881 research outputs found

    Tiempo de memoria, olvido y manipulación : los jesuitas españoles expulsos y la vindicación de la conquista de América

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    Este trabajo se incluye en el Proyecto de Investigación «Cambios y resistencias sociales en los territorios del Mediterráneo Occidental en la Edad Moderna. Un análisis comparativo entre el centro y la periferia mediterránea de la Monarquía Hispánica» con referencia HAR2011- 27898-C02-01, financiado por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. Su autora se beneficia además del programa VALi+d para investigadores en formación de la Generalitat Valenciana.Desde el exilio y bajo los auspicios del conde de Floridablanca, un grupo particular de jesuitas expulsos participaron en la polémica del Nuevo Mundo llevando a cabo una vigorosa defensa del colonialismo español. Mediante las apologías de Ramón Diosdado, Juan Nuix, Antonio Julián y Mariano Llorente, nos ocuparemos en el presente artículo de reflexionar sobre el discurso ignaciano, puramente nacional, en tanto que ejercicio de recuperación de la memoria de la conquista, una rememoración heroica impregnada de valores católicos y conservadores, olvidos y distorsiones. Defendiendo a España de las acusaciones vertidas por los ilustrados extranjeros a finales del siglo xviii, los jesuitas diferenciaron y exaltaron el pasado español frente a las potencias europeas, deformando, asimismo, la figura de Bartolomé de Las Casas, convertido en traidor antiespañol.Des de l'exili i sota els auspicis del comte de Floridablanca, un grup particular de jesuïtes expulsats participaren en la polèmica del Nou Món portant a terme una vigorosa defensa del colonialisme espanyol. Mitjançant les apologies de Ramón Diosdado, Juan Nuix, Antonio Julián i Mariano Llorente, ens ocuparem en aquest article de reflexionar sobre el discurs ignasià, purament nacional, com a exercici de recuperació de la memòria de la conquesta, una remembrança heroica impregnada de valors catòlics i conservadors, oblits i distorsions. Defensant Espanya de les acusacions fetes pels il·lustrats estrangers a finals del segle xviii, els jesuïtes diferenciaren i exaltaren el passat espanyol davant de les potències europees, i deformaren, així mateix, la figura de Bartolomé de Las Casas, convertit en traïdor antiespanyol.From exile, and under the auspices of the Count of Floridablanca, a singular group of expelled Jesuits took part in the controversy surrounding the New World, making a fierce defence of Spanish colonialism. Through the apologias of Ramon Diosdado, Juan Nuix, Antonio Julian and Mariano Antonio Llorente, this article reflects on the purely national Ignatian discourse as an exercise to revive the memory of the conquest. It is a heroic remembrance impregnated with conservative Catholic values, omissions and distortions. Defending Spain against the allegations made by the illustrious foreigners of the late eighteenth century, the Jesuits differentiated and exalted the Spanish past in opposition to European powers, while distorting the figure of Bartolomé de Las Casas, who was converted into an anti-Spanish traitor

    En defensa de un pasado nacional: la Inquisición española en lucha por la memoria histórica de la conquista

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    En el contexto de la crisis del Antiguo Régimen, la Inquisición no sólo se preocupó por la defensa de la ortodoxia y la erradicación de la herejía. Como institución al servicio de la monarquía borbónica, el Santo Oficio se alzó en la defensa de una historia nacional, profundamente conservadora y católica, que debía sustentarse en las glorias hispánicas del pasado imperial español. A partir de una nueva interpretación del caso del capellán Miguel Cabral de Noroña clérigo liberal autor de un sermón anticolonialista y defensor de Las Casas y otro conjunto de censuras, este artículo pretende dibujar de qué modo la Inquisición, como pieza clave en el engranaje de control ideológico del país, no quedó al margen, ni mucho menos, del proceso de construcción de memoria e identidad nacional que se operó a finales de la centuria desde otros frentes. In the context of the crisis of the Ancient Regime, the Inquisition was not only concerned about the defense of orthodoxy and the eradication of heresy. As an institution in the service of the Bourbon monarchy, the holy office took up in defence of a national history, deeply conservative and Catholic that should sustain in the Hispanic glories of the Spanish imperial past. From a new interpretation of the case of the chaplain Miguel Cabral de Noroña (priest liberal author of an anti-colonial sermon and defender of Las Casas) and another censures, this article pretend to profundise in how the Inquisition, as a key piece in the gear of ideological control of the country, was not on the sidelines, nor much less, of the process of construction of memory and national identity that is operated at the end of the century from other fronts

    Discurso de poder, identidad y usos de la historia

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    Este artículo pretende reflexionar sobre la construcción de identidades en torno al conquistador Hernán Cortés a finales del siglo xviii. Se abordarán los diferentes cauces por los que se transmite su imagen, y con ellos, la potencialidad del mitoheroico cortesiano. Este planteamiento nos permite prestar atención a las conexiones y relaciones que se tejen entre lo individual y lo colectivo e incidir en cómo los intereses de otros actores históricos –como los españoles peninsulares– seproyectan en la construcción de Cortés como símbolo del sujeto moderno. Con el estudio de los usos políticos del personaje y su singularidad histórica estableceremos vínculos entre la problemática nacional, el colonialismo, la producción dediscursos de poder y la transmisión de valores fundamentales de la cultura occidental tales como el progreso, la razón y la civilización.This article aims to reflect on the construction of identities about the conqueror Hernan Cortes in the Late Eighteenth Century. It deals with the different channels which were used to transmit his image and to build the myth of Cortes. This approach allows us to pay attention to the connections and relationships betweenthe individual and the collective scopes. It focuses on how the interests of different historical actors (peninsular Spaniards) were projected on Cortes as a symbol of the modern subject. The political uses of Cortes and his historical uniqueness allow us to establish connections between the national question, colonialism, the production of discourses of power and the transmission of fundamental values of the Western tradition like progress, reason and civilization

    Hydrogenated Graphene Nanoribbons for Spintronics

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    We show how hydrogenation of graphene nanoribbons at small concentrations can open new venues towards carbon-based spintronics applications regardless of any especific edge termination or passivation of the nanoribbons. Density functional theory calculations show that an adsorbed H atom induces a spin density on the surrounding π\pi orbitals whose symmetry and degree of localization depends on the distance to the edges of the nanoribbon. As expected for graphene-based systems, these induced magnetic moments interact ferromagnetically or antiferromagnetically depending on the relative adsorption graphene sublattice, but the magnitude of the interactions are found to strongly vary with the position of the H atoms relative to the edges. We also calculate, with the help of the Hubbard model, the transport properties of hydrogenated armchair semiconducting graphene nanoribbons in the diluted regime and show how the exchange coupling between H atoms can be exploited in the design of novel magnetoresistive devices

    p-probabilistic k-anonymous microaggregation for the anonymization of surveys with uncertain participation

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    We develop a probabilistic variant of k-anonymous microaggregation which we term p-probabilistic resorting to a statistical model of respondent participation in order to aggregate quasi-identifiers in such a manner that k-anonymity is concordantly enforced with a parametric probabilistic guarantee. Succinctly owing the possibility that some respondents may not finally participate, sufficiently larger cells are created striving to satisfy k-anonymity with probability at least p. The microaggregation function is designed before the respondents submit their confidential data. More precisely, a specification of the function is sent to them which they may verify and apply to their quasi-identifying demographic variables prior to submitting the microaggregated data along with the confidential attributes to an authorized repository. We propose a number of metrics to assess the performance of our probabilistic approach in terms of anonymity and distortion which we proceed to investigate theoretically in depth and empirically with synthetic and standardized data. We stress that in addition to constituting a functional extension of traditional microaggregation, thereby broadening its applicability to the anonymization of statistical databases in a wide variety of contexts, the relaxation of trust assumptions is arguably expected to have a considerable impact on user acceptance and ultimately on data utility through mere availability.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Formulación de proyectos en Mypes: evidencia empírica de la ausencia de un modelo práctico

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    This is an investigation that addresses the activity of formulating organizational management projects (PGO) in micro and small enterprises (Mypes), with a quantitative, correlational and cross-sectional investigative exercise, within a case study, to test the hypothesis that: The greater the number of theoretical elements used by a microentrepreneur in the formulation of their projects, the greater the development of the determining factors of business survival, a process that allows determining the existence or not of a model adopted to the operational particularities of this type of business. , using an ad hoc instrument validated by expert judgment, in two stages (design and calibration), with CVC of 0.98, Fleiss de Kappa for construct and objectivity of 0.95, with a Pearson temporal stability coefficient of 0.95 and alpha of Cronbach of 0.81. The result indicates that in the case of the population under study, there is no model adapted and used mostly by Mypes, in addition, with a Spearman's Rho of 0.617, a strong correlation between the variables studied is evidenced, which allows to contribute the concept to incorporate the Operational Distinctive Features (RDO) of the Mypes to the development of management theories adapted to their operational realities for the formulation of PGO.Esta es una investigación que aborda la actividad de la formulación de proyectos de gestión organizacional (PGO) en micro y pequeñas empresas (Mypes), con un ejercicio investigativo de enfoque cuantitativo, correlacional y transversal, dentro de un estudio de caso, para probar la hipótesis que: A mayor cantidad de elementos teóricos utilice un microempresario en la formulación de sus proyectos, mayor desarrollo de los factores determinantes de supervivencia empresarial logra, proceso que permite determinar la existencia o no de un modelo adoptado a las particularidades operativas de este tipo empresarial, utilizando para ello un instrumento Ad hoc validado por juicio de expertos, en dos etapas (diseño y calibración), con CVC de 0.98, Fleiss de Kappa para constructo y objetividad de 0.95, con coeficiente de estabilidad temporal de Pearson de 0.95 y alfa de Cronbach de 0.81. El resultado indica que en el caso de la población objeto del estudio, no existe un modelo adaptado y usado mayoritariamente por las Mypes, además con un Rho de Spearman de 0.617 se evidencia una correlación fuerte entre las variables estudiadas, lo que permite aportar el concepto de incorporar los Rasgos Distintivos Operacionales (RDO) de las Mypes al desarrollo de teorías gerenciales adaptadas a sus realidades operativas para la formulación de PGO

    Planar Cell Polarity Signaling in Collective Cell Movements During Morphogenesis and Disease

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    Collective and directed cell movements are crucial for diverse developmental processes in the animal kingdom, but they are also involved in wound repair and disease. During these processes groups of cells are oriented within the tissue plane, which is referred to as planar cell polarity (PCP). This requires a tight regulation that is in part conducted by the PCP pathway. Although this pathway was initially characterized in flies, subsequent studies in vertebrates revealed a set of conserved core factors but also effector molecules and signal modulators, which build the fundamental PCP machinery. The PCP pathway in Drosophila regulates several developmental processes involving collective cell movements such as border cell migration during oogenesis, ommatidial rotation during eye development, and embryonic dorsal closure. During vertebrate embryogenesis, PCP signaling also controls collective and directed cell movements including convergent extension during gastrulation, neural tube closure, neural crest cell migration, or heart morphogenesis. Similarly, PCP signaling is linked to processes such as wound repair, and cancer invasion and metastasis in adults. As a consequence, disruption of PCP signaling leads to pathological conditions. In this review, we will summarize recent findings about the role of PCP signaling in collective cell movements in flies and vertebrates. In addition, we will focus on how studies in Drosophila have been relevant to our understanding of the PCP molecular machinery and will describe several developmental defects and human disorders in which PCP signaling is compromised. Therefore, new discoveries about the contribution of this pathway to collective cell movements could provide new potential diagnostic and therapeutic targets for these disorders

    Heroism as legitimation of Enlightenment values: Production strategies, changes and disagreements

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    During the eighteenth century's periods of political insecurity, writers and rulers supported a whole series of arguments aimed at constructing civilizing heroes who are sacrificed for the benefit of the country, society and the «common good.» This article analyses the different strategies and forms through which an enlightened heroism proliferated in the second half of the century and that were in a constant process of being defined. After reviewing the historical coordinates and the debates within which the creation of new heroes unfolded, and without neglecting another type of heroism—that inherited from humanist culture—I will specifically focus on the conquistadores of the Americas, who were subjected to European intellectuals' critiques. Heroism worked as a propaganda instrument to establish a positive image of the country—one capable of binding collective and individual identities and, at the same time, of embodying the nation's modernity and progress. The hero allows us to understand eighteenth-century society's prevailing political values and controversies regarding masculinity and civilization, whose meanings were always far from singular or stable.En tiempos de inseguridad política, literatos y gobernantes apoyaron toda una serie de argumentos orientados a construir héroes civilizadores y sacrificados en beneficio de la patria, la sociedad y el «bien común». Este artículo analiza las variadas estrategias y formas, siempre en constante proceso de definición, con los que este heroísmo ilustrado proliferó en la segunda mitad del siglo. Después de pasar revista a las coordenadas históricas y a los debates en los que se desenvuelve la fabricación de nuevos héroes, sin dejar de lado otro tipo de heroísmo —heredado de la cultura humanista— me detendré específicamente en los conquistadores de América, sometidos a la crítica de los intelectuales europeos. El heroísmo funcionó como instrumento de propaganda para consolidar una imagen positiva de la patria, capaz de anudar identidades colectivas e individuales y encarnar al mismo tiempo la modernidad y el progreso de la nación. El héroe permite comprender los valores políticos y las controversias sobre la masculinidad y la civilización que imperaban en la sociedad del siglo XVIII, siempre alejados de un significado único y estable
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