353 research outputs found

    Detection and Modeling Objects of Interest from MR Brain Images

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    Cílem této bakalářské práce je návrh automatizovaného algoritmu pro segmentaci a modelování patologických oblastí z MR mozkových obrazových dat. Pro účely segmentace jsou použity dvě metody, a to konkrétně Otsu multiregionální segmentace a metoda aktivních kontur, které jsou realizovány v prostředí MATLAB. Následně jsou tyto metody porovnány s cílem vyhodnocení efektivity segmentace MR obrazů. Dále je zhodnocena efektivita použití metod předzpracování obrazu pro zlepšení výsledků segmentace a následně provedena extrakce patologických oblastí. Kromě prezentování vývoje algoritmu provádějící segmentaci patologických oblastí a jejich filtrace od pozadí jsou v této práci popsány také obecné principy segmentace obrazových dat, SW a metody využívající se k detekci patologických oblastí mozku. Navrhované algoritmy byly testovány na datasetu 21 snímků z MR.The aim of this bachelor thesis is the design of an automated algorithm for segmentation and modeling of pathological areas of MR brain imaging data. Two methods are used for segmentation purposes, namely Otsu multiregional segmentation and active contouring method implemented in MATLAB. Subsequently, these methods are compared to the purpose of evaluating the efficiency of segmentation of MR images. Furthermore, the effectiveness of using image pre-processing to improve segmentation results and subsequently extracting pathological areas is evaluated. This work describes general principles of segmentation of image data, SW and methods used to detect pathological regions of the brain. The proposed algorithms were tested on a dataset of 21 MR frames.450 - Katedra kybernetiky a biomedicínského inženýrstvívýborn

    The effect of biologicaly active substances on the structure and properties of collagenous substrates

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá přípravou 3D porézních kolagenových skafoldů metodou lyofilizace a jejich modifikací bioaktivními látkami. K modifikaci byly použity přírodní polysacharidy – chitosan, vápenatá oxidovaná celulóza a chitin/chitosan-glukanový komplex. Mechanické vlastnosti skafoldů byly upraveny síťováním pomocí karbodiimidů. Růstové faktory byly dodány formou destičkového lyzátu. Byl zkoumán vliv biologicky aktivních aditiv, siťovacího činidla a obohacení růstovými faktory na vlastnosti připravených skaffoldů a jejich bioaktivitu v tkáních živých organismů. Konkrétně byly studovány morfologické vlastnosti, struktura, porozita, botnání, stabilita, chemické složení, teplota denaturace a biologické vlastnosti. K charakterizaci byly použity metody rastrovací elektronová mikroskopie, infračervená spektroskopie, diferenční kompenzační kalorimetrie a konfokální mikroskop. Připravené kolagenové substráty obohaceny bioaktivním aditivem a destičkovým lyzátem mohou být využity v biomedicíně jako skafoldy pro růst buněk v systémech s nízkou mechanickou zátěží.The thesis deals with the preparation of 3D porous collagen scaffolds by freeze-drying and their modification with bioactive compounds. The natural polysaccharides, chitosan, calcium oxidized cellulose and chitin/chitosan-glucan complex for the modification have been used. The mechanical properties of the scaffolds have been enhanced by crosslinking process with carbodiimides. Growth factors have been delivered in the form of platelet lysate. The influence of biologically active additives, crosslinking agents, and enrichment with growth factors on the properties of the prepared scaffold and their bioactivity in tissues of living organisms have been investigated. Specifically, this study includes the morphological properties, structure, porosity, swelling stability, chemical composition, temperature of denaturation and biological properties. Scanning electron microscopy, infrared specktroscopy, differential scanning calorimetry and confocal microscopy have been used to the characterization. Prepared collagen substrates involving bioactive additive and platelet lysate could be used as scaffold for growing cells in systems with low mechanical loading and which has potential application in biomedicine.

    Export Competitiveness of Central and Eastern Europe Since the Enlargement of the EU

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    We use constant market share (CMS) analysis to decompose changes in the export shares of the Central and Eastern European (CEE) economies in the period since the 5th enlargement of the European Union (EU) and measure changes in export competitiveness. We find that the CEE transition economies have generally increased their world export competitiveness, but gains in market share have been tempered by a poor match between both the commodity and regional export profiles of most of the CEE economies and the changes in the world import profile, and by generally slow adaptation of the region to changes in the latter on both the commodity and regional dimensions. Changes in export competitiveness in the region overall are instead driven largely by expansions of market share within the EU. Using a new method we show that only a small proportion of the change in the trade share is attributable to changes in the extensive margin. We discuss possible policy implications


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    The relationship between the rate of inflation and the rate of unemployment is one of the most discussed macroeconomic issues in economic theory and business practice. A. W. Phillips published in 1958 his pioneering article and for the first time pointed to this relationship. Later the issue was addressed by other prominent economists: P. Samuelson, R. Solow, M. Friedman and E. Phelps. The original Phillips curve, as a part of the Keynesian theory instruments, formed the basis of Keynesian economic policy. The monetarist interpretation of Phillips curve is based on so-called natural rate of unemployment and inflation expectations. Currently there are turbulent debates, often contradictory and conflicting, under way over the validity of the Phillips curve and over the various factors that affect the relationship between unemployment and inflation. The paper deals with the polemic issues of mutual relationship between unemployment and inflation and presents European perspectives as well. Both inflation and unemployment belongs to the convergence criteria relevant for a successful monetary union. Eurozone countries have relevantly different trends in the competitive position due to different inflation and wage growth

    How to Analyze the Association between Two Categorical Variables Based on Census Data with a High Level of Nonresponse

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    Statistical surveys are often used in shaping managerial policy and practice. In this paper we study, how to analyze the association between two categorical variables based on census data with a high level of nonresponse. The purpose is to discuss the suggested approach to the investigation. We used the census data from the survey executed at one Slovak University for testing the new process. The proposed process offers the methods of analysis of the association between two categorical variables based on pseudo-population estimated from the census data with a high level of nonresponse. We recommend using the process in the surveys in which the costs of survey execution by the census are practically not different from sample survey costs, and the connections to all units of the population are available

    End-of-waste Criteria for Copper and Copper Alloy Scrap: Technical Proposals

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    This report is the JRC-IPTS contribution to the development of the end-of-waste criteria for copper and copper alloy scrap in accordance with Article 6 of Directive 2008/98/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on waste (the Waste Framework Directive). This report includes a possible set of end-of-waste criteria and shows how the proposals were developed based on a comprehensive techno-economic analysis of copper and copper alloy recycling and an analysis of the economic, environmental and legal impacts when copper scrap cease to be wastes. The purpose of end-of-waste criteria is to avoid confusion about the waste definition and to clarify when certain waste that has undergone recovery ceases to be waste. Recycling should be supported by creating legal certainty and an equal level playing field and by removing unnecessary administrative burdens. The end-of-waste criteria should provide a high level of environmental protection and an environmental and economic benefit.JRC.DDG.J.6-Sustainable production and consumptio

    Mišljenje vlasnika o završenim projektima okrupnjavanja zemljišta u Slovačkoj: izabrani slučajevi

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    Land consolidation (LC) is stagnating in Slovakia despite problems in landscape needing a resolution (including a huge land ownership fragmentation), allegedly also due to the resistance from the landowners. This contribution sought positions of owners in 4 areas with finished land consolidation (LC) projects and tried to verify the negative opinion in that matter. It also attempted to identify if there are some differences between groups of owners in perception. 15 question survey conducted by local, credible interviewers familiar with the topic has been applied to find out the answers. The research was motivated by personal experience of authors (as LC designers) with mandatory interviews of owners during LC project and the fact that a feedback on the project from the owners is not currently collected after the LC in Slovakia. There was no confirmation of rather negative positions of owners towards LC. Contrary to it, collected answers document a positive LC perception of respondents and allowed to confirm 3 key groups (higher educated middle-aged people, seniors with lower education and young adults) that demonstrate some differences in their positions. Authors tried to show that owners’ feedback after a LC project could provide useful information and help to address potential issues including promotion of LC by adapting the approach with respect to the opinions of owners.Okrupnjavanje zemljišta stagnira u Slovačkoj unatoč problemima u krajoliku koji zahtijevaju odlučnost u rješavanju (uključujući ogromnu rascjepkanost vlasništva nad zemljištem), a također i zbog otpora vlasnika zemljišta. Ovaj rad je istražio mišljenja vlasnika u 4 područja u kojima su završeni projekti okrupnjavanja zemljišta te pokušava provjeriti negativno mišljenje vezano uz ta pitanja. Također, pokušalo se identificirati postoje li neke razlike u mišljenjima između skupina. Kako bi se pronašli odgovori, provedena je anketa metodom upitnika s 15 pitanja koju su proveli lokalni vjerodostojni ispitivači upoznati s ovim područjem. Istraživanje je bilo motivirano osobnim iskustvom autora (kao dizajnera okrupnjavanja zemljišta) stečenim u obveznom intervjuiranju vlasnika kroz projekt okrupnjavanja zemljišta te činjenicom da povratne informacije od vlasnika trenutno nisu prikupljene nakon okrupnjavanja zemljišta u Slovačkoj. Nije bilo potvrde o prilično negativnim mišljenjima vlasnika o okrupnjavanju zemljišta. Naprotiv, prikupljeni odgovori dokumentiraju pozitivno mišljene ispitanika o okrupnjavanju zemljišta te omogućavaju potvrđivanje 3 skupine (visokoobrazovni ljudi srednjih godina, starije osobe s nižim stupnjem obrazovanja i mlađe osobe) među kojima su iskazane neke razlike u mišljenju. Autori su pokušali pokazati da bi povratne informacije vlasnika nakon provedbe projekta okrupnjavanja zemljišta mogle pružati korisne informacije te pomoći u rješavanju eventualnih problema uključujući promociju okrupnjavanja zemljišta uz prilagodbu pristupa na temelju mišljenja vlasnika

    The Development Evaluation of Chosen Parts of Microregion Vsetínsko

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    Import 05/08/2014V posledních letech v České republice, ale i v Evropské unii neustále roste zájem o problematiku regionálního rozvoje. Nedílnou součástí fungování rozvoje regionů je spolupráce. Nejčastěji se jedná o meziobecní spolupráci ve formě sdružení obcí tzv. mikroregionů. Cílem diplomové práce je zhodnocení rozvoje vybraných částí Mikroregionu Vsetínsko, konkrétně Mikroregionu Hornolidečsko a Mikroregionu Valašsko-Horní Vsacko. Práce je zaměřena na zhodnocení plnění strategických dokumentů obou mikroregionů prostřednictvím vyhodnocení naplňování strategických priorit. Dále je v práci rozebírána role obcí v rozvoji Mikroregionu Hornolidečsko a Valašsko-Horní Vsacko. Role obcí je posuzována na základě realizovaných projektů, v letech 2004–2013. Do práce je zahrnut i výpočet absorpční kapacity obcí, která vyjadřuje míru schopnosti obcí mikroregionů využívat prostředky poskytované ze strukturálních fondů Evropské unie a Kohezního fondu.In the Czech republic but even in the European Union there is a constant rise of interest in regional development problems lately. Integral to regional development running is a cooperation. Most often it is a cooperation between villages on the level of so-called microregions. The aim of my dissertation is the development evaluation of chosen parts Vsetínsko Microregion, namely Hornolidešsko Micoregion and Valašsko-Horní Vsacko Microregion. The dissertation is focused on fulfilment of strategical documents evaluation of both microregions via the fulfilment strategical priorities evaluation. Then there is examined the role of villages in development of Microregion Hornolidečsko and Valašsko-Horní Vsacko. The role of the villages is judged from realized projects in the period 2004–2013. The dissertation includes even the absorption village´s capacity calculation which expresses the villages of microregion ability to use means provided from the European Union structural funds and the Cohesive fund.118 - Katedra regionální a environmentální ekonomikyvýborn