526 research outputs found

    Processing of Web Advertisements in Ruby on Rails

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    Cílem bakalářské práce bylo vytvořit aplikaci, která agreguje pracovní inzeráty z inzertních serverů na internetu. V určitých časových intervalech stahuje inzeráty, zpracovává je a ukládá do databáze. Následně tyto inzeráty jsou připraveny k zobrazení uživateli přes webové rozhraní. Aplikace je implementována pomocí frameworku Ruby on Rails.The goal of this thesis was to create an application that aggregates job ads from the ad servers on the Internet. In certain time intervals adverts are downloaded , then processed and stored in a database. Subsequently, these ads are ready to display through a web interface. The application is implemented using Ruby on Rails framework.

    Categories and activities in the area of inclusion of people with disabilities found within commune strategies – selected examples based on the communes of the counties of Żywiec and Cieszyn districts

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    The issue of strategies of activities aimed at people with disabilities living in the relevant communes is a topic rarely undertaken in discourse of special pedagogy. These issues are found among the other activities that local government entities are contemporary obligated to implement, and span solutions and activities in the area of inclusion for people with disabilities. It is hence important to know and overcome problems and barriers that hinder or block the right functioning of people with disabilities. Some of solutions and activities are contained in the two types of communal strategic documents, these are: Commune Development Strategies and Strategies for solving social problems. The article consists of three parts. The first covers the characteristics of communal strategies and social policy towards people with disabilities. The second part presents the assumptions and results of research based on a qualitative analysis of strategic documents of 27 communes (about 3900 pages of documents) in terms of categories and activities regarding the inclusion of people with disabilities. The whole is summarised in the final conclusions. The aim of the study is preliminary recognition of exemplary activities found in the strategies of communes from the counties of Żywiec and Cieszyn. Text notes the “good practices” and noteworthy solutions for inclusion applied by local government entities with respect to people with disabilities

    Main Text Extraction from Web Documents

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    Tato práce se zabývá extrakcí hlavního textu z webových dokumentů ve formátu HTML. Jsou zde popsány již použité metody a jejich rozdělení. Praktická část se pak zabývá návrhem algoritmu pro detekci hlavního textu v HTML stránkách založeném na analýze především textových rysů stránky v kombinaci s vlastnostmi založených na pozici v dokumentu. Výsledná klasifikace je řešena pomocí vícevrstvé perceptonové sítě. Je zde rovněž popsána implementace navrhnutého algoritmu, postup při testování a prezentace zjištěných výsledků.This thesis deals with the main text extraction from the web documents in HTML format. It describes some methods that are already used and their separation. The goal of the practical part is to propose an algorithm for main text detection in HTML pages using primarily text features in combination with position features. Block classification is solved by multilayer perceptron. It also describes implementation of the proposed algorithm, the testing procedure and presentation of the obtained results.

    The Activities of Local Government Municipal Units in Shaping Inclusive Education in Poland

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    The mechanisms of financing are key in reducing educational differences. Therefore, the provision of financing for systemic solutions and structures that facilitate the development of inclusive education is one of the key factors influencing the creation of this education model and its practical implementation. Among the organs responsible for organizing and implementing inclusive education in Poland are units of local government, which by implementing the local policy are obliged to take into account solutions that promote inclusion both in broadly understood social and educational activities. The objective of this study is to present research results pertaining to the role of local government units in shaping inclusive education and in promoting the idea of inclusion, as well as the preliminary identification of good practice in this field. The research was conducted using the focus interview method. The focus groups consisted of selected representatives the faculties/departments of education of municipal local government units which were diverse in terms of structure. It can be seen that the activities of local government units are important in terms of creating inclusive education and that they constitute the basis for the dissemination of good practice. A significant role is also assigned to the documents they create, such as municipal strategies and education financing plans.The mechanisms of financing are key in reducing educational differences. Therefore, the provision of financing for systemic solutions and structures that facilitate the development of inclusive education is one of the key factors influencing the creation of this education model and its practical implementation. Among the organs responsible for organizing and implementing inclusive education in Poland are units of local government, which by implementing the local policy are obliged to take into account solutions that promote inclusion both in broadly understood social and educational activities. The objective of this study is to present research results pertaining to the role of local government units in shaping inclusive education and in promoting the idea of inclusion, as well as the preliminary identification of good practice in this field. The research was conducted using the focus interview method. The focus groups consisted of selected representatives the faculties/departments of education of municipal local government units which were diverse in terms of structure. It can be seen that the activities of local government units are important in terms of creating inclusive education and that they constitute the basis for the dissemination of good practice. A significant role is also assigned to the documents they create, such as municipal strategies and education financing plans

    Circularly polarized microwaves for magnetic resonance study in the GHz range: application to nitrogen-vacancy in diamonds

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    The ability to create time-dependent magnetic fields of controlled polarization is essential for many experiments with magnetic resonance. We describe a microstrip circuit that allows us to generate strong magnetic field at microwave frequencies with arbitrary adjusted polarization. The circuit performance is demonstrated by applying it to an optically detected magnetic resonance and Rabi nutation experiments in nitrogen-vacancy color centers in diamond. Thanks to high efficiency of the proposed microstrip circuit and degree of circular polarization of 85% it is possible to address the specific spin states of a diamond sample using a low power microwave generator.Comment: 4 pages, 7 figures, nitrogen-vacancy, microwave circular polarization, spin-state addressin

    Outcome prediction by the 2022 European LeukemiaNet genetic-risk classification for adults with acute myeloid leukemia: An Alliance study

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    Recently, the European LeukemiaNet (ELN) revised its genetic-risk classification of acute myeloid leukemia (AML). We categorized 1637 adults with AML treated with cytarabine/anthracycline regimens according to the 2022 and 2017 ELN classifications. Compared with the 2017 ELN classification, 2022 favorable group decreased from 40% to 35% and adverse group increased from 37% to 41% of patients. The 2022 genetic-risk groups seemed to accurately reflect treatment outcomes in all patients and patients aged \u3c60 years, but in patients aged ≥60 years, relapse rates, disease-free (DFS) and overall (OS) survival were not significantly different between intermediate and adverse groups. In younger African-American patients, DFS and OS did not differ between intermediate-risk and adverse-risk patients nor did DFS between favorable and intermediate groups. In Hispanic patients, DFS and OS did not differ between favorable and intermediate groups. Outcome prediction abilities of 2022 and 2017 ELN classifications were similar. Among favorable-risk patients, myelodysplasia-related mutations did not affect patients with CEBP

    Innowacje frazeologiczne i defrazeologizacja w rosyjskich aforyzmach z motywem biblijnym

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    The following article is an attempt at a description of modifications of the phraseologisms of Biblical provenance used in Russian aphorisms. The foundation for the analysis was the clas-sification of phraseological innovations proposed by Stanisław Bąba

    Obce elementy językowe w południowośląskiej toponimii i mikrotoponimii

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    Specyfika obecności obcych elementów językowych w systemie nazewniczym południowego Śląska nakazuje rozpatrywać owe elementy na tle dwustronnych uzależnień od stosunków historyczno-osadniczych oraz historyczno-politycznych, determinujących sytuację językową tego pogranicznego obszaru. Nie zajmując tu miejsca szczegółową charakterystyką tych stosunków, przedstawioną w innych, opublikowanych już opracowaniach, trzeba wspomnieć, iż niemały wpływ na charakter międzyjęzykowych stosunków polsko-niemieckich i polsko-czeskich w obrębie nazewnictwa wywarły - oprócz bezpośrednich kontaktów różnych etnicznie grup społecznych - obowiązujące w instytucjach i kancelariach śląskich obce języki urzędowe: czeski i niemiecki. Uwzględnienie tego faktu jest metodologiczną koniecznością w analizie i interpretacji źródłowych poświadczeń toponimicznych. mieszających żywe nazwy obiegowe z tworami kancelaryjnymi (Fragment tekstu)

    Życie chrześcijańskie w świetle celów i metod odpowiedzialnego wychowania

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    The paper attempt to discuss the goals and methods that should characterize the Christian and responsible upbringing. The main educational task is to help the pupil to discover, understand and respect values related to certain aspects of his life. Responsible education is a holistic look at the whole person, who should learn to not only think, but also to love and work. Positive motivation, language, communication and educational content, referring to the experience and aspirations of pupils, exposing threats, which is a graduate, capturing the illusion of „easy happiness” are just some of them. All this allows us to appreciate the value and dignity of the human person who, for unknown reasons, tend to decline throughout the educational process.Podstawowym wychowawczym zadaniem jest takie pomaganie wychowankowi, by w swoim postępowaniu odkrył, zrozumiał i respektował te wartości, które odnosić się będą do poszczególnych sfer jego życia. Uczyć człowieka myśleć, kochać i pracować oznacza nie tylko formować jego określoną sylwetkę i osobowość, ale także urzeczywistniać model społecznego funkcjonowania. Kompetentny wychowawca musi więc w taki sposób oddziaływać na wychowanka, by miał on możliwość i szansę odnalezienia coraz to nowszych wartości i kształtowania w sobie coraz to bogatszego człowieczeństwa. Odpowiedzialny wychowawca powinien wskazywać wychowankom optymalną drogę życia i być świadomy, że wyznaczone cele można osiągnąć za pomocą różnych metod. Motywacja pozytywna, język przekazu treści wychowawczych (odwołujący się do doświadczenia i aspiracji podopiecznych), demaskowanie zagrożeń, którym ulega wychowanek, wyłapywanie iluzji „łatwego szczęścia” to tylko niektóre z nich. Wszystko to pozwala docenić wartość życia i godność osoby ludzkiej, które z niewiadomych powodów zdają się zanikać w całym procesie wychowawczym