2,355 research outputs found

    "Escribía / después de haber los libros consultado" : a propósito de Lope y los « novellieri », un estado de la cuestión (con especial atención a la relación con Giovanni Boccaccio), parte II

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    Este trabajo constituye la continuación natural de «"Escribía / después de haber los libros consultado": a propósito de Lope y los novellieri, un estado de la cuestión (con especial atención a la relación con Giovanni Boccaccio), parte I». Al final, se ofrece una lista bibliográfica tanto de los manuscritos, ediciones y traducciones de los textos de los novellieri como de las referencias utilizadas en las dos partes del artículo.This paper is the natural continuation of «"Escribía / después de haber los libros consultado": a propósito de Lope y los novellieri, un estado de la cuestión (con especial atención a la relación con Giovanni Boccaccio), parte I». A bibliographical list of the manuscripts, editions and translations of the works by the novellieri and the references used in both parts of the article is to be found at the end of the article

    Heating without heat: thermodynamics of passive energy filters between finite systems

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    Passive filters allowing the exchange of particles in a narrow band of energy are currently used in micro-refrigerators and energy transducers. In this letter, we analyze their thermal properties using linear irreversible thermodynamics and kinetic theory, and discuss a striking phenomenon: the possibility of increasing or decreasing simultaneously the temperatures of two systems without any supply of energy. This occurs when the filter induces a flow of particles whose energy is between the average energies of the two systems. Here we show that this selective transfer of particles does not need the action of any sort of Maxwell demon and can be carried out by passive filters without compromising the second law of thermodynamics. The phenomenon allows us to design cycles between two reservoirs at temperatures T1<T2T_1<T_2 that are able to reach temperatures below T1T_1 or above T2T_2.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    "Escribía / después de haber los libros consultado" : a propósito de Lope y los novellieri, un estado de la cuestión (con especial atención a la relación con Giovanni Boccaccio), parte I

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    Este trabajo ha sido realizado al amparo del Ministerio de Educación, mediante el Programa Nacional de Movilidad de Recursos Humanos del Plan Nacional de I-D+i 2008-2011.El estudio que sigue constituye la primera parte de un ensayo más amplio en el que se pretende ofrecer un estado de la cuestión de la relación intertextual de Lope de Vega con los novellieri. En esta primera parte, pues, se realiza un panorama de la situación, ejemplificado con un caso concreto y, dentro del repaso de los estudios más significativos de la relación autor-autor, se analiza el de Lope con Giovanni Boccaccio.The following study constitutes the first part of a wider essay which seeks to offer an insight into the current state of the intertextual relation between Lope de Vega and the novellieri. In this first part a panoramic view is developed by exemplifying a concrete case and, within the revision of the most significant studies of the author-author relation, the one between Lope and Boccaccio is analysed

    Objetividad y verdad. Sobre el vigor contemporáneo de la falacia objetivista

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    La influencia de la filosofía positivista ha propiciado que, en el mundo contemporáneo, se tienda a identificar verdad y objetividad. Este artículo se propone argumentar que: a) el concepto de objetividad es una reducción indebida del concepto clásico de verdad; b) las premisas en las que se basa la teoría de la objetividad no son axiomáticas, como parecen, y conducen a contradicciones; c) es necesaria una rehabilitación de la concepción realista de verdad, libre de las ataduras del pensamiento positivista.The influence of the positivist philosophy has fostered, in the contemporary world, an ecuation between truth and objectivity. This article intends to argue that: a) the concept of objectivity is an unjustified reduction of the realist concept of truth; b) the premises upon which the objectivity theory is based are not –as seem to be– evident, and they lead to blatant contradictions; c) the realist concept of truth should be restored, freed from the ties of positivism

    García López, Jorge: Cervantes: La figura en el tapiz, Barcelona, Ediciones de Pasado y Presente, 2015, 282 págs. ISBN: 978-84-943139-8-1

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    Ruffinatto, Aldo: Dedicado a Cervantes, Madrid, Sial / Prosa Barroca, 2015, 262 págs. ISBN: 9788415746621

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    Todavía sobre la objetividad periodística: hacia la superación de un paradigma fracturado

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    Since the end of the nineteenth century, the theory of objectivity has been creating what it would be the prevailing paradigm both in journalistic practice and in the scholarly reflection upon it. However, during the last decades of the twentieth century, an increasing number of communication scholars and practitioners began to contest the main notions embedded in this paradigm, which was put in crisis. Since then, no other concept has stimulated as much controversy as the concept of objectivity, which still gives origin to debates not only endless, but also inconclusive. This article addresses the topic from an often neglected perspective, namely, that of the philosophical underpinnings of the theory of objectivity and its bearing upon the positivist presumptions, dated back to the empiricist tradition. By putting those foundations into scrutiny, it is argued that the theory of objectivity stems from an ill-conceived question. This accounts why this is a fractured paradigm, which, nonetheless, still remains firmly entrenched in our minds. Lastly, some hints are suggested as to how to overcome and replace it.Desde finales del siglo XIX, la teoría de la objetividad fue generando el que llegaría a ser el paradigma dominante en el ejercicio periodístico, así como en la reflexión académica sobre él. Sin embargo, durante las últimas décadas del siglo XX, fue surgiendo un creciente número de académicos y periodistas que rebatieron las tesis fundamentales de este paradigma, hasta llegar a ponerlo en crisis. Desde entonces, ningún otro concepto ha suscitado tanta controversia como el concepto de objetividad, que todavía origina debates, no sólo interminables, sino inconcluyentes. En este artículo se aborda la cuestión desde una perspectiva habitualmente ignorada: la de los fundamentos filosóficos de la teoría objetivista y su relación con el positivismo, cuyas raíces se remontan al empirismo inglés. Analizando tales fundamentos, se argumenta que la teoría objetivista parte de una pregunta mal concebida, lo cual explica por qué estamos ante un paradigma fracturado, que, pese a ello, sigue todavía firmemente arraigado en nuestras mentes. Finalmente, se apuntan algunas vías hacia su posible superación

    La cosificación de la mujer en la publicidad.

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    Este análisis, en términos generales, revisa y da una mirada a los avances positivos de este importante tema y de cómo y por qué este se gestó, destacando las declaraciones más interesantes y decidoras encontradas tanto en las publicaciones académicas, como en las de opinión pública y en términos globales, evidenciando etapas en décadas de su utilización y la función de la profesión del publicista respecto al tema y como tal su rol protagónico en la realización de mensajes y estereotipos publicitarios

    Wt1 is involved in pancreas development and adult pancreatic homeostasis

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    The embryonic mesothelium lining the visceral organs gives rise to mesenchymal cells through a localized epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT). This has been extensively studied in some cases, such as the heart, where the epicardium gives rise to epicardial-derived cells that contribute to the cardiac vascular and connective tissues. In other organs, such as the lungs, liver and gut, the developmental fate of the mesothelial-derived mesenchyme and their importance for visceral morphogenesis has also been demonstrated (reviewed in Ariza et al., Dev Dyn, 2016, 245:307-22). Hepatic stellate cells (HSC) are located in the perisinusoidal space of the liver. It has been described that cells derived from the liver mesothelium through an EMT contributes to the HSC population and also to the sinusoidal endothelium during development (IJpenberg et al. Dev Biol, 2007, 312: 157–170; Asahina et al., Hepatology, 2011, 53:983-95). Thus, we checked is a similar developmental origin accounts for pancreatic stellate cells (PSC), a population of pancreatic stromal cells that share many features with HSC. In normal adult pancreas, PSC are quiescent, star-shaped cells with a periacinar distribution. When activated by profibrogenic stimuli such as inflammatory cytokines or oxidative stress, PSC transform into myofibroblast-like cells. Thus, PSC are the major source of extracellular matrix in the adult pancreas, but their embryonic origin remains unknown. The Wilms’ tumor suppressor gene (Wt1) is highly expressed in the embryonic mesothelium. For this reason, we have used two lines of transgenic mice for lineage tracing of mesothelial-derived cells, systemic (Wt1Cre; R26REYFP), tamoxifen-inducible (Wt1ERT2; R26REYFP) and we have also used the inducible driver for conditional deletion of Wt1 (Wt1ERT2; Wt1 flox) in adult mice. Our results confirm that WT1 protein is only expressed in the mesothelium of the developing pancreas, allowing for reliable tracing of the mesothelial-derived cells. During the early stages of pancreas morphogenesis, its mesothelium shows the typical features of EMT. Mesothelial-derived cells, identified by constitutive YFP expression, differentiate into a major part of the PSCs and also contribute to other connective and vascular cell type, including endothelium. Thus, mesothelial-derived cells originated by EMT seem to constitute an important subpopulation of mesodermal cells during pancreas development, contributing to its morphogenesis. On the other hand, systemic deletion of Wt1 in adult mice causes a severe atrophy of the pancreas, although this factor is only expressed in the pancreatic mesothelium. In addition, we have observed that adult PSC express Wt1 in the caerulein-induced pancreatitis model. Our results suggest that: 1) normal pancreatic function is maintained by a Wt1-dependent signaling mechanism acting from the mesothelium and 2) Wt1 plays a role in PSC activation in adult mice. These observations point to a relevant function of the Wt1 gene in pancreatic development and function.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech