124 research outputs found

    On reminder effects, drop-outs and dominance: evidence from an online experiment on charitable giving

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    We present the results of an experiment that (a) shows the usefulness of screening out drop-outs and (b) tests whether different methods of payment and reminder intervals affect charitable giving. Following a lab session, participants could make online donations to charity for a total duration of three months. Our procedure justifying the exclusion of drop-outs consists in requiring participants to collect payments in person flexibly and as known in advance and as highlighted to them later. Our interpretation is that participants who failed to collect their positive payments under these circumstances are likely not to satisfy dominance. If we restrict the sample to subjects who did not drop out, but not otherwise, reminders significantly increase the overall amount of charitable giving. We also find that weekly reminders are no more effective than monthly reminders in increasing charitable giving, and that, in our three months duration experiment, standing orders do not increase giving relative to one-off donations

    Decision making and risk management in adventure sports coaching

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    Adventure sport coaches practice in environments that are dynamic and high in risk, both perceived and actual. The inherent risks associated with these activities, individuals’ responses and the optimal exploitation of both combine to make the processes of risk management more complex and hazardous than the traditional sports where risk management is focused almost exclusively on minimization. Pivotal to this process is the adventure sports coaches’ ability to make effective judgments regarding levels of risk, potential benefits and possible consequences. The exact nature of this decision making process should form the basis of coaching practice and coach education in this complex and dynamic field. This positional paper examines decision making by the adventure sports coach in these complex, challenging environments and seeks to stimulate debate whilst offering a basis for future research into this topic

    Agency, stewardship and the universal-family firm : a qualitative historical analysis

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    This paper introduces the idea of a non-kinship-based Universal-family firm, an organizational form we developed based on interpreting historical writings in their socio-economic context. We analyzed Luke’s gospel with an eye toward drawing implications for the stewardship-agency debate in the contemporary family business literature. Our paper makes contributions at two important levels. In addition to introducing and developing theory about the Universal-family firms, we also contribute to the methodological toolkit of family business scholars by providing a template for using historical documents to challenge, enhance and develop theory

    Sticky stories from the classroom: from reflection to diffraction in early childhood teacher education

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    This article aims to challenge the prominence of reflexivity as a strategy for early childhood teachers to adopt by taking Norwegian early childhood teacher education as its focus. Observed micro-moments from a university classroom generate multilayered, multi-sensorial entangled narratives that address what reflection and diffraction are and what they do – where students, the educator, materiality, space and affects intra-act. Furthermore, the article explores the ways in which teacher educators and students in early childhood teacher education become-with the classroom and materiality, and, in doing so, ideas about professionalism in early childhood education are opened out. By identifying the limitations of reflection, the authors go on to explore what working with diffraction might offer to reach alternative understandings. By placing a focus on seemingly unremarkable and routine events in the life of an early childhood teacher education classroom, the authors offer other, potentially more generative ways to think about student teachers and their further professional practice in kindergartens

    The kinetics of lactate production and removal during whole-body exercise

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Based on a literature review, the current study aimed to construct mathematical models of lactate production and removal in both muscles and blood during steady state and at varying intensities during whole-body exercise. In order to experimentally test the models in dynamic situations, a cross-country skier performed laboratory tests while treadmill roller skiing, from where work rate, aerobic power and blood lactate concentration were measured. A two-compartment simulation model for blood lactate production and removal was constructed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The simulated and experimental data differed less than 0.5 mmol/L both during steady state and varying sub-maximal intensities. However, the simulation model for lactate removal after high exercise intensities seems to require further examination.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Overall, the simulation models of lactate production and removal provide useful insight into the parameters that affect blood lactate response, and specifically how blood lactate concentration during practical training and testing in dynamical situations should be interpreted.</p

    Maximal aerobic and anaerobic power generation in large crocodiles versus mammals: implications for dinosaur gigantothermy

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    Inertial homeothermy, the maintenance of a relatively constant body temperature that occurs simply because of large size, is often applied to large dinosaurs. Moreover, biophysical modelling and actual measurements show that large crocodiles can behaviourally achieve body temperatures above 30°C. Therefore it is possible that some dinosaurs could achieve high and stable body temperatures without the high energy cost of typical endotherms. However it is not known whether an ectothermic dinosaur could produce the equivalent amount of muscular power as an endothermic one. To address this question, this study analyses maximal power output from measured aerobic and anaerobic metabolism in burst exercising estuarine crocodiles, Crocodylus porosus, weighing up to 200 kg. These results are compared with similar data from endothermic mammals. A 1 kg crocodile at 30°C produces about 16 watts from aerobic and anaerobic energy sources during the first 10% of exhaustive activity, which is 57% of that expected for a similarly sized mammal. A 200 kg crocodile produces about 400 watts, or only 14% of that for a mammal. Phosphocreatine is a minor energy source, used only in the first seconds of exercise and of similar concentrations in reptiles and mammals. Ectothermic crocodiles lack not only the absolute power for exercise, but also the endurance, that are evident in endothermic mammals. Despite the ability to achieve high and fairly constant body temperatures, therefore, large, ectothermic, crocodile-like dinosaurs would have been competitively inferior to endothermic, mammal-like dinosaurs with high aerobic power. Endothermy in dinosaurs is likely to explain their dominance over mammals in terrestrial ecosystems throughout the Mesozoic.Roger S. Seymou

    Fylkeskommunenes rolle som regional utviklingsaktør og partnerskapenes funksjon i den sammenheng

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    Rammene rundt fylkeskommunene er for tiden sv&#230;rt usikre. I sin n&#229;v&#230;rende form ble de etablert med virkning fra 1. januar 1976. Etter som tiden har g&#229;tt, har fylkeskommunene f&#229;tt enkelte funksjoner lagt til mens andre er falt vekk. Sykehusene er flyttet til statlige foretak, mens den tidligere bebudede overf&#248;ring av milj&#248;- og landbruksfunksjoner til fylkeskommunene aldri ble realisert. Fylkesplanens autoritet som regionalt koordinerende dokument er ogs&#229; svekket over tid. Til gjengjeld har fylkeskommunene alts&#229; f&#229;tt en noe utvidet utviklerrolle. Det er viktig &#229; betone at mange av informantene som er intervjuet for denne vurderingen gir uttrykk for stor tro p&#229; det arbeidet som gj&#248;res for &#229; fremme den regionale utviklingen, men at de mistror det institusjonelle rammeverket og st&#248;tten rundt oppgavene. Det eksisterer dermed en slags dobbeltbunnet tiln&#230;rming til selve vurderingsoppdraget, der dette p&#229; ett plan ikke forst&#229;s som et reelt bidrag til en avklaring om fylkeskommunenes fremtid, men der vurderingen likevel ses som en genuin anledning til &#229; lufte tanker og synspunkter b&#229;de p&#229; fylkeskommunenes stilling og utviklingsarbeidets art