1,470 research outputs found

    La construcción del conocimiento en el proceso de aprender a ser profesor: la visión de los protagonistas.

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    El presente estudio analiza cómo los estudiantes del Grado de Maestro en Educación Primaria de la Universidad de Barcelona construyen, a lo largo de su formación inicial, los conocimientos que después les permitirán ejercer su profesión. El trabajo se articula metodológicamente como un estudio de casos múltiple y utiliza diversidad de estrategias de recogida de información (relatos, grupos de discusión y entrevistas) para dar cabida a los diversos protagonistas de la formación inicial de maestros (estudiantes, profesorado universitario y tutores de centros de prácticas). Después de un exhaustivo proceso de análisis de datos basado en comparaciones constantes con una codificación abierta, axial y selectiva, el estudio muestra la importancia de la variedad de perspectivas y experiencias aportada por un profesorado que, a su vez, se convierte en uno de los elementos nucleares de la formación: la manera como éste se aproxima, vive y transmite el conocimiento determinará el modo como el alumnado se motiva, se interesa, se aproxima y lo adquiere. Así mismo, el aprendizaje aparece desde una vertiente multidimensional y dinámica que va realimentando las entrelazadas esferas ideológica/filosófica, didáctica, científica y competencial

    Financial performance of socially responsible companies

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    El objeto del presente trabajo es analizar determinadas variables de naturaleza financiera en las empresas consideradas socialmente responsables, las que forman parte del índice de sostenibilidad español FTSE4Good IBEX, y determinar si existen diferencias significativas en su comportamiento respecto a las del resto de índices de la familia IBEX. Los resultados muestran que las acciones de las empresas socialmente responsables obtienen una rentabilidad superior para el mismo nivel de riesgo sistemático y que su sensibilidad ante los cambios en el mercado es mayor.This paper analyses financial performance of companies considered as highly socially responsible. For this purpose, companies that compose the Spanish sustainability index FTSE4Good IBEX (as well as other IBEX indices) are examined. Two basic results can be highlighted: first, stocks of companies that are socially responsible earn returns on excess over systematic risk, making them investment-attractive. Second, they have a higher systematic risk

    Periodontal disease affecting tooth furcations. A review of the treatments available

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    The molars are the teeth that suffer the greatest periodontal destruction in untreated patients. When periodontal disease affects the furcation of a tooth, the chance that it will be lost increases considerably. An increase in the exposed root surface, anatomical peculiarities and irregularities of the furcation surface all favor the growth of bacteria. These problems make it harder for the patient to maintain hygiene, and impede adequate treatment. The treatment of furcations affected by periodontal disease is one of the most difficult problems for the general dentist and periodontist. The motivation of both the attending professional and of the patient are therefore of great importance. No ideal procedure for treating such lesions exists. The present paper reviews those options that are currently available. Long-term research will be needed, along with the development of new techniques, to solve the problem of furcations affected by periodontal disease, possibly including substitution of the affected tooth by an implant

    Case-control study of craniomandibular disorders in patients with fibromyalgia

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    Background: Fibromyalgia is a clinical syndrome characterized by chronic widespread pain, which is non-articular and is predominantly experienced in the muscles and vertebral column, and by extensive heightened sensitivity to local pressure at many specific points The purpose of this study was to measure differences in the level of painful symptoms and in the movements of the mandible in a group of patients who had been diagnosed as suffering from fibromyalgia, in comparison with a control group. The anxiety and subjective pain levels and their relation with mandibular mobility were also compared. Materials and Methods: A case-control study was designed. The temporomandibular joints and masticatory muscles of the cases (n=20) and controls (n=18) were examined, anxiety was assessed by the STAI index and subjective pain was measured on a visual analogue scale. The data analysis was carried out with SPSS v.19.0 software. The descriptive data were expressed as means and proportions at a 95% confidence interval. The proportions were compared with the chi-square test and the means with the Mann-Whitney U test. Pearson’s correlation coefficient was used to measure the association between quantitative variables. Results: The fibromyalgia patients (the case group) presented a higher level of pain following the musculoskeletal examination and significantly greater symptoms at the examination points. Regarding joint mobility, significant differences in mandibular opening were found (cases 43.4 mm vs controls 47.2 mm, p = 0.042). The mean pain score of the cases was significantly higher than that of the controls (4.03 vs 1.8, p = 0.001) but no significant differences were found in the anxiety index (23.8 vs 23.4). Conclusions: patients with fibromyalgia are affected to a greater extent by craniomandibular disorders, with lower mouth opening and higher pain levels than healthy persons. However, the anxiety levels of the two groups are similar

    Financial performance of socially responsible firms: the short- and long-term impact

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    The pressure of society for firms to adopt socially responsible behavior is evident. Yet, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) needs an economic justification. In response to this, there exists a comprehensive literature that analyzes the possible relation between social and business financial performance. During the last decade, the literature has been heading toward the carrying out of dynamic studies as researches find that the relationship between social and financial performance is not static. The purpose of this work is to analyze the relevance for the financial performance of Spanish listed firms of maintaining their responsible behavior. To do so, we carry out a comparison between two analyses—one cross-sectional, and the other longitudinal—to be able to conclude whether or not adopting responsible criteria makes a difference in business financial performance in the short and long-term. Some of the results obtained in the cross-sectional study are consolidated in the long-term study. In this sense, responsible firms exhibit a higher systematic risk and have greater size. As a conclusion, be responsible does not mean less stock profitability or a lower business result. It certainly contributes to firms continuing to voluntarily incorporate good corporate social responsibility practices into their business models. What is more, these results support the governmental policies and initiatives that bolster corporate social responsibility

    The cargo protein MAP17 (PDZK1IP1) regulates the cancer stem cell pool activating the Notch pathway by abducting NUMB

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    Purpose: Cancer stem cells (CSC) are self-renewing tumor cells, with the ability to generate diverse differentiated tumor cell subpopulations. They differ from normal stem cells in the deregulation of the mechanisms that normally control stem cell physiology. CSCs are the origin of metastasis and highly resistant to therapy. Therefore, the understanding of the CSC origin and deregulated pathways is important for tumor control. Experimental Design: We have included experiments in vitro, in cell lines and tumors of different origins. We have used patient-derived xenografts (PDX) and public transcriptomic databases of human tumors. Results: MAP17 (PDZKIP1), a small cargo protein overexpressed in tumors, interacts with NUMB through the PDZ-binding domain activating the Notch pathway, leading to an increase in stem cell factors and cancer-initiating–like cells. Identical behavior was mimicked by inhibiting NUMB. Conversely, MAP17 downregulation in a tumor cell line constitutively expressing this gene led to Notch pathway inactivation and a marked reduction of stemness. In PDX models, MAP17 levels directly correlated with tumorsphere formation capability. Finally, in human colon, breast, or lung there is a strong correlation of MAP17 expression with a signature of Notch and stem cell genes. Conclusions: MAP17 overexpression activates Notch pathway by sequestering NUMB. High levels of MAP17 correlated with tumorsphere formation and Notch and Stem gene transcription. Its direct modification causes direct alteration of tumorsphere number and Notch and Stem pathway transcription. This defines a new mechanism of Notch pathway activation and Stem cell pool increase that may be active in a large percentage of tumors.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad PI15/00045, CTS-1848Junta de Andalucía PI-00-96-2014, PI-0306-201

    El podcast como herramienta de trabajo para los estudios por internet (e-learning)

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    El anglicismo e-learning, nos sitúa en una educación a distancia, “virtual”, utilizando las nuevas redes de comunicación y sus posibilidades. No es un fenómeno nuevo, pues esta distancialidad ya era empleada por la UNED, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, pues siguiendo los criterios de la Open University, y especialmente en la década de los 80, se servía de la emisora joven de Radio Nacional de España, Radio 3, para que los estudiantes siguieran las clases y pudieran establecer la “interactividad”. Las transformaciones tecnológicas han posibilitado el aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida. Estos avances en el ámbito de la ciencia educativa y la globalización no solo están sirviendo a la educación, también en la esfera empresarial. Estudiantes y profesores tienen ahora nuevas experiencias comunicativas, flexibles y continuas, sin las limitaciones espacios temporales de las tradicionales enseñanzas regladas. El podcast es una de ellas, con la exportación de contenidos que pueden ser utilizados a conveniencia, en la organización más personal del tiempo de trabajo y estudio

    Aptitud física, morfología y prácticas físico-deportivas de los adolescentes españoles

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Formación de Profesorado y Educación, Departamento de Educación Física, Deporte y Motricidad Humana. Fecha de lectura : 26 de febrero de 200

    El nuevo movimiento global de mujeres como agente de cambio en la dinámica de las relaciones internacionales

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    This work focuses highlight the role that developed by the global women's movement listed as part of what is known as the emergence of new social movements in promoting a change in international politics. So briefly traces the evolution of the movement to emphasize different feminist currents on international relations to focus on the work and debate leading women's groups in the integration of women's issues and international politics. Stress its activities in the World Conferences on Women in the UN. Thus, the emphasis is on analyzing factors that show the importance of new approaches and actors who have come to transform traditional visions of the study of international relations.El presente trabajo se enfoca destacar el papel que ha desarrollado el movimiento global de mujeres catalogado como parte de lo que se conoce como la irrupción de los nuevos movimientos sociales en la promoción de un cambio en la política internacional. De forma que recorre brevemente la evolución del movimiento al subrayar las distintas corrientes feministas sobre las relaciones internacionales hasta centrarse en la labor y el debate que conducen los grupos de mujeres en la integración de los temas sobre la mujer y la política internacional, destacando sus actividades en las Conferencias Mundiales sobre la Mujer en la ONU. Así pues, hace énfasis en analizar los factores que muestran la importancia de nuevos enfoques y actores que han terminado por transformar las visiones tradicionales del estudio de las relaciones internacionales

    Use of information and communication technologies in Physical Education: Need for initial teacher training

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    En la actual sociedad de la información y el conocimiento es esencial que las distintas materias educativas se adapten a la utilización de los nuevos recursos digitales. En el ámbito de la Educación Física están surgiendo multitud de recursos digitales útiles para el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje, pero todos los hallazgos muestran que la formación de los docentes en dicho ámbito es insuficiente. En el presente estudio se ha seleccionado una muestra de futuros docentes de Educación Física en formación, con el objetivo de aplicar un cuestionario sobre el conocimiento y la importancia que otorgan a distintos recursos digitales para su utilización en la enseñanza de la Educación Física en las distintas etapas educativas. A través de los resultados se observa que los estudiantes de la muestra valoran en especial la importancia de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) en la enseñanza de Educación Física, pero afirman tener pocas competencias en su uso y las que tienen han sido adquiridas mediante autoformación. Es importante que las enseñanzas en los estudios de profesorado se enfoquen en base a las características de la nueva sociedad, por lo que habrá que llevar a cabo un gran avance por incluir en la formación inicial del profesorado competencias tecnológicasIn the current information and knowledge society it is essential that the different educational subjects are adapted to the use of new digital resources. In the field of Physical Education, a multitude of useful digital resources are emerging for the teaching and learning process, but all the breakthroughs show that teachers are not trained in their proper use. In the present study, a sample of future teachers in training has been selected to apply a questionnaire on knowledge and the importance they give to different digital resources for the teaching of Physical Education in the different educational stages. Through the results, it is observed that the students of the sample value in particular the importance of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the teaching of Physical Education, but they claim to have few competencies in their use and those that have been acquired through self-training. It is important that the teachings in the faculty studies are focused on the characteristics of the new society, so it will be necessary to make a great advance to include in the initial teacher training technological competence