13 research outputs found
Transfer and accumulation of lead, zinc, cadmium and copper in plants growing in abandoned mining-district area
The analysis of the Jebel Hallouf-Sidi Bouaouane mining-district soil has shown that the surface horizons are strongly contaminated by heavy metals, especially during floods or in lee-side areas. The contents of metallic-trace elements (MTE), in the soil and two cultivated plant species, have been determined by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-AES). The results show that the concentration of metals in the soil are up to 39 g. kg-1, 6.3 g. kg-1, 56 mg. kg-1 and 131 mg. kg-1, for lead (Pb), zinc (Zn), cadmium (Cd) and copper (Cu), respectively. The chemical analysis of plants: broad beans [Vicia faba (L.)] and barley [Hordeum vulgare (L.)], sampled inside the mining district, show that the roots and the upper part (leaves and stem) are enriched for Pb (up to 508 and 220 mg.kg-1, respectively), Cd (up to 8 and 5 mg.kg-1, respectively), and Zn (up to 491 and 468 mg.kg-1, respectively) when compared with similar species collected far from the contaminated site (up to 9.6 and 0.8 mg.kg-1 for Pb, up to 0.04 and 0.04 mg.kg-1 for Cd, up to 44 and 15 mg.kg-1 for Zn, respectively). Statistically, the concentration of MTE in the soils and plants of the mining area is significantly different from the concentrations of the same elements in the soils and plants of the control ones (p < 0.01). This is expressed by a strong Enrichment Coefficient (EC), which is given by the ratio between the concentration of the metal in the contaminated plant and the concentration of the same element in the similar control one. The results (up to 405, 342 and 32, respectively), indicate that the contamination has reached the first link of the food chain. However, the calculation of the translocation factor (TF), deduced from the ratio between the concentration of the metal in the outer part of the plant and the concentration of the same element in the roots, shows that, the broad beans accumulates metals in the roots (TF < 1); whereas for barley, metals are fairly distributed between the roots and the outer part (TF ≈ 1). These results suggest that the cultivated areas inside the mining district constitute a serious source of contamination of the food chain. Therefore, actions have to be taken in order to remedy this problem.Key words: MTE, contamination, transfer, soil, plant
L’évolution de l’application de la loi Littoral par le juge administratif
Moutte J.-F. L’évolution de l’application de la loi Littoral par le juge administratif. In: Revue Juridique de l'Environnement, numéro spécial, 2012. Les 25 ans de la Loi Littoral. pp. 173-184
Heavy metals assessment in Oum Er Rbia bassin using WD-XRF and ICP-AES
International audienceThe analysis of water, suspended particulate matter (SPM) and sediment collected from Oum er Rbia Moroccan basin for the content of six elements has been performed utilizing ICP-AES and WD-XRF methods. Sediment have been analyzed by WD-XRF; Water and MPS by ICP-AES. The detection limits are sufficient for most of the elements to be determined. Results were assessed for the accuracy by the analysis of a multi-elemental standards. The results for most of the elements obtained were accurate to about 2-15%. The objective of the analysis were to determine the geochemical areas on this bassin, to explain the mechanisms of sediment transport and nevertheless, to assess the pollution of the bassin by heavy metals generated by human activities. This work interests only the last aspect. It has done one 30 samples of water and SPM, and about 80 sediments. Samples were collected along the river, between its source in meddle Atlas and the Atlantic ocean at Azemour city. The results obtained on the basin were normalized to the international norms
Heavy metals analysis of water, soils and sediments along the Oued Boufekrane river (central Morocco) using WD-XRF and ICP-AES
Oued Boufekrane is a river that takes its source about thirty kilometers southern the city of Meknes
central Morocco) The water of this river is used for the irrigation of agricultural soils and it also covers the needs of
water for part of rural population. When passing through Meknes city, it is loaded by waste waters of urban and
industrial origin and particularly from artisanal tanneries and potteries. The purpose of this study is to measure the
heavy metal concentrations in soil, sediment and water samples along the Oued Boufekrane river by means of WD-XRF
and ICP-AES. The heavy metals content measured revealed to be below the critical levels defined as risk levels
except for Cu in water and sediment which content, in some sites, is close to these risk levels; for Cr in sediments,
which content increase from up- to downstream of Meknes city and for Pb in soils, which concentrations revealed to
be high in the vicinity of road axes
Étude comparative des techniques d'analyse par fluorescence X à dispersion d'énergie (ED-XRF) et à dispersion de longueur d'onde (WD-XRF), et par spectrométrie d'émission atomique à source plasma couplée par induction (ICP-AES)
Dans ce travail, nous présentons une étude comparative des techniques d'analyse par fluorescence X à dispersion d'énergie (ED-XRF) et à dispersion de longueur d'onde (WD-XRF), et par spectrométrie d'émission atomique à source plasma couplée par induction (ICP-AES). Les résultats de la calibration des spectromètres à dispersion d'énergie, à excitation par sources radioactives (Fe, Cd et Am) et à excitation secondaire (cible secondaire Mo et Cu) du Centre National pour l'Energie, les Sciences et les Techniques Nucléaires (CNESTEN, Rabat, Maroc) sur des échantillons étalons de références de l'Agence International de l'Energie Atomique (AIEA) et du Community Bureau of Référence (BCR) ont été comparés aux résultats d'analyse des mêmes échantillons étalons par la spectrométrie X à dispersion de longueur d'onde (WD-XRF) et par spectrométrie d'émission atomique à source plasma couplé par induction (ICP-AES) au département GENERIC du centre SPIN à l'Ecole des Mines de Saint-Etienne (France). Les trois techniques d'analyse utilisées donnent des résultats comparables pour le dosage des éléments majeurs, alors que pour les traces on note des déviations importantes à cause des effets de matrice qui sont difficiles à corriger dans le cas de la fluorescence X
Rare earth elements in phoscorites and carbonatites of the Devonian Kola Alkaline Province, Russia: Examples from Kovdor, Khibina, Vuoriyarvi and Turiy Mys complexes
he Devonian (ca. 385–360 Ma) Kola Alkaline Province includes 22 plutonic ultrabasic–alkaline complexes, some of which also contain carbonatites and rarely phoscorites. The latter are composite silicate–oxide–phosphate–carbonate rocks, occurring in close space-time genetic relations with various carbonatites. Several carbonatites types are recognized at Kola, including abundant calcite carbonatites (early- and late-stage), with subordinate amounts of late-stage dolomite carbonatites, and rarely magnesite, siderite and rhodochrosite carbonatites. In phoscorites and early-stage carbonatites the rare earth elements (REE) are distributed among the major minerals including calcite (up to 490 ppm), apatite (up to 4400 ppm in Kovdor and 3.5 wt.% REE2O3 in Khibina), and dolomite (up to 77 ppm), as well as accessory pyrochlore (up to 9.1 wt.% REE2O3) and zirconolite (up to 17.8 wt.% REE2O3). Late-stage carbonatites, at some localities, are strongly enriched in REE (up to 5.2 wt.% REE2O3 in Khibina) and the REE are major components in diverse major and minor minerals such as burbankite, carbocernaite, Ca- and Ba-fluocarbonates, ancylite and others. The rare earth minerals form two distinct mineral assemblages: primary (crystallized from a melt or carbohydrothermal fluid) and secondary (formed during metasomatic replacement). Stable (C–O) and radiogenic (Sr–Nd) isotopes data indicate that the REE minerals and their host calcite and/or dolomite have crystallized from a melt derived from the same mantle source and are co-genetic.Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. The attached document is the authors' final accepted version of the journal article. You are advised to consult the publisher’s version if you wish to cite from it