363 research outputs found

    Achieving control of in-plane elastic waves

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    We derive the elastic properties of a cylindrical cloak for in-plane coupled shear and pressure waves. The cloak is characterized by a rank 4 elasticity tensor with 16 spatially varying entries which are deduced from a geometric transform. Remarkably, the Navier equations retain their form under this transform, which is generally untrue [Milton et al., New J. Phys. 8, 248 (2006)]. We numerically check that clamped and freely vibrating obstacles located inside the neutral region are cloaked disrespectful of the frequency and the polarization of an incoming elastic wave.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure


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    ln the work determination of antimicrobial peptides and cellular composition of oropharyngeal secretions (OS) from 37 children with recurrent respiratory tract infections (RRTl). Of these, 20 patients with RRTl, 17 - with RRTl and atopic dermatitis (AD). The control group consisted of 10 children who suffered from acute respiratory infections than 4 times a year. ln (OS) was determined the content of defensins в 1-3, lysozyme, lactoferrin, secretory immunoglobulin A (slgA), epithelial cells, neutrophils, lymphocytes. lt was established that the level of defensins в 1- 3 in OS in control group children was 4,04 ± 0,6 mg/ml. At the level of defensins в1- 3 in children with RRTl tended to decrease and reached 3,05 ±0,04 g/ml. ln children with RRTl and AD reported significant reduction of defensin в1- 3 in OS (p <0,01) - 1,58 ±0,2 mg/ml compared with the control group. Under children with RRTl 4-7 years local content protection factors had no significant changes. ln children with RRTl only 8-12 years a statistically significant decrease in slgA - 0,14 ±0,05 g/l compared with the corresponding figure in the control group - 0,43 ±0,17 g/l. Under children with RRTl and AD (4-7 years) tended to decrease the content of all investigated protective factors in the OS significantly the levels of defensins в1-3 and lactoferrin. Underchildren with RRTl and AD 8-12 years registered high levels of lactoferrin and slgA. At children with RRTl and atopic dermatitis (4-7 years) observed the highest content of lymphocytes and decreasing trends of epithelial cells.В работе проведено определение содержания антимикробных пептидов и клеточного состава ротоглоточного секрета (РГС) у 37 детей с частыми респираторными заболеваниями (ЧБД). Из них 20 пациентов с частыми ОРЗ, 17- с частыми острыми респираторными заболеваниями (ОРЗ) и атопическим дерматитом (АД). Контрольную группу составили 10 детей, которые болели ОРЗ меньше 4 раз в году (ЭБД - эпизодически болеющие дети). В РГС было определено содержание дефензинов в1 -3, лизоцима, лактоферрина, секреторного иммуноглобулина А (slgA), эпителиоцитов, нейтрофилов, лимфоцитов. Установлено, что у ЭБД уровень дефензинов в1-3 в РГС составлял 4,04±0,6 мкг/мл. У ЧБД уровень дефензинов-в1 -3 имел тенденцию кснижению и составил 3,05±0,04 мкг/мл. У ЧБД с АД зарегистрировано достоверное снижение содержания дефензинов в1 -3 в РГС (р<0,01) — 1,58±0,2 мкг/мл сравнительно с ЭБД. В группе ЧБД 4-7 лет содержание факторов локальной защиты не имело существенных изменений. Только у ЧБД 8-12 лет зафиксировано статистически значимое снижение slgA - 0,14±0,05 г/л сравнительно с соответствующим показателем у ЭБД — 0,43±0,17 г/л. В группе ЧБД с АД (4-7 лет) отмечалась тенденция кснижению содержания всех исследуемых защитных факторов в РГС, достоверно по уровням дефензинов в1-3 и лактоферрина. В группе ЧБД+АД 8-12 лет зарегистрированы высокие уровни лактоферрина и slgA. У ЧБД с АД (4-7 лет) наблюдалось достоверное повышение уровня лимфоцитов в РГС, сравнительно с ДЧХ (4-7 лет).В роботі проведено визначення вмісту антимікробних пептидів та клітинного складу ротоглоткового секрету (РГС) у 37 дітей з частими гострими респіраторними захворюваннями (ДЧХ). З них 20 пацієнтів з частими ГРЗ, 17 - з частими гострими респіраторними захворюванями (ГРЗ) та атопічним дерматитом (АД). Контрольну групу склали 10 дітей, які хворіли на ГРЗ менше 4 разів на рік (ЕХД — епізодично хворіючі діти). В РГС був визначений вміст дефензинів в 1 -3, лізоциму, лактоферину, секреторного імуноглобулінуА (slgA), епітеліоцитів, нейтрофілів, лімфоцитів. Встановлено, що у ЕХД рівень дефензинів в 1-3 у РГС становив 4,04±0,6 мкг/мл. У ДЧХ рівень дефензинів в1 -3 мав тенденцію до зниження і склав 3,05±0,04 мкг/мл. У ДЧХ з АД зареєстровано достовірне зниження вмісту дефензинів в1-3 у РГС (р<0,01) — 1,58±0,2 мкг/мл порівняно з ЕХД. У групі ДЧХ 4-7 років вміст факторів локального захисту не мав вагомих зрушень. Тільки у ДЧХ 8-12 років зафіксоване статистично достовірне зниження slgA - 0,14±0,05 г/л порівняно з відповідним показником у ЕХД — 0,43±0,17 г/л. У групі ДЧХ з АД (4-7 років) відзначається тенденція до зниження вмісту всіх досліджуваних захисних факторів у РГС, достовірно за рівнями дефензинів в1 -3 та лактоферину. В групі ДЧХ+АД 8-12 років зареєстровані високі рівні лактоферину та slgA. У ДЧХ з АД (4-7 років) спостерігалося достовірне збільшення вмісту лімфоцитів в РГС порівняно з ДЧХ 4-7 років

    Crack Front Waves and the dynamics of a rapidly moving crack

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    Crack front waves are localized waves that propagate along the leading edge of a crack. They are generated by the interaction of a crack with a localized material inhomogeneity. We show that front waves are nonlinear entities that transport energy, generate surface structure and lead to localized velocity fluctuations. Their existence locally imparts inertia, which is not incorporated in current theories of fracture, to initially "massless" cracks. This, coupled to crack instabilities, yields both inhomogeneity and scaling behavior within fracture surface structure.Comment: Embedded Latex file including 4 figure

    Cymatics for the cloaking of flexural vibrations in a structured plate

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    Based on rigorous theoretical findings, we present a proof-of-concept design for a structured square cloak enclosing a void in an elastic lattice. We implement high-precision fabrication and experimental testing of an elastic invisibility cloak for flexural waves in a mechanical lattice. This is accompanied by verifications and numerical modelling performed through finite element simulations. The primary advantage of our square lattice cloak, over other designs, is the straightforward implementation and the ease of construction. The elastic lattice cloak, implemented experimentally, shows high efficiency

    The problem of sharp notch in microstructured solids governed by dipolar gradient elasticity

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    In this paper, we deal with the asymptotic problem of a body of infinite extent with a notch (re-entrant corner) under remotely applied plane-strain or anti-plane shear loadings. The problem is formulated within the framework of the Toupin-Mindlin theory of dipolar gradient elasticity. This generalized continuum theory is appropriate to model the response of materials with microstructure. A linear version of the theory results by considering a linear isotropic expression for the strain-energy density that depends on strain-gradient terms, in addition to the standard strain terms appearing in classical elasticity. Through this formulation, a microstructural material constant is introduced, in addition to the standard Lamé constants . The faces of the notch are considered to be traction-free and a boundary-layer approach is followed. The boundary value problem is attacked with the asymptotic Knein-Williams technique. Our analysis leads to an eigenvalue problem, which, along with the restriction of a bounded strain energy, provides the asymptotic fields. The cases of a crack and a half-space are analyzed in detail as limit cases of the general notch (infinite wedge) problem. The results show significant departure from the predictions of the standard fracture mechanics

    The ways of enhancement of medical technologies by patients with multitrauma, complicated by urinary tracts inflammation

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    The condition of immunity status and Theological blood characteristics has been explored in 103 patients (100%) with multitrauma. In 62 cases (60.2%) the possibility of development of the pyelonephritis was increased and in 41 observations (39.8%) for patients we stated the acute pyelonephritis as posttraumatic complication. The immunomodulatory agents (cykloferon and low-molecular heparin - clexan) and the inhibitor of free radical reactions (mexidol) have been used with conventional antibacterial course in complex treatment of patients after injuries. The intake of modified integrated therapy in injured cases allow to decrease the amount of infection inflammatory aftereffects and to improve the results of treatment for patients with acute posttraumatic pyelonephritis.Изучены показатели иммунных и реологических свойств крови у 103 пациентов, перенесших политравму. Вероятность развития пиелонефрита в 62 случаях (60,2%) была высокой, при этом острый пиелонефрит верифицирован в 41 наблюдении (39,8%). При комплексной терапии у больных с политравмой, помимо антибактериальных средств, использован иммуномодуллятор (циклоферон) и низкомолекулярный гепарин (клексан). У больных острым посттравматическим пиелонефритом дополнительно применялся ингибитор свободнорадикальных процессов - мексидол. Модификация схемы комплексного лечения пострадавших позволила снизить частоту инфекционно-воспалительных осложнений и улучшить результаты лечения больных острым посттравматическим пиелонефритом

    Prospects for K+π+ννˉK^+ \to \pi^+ \nu \bar{ \nu } at CERN in NA62

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    The NA62 experiment will begin taking data in 2015. Its primary purpose is a 10% measurement of the branching ratio of the ultrarare kaon decay K+π+ννˉK^+ \to \pi^+ \nu \bar{ \nu }, using the decay in flight of kaons in an unseparated beam with momentum 75 GeV/c.The detector and analysis technique are described here.Comment: 8 pages for proceedings of 50 Years of CP

    Conference of Soviet and American Jurists on the Law of the Sea and the Protection of the Marine Environment

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    Included in the papers for the Conference of Soviet and American Jurists on the Law of the Sea and the Protection of the Marine Environment: Introduction by Milton Katz and Richard R. Baxter, p. 1 Freedom of Scientific Research in the World Ocean by A.F. Vysotsky, p. 7 The International Law of Scientific Research in the Oceans by Richard R. Baxter, p. 27 Responsibility and Liability for Harm to the Marine Environment by Robert E. Stein, p. 41 Liability for Marine Environment Pollution Damage in Contemporary International Sea Law by A. L. Makovsky, p. 59 Protection of the Marine Environment from Pollution by Richard A. Frank, p. 73 The Freedom of Navigation and the Problem of Pollution of the Marine Environment by V. A. Kiselev, p. 93 The Freedom of Navigation Under International Law by William E. Butler, p. 107 International Fisheries Management Without Global Agreement: United States Policies and Their Impact on the Soviet Union by H. Gary Knight, p. 119 Some Biological Background for International Legal Acts on Rational Utilization of the Living Resources of the World Ocean by P. A. Moiseev, p. 143 An International Regime for the Seabed Beyond National Jurisdiction by Thomas M. Franck, p. 151 Settlement of Disputes Under the Law of Ocean Use, with Particular Reference to Environmental Protection by John Lawrence Hargrove, p. 18

    Study of the K+- to pi+- gamma gamma decay by the NA62 experiment

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    A study of the dynamics of the rare decay K±π±γγK^\pm\to\pi^\pm\gamma\gamma has been performed on a sample of 232 decay candidates, with an estimated background of 17.4±1.117.4\pm1.1 events, collected by the NA62 experiment at CERN in 2007. The results are combined with those from a measurement conducted by the NA48/2 collaboration at CERN. The combined model-independent branching ratio in the kinematic range z=(mγγ/mK)2>0.2z=(m_{\gamma\gamma}/m_K)^2>0.2 is BMI(z>0.2)=(0.965±0.063)×106{\cal B}_{\rm MI}(z>0.2) = (0.965 \pm 0.063) \times 10^{-6}, and the combined branching ratio in the full kinematic range assuming a Chiral Perturbation Theory description is B(Kπγγ)=(1.003±0.056)×106{\cal B}(K_{\pi\gamma\gamma}) = (1.003 \pm 0.056) \times 10^{-6}. A detailed comparison of the results with the previous measurements is performed.A study of the dynamics of the rare decay K±π±γγK^\pm\to\pi^\pm\gamma\gamma has been performed on a sample of 232 decay candidates, with an estimated background of 17.4±1.117.4\pm1.1 events, collected by the NA62 experiment at CERN in 2007. The results are combined with those from a measurement conducted by the NA48/2 collaboration at CERN. The combined model-independent branching ratio in the kinematic range z=(mγγ/mK)2>0.2z=(m_{\gamma\gamma}/m_K)^2>0.2 is BMI(z>0.2)=(0.965±0.063)×106{\cal B}_{\rm MI}(z>0.2) = (0.965 \pm 0.063) \times 10^{-6}, and the combined branching ratio in the full kinematic range assuming a Chiral Perturbation Theory description is B(Kπγγ)=(1.003±0.056)×106{\cal B}(K_{\pi\gamma\gamma}) = (1.003 \pm 0.056) \times 10^{-6}. A detailed comparison of the results with the previous measurements is performed.A study of the dynamics of the rare decay K±→π±γγ has been performed on a sample of 232 decay candidates, with an estimated background of 17.4±1.1 events, collected by the NA62 experiment at CERN in 2007. The results are combined with those from a measurement conducted by the NA48/2 Collaboration at CERN. The combined model-independent branching ratio in the kinematic range z=(mγγ/mK)2>0.2 is BMI(z>0.2)=(0.965±0.063)×10−6 , and the combined branching ratio in the full kinematic range assuming a Chiral Perturbation Theory description is B(Kπγγ)=(1.003±0.056)×10−6 . A detailed comparison of the results with the previous measurements is performed