341 research outputs found

    Analysis of ground-based differential imager performance

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    In the context of extrasolar planet direct detection, we evaluated the performance of differential imaging with ground-based telescopes. This study was carried out in the framework of the VLT-Planet Finder project and is further extended to the case of Extremely Large Telescopes. Our analysis is providing critical specifications for future instruments mostly in terms of phase aberrations but also regarding alignments of the instrument optics or offset pointing on the coronagraph. It is found that Planet Finder projects on 8m class telescopes can be successful at detecting Extrasolar Giant Planets providing phase aberrations, alignments and pointing are accurately controlled. The situation is more pessimistic for the detection of terrestrial planets with Extremely Large Telescopes for which phase aberrations must be lowered at a very challenging level

    Molecular cloning and sequence of Sparus aurata skeletal myosin light chains expressed in white muscle: developmental expression and thyroid regulation

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    Two full-length cDNA clones encoding the skeletal myosin light chain 2 (MLC2; 1452 bp) and myosin light chain 3 (MLC3; 972 bp) were isolated from a cDNA library prepared from gilthead sea bream Sparus aurata larvae. The MLC2 cDNA encoded a predicted protein of 170 residues that was 79 % identical to rabbit MLC2 over the entire length and 87 % identical within the Ca2+- binding region. The deduced amino acid sequence of MLC3 was 153 residues in length and was 91 % and 69% identical to the zebrafish and rabbit MLC3, respectively. Northern blot analysis revealed that in adults both transcripts were expressed in fast white muscle only. MLC2 appeared earlier in development: MLC2 transcripts were detectable from the beginning of segmentation, whereas MLC3 transcripts did not appear until 27 h post-fertilisation. At this developmental stage, a second MLC2 transcript of 0.89 kilobase-pairs was present. MLCs exhibited a different age-related pattern of response to varied thyroidal states, which were experimentally induced by the administration of 1 mgg-1 body mass of thyroxine (T4) or triiodothyronine (T3), or 5 ng g-1 body mass of the hypothyroidal compound thiourea; MLC3 expression was not significantly affected, whereas levels of MLC2 transcripts were significantly elevated in the white muscle only of juvenile sea bream after administration of T4. Although the mechanism of thyroidal regulation of MLC expression remains unknown, the present results suggest that different regulatory mechanisms exist for different MLCs

    Infrared Spectroscopy of the Diffuse Ionized Halo of NGC 891

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    We present infrared spectroscopy from the Spitzer Space Telescope at one disk position and two positions at a height of 1 kpc from the disk in the edge-on spiral NGC 891, with the primary goal of studying halo ionization. Our main result is that the [Ne III]/[Ne II] ratio, which provides a measure of the hardness of the ionizing spectrum free from the major problems plaguing optical line ratios, is enhanced in the extraplanar pointings relative to the disk pointing. Using a 2D Monte Carlo-based photo-ionization code which accounts for the effects of radiation field hardening, we find that this trend cannot be reproduced by any plausible photo-ionization model, and that a secondary source of ionization must therefore operate in gaseous halos. We also present the first spectroscopic detections of extraplanar PAH features in an external normal galaxy. If they are in an exponential layer, very rough emission scale-heights of 330-530 pc are implied for the various features. Extinction may be non-negligible in the midplane and reduce these scale-heights significantly. There is little significant variation in the relative emission from the various features between disk and extraplanar environment. Only the 17.4 micron feature is significantly enhanced in the extraplanar gas compared to the other features, possibly indicating a preference for larger PAHs in the halo.Comment: 35 pages in ApJ preprint format, 8 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ. Minor change to Introduction to give appropriate credit to earlier, related wor

    Corrigendum to "The upper atmosphere of the exoplanet HD209458b revealed by the sodium D lines: Temperature-pressure profile, ionization layer and thermosphere" [2011, A&A, 527, A110]

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    An error was detected in the code used for the analysis of the HD209458b sodium profile (Vidal-Madjar et al. 2011). Here we present an updated T-P profile and briefly discuss the consequences.Comment: Published in Astronomy & Astrophysics, 533, C

    Infrared Emission from Interstellar Dust. II. The Diffuse Interstellar Medium

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    We present a quantitative model for the infrared emission from dust in the diffuse interstellar medium. The model consists of a mixture of amorphous silicate grains and carbonaceous grains, each with a wide size distribution ranging from molecules containing tens of atoms to large grains > 1 um in diameter. We assume that the carbonaceous grains have polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH)-like properties at very small sizes, and graphitic properties for radii a > 50 A. On the basis of recent laboratory studies and guided by astronomical observations, we propose "astronomical" absorption cross sections for use in modeling neutral and ionized PAHs from the far ultraviolet to the far infrared. We also propose modifications to the far-infrared emissivity of "astronomical silicate". We calculate energy distribution functions for small grains undergoing "temperature spikes" due to stochastic absorption of starlight photons, using realistic heat capacities and optical properties. Using a grain size distribution consistent with the observed interstellar extinction, we are able to reproduce the near-IR to submillimeter emission spectrum of the diffuse interstellar medium, including the PAH emission features at 3.3, 6.2, 7.7, 8.6, and 11.3um. The model is compared with the observed emission at high Galactic latitudes as well as in the Galactic plane, as measured by COBE and IRTS. We calculate infrared emission spectra for our dust model heated by a range of starlight intensities, and we provide tabulated dust opacities (extended tables available at http://www.astro.princeton.edu/~draine/dust/dustmix.html)Comment: Final version published in ApJ, 554, 778 but with factor 1.086 error in Table 6 and Fig. 16 corrected. Main change from astro-ph version 1 is correction of typographical errors in Table 1, and correction of typo in eq. (A2). 51 pages, 16 figures, Late

    Determinism and causative factors for morphological anomalies in reared European fishes

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    The presence of sublethal morphological deformities represents one of the main bottleneck of the industrial finfish hatchery production, resulting in major economic loss due to reduced growth and marketing ability of the final product, that has to be transformed (filets) or sold for fish flour. Furthermore, the elimination of deformed fishes from the productive cycle needs for periodic selections at present carried out by manual sorting. This represents an additional economic cost, and a stress for fishes

    A transiting planet among 23 new near-threshold candidates from the OGLE survey - OGLE-TR-182

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    By re-processing the data of the second season of the OGLE survey for planetary transits and adding new mesurements on the same fields gathered in subsequent years with the OGLE telescope, we have identified 23 new transit candidates, recorded as OGLE-TR-178 to OGLE-TR-200. We studied the nature of these objects with the FLAMES/UVES multi-fiber spectrograph on the VLT. One of the candidates, OGLE-TR-182, was confirmed as a transiting gas giant planet on a 4-day orbit. We characterised it with further observations using the FORS1 camera and UVES spectrograph on the VLT. OGLE-TR-182b is a typical ``hot Jupiter'' with an orbital period of 3.98 days, a mass of 1.01 +- 0.15 MJup and a radius of 1.13 (+0.24-0.08) RJup. Confirming this transiting planet required a large investment in telescope time with the best instruments available, and we comment on the difficulty of the confirmation process for transiting planets in the OGLE survey. We delienate the zone were confirmation is difficult or impossible, and discuss the implications for the Corot space mission in its quest for transiting telluric planets.Comment: 7 pages, submitted to Astronomy and Astrophysic