63 research outputs found

    Factores explicativos de las diferencias territoriales en España en referencia al PIB per cápita

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es medir y analizar las diferencias económicas que existen en las Comunidades Autónomas de España entre el periodo temporal comprendido que abarca desde el año 1986 hasta 2013 a través del PIB per cápita y su descomposición en distintas variables, que inciden y determinan el nivel de vida de la población de las diferentes regiones que existen en nuestro país. Las cuales se corresponden con variables de carácter socioeconómico y laboral como son la población, la población activa, población potencialmente activa, horas trabajadas y la población ocupada.Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresa

    Depresion e ideacion suicida en estudiantes de un instituto superior tecnologico del distrito de Santo Domingo -Piura, 2021

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    El objetivo de esta investigación fue ddeterminar la relación entre la depresión y la ideación suicida en los estudiantes instituto superior tecnológico del distrito de Santo DomingoPiura,2021 para tal efecto se realizó una investigación de tipo correlacional no experimental con enfoque cuantitativo, la población estuvo constituida por 223 estudiantes y la muestra por 44 estudiantes. Los instrumentos que se utilizaron fueron la escala de depresión de Beck y la escala de ideación suicida de Beck. En cuanto a los resultados se halló una correlación directa altamente significativa (p<0.01 entre ambas variables y cada una de sus dimensiones. Por lo tanto, según los resultados se llegó a la conclusión de que existe evidencia de correlación directa altamente significativa (p<0.01) entre la depresión con la ideación suicida, con tamaño de efecto de magnitud grande, y que la depresión correlaciona de manera directa, altamente significativa (p<0.01), con las dimensiones de Ideación suicidaTesi

    Inhibitory Effect of Azamacrocyclic Ligands on Polyphenol Oxidase in Model and Food Systems

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    This document is the unedited Author's version of a Submitted Work that was subsequently accepted for publication in Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, copyright © American Chemical Society after peer review. To access the final edited and published work see https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.jafc.0c02407[EN] Enzymatic browning is one of the main problems faced by the food industry due to the enzyme polyphenol oxidase (PPO) provoking an undesirable color change in the presence of oxygen. Here, we report the evaluation of 10 different azamacrocyclic compounds with diverse morphologies as potential inhibitors against the activity of PPO, both in model and real systems. An initial screening of 10 ligands shows that all azamacrocyclic compounds inhibit to some extent the enzymatic browning, but the molecular structure plays a crucial role on the power of inhibition. Kinetic studies of the most active ligand (L2) reveal a S-parabolic I-parabolic noncompetitive inhibition mechanism and a remarkable inhibition at micromolar concentration (IC50 = 10 mu M). Furthermore, L2 action has been proven on apple juice to significantly reduce the enzymatic browning.Financial support by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades (project RTI2018-100910-B-C44), Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (projects CTQ2016-78499-C6-1-R, Unidad de Excelencia MDM 2015-0038 and CTQ2017-90852-REDC), and Generalitat Valenciana (Project PROMETEOII2015-002) is gratefully acknowledged.Muñoz-Pina, S.; Ros-Lis, JV.; Delgado-Pinar, E.; Martínez-Camarena, Á.; Verdejo, B.; García-España, E.; Argüelles Foix, AL.... (2020). Inhibitory Effect of Azamacrocyclic Ligands on Polyphenol Oxidase in Model and Food Systems. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 68(30):7964-7973. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jafc.0c02407796479736830Simpson, B. K. (Ed.). (2012). Food Biochemistry and Food Processing. doi:10.1002/9781118308035İyidoǧan, N. F., & Bayındırlı, A. (2004). Effect of l-cysteine, kojic acid and 4-hexylresorcinol combination on inhibition of enzymatic browning in Amasya apple juice. Journal of Food Engineering, 62(3), 299-304. doi:10.1016/s0260-8774(03)00243-7Croguennec, T. (2016). Enzymatic Browning. Handbook of Food Science and Technology 1, 159-181. doi:10.1002/9781119268659.ch6Brütsch, L., Rugiero, S., Serrano, S. S., Städeli, C., Windhab, E. J., Fischer, P., & Kuster, S. (2018). Targeted Inhibition of Enzymatic Browning in Wheat Pastry Dough. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 66(46), 12353-12360. doi:10.1021/acs.jafc.8b04477Ma, L., Zhang, M., Bhandari, B., & Gao, Z. (2017). Recent developments in novel shelf life extension technologies of fresh-cut fruits and vegetables. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 64, 23-38. doi:10.1016/j.tifs.2017.03.005Queiroz, C., Mendes Lopes, M. L., Fialho, E., & Valente-Mesquita, V. L. (2008). Polyphenol Oxidase: Characteristics and Mechanisms of Browning Control. Food Reviews International, 24(4), 361-375. doi:10.1080/87559120802089332Seo, S.-Y., Sharma, V. K., & Sharma, N. (2003). Mushroom Tyrosinase:  Recent Prospects. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 51(10), 2837-2853. doi:10.1021/jf020826fTRONC, J.-S., LAMARCHE, F., & MAKHLOUF, J. (1997). Enzymatic Browning Inhibition in Cloudy Apple Juice by Electrodialysis. Journal of Food Science, 62(1), 75-78. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2621.1997.tb04371.xJiang, S., & Penner, M. H. (2019). The nature of β-cyclodextrin inhibition of potato polyphenol oxidase-catalyzed reactions. Food Chemistry, 298, 125004. doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2019.125004Buckow, R., Kastell, A., Terefe, N. S., & Versteeg, C. (2010). Pressure and Temperature Effects on Degradation Kinetics and Storage Stability of Total Anthocyanins in Blueberry Juice. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 58(18), 10076-10084. doi:10.1021/jf1015347Massini, L., Rico, D., & Martin-Diana, A. B. (2018). Quality Attributes of Apple Juice. Fruit Juices, 45-57. doi:10.1016/b978-0-12-802230-6.00004-7McEvily, A. J., Iyengar, R., & Otwell, W. S. (1992). Inhibition of enzymatic browning in foods and beverages. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 32(3), 253-273. doi:10.1080/10408399209527599Iyengar, R., & McEvily, A. J. (1992). Anti-browning agents: alternatives to the use of sulfites in foods. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 3, 60-64. doi:10.1016/0924-2244(92)90131-fMuñoz-Pina, S., Ros-Lis, J. V., Argüelles, Á., Coll, C., Martínez-Máñez, R., & Andrés, A. (2018). Full inhibition of enzymatic browning in the presence of thiol-functionalised silica nanomaterial. Food Chemistry, 241, 199-205. doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2017.08.059Muñoz-Pina, S., Ros-Lis, J. V., Argüelles, Á., Martínez-Máñez, R., & Andrés, A. (2020). Influence of the functionalisation of mesoporous silica material UVM-7 on polyphenol oxidase enzyme capture and enzymatic browning. Food Chemistry, 310, 125741. doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2019.125741Castillo, C. E., Máñez, M. A., Basallote, M. G., Clares, M. P., Blasco, S., & García-España, E. (2012). Copper(ii) complexes of quinoline polyazamacrocyclic scorpiand-type ligands: X-ray, equilibrium and kinetic studies. Dalton Transactions, 41(18), 5617. doi:10.1039/c2dt30223cSantra, S., Mukherjee, S., Bej, S., Saha, S., & Ghosh, P. (2015). Amino-ether macrocycle that forms CuII templated threaded heteroleptic complexes: a detailed selectivity, structural and theoretical investigations. Dalton Transactions, 44(34), 15198-15211. doi:10.1039/c5dt00596eFan, R., Serrano-Plana, J., Oloo, W. N., Draksharapu, A., Delgado-Pinar, E., Company, A., … Münck, E. (2018). Spectroscopic and DFT Characterization of a Highly Reactive Nonheme FeV–Oxo Intermediate. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 140(11), 3916-3928. doi:10.1021/jacs.7b11400Martínez-Camarena, Á., Liberato, A., Delgado-Pinar, E., Algarra, A. G., Pitarch-Jarque, J., Llinares, J. M., … García-España, E. (2018). Coordination Chemistry of Cu2+ Complexes of Small N-Alkylated Tetra-azacyclophanes with SOD Activity. Inorganic Chemistry, 57(17), 10961-10973. doi:10.1021/acs.inorgchem.8b01492Algarra, A. G., Basallote, M. G., Belda, R., Blasco, S., Castillo, C. E., Llinares, J. M., … Verdejo, B. (2009). Synthesis, Protonation and CuIIComplexes of Two Novel Isomeric Pentaazacyclophane Ligands: Potentiometric, DFT, Kinetic and AMP Recognition Studies. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2009(1), 62-75. doi:10.1002/ejic.200800576Díaz, P., Basallote, M. G., Máñez, M. A., García-España, E., Gil, L., Latorre, J., … Luis, S. V. (2003). Thermodynamic and kinetic studies on the Cu2+ coordination chemistry of a novel binucleating pyridinophane ligandElectronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Table S1: observed rate constants for the acid-promoted decomposition of Cu2+ complexes with ligand L. Table S2: observed rate constants for the acid-promoted decomposition of Cu2+ complexes with macrocycle L1. Fig. S1: Variation of some selected 13C chemical shifts as a function of pH. See http://www.rsc.org/suppdata/dt/b2/b209013a/. Dalton Transactions, (6), 1186-1193. doi:10.1039/b209013aBasallote, M. G., Doménech, A., Ferrer, A., García-España, E., Llinares, J. M., Máñez, M. A., … Verdejo, B. (2006). Synthesis and Cu(II) coordination of two new hexaamines containing alternated propylenic and ethylenic chains: Kinetic studies on pH-driven metal ion slippage movements. Inorganica Chimica Acta, 359(7), 2004-2014. doi:10.1016/j.ica.2006.01.030Acosta-Rueda, L., Delgado-Pinar, E., Pitarch-Jarque, J., Rodríguez, A., Blasco, S., González, J., … García-España, E. (2015). Correlation between the molecular structure and the kinetics of decomposition of azamacrocyclic copper(ii) complexes. Dalton Transactions, 44(17), 8255-8266. doi:10.1039/c5dt00408jAlarcón, J., Albelda, M. T., Belda, R., Clares, M. P., Delgado-Pinar, E., Frías, J. C., … Soriano, C. (2008). Synthesis and coordination properties of an azamacrocyclic Zn(II) chemosensor containing pendent methylnaphthyl groups. Dalton Transactions, (46), 6530. doi:10.1039/b808993kClares, M. P., Aguilar, J., Aucejo, R., Lodeiro, C., Albelda, M. T., Pina, F., … García-España, E. (2004). Synthesis and H+, Cu2+, and Zn2+Coordination Behavior of a Bis(fluorophoric) Bibrachial Lariat Aza-Crown. Inorganic Chemistry, 43(19), 6114-6122. doi:10.1021/ic049694tSiddiq, M., & Dolan, K. D. (2017). Characterization of polyphenol oxidase from blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.). Food Chemistry, 218, 216-220. doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2016.09.061Munjal, N., & Sawhney, S. . (2002). Stability and properties of mushroom tyrosinase entrapped in alginate, polyacrylamide and gelatin gels. Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 30(5), 613-619. doi:10.1016/s0141-0229(02)00019-4Vermeer, L. M., Higgins, C. A., Roman, D. L., & Doorn, J. A. (2013). Real-time monitoring of tyrosine hydroxylase activity using a plate reader assay. Analytical Biochemistry, 432(1), 11-15. doi:10.1016/j.ab.2012.09.005Espín, J. C., Varón, R., Fenoll, L. G., Gilabert, M. A., García-Ruíz, P. A., Tudela, J., & García-Cánovas, F. (2000). Kinetic characterization of the substrate specificity and mechanism of mushroom tyrosinase. European Journal of Biochemistry, 267(5), 1270-1279. doi:10.1046/j.1432-1327.2000.01013.xMarcantoni, E., & Petrini, M. (2016). Recent Developments in the Stereoselective Synthesis of Nitrogen-Containing Heterocycles usingN-Acylimines as Reactive Substrates. Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis, 358(23), 3657-3682. doi:10.1002/adsc.201600644Liu, W., Zou, L., Liu, J., Zhang, Z., Liu, C., & Liang, R. (2013). The effect of citric acid on the activity, thermodynamics and conformation of mushroom polyphenoloxidase. Food Chemistry, 140(1-2), 289-295. doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2013.02.028Son, S. M., Moon, K. D., & Lee, C. Y. (2000). Kinetic Study of Oxalic Acid Inhibition on Enzymatic Browning. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 48(6), 2071-2074. doi:10.1021/jf991397xÖZ, F., COLAK, A., ÖZEL, A., SAĞLAM ERTUNGA, N., & SESLI, E. (2011). PURIFICATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF A MUSHROOM POLYPHENOL OXIDASE AND ITS ACTIVITY IN ORGANIC SOLVENTS. Journal of Food Biochemistry, 37(1), 36-44. doi:10.1111/j.1745-4514.2011.00604.xAyaz, F. A., Demir, O., Torun, H., Kolcuoglu, Y., & Colak, A. (2008). Characterization of polyphenoloxidase (PPO) and total phenolic contents in medlar (Mespilus germanica L.) fruit during ripening and over ripening. Food Chemistry, 106(1), 291-298. doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2007.05.096Qin, X.-Y., Lee, J., Zheng, L., Yang, J.-M., Gong, Y., & Park, Y.-D. (2018). Inhibition of α-glucosidase by 2-thiobarbituric acid: Molecular dynamics simulation integrating parabolic noncompetitive inhibition kinetics. Process Biochemistry, 65, 62-70. doi:10.1016/j.procbio.2017.10.016Chakrabarty, S. P., Ramapanicker, R., Mishra, R., Chandrasekaran, S., & Balaram, H. (2009). Development and characterization of lysine based tripeptide analogues as inhibitors of Sir2 activity. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 17(23), 8060-8072. doi:10.1016/j.bmc.2009.10.003Gou, L., Lee, J., Yang, J.-M., Park, Y.-D., Zhou, H.-M., Zhan, Y., & Lü, Z.-R. (2017). Inhibition of tyrosinase by fumaric acid: Integration of inhibition kinetics with computational docking simulations. 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    El Derecho a la intimidad: nuevos y viejos debates

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    En la presente publicación se abordan una serie de temas sobre el derecho a la intimidad que han sido y siguen siendo, por su importancia, debatidos tanto en la doctrina como en la jurisprudencia nacional como internacional. De este modo, se ha analizado, entre otros, el concepto del derecho a la intimidad, sus alcances, así como su reconocimiento en la constitución y los tratados y convenios internacionales tanto del ámbito europeo como americano. También se ha analizado la importancia del test de proporcionalidad para evitar que en el marco de una investigación penal las intervenciones corporales sean inconstitucionales o afecten el núcleo esencial del derecho a la intimidad.This publication addresses a series of topics on the right to privacy that have been and continue to be important in debate, both in national and international jurisprudence. In this way, it has been analyzed, among others, the concept of the right to privacy, its scope, as well as its recognition in the constitution and international treaties and conventions, both European and American. The importance of the proportionality test has also been analyzed to avoid that in the framework of a criminal investigation, corporal interventions are unconstitutional or affect the essential core of the right to privacy.Presentación / Juan José López Ortega (pp. 9-13). -- I. El derecho a la intimidad. 1. La utilización de medios técnicos de observación y vigilancia en la Lecrim (LO 13/15) / Juan José López Ortega (pp. 15-47). -- 2. Sobre el derecho fundamental a la intimidad. Breves reflexiones jurídicas / Manuel Alejandro Donato Ramírez (pp. 49-99). -- II. El derecho a la intimidad en la jurisprudencia constitucional y convencional: el Tribunal Constitucional español, el Tribunal Europeo de Derechos humanos y la Corte Interamericana de Derechos humanos. 3. El derecho a la intimidad en la Constitución española y la jurisprudencia del Tribunal Europeo de Derechos humano / Alejandro Jiménez Pérez (pp. 101-113). -- 4. La intimidad como parte de la dignidad del ser humano en el Convenio europeo de derechos humanos y la Convención americana de derechos humanos / Juan Diego Salon Piedra (pp. 115-130). -- III. El derecho a la intimidad y la investigación penal 5. El derecho a la intimidad y la investigación penal: una ponderación de derechos / Carlos Patricio Serrano (pp. 131-147). -- 6. El derecho a la intimidad como límite de las intervenciones corporales en el marco del proceso penal / Fredy Valenzuela Ylizarbe (pp. 149-164). -- 7. Las intervenciones corporales, la intimidad y otros derechos: especial referencia a las diligencias de cacheo / Gerson W. Camarena Aliaga y Ana Lucía Heredia Muñoz (pp. 165-180). -- IV. El derecho a la intimidad y las nuevas tecnologías 8. El derecho a la intimidad en el contexto de las nuevas tecnologías de comunicación e información / Zoila Macavilca Román (pp. 181-192).-- 9. El derecho a la intimidad y el nuevo delito de sexting / Miriam Sánchez Sánchez (pp. 193-208). -- 10. El derecho a la intimidad y la amenaza del terrorismo: una nueva configuración de la intimidad y su regulación / Carmen González Vaz (pp. 209-224)

    BAFF system expression in double negative 2, activated naïve and activated memory B cells in systemic lupus erythematosus

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    IntroductionB cell activating factor (BAFF) has an important role in normal B cell development. The aberrant expression of BAFF is related with the autoimmune diseases development like Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) for promoting self-reactive B cells survival. BAFF functions are exerted through its receptors BAFF-R (BR3), transmembrane activator calcium modulator and cyclophilin ligand interactor (TACI) and B cell maturation antigen (BCMA) that are reported to have differential expression on B cells in SLE. Recently, atypical B cells that express CD11c have been associated with SLE because they are prone to develop into antibody-secreting cells, however the relationship with BAFF remains unclear. This study aims to analyze the BAFF system expression on CXCR5- CD11c+ atypical B cell subsets double negative 2 (DN2), activated naïve (aNAV), switched memory (SWM) and unswitched memory (USM) B cells.MethodsForty-five SLE patients and 15 healthy subjects (HS) were included. Flow cytometry was used to evaluate the expression of the receptors in the B cell subpopulations. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was performed to quantify the soluble levels of BAFF (sBAFF) and IL-21.ResultsWe found increased frequency of CXCR5- CD11c+ atypical B cell subpopulations DN2, aNAV, SWM and USM B cells in SLE patients compared to HS. SLE patients had increased expression of membrane BAFF (mBAFF) and BCMA receptor in classic B cell subsets (DN, NAV, SWM and USM). Also, the CXCR5+ CD11c- DN1, resting naïve (rNAV), SWM and USM B cell subsets showed higher mBAFF expression in SLE. CXCR5- CD11c+ atypical B cell subpopulations DN2, SWM and USM B cells showed strong correlations with the expression of BAFF receptors. The atypical B cells DN2 in SLE showed significant decreased expression of TACI, which correlated with higher IL-21 levels. Also, lower expression of TACI in atypical B cell DN2 was associated with high disease activity.DiscussionThese results suggest a participation of the BAFF system in CXCR5- CD11c+ atypical B cell subsets in SLE patients. Decreased TACI expression on atypical B cells DN2 correlated with high disease activity in SLE patients supporting the immunoregulatory role of TACI in autoimmunity

    Diseñando para la comunidad de costureras de La Mezquitera

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    El objetivo del PAP Diseñando para la comunidad de costureras de la Mezquitera es crear empresarios de la industria textil y de la moda con responsabilidad social. Se trabajó con un equipo multidisciplinario de alumnos, así como con la comunidad de costureras de la Mezquitera. Una comunidad organizada años atrás por un PAP del Iteso. Una vez entendido el contexto y entorno actual que rodea a la comunidad se procedió a dar solución a la problemática. Se propusieron 9 marcas de diseño, de prendas de vestir y accesorios para hogar, hechas de materiales textiles. Se hicieron estudios de factibilidad de acuerdo con las tendencias de consumo actuales, se diseñaron prendas con elementos diferenciadores para reducir al máximo la posibilidad de fracaso y se sacaron producciones pequeñas para evitar la sobreproducción de prendas y el fast fashion. Para llevar a cabo dichas producciones se pasó por la etapa de prototipado, optimizando recursos y minimizando riesgos, y se pasó a producción en volumen. Se procedió a hacer la identidad de cada marca, de acuerdo con el nicho de mercado de cada una, redes sociales individuales para publicidad y venta y fotografía de producto. También se hicieron redes comunitarias para mostrar el trabajo del PAP e impulsar las marcas, además de un sitio web comunitario del colectivo. Se logró un equilibrio entre diseño, emprendimiento y generación de empleos con trabajo ético y salario justo, cuidando la optimización de recursos y la reducción de desperdicios.ITESO, A.C

    Population-based sequencing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis reveals how current population dynamics are shaped by past epidemics

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    23 páginas, 4 figuras, 1 tabla.Transmission is a driver of tuberculosis (TB) epidemics in high-burden regions, with assumed negligible impact in low-burden areas. However, we still lack a full characterization of transmission dynamics in settings with similar and different burdens. Genomic epidemiology can greatly help to quantify transmission, but the lack of whole genome sequencing population-based studies has hampered its application. Here, we generate a population-based dataset from Valencia region and compare it with available datasets from different TB-burden settings to reveal transmission dynamics heterogeneity and its public health implications. We sequenced the whole genome of 785 Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains and linked genomes to patient epidemiological data. We use a pairwise distance clustering approach and phylodynamic methods to characterize transmission events over the last 150 years, in different TB-burden regions. Our results underscore significant differences in transmission between low-burden TB settings, i.e., clustering in Valencia region is higher (47.4%) than in Oxfordshire (27%), and similar to a high-burden area as Malawi (49.8%). By modeling times of the transmission links, we observed that settings with high transmission rate are associated with decades of uninterrupted transmission, irrespective of burden. Together, our results reveal that burden and transmission are not necessarily linked due to the role of past epidemics in the ongoing TB incidence, and highlight the need for in-depth characterization of transmission dynamics and specifically tailored TB control strategies.European Research Council 638553-TB-ACCELERATE; European Research Council 101001038-TBRECONNECT; Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación SAF2016-77346-RPeer reviewe

    Spread of a SARS-CoV-2 variant through Europe in the summer of 2020.

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    Following its emergence in late 2019, the spread of SARS-CoV-21,2 has been tracked by phylogenetic analysis of viral genome sequences in unprecedented detail3–5. Although the virus spread globally in early 2020 before borders closed, intercontinental travel has since been greatly reduced. However, travel within Europe resumed in the summer of 2020. Here we report on a SARS-CoV-2 variant, 20E (EU1), that was identified in Spain in early summer 2020 and subsequently spread across Europe. We find no evidence that this variant has increased transmissibility, but instead demonstrate how rising incidence in Spain, resumption of travel, and lack of effective screening and containment may explain the variant’s success. Despite travel restrictions, we estimate that 20E (EU1) was introduced hundreds of times to European countries by summertime travellers, which is likely to have undermined local efforts to minimize infection with SARS-CoV-2. Our results illustrate how a variant can rapidly become dominant even in the absence of a substantial transmission advantage in favourable epidemiological settings. Genomic surveillance is critical for understanding how travel can affect transmission of SARS-CoV-2, and thus for informing future containment strategies as travel resumes. © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Limited

    Accelerated surgery versus standard care in hip fracture (HIP ATTACK): an international, randomised, controlled trial

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    Outcomes from elective colorectal cancer surgery during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

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    This study aimed to describe the change in surgical practice and the impact of SARS-CoV-2 on mortality after surgical resection of colorectal cancer during the initial phases of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic