providing general information regarding non-life insurance and the creation of technical reserves, especially focusing on reserves for outstanding claims. In the following chapter, we are describing methods used to calculate this reserve from the technological point of view. The last chapter is showing practical application of selected methods on the real data. We are using Python programming language as well as MS Excel depending on the method we are calculating. All results are graphically represented by the library in Jupyter notebook.Táto práca sa zaoberá separačnými metódami, ktoré slúžia k výpočtu odhadu poistných rezerv v neživotnom poistení. V prvých dvoch kapitolách práce uvádzame všeobecné informácie 5 k neživotnému poisteniu a tvorbe technických rezerv, so zameraním na rezervu poistného plnenia. V tretej kapitole popisujeme metódy k výpočtu tejto rezervy z technického hľadiska. Nakoniec, aplikujeme vybrané metódy na skutočné dáta, čiastočne pomocou programovacieho jazyka Python a čiastočne v tabuľkovom editore MS Excel. Získané výsledky sú následne okomentované a porovnané na obrázkoch vykreslených pomocou knižnice v prostredí Python a Jupyter Notebook

    The comparison of the performace of selected carbocyanine dyes in fluorescent probing of yeast cell membrane potential.

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    The membrane potential is one of the most important parameters of the living cell. It can be measured using carbocyanine fluorescent probes. In this thesis we examined parameters of several dyes of this family. For further experiments three of them were chosen - diOC3(3), diIC1(3) a diIC2(5) as a supplement to diSC3(3) and diSC3(5), which represent standard probes used at biophysical department of Institut of Physics. We compared the rates of their accumulation in S. cerevisiae cells to determine if they were MDR pumps' substrates. The other goal of this work was to decide whether the results obtained using different probes are equivalent and to determine if the presence of a probe affects the spectral characteristics of another. For this purpose we have chosen diSC3(3) and diSC3(5). With those dyes we examined the influence of the acidification on membrane potencial of the yeast S. cerevisiae. We showed that the information on depolarization obtained using both probes were matching very well