105 research outputs found

    Museo Histórico Local de Montilla: historias vivas de un museo

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    En el presente texto, se realiza un breve recorrido por los distintos aspectos relacionados con el Museo Histórico Local de Montilla como son: sus orígenes, principales impulsores, su colección museográfica, actividades de difusión y puesta en valor, colaboraciones con otras entidades, etc., hasta la actualidad, con las recientes innovaciones y cambios que se están acometiendo en sus nuevas instalaciones y la nueva visión que se le está dando al Museo, para que toda la ciudadanía de Montilla y foránea, pueda disfrutarlo, aprendiendo al mismo tiempo, en este espacio didáctico

    Influence of cow or goat milk consumption on antioxidant defence and lipid peroxidation during chronic iron repletion

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    Despite Fe deficiency and overload having been widely studied, no studies are available about the influence of milk consumption on antioxidant defence and lipid peroxidation during the course of these highly prevalent cases. The objective of the present study was to assess the influence of cow or goat milk-based diets, either with normal or Fe-overload, on antioxidant defence and lipid peroxidation in the liver, brain and erythrocytes of control and anaemic rats after chronic Fe repletion. Weanling male rats were randomly divided into two groups: a control group receiving a normal-Fe diet (45 mg/kg) and an anaemic group receiving a low-Fe diet (5 mg/kg) for 40 d. Control and anaemic rats were fed goat or cow milk-based diets, either with normal Fe or Fe-overload (450 mg/kg), for 30 or 50 d. Fe-deficiency anaemia did not have any effect on antioxidant enzymes or lipid peroxidation in the organs studied. During chronic Fe repletion, superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity was higher in the group of animals fed the cow milk diet compared with the group consuming goat milk. The slight modification of catalase and glutathione peroxidise activities in animals fed the cow milk-based diet reveals that these enzymes are unable to neutralise and scavenge the high generation of free radicals produced. The animals fed the cow milk diet showed higher rates of lipid peroxidation compared with those receiving the goat milk diet, which directly correlated with the increase in SOD activity. It was concluded that goat milk has positive effects on antioxidant defence, even in a situation of Fe overload, limiting lipid peroxidatio

    Validation of the educational material for the “Niñ@s en Movimiento” (children in motion) program to Treat child Obesity

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    ABSTRACT: To validate the content of the first booklet “Niñ@s en Movimiento” (designed in Spain), in the Colombian setting, targeting parents or caretakers, and overweight or obese children, which is available free online. Methodology: Qualitative research. After a selection process, 14 overweight children and their parents or caretakers were selected to participate. The children were students at the Colegio Básico “Camino de Paz" School in Medellin. To classify anthropometric data, the study used the World Health Organization program. To validate the booklet, a question guideline was drawn up and focus groups were held. The criteria used included attraction, comprehension, identification, acceptance and induction to action. Data were analyzed using the SPSS® software Version 21.0, and a data analysis protocol. Results: In the section “the importance of breakfast”, in the educational material, some parents or caretakers stated that it is necessary to indicate an adequate way to prepare food, how to serve it and the amounts that they should their children, which is not clear in the booklet. Regarding the children, in the sections “my breakfasts” and “food classification”, there were technical words that complicated comprehension. Furthermore, when talking about food classification, there are foods they have not seen nor eaten. In the parent or caretaker criteria evaluation, comprehension was poorly scored, as some of the terms were not clear. The children also ranked negatively this criterion. Vocabulary was difficult to understand because it had a foreign context. Conclusions: Breakfast, although an established habit, can improve; nevertheless, the guidelines of the booklet would have to be adapted to local language and food culture so that these recommendations may improve the applicability of this educational resource.RESUMEN: Validar, en un contexto colombiano, el contenido de la primera cartilla del programa “Niñ@s en Movimiento” (diseñada en España), dirigida a padres o cuidadores, y a los niños que padecen sobrepeso u obesidad, disponible en internet con acceso libre. Metodología: Investigación cualitativa. Tras el proceso de selección, participaron 14 niños con sobrepeso y sus padres o cuidadores, del Colegio Básico “Camino de Paz” de Medellín. Para la clasificación de los datos antropométricos se utilizó el programa de la Organización Mundial de la Salud. Para la validación de la cartilla se elaboró una guía de preguntas y se realizaron grupos focales; se usaron los criterios de atractividad, entendimiento, identificación, aceptación e inducción a la acción. Los datos se analizaron mediante el software spss® versión 21.0, y un protocolo de análisis de datos. Resultados: En la sección “La importancia del desayuno”, del material educativo, algunos padres o cuidadores manifestaron que es necesario indicar la forma adecuada para preparar los alimentos, en qué condiciones y qué cantidad deben servirles a sus hijos, lo cual no es claro en la cartilla. Respecto a los niños, en las secciones “Mis desayunos” y “Clasificación de los alimentos” se encontró que las palabras técnicas dificultan la comprensión; además, al hablar de la clasificación de alimentos, algunos no los han visto ni consumido. En la evaluación de los criterios por parte del padre o cuidador, el entendimiento fue mal calificado, porque no son claros algunos términos; los niños también calificaron negativamente este criterio, por la dificultad para entender vocabulario desconocido debido a su contexto extranjero. Conclusiones: El desayuno, aunque es un hábito establecido, puede mejorar; sin embargo, las orientaciones de la cartilla tendrían que adaptarse al lenguaje y a la cultura alimentaria local, para que las recomendaciones mejoren la aplicabilidad de este recurso educativo

    Evaluación de la incidencia de los saberes de las mujeres, feministas y de género en la docencia universitaria: Memoria final 2007-2009

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    Nuestra pretensión ha sido evaluar la incidencia que están teniendo en la docencia universitaria los conocimientos generados por los Estudios de las Mujeres, Feministas y de Género. Buscamos explicar tanto las condiciones que han favorecido su mayor integración en algunas áreas de conocimiento, como las resistencias existentes en otras, analizando las creencias y prejuicios en que se asientan y las consecuencias que esta situación puede estar produciendo en el alumnado universitario, futuros profesionales de diferentes campos de conocimiento. Nuestra indagación en profundidad, a través del estudio de casos, combinando herramientas cuantitativas y cualitativas y estableciendo puentes entre ellas, consideramos que ha hecho posible la aparición de categorías emergentes o cuestiones (issues) que pueden favorecer nuevas comprensiones a nuestro objeto de investigación.España. Ministerio de Trabajo y Asuntos Sociales. Instituto de la MujerFinanciado por el Plan Nacional I+D+I Acción Estratégica sobre Fomento de Igualdad de Oportunidades entre mujeres y hombres 2007, Nº 074/07, se ha desarrollado durante los cursos 2008/09 y 2008/10

    Nd3+ ion shift under domain inversion by electron beam writing in LiNb O3

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    The following article appeared in Applied Physics Letters 90.14 (2007): 141901 and may be found at https://aip.scitation.org/doi/10.1063/1.2719036Ferroelectric domain inversion has been obtained in Nd3+ doped lithium niobate by means of direct electron beam writing. The local effects of the polarization inversion on the optical transitions of Nd3+ ions have been studied by low temperature high resolution site selective spectroscopy. Inverted regions present different axial crystal field acting over Nd3+ ions compared with noninverted (original) regions. The results can be interpreted in terms of slight shifts of Nd3+ ions along the ferroelectric c axis within the Li+ octahedrons, as a result of the lattice rearrangement after the domain inversion processe

    Anemazas comunes de Naranja Valencia, una recopilación necesaria

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    En nuestro país, así como en otros países tropicales y subtropicales del mundo, la citricultura es una industria de gran importancia con una producción global de 107 millones de toneladas aproximadamente y es encabezada por Brasil, Estados Unidos, China, México y España. En el 2013 la fruta que registró el mayor consumo per cápita en México fue la naranja con 37.2 kg. Veracruz es el principal productor, con 3.3 millones de toneladas de cítricos en el 2013, representando el 44% de la producción total (SAGARPA, 2016). La naranja es consumida como fruta fresca o jugo, pero su utilidad va más allá de eso, sus derivados son ampliamente utilizados en la industria alimentaria, farmacéutica, cosmética, etcétera. A nivel regional se han identificado una serie de ventajas y amenazas que presentan la producción de naranja (CONCITVER, 2018a; 2018b). Por lo que el objetivo de esta monografía fue recopilar información que permita servir como guía a diferentes rubros involucrados en esta actividad para mejorar o plantear nuevas estrategias de desarrollo

    Dendronized Anionic Gold Nanoparticles: Synthesis, Characterization and Antiviral Activity

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    Anionic carbosilane dendrons decorated with sulfonate functions and with a thiol moiety at the focal point have been used to synthesize water soluble gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) by direct reaction of dendrons, gold precursor and reducing agent in water and also by place-exchange reaction. These nanoparticles have been characterized by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), UV, elemental analysis, and Z potential. Also, the interacting ability of the anionic sulfonate functions was investigated by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) using copper(II) as a probe. It was found that the different structures and conformations of the AuNPs modulate the availability of sulfonate and thiol groups to be complexed by copper(II). Toxicity assays of AuNPs showed that those produced by direct reaction were less toxic than those obtained by ligand exchange. Inhibition of HIV-1 infection was higher for dendronized AuNPs than for dendrons.Ministerio de Economía y EmpresaComunidad de MadridUniversidad de Alcal

    Pregnancy Outcomes and SARS-CoV-2 Infection: The Spanish Obstetric Emergency Group Study

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    Pregnant women who are infected with SARS-CoV-2 are at an increased risk of adverse perinatal outcomes. With this study, we aimed to better understand the relationship between maternal infection and perinatal outcomes, especially preterm births, and the underlying medical and interventionist factors. This was a prospective observational study carried out in 78 centers (Spanish Obstetric Emergency Group) with a cohort of 1347 SARS-CoV-2 PCR-positive pregnant women registered consecutively between 26 February and 5 November 2020, and a concurrent sample of PCR-negative mothers. The patients' information was collected from their medical records, and the association of SARS-CoV-2 and perinatal outcomes was evaluated by univariable and multivariate analyses. The data from 1347 SARS-CoV-2-positive pregnancies were compared with those from 1607 SARS-CoV-2-negative pregnancies. Differences were observed between both groups in premature rupture of membranes (15.5% vs. 11.1%, p < 0.001); venous thrombotic events (1.5% vs. 0.2%, p < 0.001); and severe pre-eclampsia incidence (40.6 vs. 15.6%, p = 0.001), which could have been overestimated in the infected cohort due to the shared analytical signs between this hypertensive disorder and COVID-19. In addition, more preterm deliveries were observed in infected patients (11.1% vs. 5.8%, p < 0.001) mainly due to an increase in iatrogenic preterm births. The prematurity in SARS-CoV-2-affected pregnancies results from a predisposition to end the pregnancy because of maternal disease (pneumonia and pre-eclampsia, with or without COVID-19 symptoms)