498 research outputs found

    Los expedientes de la censura teatral como fuente para la investigación del teatro español contemporáneo

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    En este artículo se analiza el papel que han jugado hasta el momento los expedientes de la censura teatral del Archivo General de la Administración como fuente para el estudio del teatro español del franquismo y se ofrece una bibliografía con los trabajos publicados a partir de esta documentación. This article examines the role played so far by the files of theatrical censorship preserved in the General Archive of the Administration as a source for the study of the Spanish theatre during Franco´s regime. The author also presents a bibliography with the works published from these files

    A vueltas con el "posibilismo" teatral

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    In this paper the author examines a practically unknown aspect of the polemic about posibilismo between Alfonso Sastre and Antonio Buero Vallejo in 1960: the censor's criterion.En este trabajo se aborda un aspecto prácticamente desconocido de la polémica sobre el\ud posibilismo teatral mantenida entre Alfonso Sastre y Antonio Buero Vallejo en 1960: la\ud opinión de los censores sobre las obras prohibidas con anterioridad al debate. Como es sabido,\ud estos autores mantuvieron distintas posiciones acerca de la actitud que debían adoptar los\ud creadores frente a la censura. De ahí la importancia de volver sobre aquella polémica para\ud reconsiderar algunas ideas preconcebidas en tomo al comportamiento de la censura con ambos\ud dramaturgos, a la luz de los expedientes de censura de estas obras

    cDNA and Deduced Amino Acid Sequence of a Cytosolic Aldolase (Accession No. AJ005041) from Cicer arietinum L. Epicotyls.

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    The Electronic Plant Gene RegisterDirecciĂłn General de InvestigaciĂłn CientĂ­fica y TĂ©cnic

    "Triple salto mortal con pirueta" : acrobacia escénica en clave de «alta comedia»

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    Análisis de la obra Triple salto mortal con pirueta, de Jesús Campos García, en relación con la alta comedia. La confrontación de los distintos elementos de esta obra –espacio escénico, tiempo, estructura dramática, etc.- con sus correspondientes en dicho género, pone de manifiesto que estamos ante una deconstrucción del mismo. La estrategia comunicativa del autor ha consistido en utilizar los mecanismos de este género, del que tradicionalmente se ha servido un sector de la sociedad para reafirmar su visión del mundo, para cuestionar precisamente esta visión del mundo. El resultado es una obra en la que la relación de pareja se muestra desde una óptica radicalmente distinta a la que es habitual en la alta comedia, y en la que los recursos de esta conviven con otros propios del teatro de vanguardia.An analysis of the play Triple salto mortal con pirueta, by dramatist Jesús Campos García, with regard to its connection with high comedy. By comparing the various elements of this piece -scene on stage, time, theatrical structure, etc.- with their equivalent ones in the aforesaid genre, we realize that we are faced with the deconstruction of it. The author´s communication strategy lies in using the mechanisms of the genre, which has traditionally been used by a sector of society to reassert their own view of the world, precisely to question this view of the world. It results in a play where the relationship between partners in a couple is shown from a completely different standpoint to the usual one in high comedy, and where the resources of this genre coexist with other characteristic resources of avant-garde theatre

    La alegorĂ­a en el teatro de JesĂşs Campos: entre el aenigma y la posmodernidad

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    The allegorical dimension is present virtually throughout Jesús Campos’s theater, not only during the late stage of Francoism, but also in that created during the democratic era. Although this characteristic links him to what has been called New Spanish Theater, which has been said to employ allegory as a strategy to deal with censorship and as a reaction to the realism of the preceding generation, this explanation does not suffice to explain either the presence of allegorical elements in the theater of these years, nor in that of Campos in particular. In the case of Campos, after examining the presence of allegorical features in several of his works, we reach the conclusion that their use is closely related to his own vision of the world and idea of artistic creation.La dimensión alegórica está presente en prácticamente todo el teatro de Jesús Campos, no solo en el escrito durante el tardofranquismo sino también en el creado en democracia. Aunque esta característica lo vincula al llamado Nuevo Teatro Español, del que se ha dicho que emplea la alegoría como una estrategia frente a la censura y como reacción frente al realismo de la generación precedente, esta explicación no es suficiente para comprender ni la presencia de las formas alegóricas en el teatro de estos años ni en el de Campos en particular. En el caso de Campos, tras examinar la presencia de rasgos alegóricos en varias de sus obras, llegamos a la conclusión de que su empleo está íntimamente relacionado con su propia visión del mundo y con su idea de la creación artística.The allegorical dimension is present virtually throughout Jesús Campos’s theater, not only during the late stage of Francoism, but also in that created during the democratic era. Although this characteristic links him to what has been called New Spanish Theater, which has been said to employ allegory as a strategy to deal with censorship and as a reaction to the realism of the preceding generation, this explanation does not suffice to explain either the presence of allegorical elements in the theater of these years, nor in that of Campos in particular. In the case of Campos, after examining the presence of allegorical features in several of his works, we reach the conclusion that their use is closely related to his own vision of the world and idea of artistic creation

    “¿Quién escribe mis palabras?”. Entrevista a Juan Mayorga

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    Polymer-stabilized palladium nanoparticles for catalytic membranes: ad hoc polymer fabrication

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    Metal nanoparticles are known as highly effective catalysts although their immobilization on solid supports is frequently required to prevent aggregation and to facilitate the catalyst application, recovery, and reuse. This paper reports the intermatrix synthesis of Pd0 nanoparticles in sulfonated polyethersulfone with Cardo group membranes and their use as nanocomposite catalytic membrane reactors. The synthesized polymer and the corresponding nanocomposite were characterized by spectroscopic and microscopic techniques. The catalytic efficiency of catalytic membranes was evaluated by following the reduction of p-nitrophenol in the presence of NaBH4

    Geology of the Cotiella thrust sheet, southern Pyrenees (Spain)

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    This paper presents a geological map and cross-sections of the Cotiella thrust sheet at 1:25,000 and 1:50,000 scale, respectively. The map covers an area of 225 km2 in the southern Pyrenees. The structure of the studied area is dominated by an upper Santonian - lower Miocene thrust system, which transported a middle Coniacian-lower Santonian extensional basin, the Cotiella Basin, 10 s of kilometres southwards during the Pyrenean orogeny. The map focuses on the internal structure of the Cotiella Basin, its partially inverted extensional faults and its up to 6.5 km of upper Albian - lower Santonian sediments that unconformably overlie Upper Triassic salts. The map and cross-sections, together with outcrop-scale observations, have led us to interpret the rising of passive diapirs in the area. This newly recognized salt tectonic event in the Cotiella Basin is important because of the insights it can provide for the paleogeographic reconstruction of the Upper Cretaceous paleomargin of the northern parts of the Iberian Peninsula
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