15 research outputs found

    Mast cells—fetal mast cells crosstalk with maternal interfaces during pregnancy: Friend or foe?

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    Mast cells (MC) are hematopoietic immune cells that play a major role during allergic reactions in adults by releasing a myriad of vasoactive and inflammatory mediators. MC seed all vascularized tissues and are most prominent in organs with a barrier function such as skin, lungs, and intestines. These secreted molecules cause mild symptoms such as localized itchiness and sneezing to life-threatening symptoms (i.e., anaphylactic shock). Presently, despite the extensive research on Th2-mediated immune responses in allergic diseases in adults, we are still unable to determine the mechanisms of the role of MC in developing pediatric allergic (PA) disorders. In this review, we will summarize the most recent findings on the origin of MC and discuss the underappreciated contribution of MC in the sensitization phase to maternal antibodies during pregnancy in allergic reactions and other diseases such as infectious diseases. Then, we will lay out potential MC-dependent therapeutic strategies to be considered in future investigations to understand the remaining gaps in MC research for a better quality of life for these young patients

    Mast Cell Degranulation Exacerbates Skin Rejection by Enhancing Neutrophil Recruitment

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    Recent evidences indicate an important role of tissue inflammatory responses by innate immune cells in allograft acceptance and survival. Here we investigated the role of mast cells (MC) in an acute male to female skin allograft rejection model using red MC and basophil (RMB) mice enabling conditional MC depletion. Kinetic analysis showed that MCs markedly accelerate skin rejection. They induced an early inflammatory response through degranulation and boosted local synthesis of KC, MIP-2, and TNF. This enhanced early neutrophil infiltration compared to a female-female graft-associated repair response. The uncontrolled neutrophil influx accelerated rejection as antibody-mediated depletion of neutrophils delayed skin rejection. Administration of cromolyn, a MC stabilizer and to a lesser extent ketotifen, a histamine type I receptor antagonist, and absence of MCPT4 chymase also delayed graft rejection. Together our data indicate that mediators contained in secretory granules of MC promote an inflammatory response with enhanced neutrophil infiltration that accelerate graft rejection

    Imagerie intravitale et fonctions immuno-régulatrices des mastocytes dans les réponses immunitaire cutanées

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    La peau est un « avant poste » fascinant du système immunitaire. Elle forme une barrière entre l'environnement extérieur et l’organisme. Elle est aussi le point d'entrée pour les agents pathogènes, contre lesquels le système immunitaire organise des réponses adaptatives. Les acteurs de l'immunité innée de la peau contrôlent l'invasion des pathogènes et perçoivent également des changements environnementaux physiques et chimiques directs. Plusieurs composants du système immunitaire, tels que des cellules dendritiques (DCs), les macrophages (MΦ) et les mastocytes (MCs), participent à l'éradication des pathogènes et à l'initiation des réponses mémoires adaptatives. Ce qui permet une mobilisation rapide des cellules T effectrices ainsi que la sécrétion des anticorps par les cellules B à la suite d’une seconde exposition aux agents pathogènes. Les MCs qui sont des cellules résidentes du derme, jouent un rôle déterminant dans la libération de signaux d’alertes et sont classiquement considérés comme des cellules effectrices de la réaction allergique cutanée liée à l'IgE. Plusieurs observations récentes indiquent que les MCs seraient aussi impliqués dans les processus immunorégulateurs lors de l'initiation des réponses immunitaires adaptatives, dans le maintien de la tolérance périphérique aux composants de la peau et dans la régénération de la peau au cours des processus de cicatrisation. Cependant, les interactions entre les MCs et d'autres cellules immunitaires innées et adaptatives recrutées dans des conditions inflammatoires cutanées n'ont pas été élucidées en détail. Dans ce travail, nous décrivons l'utilisation d'une nouvelle souris possédant des MCs fluorescents (RMB), dans laquelle nous avons marqué les MCs FcεRI+ avec un marqueur fluorescent rouge tomato (TdT) et avec un système d'ablation conditionnelle basé sur l'expression concurrente du récepteur de la toxine diphtérique (DTR). Avec ces souris RMB, nous avons visualisé la dynamique des MCs et nous avons suivi les interactions entre les MCs et les lymphocytes T régulateurs (Tregs) après l'activation des MCs par l'IgE, dans une réaction inflammatoire typique de l'anaphylaxie cutanée passive (PCA). Dans un second volet d’étude, nous avons évalué le rôle des MCs lors d'un modèle expérimental de la greffe de peau de l'oreille, afin de révéler leur influence dans la cinétique de rejet ou prise de greffe du transplant. Nous avons constaté que 1) l'activation et la dégranulation des MCs induites par le pontage du récepteur FcεRI via des IgE couplées à un antigène multivalent sont les seules responsables de la réaction de PCA, et induisent le recrutement de Tregs ayant une grande motilité sur le site de l'inflammation. Nous avons constaté dans ces conditions, que les MCs restent immobiles, et que les Tregs établissent des contacts dynamiques avec les MCs dans le derme. 2) En outre, nous avons mis en place un modèle pour identifier les paramètres moléculaires de l'interaction MC-Treg et avons constaté que le complexe de l'antigène avec l'IgE peut être présenté aux Tregs en association avec les molécules du complexe majeur d'histocompatibilité de classe II, permettant la formation des contacts stables MC-Treg. 3) En utilisant un modèle de transplantation de la peau in vivo, nous avons montré que l'ablation conditionnelle des MCs conduit à une accélération du rejet du greffon dans le cas d'une transplantation en présence d’une disparité d’antigènes d’histocompatibilité mineurs depuis une souris mâle sur une souris femelle. Nous avons également constaté un impact inattendu de l'ablation des MCs dans la greffe de peau en l’absence de disparité antigénique d'une souris femelle sur une souris femelle, conduisant à un rejet rapide. Les MCs semblent donc être essentiels pour la cicatrisation et la régénération tissulaire après greffe. (...)The skin is a fascinating outpost of the immune system. It performs a barrier function between the outside environment and the inner body and is also a port of entry for pathogens against which the immune system mounts adapted responses. The skin innate immune defenses control pathogen invasion and perceive also direct physical and chemical environmental changes. Several component of the immune system such as dendritic cells (DC), macrophages (MΦ) and mast cells (MC) participate in initial pathogen clearance and in initiating adaptive memory responses, allowing rapid mobilization of effector T cells and secretion of B cellderived antibodies after secondary pathogen challenge. MCs residing in the dermis exert a determinant alert function through the liberation of various factors and are classically considered as effector cells in the IgE-mediated cutaneous allergic reaction. As emerging now, MC are also involved in immunoregulatory processes during the initiation of adaptive immune responses, the maintenance of peripheral tolerance to skin components and skin regeneration during wound healing. Yet, the crosstalks between MCs and other innate and adaptive immune cells recruited during cutaneous inflammatory conditions have not been elucidated in detail. Here, we report the use of a novel Mast cell fluorescent reporter mouse (RMB), in which we tagged FcεRI+ MCs, with red fluorescence marker tomato (Tdt) and with a conditional ablation system based on concurrent diphtheria toxin receptor (DTR) expression. Using these RMB mice, we visualized MC dynamics and monitored MC interactions with regulatory T lymphocytes (Tregs) after IgE-mediated activation of MCs, in a typical passive cutaneous anaphylaxis (PCA) inflammatory reaction. Using another setting, we further assessed the role of MC during experimental ear skin grafting to reveal their potential influence in skin grafting and rejection. We found that 1) the activation and degranulation of MCs induced by FcεRI crosslinking by multivalent IgE is solely responsible for the PCA reaction and induces the recruitment of highly motile regulatory T cells (Tregs) to the site of inflammation. In these conditions, we found that MC remain sessile and Tregs establish dynamic contacts with MC in the dermis. 2) Further we set up a model system to reveal the molecular requirement for MC-Treg interaction and found that antigen complexed with IgE were able to be presented to Treg in association with major histocompatibility complex class II molecules allowing the formation of stable MC-Treg contacts. 3) Using in vivo skin transplantation model, we showed that conditional ablation of MCs leads to an acceleration of skin transplant rejection in sex-mismatched model (male skin transplant to female). We also found an unexpected impact of MC conditional ablation in sex-matched skin graft (female skin transplant to female) leading to rapid rejection, implying that MCs are essential for the wound healing reaction and the regeneration of tissue continuity after grafting. The aforementioned results point out to an important immunoregulatory role of MC beyond their classically described activator functions in inflamed tissues. The fact that MC constantly interact with Treg during inflammatory processes suggest that MCs could participate in skin homeostasis by exerting tolerogenic functions. These functions remain to be elucidated at the molecular level as presented in the discussion

    Mast Cell Interaction with Foxp3+ Regulatory T Cells Occur in the Dermis after Initiation of IgE-Mediated Cutaneous Anaphylaxis

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    International audienceMast cells (MCs) are well-known for their role in IgE-mediated cutaneous anaphylactic responses, but their regulatory functions in the skin are still under intense scrutiny. Using a Red MC and Basophil reporter (RMB) mouse allowing red fluorescent detection and diphtheria toxin mediated depletion of MCs, we investigated the interaction of MCs, Foxp3+ regulatory T lymphocytes (Tregs) and Langerhans cells (LCs) during passive cutaneous anaphylaxis (PCA) responses. Using intravital imaging we show that MCs are sessile at homeostasis and during PCA. Breeding RMB mice with Langerin-eGFP mice revealed that dermal MCs do not interact with epidermal-localized LCs, the latter showing constant sprouting of their dendrites at homeostasis and during PCA. When bred with Foxp3-eGFP mice, we found that, although a few Foxp3+ Tregs are present at homeostasis, many Tregs transiently infiltrated the skin during PCA. While their velocity during PCA was not altered, Tregs increased the duration of their contact time with MCs compared to PCA-control mice. Antibody-mediated depletion of Tregs had no effect on the intensity of PCA. Hence, the observed increase in Treg numbers and contact time with MCs, regardless of an effect on the intensity of PCA responses, suggests an anti-inflammatory role dedicated to prevent further MC activation


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    Las enfermedades alérgicas, que afectan del 10 al 30% de la población mundial, tienen un alto grado de heredabilidad contribuido por una combinación de factores parentales. Además de la genética, tales factores parentales incluyen la cantidad de inmunoglobulina E materna (IgE), el tipo de anticuerpo que se une a los alérgenos, que se correlaciona directamente con el riesgo de alergia en la descendencia En un estudio reciente, profundizan en la relación de la IgE materna y los mastocitos fetales en ratones y humanos, demostrando que la IgE atraviesa la placenta y se une a los mastocitos fetales, y relacionan esto con el desarrollo posterior de respuestas alérgicas en la descendencia. Los mastocitos residen en varios tejidos cerca de las interfaces de mucosas, vasos sanguíneos y nervios fibras. Sirven como protectores celulares, detectando una variedad de sustancias químicas, patógenos y desencadenantes biofísicos, y posteriormente liberan moléculas pleiotrópicas que contribuyen a diversas respuestas que van desde la inmunidad protectora hasta la exacerbación de la inflamación

    Epidermal gamma delta T cells originate from yolk sac hematopoiesis and clonally self-renew in the adult

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    The murine epidermis harbors two immune cell lineages, Langerhans cells (LCs) and gamma delta T cells known as dendritic epidermal T cells (DETCs). LCs develop from both early yolk sac (YS) progenitors and fetal liver monocytes before locally self-renewing in the adult. For DETCs, the mechanisms of homeostatic maintenance and their hematopoietic origin are largely unknown. Here, we exploited multicolor fate mapping systems to reveal that DETCs slowly turn over at steady state. Like for LCs, homeostatic maintenance of DETCs is achieved by clonal expansion of tissue-resident cells assembled in proliferative units. The same mechanism, albeit accelerated, facilitates DETC replenishment upon injury. Hematopoietic lineage tracing uncovered that DETCs are established independently of definitive hematopoietic stem cells and instead originate from YS hematopoiesis, again reminiscent of LCs. DETCs thus resemble LCs concerning their maintenance, replenishment mechanisms, and hematopoietic development, suggesting that the epidermal microenvironment exerts a lineage-independent influence on the initial seeding and homeostatic maintenance of its resident immune cells

    Hemogenic Endothelial Fate Mapping Reveals Dual Developmental Origin of Mast Cells

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    International audienceHematopoiesis occurs in distinct waves. “Definitive” hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) with the potential for all blood lineages emerge in the aorta-gonado-mesonephros, while “primitive” progenitors, whose potential is thought to be limited to erythrocytes, megakaryocytes, and macrophages, arise earlier in the yolk sac (YS). Here, we questioned whether other YS lineages exist that have not been identified, partially owing to limitations of current lineage tracing models. We established the use of Cdh5-CreERT2 for hematopoietic fate mapping, which revealed the YS origin of mast cells (MCs). YS-derived MCs were replaced by definitive MCs, which maintained themselves independently from the bone marrow in the adult. Replacement occurred with tissue-specific kinetics. MCs in the embryonic skin, but not other organs, remained largely YS derived prenatally and were phenotypically and transcriptomically distinct from definite adult MCs. We conclude that within myeloid lineages, dual hematopoietic origin is shared between macrophages and MCs

    Mast Cell Degranulation Exacerbates Skin Rejection by Enhancing Neutrophil Recruitment

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    Recent evidences indicate an important role of tissue inflammatory responses by innate immune cells in allograft acceptance and survival. Here we investigated the role of mast cells (MC) in an acute male to female skin allograft rejection model using red MC and basophil (RMB) mice enabling conditional MC depletion. Kinetic analysis showed that MCs markedly accelerate skin rejection. They induced an early inflammatory response through degranulation and boosted local synthesis of KC, MIP-2, and TNF. This enhanced early neutrophil infiltration compared to a female-female graft-associated repair response. The uncontrolled neutrophil influx accelerated rejection as antibody-mediated depletion of neutrophils delayed skin rejection. Administration of cromolyn, a MC stabilizer and to a lesser extent ketotifen, a histamine type I receptor antagonist, and absence of MCPT4 chymase also delayed graft rejection. Together our data indicate that mediators contained in secretory granules of MC promote an inflammatory response with enhanced neutrophil infiltration that accelerate graft rejection