76 research outputs found

    Nomadyczność wieloznaczna, wieloznaczność nomadyczna, czyli o wzorach osobowości Zygmunta Baumana

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    In this article, author deals the subject of Zygmunt Bauman’s four patterns of personality as an attribute of postmodern people. This analysis aims to check if the shared qualities of the personality models might have emerged in the past. A certain type of individuals, which is resulting from Bauman’s patterns, needs a reference to the conception of societies that are provided by the research of Guy Debord, Michel Foucault and Michel de Certeau. This comparison makes it possible to verify the validity of the patterns, as well as answer the question, if they are a diagnosis of the culture, or rather a speculation, that is out of touch with reality

    Some Remarks on the Nineteenth Century Studies of the Euthyphro in Poland

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    The present paper examined how Polish philosophers, historians and classicists understood and interpreted Plato’s Euthyphro in the 19th century. The article provides evidence for a twofold interest that Polish readers had for the dialogue in this period. Firstly, Catholic think­ers focused on the ethical issues of the dialogue and supported the reviv­al of the Scholasticism, confirming, at the same time, the vitality of Plato’s thought. Secondly, the text of Plato’s opusculum was a conveni­ent didactic material for various teachers of the Greek language: while the Euthyphro gave them the opportunity to raise ethical and logical issues, they also taught philosophy on the basis of this dialogue

    Badacze Platona i ich badania w zbiorze korespondencji Lewisa Campbella (1830–1908)

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    The paper presents Lewis Campbell (1830–1908), his research on Plato, and the collection of letters sent to this Scottish scholar by: James Martineau (1805–1900), William Hepworth Thompson (1810–1886), Paul Shorey (1857–1934), Wincenty Lutosławski (1863–1954), Eduard Gottlob Zeller (1814–1908), Franz Susemihl (1826–1901), and Theodor Gomperz (1832–1912). This collection supplements the knowledge of the research on Plato’s dialogues at the turn of the 20th century, since Plato scholars in their letters touched on the issues relating to the methods and results of the research on the chronology of Plato’s dialogues. They made judgements concerning the works of other academics, they sent to each other their own publications, and reported on the progress of their studies. They also did not shy away from making personal remarks and communicating personal reflections.Artykuł prezentuje postać Lewisa Campbella (1830–1908) i jego badania nad Platonem, a także korespondencję do tego szkockiego uczonego, której nadawcami byli: James Martineau (1805–1900), William Hepworth Thompson (1810–1886), Paul Shorey (1857–1934), Wincenty Lutosławski (1863–1954), Eduard Gottlob Zeller (1814–1908), Franz Susemihl (1826–1901), Theodor Gomperz (1832–1912). Korespondencja ta stanowi uzupełnienie wiedzy o badaniach nad dialogami Platona na przełomie XIX i XX w. Badacze Platona poruszali w niej bowiem problemy związane z metodami i wynikami badań nad chronologią dialogów Platona, wypowiadali oceny dotyczące publikacji innych autorów, przesyłali sobie własne prace i relacjonowali postępy badań. Nie unikali także uwag personalnych i refleksji osobistych

    How to Be an Unsuccessful Ancient Philosophy Scholar in Uneasy Times: The Case of S. Lisiecki (1872–1960)

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    The paper provides a brief outline of the biography and works of Stanisław Lisiecki (1872–1960), a little-known Polish classics scholar, who is remembered only, if at all, as a translator of Plato’s Republic. In his early fifties, having given up his career as a Catholic priest, he started working in the field of classics and managed to publish several minor works on Plato in Polish and Latin. His decision to abandon the clergy was not welcomed by many members of the Polish academia and most of his translations of Plato and Aristotle remained unpublished. His renderings of Plato could not compete with the highly accessible translations made by W. Witwicki, which were becoming increasingly popular at that time. Furthermore, Lisiecki’s translations of Aristotle, despite the pioneering nature of his undertaking, met with strong criticism at various university seminars

    Equivalent thermal diffusivity of natural and recycled aggregate concrete at temperature up to 350 ⁰C

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    The paper presents the evolution of equivalent thermal diffusivity with temperature of concretes with natural coarse aggregates and recycled concrete aggregates. Thermal diffusivity was evaluated based on the temperature measurements made on cylindrical samples using so-called "inverse technique". Thermal diffusivity parameter was estimated for concretes manufactured with different replacement ratios of natural by recycled coarse aggregate (0, 50 and 100 %) produced by crushing the worn-out concrete pavement that was dismounted after exploitation period. The diffusivity of concrete was tested up to 350 ◦C. The progressive decrease of thermal diffusivity was observed, and the lowest D values were obtained for higher recycled concrete aggregates content. The results were presented against the background of other authors results and referred to the D values proposed in EUROCODE 2

    Opis przypadku mi´saka prà˝kowanokomórkowego pleomorficznego trzonu macicy

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    Abstract Pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcoma of the uterus is a rare malignant tumor. It is connected with postmenopausal abnormal vaginal bleeding and abdominal pain. We report a case of a 66-year-old postmenopausal woman diagnosed with abnormal vaginal bleeding and abdominal pain. Vaginal ultrasonography showed enlarged uterus, 82mm x 64mm in size. The patient underwent total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy with postoperative chemotherapy due to pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcoma of the uterus. The patient died 2,5 years after the surgery as a result of a rapid spread of the neoplastic process. The case of rhabdomyosarcoma, together with the review of the literature, is presented in the following work. We find that the rarity of this histological entity makes it particularly worthy of publication.Mięsak pleomorficzny, prążkowanokomórkowy jest rzadkim nienabłonkowym nowotworem złośliwym mięśnia macicy, występującym u pomenopauzalnych pacjentek, które zgłaszają w wywiadzie nieprawidłowe krwawienia maciczne i dolegliwości bólowe podbrzusza. W opisywanej sytuacji klinicznej 66 letnia wieloródka była hospitalizowana z powodu nieprawidłowego krwawienia z dróg rodnych oraz bólu podbrzusza. W badaniu USG uwidoczniono powiększony trzon macicy o wymiarach 82x64 mm. Przeprowadzono zabieg usunięcia macicy z przydatkami w sposób typowy. W badaniu histopatologicznym, potwierdzonym immunohistochemiczne, stwierdzono postać pleomorficzną mięsaka trzonu macicy. Po operacji pacjentka przeszła chemioterapię. Z powodu przerzutów pacjentka zmarła po około 2,5 roku od leczenia chirurgicznego. Z powodu bardzo rzadkiego występowania postaci pleomorficznej mięsaka prążkowanokomórkowego macicy, ten opis przypadku, łącznie z przeglądem literatury, wart jest opublikowania