91 research outputs found

    Hooking mortality of swordfish in pelagic longlines: comments on the efficiency of minimum retention sizes

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    This paper revises detailed data on hooking (at-haulback) mortality of swordfish captured and discarded by pelagic longlines, using as a case study the shallow night setting Portuguese pelagic longline fishery that targets manly swordfish, in the Atlantic Ocean. The overall at-haulback mortality for swordfish was very high, specifically 85.2% for all sample/sizes combined, and even higher for the smaller sizes classes. Specifically, observed at-haulback mortality was 87.8% for specimens smaller than 125 cm lower jaw fork length (LJFL) and 88.1% for specimens smaller than 119 cm LJFL, corresponding to the minimum landing size options currently in place in the Atlantic Ocean. The mortality was modeled with logistic generalized linear models, showing that specimen size, sea surface temperature (SST) and mode of operation were significant variables, and with the hooking mortality decreasing with specimen size while increasing with SST. Even though this study only focuses one fishery, the data is widespread and covers a wide Atlantic area, being representative of most modern shallow setting longlines targeting swordfish, and including both fresh and freezer operating vessels. Additionally, this study only focuses hooking mortality, with a note that the overall mortality rates are likely higher due to post-release mortality of released specimens. Overall, this work presents new and important information on swordfish mortality and opens the discussion on the efficiency of the minimum landing sizes for swordfish currently in place in the Atlantic that were established mainly to protect juvenile swordfish.FCT IF/00253/2014info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    An evaluation of freshwater monitoring programs in ILTER nodes and mountain national parks: identifying key variables to monitor global change effects

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    Acknowledgements This study was funded by the European Commission, under the LIFE Nature and Biodiversity program, as part of the project LIFE-DIVAQUA (Proyecto LIFE18 NAT/ES/000121). We also like to thank all the Spanish government agencies and research institutions who provided information, answered the questionnaires and participated in the workshop “Synthesis of the monitoring programs of global change in aquatic ecosystems SMNP: Autonomous Organism of National Parks, MAPAMA-Dir. Gral. Agua, Universidad de Granada, Instituto Universitario de Investigación del Agua, (IdeA-UGR), Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, CISE-P.N. Sierra de Guadarrama, Fundación Biodiversidad, CEAB-CSIC, IGME, MNCN-CSIC, Universidad de Córdoba, Universidad de Barcelona and ICTA-UAB. We also like to thank the 28 European Nation Parks who responded our query. The authors finally thank the support provided by Christoph Wohner in the use of the DEIMS-SDR.Electronic supplementary material The online version contains supplementary material available at https://doi.org/10.1007/s10531-022-02466-x.Data Availability The datasets used to review the monitoring programs at the Global scale conducted in the ILTER nodes that are included in Rivers (ILTER-Rivers) or Lakes (ILTER-Lakes) are available at the DEIMS dataset registry (DEIMS-SDR) (for more details see: Wohner et al. 2019; https://deims.org/). The datasets used to review the monitoring programs at the European scale conducted in the EMNP are available by requesting them via email to the corresponding EMNP. The datasets used to review the monitoring programs at the National scale conducted in the five SMNP are mostly included in this article and it supplementary information file. In addition, meteorological data recorded by the Spanish Global Change Monitoring Network in available at the Meteorological data download web application (https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/redparques- nacionales/red-seguimiento/acceso-datos.aspx). Further and more detailed information is available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.Funding This study was carried out with the financial support of the EU LIFE programme, as part of the project LIFE-DIVAQUA (Proyecto LIFE18 NAT/ES/000121). The information showed in this publication only reflects the point of view of the authors. The European Comission and CINEA cannot be held responsible for any use which be made of the information contained here. Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature.Identifying and quantifying global change impacts on biotic and abiotic components of ecosystems is critical to promote an effective adaptation that increases the success of conservation strategies. To achieve this goal, global and regional assessment efforts require certain degree of harmonization on local monitoring programs to establish relevant comparisons at different spatio-temporal scales. Otherwise, the lack of harmonization might hinder the detection and assessment on the effects of human impacts. In this work we have compiled information on freshwater monitoring programs located in areas of intensive research and conservation interest: International Long Term Ecological Research (ILTER) nodes and mountain National Parks. We aimed at evaluating the quality and robustness of these programs to assess the impact of global change, addressing from the worldwide to the European and Spanish national scale. Results highlighted that freshwater monitoring programs lack a common strategy to monitor these ecosystems. Even at the continental and national scales, contrasting strategies and level of detail have been historically applied. Water quality, habitat and biodiversity are more commonly monitored than community structure and ecosystem functioning. Monitoring efforts on the Spanish Mountain National parks indicated differences on the targeted aquatic ecosystems. Rivers and lakes received a higher attention, while mires were rarely considered. Our results provide evidence that greater efforts should be directed towards constructing a coordinated strategy to monitor freshwater ecosystems at national, continental, and global scales. This strategy should involve a shared backbone of biophysical and biogeochemical variables for each habitat type on agreed protocols that are implemented across regions and administrative borders. Achieving this will support a substantial advance on the ecological research to further delineate proper conservation strategies to face the challenges imposed by global change.European Commission LIFE18 NAT/ES/00012

    An extension of Miller's version of the de Rham theorem with any coefficients.

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    In this paper we present an approximation to the de Rham theorem for simplicial sets with any coeffcients based, using simplicial techniques on Poincare's lemma and q-extendability

    Actualización de software en unidades de control embebido por medios inalámbricos

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    Trabajo que presenta el diseño y desarrollo del proyecto llamado OTA (On The Air) Update Unit. Este proyecto desarrolla una técnica de actualización para computadores (ECU, Electronic Control Unit) que son utilizadas dentro de los vehículos para diferentes funcionalidades, tanto críticas como de confort. Se supone que dichas actualizaciones son transmitidas mediante un enlace inalámbrico, que pueden ser señales de radio digital, Wi-Fi u otro. Una particularización de este proyecto se enfoca en las actualizaciones enviadas mediante señal de Radio Digital (HD Radio). En este documento se describe el diseño propuesto, su arquitectura e implementaciones en el desarrollo de la prueba de concepto en esta etapa del proyecto. Se presentan los principales retos y las decisiones de diseño más importantes tomadas en el desarrollo del prototipo propuesto. El documento se divide en cuatro capítulos en donde se aborda con detalle el diseño, la implementación, las pruebas realizadas y sus resultados, así como una sección final con los anexos, que incluyen el código fuente de las principales funciones implementadas.Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologí

    Phase profile analysis of transparent objects through the use of a two windows interferometer based on a one beam splitter configuration

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    AbstractIn this research we implemented a two windows interferometer based on polarization phase shifting and grating interferometry techniques in order to retrieve the phase data profile of the object in a single capture. The optical configuration has two optical beams with circular polarization in opposite directions, and it is coupled with a 4-f system. An amplitude grid is used as a filter which is placed at the Fourier plane to obtain replicas of each beam which can properly interfere, depending on the separation between beams. The interferometer presents the capability of changing the beam separation in order to make different orders interfere properly. The interference patterns produced can be separately modulated through the operation of linear polarizer's placed on each interference replica. In order to present the capabilities of the system we will select four interferograms result of contiguous orders interference

    Recent advances in nanoplasmonic biosensors : applications and lab-on-a-chip integration

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    Motivated by the recent progress in the nanofabrication field and the increasing demand for cost-effective, portable, and easy-to-use point-of-care platforms, localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) biosensors have been subjected to a great scientific interest in the last few years. The progress observed in the research of this nanoplasmonic technology is remarkable not only from a nanostructure fabrication point of view but also in the complete development and integration of operative devices and their application. The potential benefits that LSPR biosensors can offer, such as sensor miniaturization, multiplexing opportunities, and enhanced performances, have quickly positioned them as an interesting candidate in the design of lab-on-a-chip (LOC) optical biosensor platforms. This review covers specifically the most significant achievements that occurred in recent years towards the integration of this technology in compact devices, with views of obtaining LOC devices. We also discuss the most relevant examples of the use of the nanoplasmonic biosensors for real bioanalytical and clinical applications from assay development and validation to the identification of the implications, requirements, and challenges to be surpassed to achieve fully operative devices

    Factores de riesgo para disfunción sistólica ventricular izquierda en adultos de un programa de salud global

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    Introducción: La falla cardiaca, es un síndrome clínico habitualmente progresivo que con frecuencia comienza como disfunción sistólica ventricular izquierda y culmina con manifestaciones clínicas diversas de fallo de bomba y bajo gasto cardiaco hasta la muerte. Objetivo: Caracterizar los factores de riesgo que están asociados al desarrollo de disfunción sistólica ventricular izquierda y falla cardiaca secundaria como parte del espectro del síndrome de falla cardiaca en la población de Barranquilla-Colombia. Materiales y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal con fuente secundaria de un estudio de salud global en la ciudad de Barranquilla-Colombia, en el que se hizo análisis univariado y bivariado para describir factores de riesgo asociados a la disfunción sistólica ventricular izquierda. Resultados: Se obtuvieron las prevalencias de cuatro factores de riesgo asociados al desarrollo de disfunción sistólica ventricular izquierda: hipertensión arterial 29.7%, obesidad 26.5%, hiperglucemia 4.6%, hipercolesterolemia 8.2% en pacientes mayores de 40 años los cuales tienen mayor riesgo. Discusión: Este estudio buscó llamar la atención sobre la disfunción sistólica ventricular izquierda, como una condición de descripción relativamente reciente y de potencial impacto en la salud de las poblaciones y los recursos de los sistemas de salud. Conclusiones: La prevalencia de los factores de riesgo para este estado pre-clínico podría llegar a ser alta y estos pacientes ameritarían, según recomendación de cierta evidencia, tamización para disfunción sistólica ventricular izquierda, así como estudios adicionales son requeridos.Cómo citar este artículo: Giraldo YM, Muñoz F, Navarro E, Segura ÁM. Factores de riesgo para disfunción sistólica ventricular izquierda en adultos de un programa de salud global. Rev Cuid. 2017; 8(1): 1519-28. http://dx.doi.org/10.15649/cuidarte.v8i1.37

    Percepción de los decisores de centros comerciales sobre aplicación de acciones de marketing

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    Resumen La construcción de centros comerciales como consecuencia del aumento de la participación de grandes marcas de productos y servicios, consiente que en esos escenarios se puedan implementar y fortalecer acciones de marketing de experiencias o sensorial que, a través de los sentidos, permitan generar reacciones positivas en los clientes. Este artículo tiene como objetivo caracterizar la percepción de los decisores de los centros comerciales en la ciudad de Barranquilla, Colombia, sobre la aplicación de acciones de marketing sensorial, con el propósito de dar una visión general sobre éstas prácticas en doce centros comerciales seleccionados. Para el presente estudio se realizó una investigación descriptiva, no experimental, transversal, con enfoque mixto, a través del método de análisis. En efecto se utilizó como técnica la revisión documental y la encuesta. Los resultados obtenidos incluyen una reflexión de las estrategias de marketing sensorial que deben ser fortalecidas para incrementar la competitividad, productividad y rentabilidad, considerando el alto crecimiento del sector retail en Colombia. Se concluye que la música, la iluminación y los olores son las acciones de marketing que enfatizan los decisores en la industria retail, siendo percibidos como una estrategia que genera mejores resultados en ventas y afianza la comunicación con los clientes. Abstract The construction of shopping centers as a consequence of the increase in the participation of large brands of products and services, allows that in those scenarios, experience or sensorial marketing actions can be implemented and strengthened that, through the senses, allow generating positive reactions in the clients. This article aims to characterize the perception of the decision makers of the shopping centers in the city of Barranquilla, Colombia, about the application of sensory marketing actions, with the purpose of giving an overview of these practices in twelve selected shopping centers. For the present study, a descriptive, non-experimental, cross-sectional research was carried out, with a mixed approach, through the analysis method. In effect, the documentary review and the survey were used as a technique. The results obtained include a reflection of the sensory marketing strategies that must be strengthened to increase competitiveness, productivity and profitability, considering the high growth of the retail sector in Colombia. It is concluded that music, lighting and smells are the marketing actions that decision makers in the retail industry emphasize, being perceived as a strategy that generates better sales results and strengthens communication with customers

    Impact of COVID-19 on adherence to treatment in patients with HIV

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    Producción CientíficaIn patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), adherence to treatment is affected by the adverse effects of treatment, the presence of additional comorbidities, the complexity of dosage, and family and community support. However, one recent circumstance that was likely to have influenced therapeutic adherence was the COVID-19 pandemic and the applied containment measures. An observational retrospective study of a sample of patients with HIV was conducted to establish the relationship between sociodemographic, clinical, and pharmacological variables and therapeutic adherence before and after the pandemic. Adherence was measured using the validated simplified medication adherence questionnaire (SMAQ) and medication possession rate. A statistical analysis was performed to determine the mean, standard deviation, and median of the quantitative variables and the frequencies of the qualitative variables, and the relationship between the dependent and independent variables was analysed using the chi-squared test and Student’s t-test. No statistically significant differences were found between treatment adherence measured before and 22 months after the start of the pandemic. Sex, occupation, treatment regimen, viral load levels, and COVID-19 disease status did not influence adherence during either period. However, the age of patients with HIV had an impact on adherence during both periods (p = 0.008 and p = 0.002, respectively), with the age group under 45 years being less adherent. In addition, experiencing adverse drug reactions (ADRs) was shown to have an impact on adherence before the pandemic (p = 0.006) but not afterwards. The COVID-19 pandemic was not shown to have an impact on the degree of adherence to antiretroviral treatment in patients with HIV. Instead, adherence was influenced by patient age and ADR occurrence; therefore, measures must be taken in this regard. The SMAQ demonstrated sensitivity in assessing adherence

    Biological aspects of little tunny Euthynnus alletteratus from Spanish and Portuguese waters.

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    This study provides information on some biological aspects of Euthynnus alletteratus from the western Mediterranean (Spanish coast) and in the Atlantic Ocean (south of Iberian Peninsula). A total of 1266 individuals were measured between 2003 and 2017. The L-W relationship was calculated with W equal to 0.01242 FL3.058 . Histological analysis of the ovaries and the monthly variation of the gonadosomatic index for both sexes suggested that the spawning season for Euthynnus alletteratus in the western Mediterranean Sea takes place from June to August. The lengths at first maturity (L50) were estimated to be 50.1 cm and 43.4 cm FL for female and male, respectively. Age at first maturity (A50) was calculated