786 research outputs found

    Implementation of PPP as new GNSS Observation Type in the Geomonitoring System GOCA

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    [EN] Early detection of significant movements in both natural and artificial structures is crucial to prevent human, environmental and economic losses. For this reason, Geomonitoring in an active field. GNSS technics are also a filed in which lot of research and improvement have been made in recent years. Some studies have indicated the potential of GNSS technics in the field of Geomonitoring. The aim of this master thesis is developing a software that allows processing GNSS data with Precise Point Positioning technic in the context of the geomonitoring project GOCA. With this implementation, potential of PPP with low cost receiver (U-Blox ZED-F9P) using different products and settings is evaluated in this document. Based on a literature review, that includes the study of GOCA project and a summary of main PPP approaches, a C++ dialog-based software was design and developed, using RTKLIB and WaPPP as software engines. Besides that, two different observations were made (one 12 hours to post-processing and one real time) in order to test the developed software and evaluate the obtained results using different parameters or products. The obtained results reaffirm the potential of the PPP technique, even using low cost receiver. Even some differences between different software engines or IGS products were found, the results allow us to conclude that PPP is a technique with many advantages in the field of geomonitoring, since it avoids the use of several receivers and good accuracies are obtained. However, some aspects need further research in this context, as there is no common criterion for establishing convergence time and new methodologies and algorithms are being developed in the field of PPP processing.[ES] La detección temprana de movimientos significativos en estructuras naturales y artificiales es crucial para prevenir pérdidas humanas, ambientales y económicas. Por esta razón, Geomonitorización es un campo activo. Las técnicas de GNSS son también un campo en el que se han realizado muchas investigaciones y mejoras en los últimos años. Algunos estudios han indicado el potencial de las técnicas GNSS en el campo de la geomonitorización. El objetivo de esta tesis de máster es desarrollar un software que permita el procesamiento de datos GNSS con la técnica de posicionamiento de punto preciso en el contexto del proyecto de geomonitorización GOCA. Con esta implementación, el potencial del PPP con el receptor de bajo coste (U-Blox ZED-F9P) usando diversos productos y configuraciones se va a evalúar en este documento. Basado en una revisión de la literatura, que incluye el estudio del proyecto GOCA y un resumen de los principales enfoques PPP, se diseñó y desarrolló un software basado en diálogos C++, utilizando RTKLIB y WaPPP como motores de software. Además, se realizaron dos observaciones diferentes (una de 12 horas para el post-procesamiento y otra en tiempo real) con el fin de probar el software desarrollado y evaluar los resultados obtenidos utilizando diferentes parámetros o productos. Los resultados obtenidos reafirman el potencial de la técnica PPP, incluso utilizando un receptor de bajo coste. Incluso habiendo encontrado algunas diferencias entre diferentes motores de software o productos IGS, los resultados nos permiten concluir que PPP es una técnica con muchas ventajas en el campo de la geomonitorización, ya que evita el uso de varios receptores y se obtienen buenas precisiones. Sin embargo, algunos aspectos necesitan más investigación en este contexto, ya que no existe un criterio común para establecer el tiempo de convergencia y se están desarrollando nuevas metodologías y algoritmos en el campo del procesamiento PPP.Luján García Muñoz, R. (2020). Implementation of PPP as new GNSS Observation Type in the Geomonitoring System GOCA. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/139668TFG

    El trabajo de la educación emocional a través de la música

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    Con este trabajo pretendo realizar una investigación sobre la importancia de la Educación Emocional en el aula de Educación Infantil, diseñar una Propuesta de Intervención Educativa en torno a cinco sesiones en las que la música será el eje motivador para trabajar las emociones elegidas y llevarlo a la práctica, para así poder llegar a la comprobación de los resultados y a las consecuentes conclusiones.Grado en Educación Infanti

    Continuous polyhydroxybutyrate production from biogas in an innovative two‐stage bioreactor configuration

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    Producción CientíficaBiogas biorefineries have opened up new horizons beyond heat and electricityproduction in the anaerobic digestion sector. Added‐value products such aspolyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs), which are environmentally benign and potentialcandidates to replace conventional plastics, can be generated from biogas. Thiswork investigated the potential of an innovative two‐stage growth‐accumulationsystem for the continuous production of biogas‐based polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB)usingMethylocystis hirsutaCSC1 as cell factory. The system comprised twoturbulent bioreactors in series to enhance methane and oxygen mass transfer: acontinuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) and a bubble column bioreactor (BCB) withinternal gas recirculation. The CSTR was devoted to methanotrophic growth undernitrogen balanced growth conditions and the BCB targeted PHB productionunder nitrogen limiting conditions. Two different operational approaches underdifferent nitrogen loading rates and dilution rates were investigated. A balancednitrogen loading rate along with a dilution rate (D) of 0.3 day−1resulted in the moststable operating conditions and a PHB productivity of ~53 g PHB m−3day−1.However, higher PHB productivities (~127 g PHB m−3day−1)wereachievedusingnitrogen excess at a D = 0.2 day−1. Overall, the high PHB contents (up to 48% w/w)obtained in the CSTR under theoretically nutrient balanced conditions and the poorprocess stability challenged the hypothetical advantages conferred by multistagevs single‐stage process configurations for long‐term PHB production.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación under (BES-2016-077160) contract and (project CTM2015-70442-R)Junta de Castilla y León and EU-FEDER program (UIC 315, CLU 2017-09

    Distanciometría GNSS para metrología y control de deformaciones

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    [ES] La determinación absoluta de distancias al aire libre con una incertidumbre de décimas de milímetro es objeto de creciente interés en campos como la metrología, proyectos de ingeniería singulares o monitorización de deformaciones en sitios críticos. Para ello, se han empleado tradicionalmente distanciómetros electrónicos de alta precisión como el Kern ME5000. Debido a que este tipo de instrumentos ya no se fabrica, es necesario buscar otras vías para la obtención de distancias al aire libre de alta precisión, como el uso de GNSS. En el presente documento se plantea la posibilidad de utilizar para este fin la tecnología GNSS, junto con software ya existente, realizando un estudio comparativo entre resultados obtenidos mediante el ME500 y observaciones GNSS en la base de calibración de la UPV.[EN] The absolute determination of open air distances with an uncertainty of a few tenths of a millimeter is an object of increasing interest in fields such as metrology, singular engineering projects or deformation monitoring in critical sites. For this purpose, high precision electronic distance meters such as the Kern ME5000 have been traditionally used. Because this type of instrument is no longer manufactured, it is necessary to look for other ways to obtain high-precision outdoor distances, such as the use of GNSS. This document explores the possibility of using the GNSS technology for this purpose, using existing software, carring out a comparative study between results obtained by the ME5000 and GNSS observations in the UPV calibration baseline. The results obtained allow us to corroborate the potential of the GNSS technology for the determination of high precision distances.Luján García Muñoz, R. (2017). Distanciometría GNSS para metrología y control de deformaciones. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/86247TFG

    Recursos TIC de orientación profesional para el psicopedagogo en españa

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    Catorzenes Jornades de Foment de la Investigació de la FCHS (Any 2008-2009)Hemos investigado 142 recursos TIC de OP, elaborando un catálogo y analizando sus características, para comprender las tendencias actuales. Todo, según las variables: tipo, destinatario, soporte, modo de adquisición/localización, y e-accesibilidad, bajo un diseño descriptivo y un muestreo “no probabilístico” por búsqueda accidental, en la muestra: recursos TIC de OP, relevantes en España, en castellano, gratuitos y posteriores al 2000. Para hacerlo posible, como instrumento, utilizamos un registro de observaciones, con ítems específicos. Los resultados obtenidos son: en cuanto a destinatarios, que la mayoría de recursos son de ayuda directa al sujeto interesado; su soporte predominante es el formato Web; por tipo, destaca “la información para la formación” y, en e-accesibilidad, existen diferencias significativas en función de su entidad emisora.We have researched 142 resources for new technologies and vocational guidance, elaborating a catalogue and analyzing his characteristics, to comprise the current trends. All, as the variables: type, receiver, format, way of acquisition/localization and accessibility under a descriptive design by accidental research, in the sample: resources for new technologies and vocational guidance, important in Spain, in Spanish and free and back to the 2000. Such as instruments use a scale of observations, with specific dates. The results obtained are: regarding receivers, the majority of resources are of direct help; his predominant format is the WEB, highlights: “the information for training” and, in accessibility, exist significant differences by his main entity

    Optimization of nitrogen feeding strategies for improving polyhydroxybutyrate production from biogas by Methylocystis parvus OBBP in a stirred tank reactor

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    Producción CientíficaThe design of efficient cultivation strategies to produce bioplastics from biogas is crucial for the implementation of this biorefinery process. In this work, biogas-based polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) production and CH4 biodegradation performance was investigated for the first time in a stirred tank bioreactor inoculated with Methylocystis parvus OBBP. Decreasing nitrogen loading rates in continuous mode and alternating feast:famine regimes of 24 h-cycles, and alternating feast:famine regimes of 24 h:24 h and 24 h:48 h were tested. Continuous N feeding did not support an effective PHB production despite the occurrence of nitrogen limiting conditions. Feast-famine cycles of 24 h:24 h (with 50% stoichiometric nitrogen supply) supported the maximum PHB production (20 g-PHB m−3 d−1) without compromising the CH4-elimination capacity (25 g m−3 h−1) of the system. Feast:famine ratios ≤1:2 entailed the deterioration of process performance at stoichiometric nitrogen inputs ≤60%.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (grant BES-2016-077160)Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (project CTM2015-70442-R)Junta de Castilla y León (projects UIC 071 and CLU 2017–09

    El autoconcepto y autoestima en niños y adolescentes con TDAH

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    El trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad (TDAH) es un trastorno del comportamiento con origen neurobiológico y componente genético con mayor prevalencia en niños y adolescentes. La hiperactividad, impulsividad y déficit de atención son las características comunes en los sujetos que padecen este trastorno, añadiéndose otras en muchos casos. Es un trastorno con una comorbilidad alta que repercute en las personas tanto a nivel escolar, social, familiar y emocional. Los sujetos con TDAH y sus autopercepciones, autoconcepto y autoestima presentan una relación no lineal. Según la edad, el Coeficiente intelectual, los problemas de conducta, síntomas de depresión, déficits en las funciones ejecutivas… muestran un sesgo ilusorio u otro, presentando más un sesgo positivo ilusorio, tienen una tendencia a sobrevalorar sus capacidades, lo que hace que se produzca una discrepancia entre las competencias que informan y las competencias reales. En otros casos, las autopercepciones son inferiores y su autoconcepto y autoestima son más bajos en todos los ámbitos o solo en algunos de ellos, debido a los comentarios, rechazos, actitudes... que reciben del exterior (familia, amigos, compañeros, profesores). Además, suelen atribuir sus buenos resultados a elementos externos, mientras que los resultados incorrectos son atribuidos entre elementos internos y externos

    Effect of Bentonite Addition to Pedro Ximénez White Grape Musts before Their Fermentation with Selected Yeasts on the Major Volatile Compounds and Polyols of Wines and Tentative Relationships with the Sensorial Evaluation

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    In this work, we study the effect of bentonite addition to the grape must before alcoholic fermentation on the chemical composition and sensorial profile of the obtained wines. Fermentations were carried out with two Saccharomyces cerevisiae commercial active dry yeasts treated or not with bentonite and were compared with a control wine obtained by spontaneous fermentation (using the grape must microbiota). Several significant effects on the chemical and sensorial attributes were established by statistical treatments. The selection by multiple variable analysis of seven volatile molecules (ethyl acetate; methanol; 1-propanol; isobutanol; 2-methyl-1-butanol; 3-metyl-1-butanol and 2-phenylethanol) provided several footprints that provide an easy visualization of bentonite effects on wine volatile compounds. A Principal Component Analysis carried out with all the compounds quantified by Gas-Chromatography revealed that the first two Principal Components explain 60.15 and 25.91%, respectively, of the total variance and established five groups that match with the five wines analyzed. Lastly, predictive models at p ≤ 0.05 level for the attributes sight, smell and taste were obtained by Partial Least Squared regression analysis of selected chemical variables

    Assessing the influence of the carbon source on the abatement of industrial N2O emissions coupled with the synthesis of added-value bioproducts

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    Producción CientíficaThe continuous abatement of a synthetic N2O emission from a nitric acid plant coupled with the simultaneously production of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV) copolymer and the coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) in a bubble column reactor (BCR) was tested using methanol, glycerol and a mixture of sodium acetate-acetic acid (Ac-HAc) as a carbon and electron donor source. The BCRs were inoculated with Paracoccus denitrificans and supplied with the carbon/electron donor at a loading rate of 139 g C m− 3 d− 1. High N2O removal efficiencies (81–91%) were achieved, with glycerol supporting the highest abatement. The PHBV cell content ranged from 25 to 53%, with highest accumulation in the culture obtained with methanol and Ac-HAc. However, the greatest PHBV productivities were observed in the BCRs operated with glycerol and Ac-HAc (21.7 and 33.5 g PHBV m− 3 d− 1, respectively). Glycerol supply induced the highest molar ratio (23%) of the homopolymer 3-hydroxyvalerate in the composition of PHBV. In addition, the specific cell content of CoQ10 ranged from 0.4 to 1 mg g− 1. This work constitutes, to the best of our knowledge, the first study combining N2O abatement with the simultaneous production of multiple bioproducts, which pave the way to the development of greenhouse gas biorefineries for climate change mitigation.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (Project CTM2015-70442-R and Red NOVEDAR

    Python software tools for GNSS interferometric reflectometry (GNSS-IR)

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    [EN] Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) interferometric reflectometry, also known as the GNSS-IR, uses data from geodetic-quality GNSS antennas to extract information about the environment surrounding the antenna. Soil moisture moni-toring is one of the most important applications of the GNSS-IR technique. This manuscript presents the main ideas and implementation decisions needed to write the Python code for software tools that transform RINEX format observation and navigation files into an appropriate format for GNSS-IR (which includes the SNR observations and the azimuth and elevation of the satellites) and to determine the reflection height and the adjusted phase and amplitude values of the interferometric wave for each individual satellite track. The main goal of the manuscript is to share the software with the scientific com-munity to introduce new users to the GNSS-IR technique.The authors want to thank the staff of the Cajamar Center of Experiences, and especially Carlos Baixauli, for their support and collaboration in the Paiporta experiment. The authors also want to thank Alfred Leick and Steve Hilla for their valuable comments and suggestions.Martín Furones, ÁE.; Luján García Muñoz, R.; Anquela Julián, AB. (2020). Python software tools for GNSS interferometric reflectometry (GNSS-IR). GPS Solutions. 24(4):1-7. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10291-020-01010-0S17244Chen Q, Won D, Akos DM, Small EE (2016) Vegetation using GPS interferometric reflectometry: experimental results with a horizontal polarized antenna. IEEE J Select Top Appl Earth Obs Rem Sens 9(10):4771–4780. https://doi.org/10.1109/JSTARS.2016.2565687Chew CC, Small EE, Larson KM, Zavorotny VU (2014) Effects of near-surface soil moisture on GPS SNR data: development and retrieval algorithm for soil moisture. IEEE T Geosci Rem Sens 52(1):537–543. https://doi.org/10.1109/TGRS.2013.2242332Chew CC, Small EE, Larson KM, Zavorotny UZ (2015) Vegetation sensing using GPS-interferometric reflectometry: theoretical effects of canopy parameters on signal-to-noise ratio data. IEEE T Geosci Rem Sens 53(5):2755–2764. https://doi.org/10.1109/TGRS.2014.2364513Chew CC, Small EE, Larson KM (2016) An algorithm for soil moisture estimation using GPS-interferometric reflectometry for bare and vegetated soil. 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IEEE J Selec Top Appl Earth Obs Rem Sens 3(1):91–99. https://doi.org/10.1109/JSTARS.2009.2033612Larson KM, Nievinski FG (2013) GPS snow sensing: results from the EarthScope plate boundary observatory. GPS Solut 17(1):41–52. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10291-012-0259-7Leick A, Rapoport L, Tatarnikov D (2015) GPS satellite surveying, 4th edn. Wiley, Hoboken, p 840Martín A, Ibañez S, Baixauli C, Blanc S, Anquela AB (2020) Multi-constellation interferometric reflectometry with mass-market sensors as a solution for soil moisture monitoring. Hydrol Earth Syst Sci. https://doi.org/10.5194/hess-24-3573-2020Nievinski GG, Larson KM (2014) An open source GPS multipath simulator in Matlab/Octave. GPS Solut 18:473–481. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10291-014-0370-zNischan T (2016) GFZRNX—RINEX GNSS data conversion and manipulation toolbox (Version 1.05). GFZ Data Serv. https://doi.org/10.5880/GFZ.1.1.2016.002Roesler C, Larson KM (2018) Software tools for GNSS interferometric reflectometry (GNSS-IR). GPS Solut. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10291-018-0744-8Roussel N, Ramilien G, Frappart F, Darrozes J, Gay A, Biancale R, Striebig N, Hanquiez V, Bertin X, Allain A (2015) Sea level monitoring and sea estimate using a single geodetic receiver. Remote Sens Environ 171:261–277. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2015.10.011Roussel N, Frappart F, Ramillien G, Darroes J, Baup F, Lestarquit L, Ha MC (2016) Detection of soil moisture variations using GPS and GLONASS SNR data for elevation angles ranging from 2º to 70º. IEEE J Selec Top Appl Earth Obs Rem Sens 9(10):4781–4794. https://doi.org/10.1109/JSTARS.2016.2537847Sanz J, Juan JM, Hernández-Pajares M (2013) GNSS data processing. Volume I: fundamentals and algorithms. European Space Agency Communications, 223 ppSmall EE, Larson KM, Chew CC, Dong J, Ochsner TE (2016) Validation of GPS-IR soil moisture retrievals: comparison of different algorithms to remove vegetation effects. IEEE J Selec Top Appl Earth Obs Rem Sens 9(10):4759–4770. https://doi.org/10.1109/JSTARS.2015.2504527Vey S, Güntner A, Wickert J, Blume T, Ramatschi M (2016) Long-term soil moisture dynamics derived from GNSS interferometric reflectometry: a case study for Sutherland, South Africa. GPS Solut 20:641–654. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10291-015-0474-0Wan W, Larson KM, Small EE, Chew CC, Braun JJ (2015) Using geodetic GPS receivers to measure vegetation water content. GPS Solut 19:237–248. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10291-014-0383-7Zhang S, Roussel N, Boniface K, Ha MC, Frappart F, Darrozes J, Baup F, Calvet JC (2017) Use of reflected GNSS SNR data to retrieve either soil moisture or vegetation height from a wheat crop. Hydrol Earth Syst Sci 21:4767–4784. https://doi.org/10.5194/hess-21-4767-201