32 research outputs found

    WATI: Warning of Traffic Incidents for Fuel Saving

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    Traffic incidents (heavy traffic, adverse weather conditions, and traffic accidents) cause an increase in the frequency and intensity of the acceleration and deceleration. The result is a very significant increase in fuel consumption. In this paper, we propose a solution to reduce the impact of such events on energy consumption. The solution detects the traffic incidents based on measured telemetry data from vehicles and the different driver profiles. The proposal takes into account the rolling resistance coefficient, the road slope angle, and the vehicles speeds, from vehicles which are on the scene of the traffic incident, in order to estimate the optimal deceleration profile. Adapted advice and feedback are provided to the drivers in order to appropriately and timely release the accelerator pedal. The expert system is implemented on Android mobile devices and has been validated using a dataset of 150 tests using 15 different drivers. The main contribution of this paper is the proposal of a system to detect traffic incidents and provide an optimal deceleration pattern for the driver to follow without requiring sensors on the road. The results show an improvement on the fuel consumption of up to 13.47%

    Algorithm for the comparison of human periodic movements using wearable devices

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    In the context of teaching-learning of motor skills in a virtual environment, videos are generally used. The person who wants to learn a certain movement watches a video and tries to perform the activity. In this sense, feedback is rarely thought of. This article proposes an algorithm in which two periodic movements are compared, the one carried out by an expert and the one carried out by the person who is learning, in order to determine how closely these two movements are performed and to provide feedback from them. The algorithm starts from the capture of data through a wearable device that yields data from an accelerometer; in this case, the data of the expert and the data of the person who is learning are captured in a dataset of salsa dance steps. Adjustments are made to the data in terms of Pearson iterations, synchronization, filtering, and normalization, and DTW, linear regression, and error analysis are used to make the corresponding comparison of the two datasets. With the above, it is possible to determine if the cycles of the two signals coincide and how closely the learner’s movements resemble those of the expert

    Moscatel de grano menudo rosa

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    6 Pags.- 6 Tabls.- Fots.Resultado de los trabajos de recuperación de variedades antiguas de vid. En torno al proyecto INIA RF2012-00027-C5-02 para la prospección y recuperación de variedades antiguas de vid, se han localizado en 17 comunidades autónomas, más de 300 variedades desconocidas o minoritarias entre las que se encuentra el Moscatel de Grano Menudo Rosa. EVENA ha desarrollado un trabajo de recuperación de cepajes de esta variedad cuyos detalles y resultados se recogen en este artículo. Gracias a este estudio ha sido posible recuperar en el viñedo antiguo de Navarra individuos de Moscatel de Grano Menudo Rosa.Los resultados moleculares junto con el color de la baya nos identifican este material como Moscatel de Grano Menudo Rosa, mutación somática del Moscatel de Grano menudo Blanco. Ha sido posible recuperar en el viñedo antiguo de Navarra individuos de Moscatel de Grano Menudo Rosa, una rareza vitícola, de la cual se están desarrollando los tres biotipos seleccionados. Estos tres biotipos pasan a formar parte del conservatorio de cepas de Olite, donde su comportamiento tanto agronómico como enológico está siendo validado según el protocolo establecido. Finalmente, se busca incluir esta variedad en la relación de variedades autorizadas para su cultivo en la Comunidad Foral de Navarra. A partir de los resultados del estudio, el material genuino de Moscatel de Grano Menudo Rosa recuperado puede ser utilizado para la implantación de futuros viñedos y la elaboración de vinos rosados originales, de calidad, manteniendo siempre la tipicidad de los vinos de Moscatel de Grano Menudo navarros.La ca racter izac i ón molecular en es te t rabajo ha sido f inanciada por el IN IA a través de l p royecto RF2012-00027-C5-02, titulado Documentación, caract erización y racionalización del germoplasma de vid prospectado y conservado en España. Creación de una colección nuclearPeer reviewe

    Do optional activities matter in virtual learning environments?

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    Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs) provide students with activi-ties to improve their learning (e.g., reading texts, watching videos or solving exercises). But VLEs usually also provide optional activities (e.g., changing an avatar profile or setting goals). Some of these have a connection with the learn-ing process, but are not directly devoted to learning concepts (e.g., setting goals). Few works have dealt with the use of optional activities and the relation-ships between these activities and other metrics in VLEs. This paper analyzes the use of optional activities at different levels in a specific case study with 291 students from three courses (physics, chemistry and mathematics) using the Khan Academy platform. The level of use of the different types of optional ac-tivities is analyzed and compared to that of learning activities. In addition, the relationship between the usage of optional activities and different student be-haviors and learning metrics is presented

    Variation in Susceptibility to Downy Mildew Infection in Spanish Minority Vine Varieties

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    Downy mildew is one of the most destructive diseases affecting grapevines (Vitis vinifera L.). Caused by the oomycete Plasmopara viticola (Berk. and Curt.) Berl. and de Toni, it can appear anywhere where vines are cultivated. It is habitually controlled by the application of phytosanitary agents (copper-based or systemic) at different stages of the vine growth cycle. This, however, is costly, can lead to reduced yields, has a considerable environmental impact, and its overuse close to harvest can cause fermentation problems. All grapevines are susceptible to this disease, although the degree of susceptibility differs between varieties. Market demands and European legislation on viticulture and the use of phytosanitary agents (art. 14 of Directive 128/2009/EC) now make it important to know the sensitivity of all available varieties, including minority varieties. Such knowledge allows for a more appropriate use of phytosanitary agents, fosters the commercial use of these varieties and thus increases the offer of wines associated with different terroirs, and helps identify material for use in crop improvement programmes via crossing or genetic transformation, etc. Over 2020–2021, the susceptibility to P. viticola of 63 minority vine varieties from different regions of Spain was examined in the laboratory using the leaf disc technique. Some 87% of these varieties were highly susceptible and 11% moderately susceptible; just 2% showed low susceptibility. The least susceptible of all was the variety Morate (Madrid, IMIDRA). Those showing intermediate susceptibility included the varieties Sanguina (Castilla la Mancha, IVICAM), Planta Mula (Comunidad Valenciana, ITVE), Rayada Melonera (Madrid, IMIDRA), Zamarrica (Galicia, EVEGA), Cariñena Roja (Cataluña, INCAVI), Mandrègue (Aragón, DGA) and Bastardo Blanco (Extremadura, CICYTEX). The highly susceptible varieties could be differentiated into three subgroups depending on sporulation severity and density

    Variation in Susceptibility to Downy Mildew Infection in Spanish Minority Vine Varieties

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    Downy mildew is one of the most destructive diseases affecting grapevines (Vitis vinifera L.). Caused by the oomycete Plasmopara viticola (Berk. and Curt.) Berl. and de Toni, it can appear anywhere where vines are cultivated. It is habitually controlled by the application of phytosanitary agents (copper-based or systemic) at different stages of the vine growth cycle. This, however, is costly, can lead to reduced yields, has a considerable environmental impact, and its overuse close to harvest can cause fermentation problems. All grapevines are susceptible to this disease, although the degree of susceptibility differs between varieties. Market demands and European legislation on viticulture and the use of phytosanitary agents (art. 14 of Directive 128/2009/EC) now make it important to know the sensitivity of all available varieties, including minority varieties. Such knowledge allows for a more appropriate use of phytosanitary agents, fosters the commercial use of these varieties and thus increases the offer of wines associated with different terroirs, and helps identify material for use in crop improvement programmes via crossing or genetic transformation, etc. Over 2020–2021, the susceptibility to P. viticola of 63 minority vine varieties from different regions of Spain was examined in the laboratory using the leaf disc technique. Some 87% of these varieties were highly susceptible and 11% moderately susceptible; just 2% showed low susceptibility. The least susceptible of all was the variety Morate (Madrid, IMIDRA). Those showing intermediate susceptibility included the varieties Sanguina (Castilla la Mancha, IVICAM), Planta Mula (Comunidad Valenciana, ITVE), Rayada Melonera (Madrid, IMIDRA), Zamarrica (Galicia, EVEGA), Cariñena Roja (Cataluña, INCAVI), Mandrègue (Aragón, DGA) and Bastardo Blanco (Extremadura, CICYTEX). The highly susceptible varieties could be differentiated into three subgroups depending on sporulation severity and density.This work, performed by the VIOR (Viticultura, Olivo y Rosa) group of the Misión Biológica de Galicia (CSIC), forms part of the project “Valorización de variedades minoritarias de vid por su potencial para la diversificación vitivinícola. Resiliencia a enfermedades fúngicas influenciadas por el cambio climático” (MINORVIN) (RTI 2018-101085-RC32), funded by MCIN/AEI/, 10.13039/501100011033 and the European Regional Development Fund.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Guiding principles for identification, evaluation and conservation of Vitis vinifera L. subsp. sylvestris

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    Conservation of grapevine genetic resources is an important and long lasting task. Here, partners of the InWiGrape Activity of the European Cooperative Programme for Plant Genetic Resources have proposed a set of descriptors that will assist in identification, conservation and study of genetic resources of Vitis vinifera L. subsp. sylvestris. A distribution map of Vitis vinifera L. subsp. sylvestris populations in Europe was produced, with on-line access through the European Vitis Database. The several different aspects of conservation of Vitis vinifera L. subsp. sylvestris including bibliographical references, identification in the wild, in situ and ex situ conservation have been discussed. The descriptors and the map will assist different stakeholders, working on biodiversity and ecosystems in more effective conservation of wild grapevine genetic resources

    The European Vitis Database (www.eu-vitis.de) – a technical innovation through an online uploading and interactive modification system

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    The objective of the European Vitis Database is to safeguard and enhance germplasm by monitoring its preservation. Two issues are strongly related to that purpose: (1) participation of collections covering almost all grape biodiversity and (2) assessment of accessions trueness to type. In the scope of the European project GrapeGen06 efforts have been made towards both objectives. The 35 participating grape germplasm repositories are found between the Iberian Peninsula and Transcaucasia, thus covering a broad range of grape diversity. Altogether they maintain 32,410 accessions. However with respect to biodiversity, gaps are still evident and further collections need to be included and trueness to type assessment absolutely needs to be pursued to organize duplication of endangered genotypes. Within the GrapeGen06 project focus was laid on the establishment of a database conferring the collection holders a high degree of responsibility and independence. Hence for the first time in a European Central Crop Database an on-line uploading application and an interactive modification system for data administration was implemented. These innovations disburden the database manager and offer the curators of collections more flexibility. Prerequisites for data import, descriptors applied, access levels, database contents, uploading, export and search functions are described

    Phenological Study of 53 Spanish Minority Grape Varieties to Search for Adaptation of Vitiviniculture to Climate Change Conditions

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    The main phenological stages (budburst, flowering, veraison, and ripeness) of 53 Spanish minority varieties were studied to determine their potential to help winegrowers adapt to climate change conditions. In total, 43 varieties were studied in the same location in Spain (Alcalá de Henares, in the Madrid region) and 10 varieties in 5 other regions (Galicia, Navarre, Catalonia, Extremadura, and Andalusia). Other traits of agronomic and oenological interest, such as yield and acidity, were also monitored. The results allow for the grouping of the varieties into several clusters according to the time of ripeness (very early—only for red varieties—and early, intermediate, and late, for both red and white varieties) and yield (high, medium, and low). The total acidity in the grape juice ranged from 3 to 11 g of tartaric acid/L. The average temperatures were higher (up to 3–4 °C during summer) compared to historical averages during the 1957–2021 time period. Advanced phenology phases and reduced acidity are regarded as negative effects of climate change for winegrowing practices. Since some minority varieties showed late or intermediate ripening, high acidity, and high (1 Kg/shoot) or medium (0.5 Kg/shoot) yield, our findings suggest that they may be cultivated in the coming years by winegrowers as an approach to mitigate climate change effects.Project RTI2018-101085-R-C31, “Valorization of Minority Grapevine Varieties for their Potential for Wine Diversification and Resilience to Climate Change (MINORVIN),” funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, and by the ERDF, A Way to Make Europe.Peer reviewe

    Description of the Vitis vinifera L. phenotypic variability in eno-carpological traits by a Euro-Asiatic collaborative network among ampelographic collections

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    The grapevine intra-specific variability captured an increasing interest during the last decades, as demonstrated by the number of recently funded European projects focused on the grapevine biodiversity preservation. However, nowadays, crop plants are mainly characterized by genotyping methods. The present work summarizes the phenotype data collected among 20 ampelographic collections spread in 15 countries, covering mostly of the viticultural areas in the Euro-Asiatic range: from Portugal to Armenia and from Cyprus to Luxembourg. Together with agro-climatic characterization of the experimental site, in two years, about 2400 accessions were described, following a common experimental protocol mainly focused on the carpological and oenological traits, obtaining a general overview of the distribution of the considered phenotypic traits in the cultivated Vitis vinifera species. The most replicated cultivars were selected and, for the subset of these reference cultivars, their behavior in the different environmental conditions over sites and years was described by ANOVA methods